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Hyundai Sonata Workshop Manual (V6-3.3L (2006))
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Summary of Content
Grand i10 NIOS / Aura OWNER' S MANUAL Operation Maintenance Specifications All information in this Owner’s Manual is current at the time of publication. However, HYUNDAI reserves the right to make changes at any time so that our policy of continual product improvement may be carried out. This manual applies to all models of this vehicle and includes descriptions and explanations of optional as well as standard equipment. As a result, you may find material in this manual that does not apply to your specific vehicle. CAUTION: MODIFICATIONS TO YOUR HYUNDAI Your HYUNDAI should not be modified in any way. Such modifications may adversely affect the performance, safety or durability of your HYUNDAI and may, in addition, violate conditions of the limited warranties covering the vehicle. Certain modifications may also be in violation of regulations established by the Department of Transportation and other government agencies in your country. 7:2ǘ:$<5$',225&(//8/$5 TELEPHONE INSTALLATION Your vehicle is equipped with electronic fuel injection and other electronic components. It is possible for an improperly installed/adjusted two-way radio or cellular telephone to adversely affect electronic systems. For this reason, we recommend that you carefully follow the radio manufacturer’s instructions or consult your HYUNDAI dealer for precautionary measures or special instructions if you choose to install one of these devices. SAFETY AND VEHICLE DAMAGE WARNING This manual includes information titled as DANGER, WARNING, CAUTION and NOTICE. These titles indicate the following: DANGER DANGER indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury. WARNING WARNING indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury. CAUTION CAUTION indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury. NOTICE NOTICE indicates a situation which, if not avoided, could result in vehicle damage. Table of Contents Hyundai Warranty Policy 1 Vehicle Information 2 Safety System 3 Instrument Cluster 4 Convenience Features 5 Driving Your Vehicle 6 Driver Assistance System 7 Emergency Situations 8 Maintenance 9  Hyundai Warranty Policy +\XQGDL1HZ9HKLFOH:DUUDQW\ 5HSODFHPHQW3DUWV:DUUDQW\ +\XQGDL([WHQGHG:DUUDQW\ /DERXU)UHH6HUYLFHRI9HKLFOH +\XQGDL5RDG6LGH$VVLVWDQFH /DERXU)UHH6HUYLFH&RXSRQV 1 +\XQGDL:DUUDQW\3ROLF\ HYUNDAI NEW VEHICLE WARRANTY +\XQGDL0RWRU,QGLD/LPLWHGKHUHLQ DIWHU FDOOHG ŕ+0,/Ŗ ZDUUDQWV WKDW HDFK QHZ +\XQGDL YHKLFOH VROG VKDOO EH IUHH IURP DQ\ GHIHFWV LQ PDWHULDO DQGZRUNPDQVKLSXQGHUQRUPDOXVH DQGPDLQWHQDQFHVXEMHFWWRWKHIRO ORZLQJ WHUPV DQG FRQGLWLRQV 1. Warranty Period 7KLV ZDUUDQW\ IRU K\XQGDL YHKLFOH VKDOOH[LVWIRUDSHULRGRIPRQWKV .PVIURPWKHGDWHRIGHOLY HU\ZKLFKVRHYHULVHDUOLHUWRWKHILUVW SXUFKDVHU 7KLV ZDUUDQW\ LV WUDQVIHU DEOHWRVXEVHTXHQWRZQHUIRUWKHUH PDLQLQJ ZDUUDQW\ SHULRG 7KLV ZDU UDQW\ LV DSSOLFDEOH RQO\ LQ ,QGLD DQG QRWWUDQVIHUDEOHWRDQ\RWKHUFRXQWU\ 2. What is covered ([FHSW DV SURYLGHG LQ SDUDJUDSK  KHUHRI RXU $XWKRUL]HG 'HDOHUV VKDOO HLWKHUUHSDLURUUHSODFHDQ\+\XQGDL JHQXLQHSDUWWKDWLVDFNQRZOHGJHGE\ +0,/ WR EH GHIHFWLYH LQ PDWHULDO RU ZRUNPDQVKLSZLWKLQWKHZDUUDQW\SH ULRG VWLSXODWHG DERYH DW QR FRVW WR WKHRZQHURIWKH+\XQGDLYHKLFOHIRU SDUWVRUODERXU6XFKGHIHFWLYHSDUWV ZKLFK KDYH EHHQ UHSODFHG ZLOO EH FRPHWKHSURSHUW\RI+0,/ 3. What is not covered This warranty shall not apply to: ▶ 1RUPDO PDLQWHQDQFH VHUYLFHV RWKHU WKDQ WKH WKUHH ODERXU IUHH VHUYLFHV LQFOXGLQJ ZLWKRXW OLP  LWDWLRQ FOHDQLQJ DQG SROLVKLQJ PLQRU DGMXVWPHQWV HQJLQH WXQ LQJ RLOIOXLG FKDQJHV ILOWHUV UH SOHQLVKPHQW IDVWHQHU UHWLJKWHQ LQJ ZKHHO EDODQFLQJ ZKHHO DOLJQPHQW DQG W\UH URWDWLRQ HWF ▶ 5HSODFHPHQWRISDUWVDVDUHVXOW RIQRUPDOZHDUDQGWHDUVXFKDV VSDUN SOXJV EHOWV EUDNH SDGV DQG OLQLQJV FOXWFK GLVFIDFLQJ ILOWHUVZLSHUEODGHVEXOEVIXVHV HWF Damage or failure resulting from  ▶ 1HJOLJHQFH RI SURSHU PDLQWH QDQFHDVUHTXLUHGLQWKLV2ZQHUŔV 0DQXDODQG6HUYLFH%RRNOHW ▶ 0LVXVH DEXVH DFFLGHQW WKHIW IORRGLQJRUILUH ▶ 8VHRILPSURSHURULQVXIILFLHQWIX HOIOXLGVRUOXEULFDQWV ▶ 8VH RI SDUWV RWKHU WKDQ +\XQGDL *HQXLQH3DUWV ▶ $Q\ GHYLFH DQGRU DFFHVVRULHV QRWVXSSOLHGE\+0,/ ▶ 0RGLILFDWLRQV DOWHUDWLRQV WDP SHULQJRULPSURSHUUHSDLU ▶ 3DUWV XVHG LQ DSSOLFDWLRQV RI ZKLFKWKH\ZHUHQRWGHVLJQHGRU QRWDSSURYHGE\+0,/ ▶ 6OLJKW LUUHJXODULWLHV QRW UHF RJQLVHG DV DIIHFWLQJ TXDOLW\ RU IXQFWLRQRIWKHYHKLFOHRUSDUWV VXFK DV VOLJKW QRLVH RU YLEUDWLRQVRU LWHPV FRQVLGHUHG FKDUDFWHULVWLFRIWKHYHKLFOH ▶ $LUERUQH ŕIDOORXWŖ ,QGXVWULDOIDOO RXW DFLG UDLQ KDLO DQG ZLQG VWRUPVRURWKHU$FWVRI*RG ▶ 3DLQWVFUDWFKHVGHQWVRUVLPLODU SDLQWRUERG\GDPDJH ▶ $FWLRQ RI URDG HOHPHQWV VDQG JUDYHOGXVWRUURDGGHEULV ZKLFK UHVXOWVLQVWRQHFKLSSLQJRISDLQW 0 or glass. ▶ Incidental or consequential damages, including without limitation, loss of time, inconvenience, loss of use of vehicle or commercial loss. ▶ This warranty is the entire warranty given by HMIL for Hyundai vehicles and no dealer or its or his agent or employee is authorized to extend or enlarge this warranty Audio Video Navigation System, Batteries, Tyres & Tubes and Audio Systems, originally equipped on Hyundai vehicles are warranted directly by the respective manufacturers and not by HMIL. ▶ ▶ and no dealer or its or his agent or employee is authorized to make any oral warranty on HMIL’s behalf. HMIL reserves the right to make any change in design or make any improvement on the vehicle at any time without any obligation to make the same change on vehicles previously sold. HMIL reserves the right for the final decision in all warranty matters. Owner’s Responsibilities ▶ Proper use, maintenance and care of vehicle in accordance with the instructions contained in this Owner’s Manual and Service Booklet. If the vehicle is subject to severe usage conditions, susuch as operation in extremely dusty, rough, more repeated short distance driving or heavy city traffic during hot weather, maintenance of vehicle should be done more frequently as men- tioned in this Owner’s Manual and Service Booklet ▶ Retention of maintenance service records. It may be necessary for the customer to show that the required maintenance has been performed, as specified in this Owner’s Manual and Service Booklet. ▶ Delivery of the vehicle during regular service business hours to any authorized Hyundai Dealer to obtain warranty service. ▶ In order to maintain the validity of this Basic Warranty, the vehicle must be serviced by Hyundai Authorized workshop in accordance to the Owner’s Manual and Service Booklet. PARTS REPLACEMENT WARǢ RANTY Hyundai Motor India Limited hereinafter called “HMIL”, warrants that each new Hyundai Genuine replacement part purchased from and installed by Hyundai Authorized Dealer shall be free from any defects in material or workmanship, unde normal use and maintenance, subject to the following terms and conditions 1. Warranty period This warranty shall exist for a period of 6 months or until the vehicle has been driven for a distance of 10,000 Kilometers from the date of installation of replacement part by Hyundai Authorized Dealer, whichever occurs first. -3 +\XQGDL:DUUDQW\3ROLF\ 2. What is covered 2XU $XWKRUL]HG 'HDOHUV VKDOO HLWKHU UHSDLURUUHSODFHDQ\+\XQGDLJHQX LQH SDU OLVWHG LQ SDUDJUDSK  KHUHRI WKDWLVDFNQRZOHGJHGE\+0,/WREH GHIHFWLYHLQPDWHULDORUZRUNPDQVKLS ZLWKLQWKHZDUUDQW\SHULRGVWLSXODWHG DERYH DIWHU H[DPLQDWLRQV FDUULHG RXWWRFRQILUPWKDWQRQHRIWKHRULJL DOVHWWLQJVKDYHEHHQWDPSHUHGZLWK DWQRFRVWWRWKHRZQHURIWKH+\XQG DL YHKLFOH IRU SDUWV RU ODERXU  6XFK GHIHFWLYH SDUWV ZKLFK KDYH EHHQ UH SODFHG ZLOO EHFRPH WKH SURSHUW\ RI +0,/  What is not covered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ŔV EHKDOI +0,/ UH VHUYHVWKHULJKWIRUWKHILQDOGHFLVLRQ LQDOOZDUUDQW\PDWWHUV Owner’s Responsibility : 3URSHU XVH PDLQWHQDQFH DQG UH RIWKHYHKLFOHLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK WKHLQVWUXFWLRQVFRQWDLQHGLQWKH 2ZQHUŔV 0DQXDO DQG 6HUYLFH %RRNOHW. 5HWHQWLRQ RI PDLQWHQDQFH VHU YLFHUHFRUGV,WPD\EHQHFHVVDU\ IRUWKHFXVWRPHUWRVKRZWKDWWKH UHTXLUHG PDLQWHQDQFH KDV EHHQ SHUIRUPHG DV VSHFLILHG LQ WKLV 2ZQHUŔV 0DQXDO DQG 6HUYLFH %RRNOHW 5HWHQWLRQRIWKHFXVWRPHUŔVFRS\ RI WKH RULJLQDO UHSDLU RUGHU DQG LWVLQYRLFHELOODJDLQVWZKLFKWKH SDUWZDVUHSODFHG 'HOLYHU\ RI WKH YHKLFOH GXULQJ UHJXODUVHUYLFHEXVLQHVVKRXUVWR WKH VDPH +\XQGDL $XWKRUL]HG 'HDOHUZKRKDGVROGDQGLQVWDOOHG WKHUHSODFHPHQWSDUW ,QRUGHUWRPDLQWDLQWKHYDOLGLW\RI WKLV 3DUWV UHSODFHPHQW :DUUDQW\ WKH YHKLFOH PXVW EH VHUYLFHG E\ +\XQGDL $XWKRUL]HG ZRUNVKRS LQ DFFRUGDQFHWRWKH2ZQHUŔV0DQXDO DQG6HUYLFH%RRNOHW  Labour Free Service of Vehicle HYUNDAI EXTENDED WARRANTY* +0,/ RIIHUV RSWLRQDO SDLG H[WHQGHG ZDUUDQW\ RQ VHOHFWHG PRGHOV LQ DG GLWLRQ WR WKH EDVLF QHZ YHKLFOH ZDU UDQW\ )RU  PRUH GHWDLOV RQ +\XQGDL ([WHQGHG :DUUDQW\ SOHDVH FDOO WKH QHDUHVWGHDOHURURXUWROOIUHHQXPEHU  Conditions apply ] button on the control panel. • You can also press and hold the [< SEEK] button / [TRACK >] button to search for frequencies quickly. When you release the button, a radio station with a strong signal is selected automatically. If you know the exact frequency of the radio station you want to listen to, turn the [TUNE] knob on the control panel to change the frequency. 5-93 Convenience Features Saving radio stations You can save your favorite radio stations and listen to them by selecting them from the preset list. Saving the current radio station While listening to the radio, press and hold the desired number button on the control panel. • The radio station you are listening to will be added to the selected number. • To save the next page of the preset list, press the [FAV] button. NOTICE • You can save up to 12 radio stations in each mode. • If a station is already saved to the selected preset number, the station will be replaced by the station you are listening to. Using the auto save function You can search for radio stations in your area where there is a strong signal. The results of your search can be saved to the preset list automatically. 1. From the radio screen, press the [MENU/CLOCK] button on the control panel. 2. When the option selection window displays, turn the [TUNE] knob to select Autostore, and then press the knob. 5-94 Listening to saved radio stations FM/AM Mode 1. Confirm the preset number for the radio station you want to listen to. • To view the next page of the preset list, press the [FAV] button. 2. On the control panel, press the desired number button. • Alternatively, push the Up/Down lever on the steering wheel to change the station. 05 MEDIA PLAYER Using the media player You can play music stored in various media storage devices, such as USB storage devices, and smartphones. 1. Connect a device to the USB port in your vehicle. • Playback may start immediately depending on the device that you connect to the system. 2. On the control panel, press the [MEDIA] / [AUDIO] button. 3. When the mode selection window displays, turn the [TUNE] knob to select the desired mode and then press the knob. NOTICE • To start the media player, press the [MEDIA] / [AUDIO] button on the control panel. • You can also change the mode by pressing the [MODE] button repeatedly on the steering wheel. • Make sure to connect or disconnect external USB devices with the system power turned off. • When the Mode Popup is not selected in [MENU/CLOCK] X Mode Popup, press the [MEDIA] / [AUDIO] button on the control panel to change the media player. Each time you press the [MEDIA] / [AUDIO] button on the control panel, the media mode switches to USB X BT Audio in order. • Depending on vehicle models and specifications, available buttons or the appearance and layout of the USB port in your vehicle may vary. • Do not connect a smartphone or an MP3 device to the system via multiple methods such as USB and Bluetooth simultaneously. Doing so may cause a distorted noise or a system malfunction. • When the equaliser function of the connected device and Tone settings of the system are both activated, the effects may interfere with each other and may lead to sound degradation or distortion. Deactivate the device’s equaliser function if possible. Using the USB mode You can play media files stored in portable devices, such as USB storage devices and MP3 players. Check compatible USB storage devices and file specifications before using the USB mode. Connect your USB device to the USB port in the vehicle. • Playback starts immediately. • Press the [MEDIA] / [AUDIO] button on the control panel to display the mode selection window, turn the [TUNE] knob to select USB and then press the knob. 5-95 Convenience Features NOTICE (1) Current file number and total number of files (2) Playback time (3) Information about the song currently playing Press the [MENU/CLOCK] button on the control panel to access the following menu options: • List: Access the file list. • Folder List: Access the folder list. • Information: Display information about the song currently playing. • Sound Settings: You can change the settings related to sounds, such as location where sound will be concentrated and the output level for each range. - Position: Select a location where sound will be concentrated in the vehicle. Select Fade (Fader) or Balance, turn the [TUNE] knob to select the desired position, and then press the knob. To set sound to be centered in the vehicle, select Centre (Center). - Equaliser (Tone): Adjust the output level for each sound tone mode. - Speed Dependent Vol.: Set the volume to be adjusted automatically according to your driving speed. 5-96 • Depending on vehicle models or specifications, available options may vary. • Depending on the system or amplifier specifications applied to your vehicle, available options may vary. • Song information (Media Display): Select information such as Folder/File or Artist/Title/Album to display when playing MP3 files. • Mode Popup: Set to display mode selection window when the [MEDIA] / [AUDIO] button is pressed on the control panel. • Date/Time: You can change the date and time that are shown on the system display. - Set Date: Set date to display on the system display. - Set Time: Set time to display on the system display. - Time Format: Select to display time in the 12 hour format or the 24 hour format. - Display (Power Off): Set to display the clock when the system power is off. • Language: You can change the display language. • Display Off: Turn off the screen. Press any of the control panel buttons to turn back on. Rewinding/Fast forwarding On the control panel, press and hold the [< SEEK] button / [TRACK >] button. • You can also push and hold the Up/ Down lever on the steering wheel. 05 Restarting the current playback On the control panel after the song has played for 2 seconds, press the [< SEEK] button. • You can also push the Up lever on the steering wheel. Playing the previous or next song To play the previous song on the control panel within the first 2 seconds of the current song, press the [< SEEK] button. To play the next song, press the [TRACK >] button on the control panel. • If more than 2 seconds of playback have elapsed, press the [< SEEK] button on the control panel twice to play the previous song. • You can also push the Up/Down lever on the steering wheel. NOTICE Select [MENU/CLOCK] > List to access the file list, turn the [TUNE] knob to find the desired song and press the knob to play the file. Playing repeatedly On the control panel, press the [1 RPT] button. The repeat play mode changes each time you press it. The corresponding mode icon will be displayed on the screen. Playing in random order On the control panel, press the [2 SHFL] button. The shuffle play mode is activated or deactivated each time you press it. When you activate the shuffle mode, the corresponding mode icon will be displayed on the screen. NOTICE Depending on the connected Bluetooth device or mobile phone, RPT & SHFL features may not be supported. Searching folders 1. On the control panel, press the [MENU/CLOCK] button. 2. When the option selection window displays, turn the [TUNE] knob to select the Folder List and then press the knob. 3. Navigate to the desired folder in the Folder List and then press the [TUNE] knob. • The first song in the selected folder will be played. i Information • Start the engine of your vehicle before connecting a USB device to your system. Starting the engine with a USB device connected to the system may damage the USB device. • Be careful of static electricity when connecting or disconnecting a USB device. A static discharge may cause a system malfunction. • Be careful not to let your body or external objects contact the USB port. Doing so may cause an accident or a system malfunction. • Do not connect and disconnect a USB connector repeatedly in a short time. Doing so may cause an error in the device or a system malfunction. • Do not use a USB device for purposes other than playing files. Using USB accessories for charging or heating may cause poor performance or a system malfunction. 5-97 Convenience Features BLUETOOTH NOTICE • When connecting a USB storage device, do not use an extension cable. Connect it directly to the USB port. If you use a USB hub or an extension cable, the device may not be recognized. • Fully insert a USB connector into the USB port. Failure to do so may cause a communication error. • When you disconnect a USB storage device, a distorted noise may occur. • The system can play only files encoded in a standard format. • The following types of USB devices may not be recognized or work correctly: - Encrypted MP3 players - USB devices not recognized as removable disks • A USB device may not be recognized depending on its condition. • Some USB devices may be incompatible with your system. • Depending on the USB device’s type, capacity, or the format of files, USB recognition time may be longer. • Image and video playback are not supported. 5-98 Connecting Bluetooth devices Bluetooth is a short-range wireless networking technology. Via Bluetooth, you can connect nearby mobile devices wirelessly to send and receive data between connected devices. This enables you to use your devices effectively. To use Bluetooth, you must first connect a Bluetooth-enabled device to your system, such as a mobile phone or an MP3 player. Ensure that the device you want to connect supports Bluetooth. WARNING Park your vehicle in a safe location before connecting Bluetooth devices. Distracted driving can cause a traffic accident and lead to personal injury or death. NOTICE • On your system, you can use only Bluetooth Handsfree and Audio features. Connect a mobile device that supports both features. • Some Bluetooth devices may cause malfunctions to the infotainment system or make interference noises. In this case, storing the device in a different location may resolve the problem. • Depending on the connected Bluetooth device or mobile phone, some functions may not be supported. • If the system is not stable due to a vehicle-Bluetooth device communication error, delete the paired devices and connect the Bluetooth devices again. 05 • If Bluetooth connection is not stable, follow these steps to try again. 1. Deactivate Bluetooth and reactivate it on the device. Then, reconnect the device. 2. Turn the device off and on. Then, reconnect it. 3. Remove the battery from the device and reinstall it. Then, turn the device on and reconnect it. 4. Unregister the Bluetooth pairing on both the system and the device and then re-register and connect them. • The Bluetooth connection is unavailable when the device’s Bluetooth function is turned off. Be sure to turn on the device’s Bluetooth function. Pairing devices with your system For Bluetooth connections, first pair your device with your system to add it to the system’s list of Bluetooth devices. You can register up to five devices. 1. From the control panel, press the [PHONE] button, and then select Phone Settings X Add New Device. • If you are pairing a device with your system for the first time, you can also press the Call/Answer button on the steering wheel. 2. On the Bluetooth device you want to connect, activate Bluetooth, search for your vehicle’s system, and then select it. • Check the system’s Bluetooth name, which is displayed in the new registration pop-up window on the system screen. 3. Enter or confirm the passkey to confirm the connection. • If the passkey input screen is displayed on the Bluetooth device screen, enter the passkey ‘0000’ which is displayed on the system screen. • If the 6-digit passkey is displayed on the Bluetooth device screen, ensure that the Bluetooth passkey displayed on the Bluetooth device is the same as the passkey on the system screen and confirm the connection from the device. NOTICE • The screen image in this manual is an example. Check your system screen for the exact vehicle name and Bluetooth device name. • The default passkey is ‘0000’. • It may take a while for the system to connect with the device after you permit the system to access the device. When a connection is made, the Bluetooth status icon appears at the top of the screen. • You can change the permission settings via the mobile phone’s Bluetooth settings menu. For more information, refer to your mobile phone’s user guide. • To register a new device, repeat steps 1 to 3. 5-99 Convenience Features • If you use the automatic Bluetooth connection function, a call may be switched to the vehicle’s Handsfree when you are taking on the phone near the vehicle while the vehicle’s engine is on. If you do not want the system to connect with the device automatically, deactivate Bluetooth on your device. • When a device is connected to the system via Bluetooth, the device’s battery may discharge faster. Connecting a paired device To use a Bluetooth device on your system, connect the paired device to the system. Your system can connect with only one device at a time. 1. From the control panel, press the [PHONE] button, and then select Phone Settings X Paired Devices. • If there is no connected device, press the Call/Answer button on the steering wheel. 2. Turn the [TUNE] knob to select the device to connect, and then press the knob. • If another device is already connected to your system, disconnect it. Select the connected device to disconnect. NOTICE • If a connection ends because a device is out of the connection range or a device error occurs, the connection will be restored automatically when the device enters the connection range or when the error is cleared. • Depending on auto connection priority, connection to a device may take time. 5-100 Disconnecting a device If you want to stop using a Bluetooth device or connect another device, disconnect your currently connected device. 1. From the control panel, press the [PHONE] button, and then select Phone Settings X Paired Devices. 2. Turn the [TUNE] knob to select your currently connected device and then press the knob. 3. Press the [1 RPT] button to select Yes. Deleting paired devices If you no longer want a Bluetooth device paired or if you want to connect a new device when the Bluetooth device list is full, delete paired devices. 1. From the control panel, press the [PHONE] button, and then select Phone Settings X Delete Devices. 2. Turn the [TUNE] knob to select the device to delete, and then press the knob. 3. Press the [1 RPT] button to select Yes. 05 NOTICE • When you delete a paired device, the Call history and Contacts stored in the system are also deleted. • To re-use a deleted device, you must pair the device again. Using a Bluetooth audio device You can listen to music stored in the connected Bluetooth audio device via your vehicle’s speakers. 1. On the control panel, press the [AUDIO] button. 2. When the mode selection window displays, turn the [TUNE] knob to select BT Audio and then press the knob. • Sound Settings: You can change the settings related to sounds, such as location where sound will be concentrated and the output level for each range. - Position: Select a location where sound will be concentrated in the vehicle. Select Fade (Fader) or Balance, turn the [TUNE] knob to select the desired position, and then press the knob. To set sound to be centered in the vehicle, select Centre (Center). - Equaliser (Tone): Adjust the output level for each sound tone mode. - Speed Dependent Vol.: Set the volume to be adjusted automatically according to your driving speed. NOTICE (1) Information about the song currently playing 1. Press the [MENU/CLOCK] button on the control panel to access the following a menu option. 2. Turn the [TUNE] knob to select option and then press the knob. • Depending on vehicle models or specifications, available options may vary. • Depending on the system or amplifier specifications applied to your vehicle, available options may vary. • Mode Popup: Set to display mode selection window when the [AUDIO] button is pressed on the control panel. • Date/Time: You can change the date and time that are shown on the system display. - Set Date: Set date to display on the system display. - Set Time: Set time to display on the system display. 5-101 Convenience Features - Time Format: Select to display time in the 12 hour format or the 24 hour format. - Display (Power Off): Set to display the clock when the system power is off. • Language: You can change the display language. • Display Off: Turn off the screen. Press any of the control panel buttons to turn back on. Pausing/Resuming playback To pause playback, press the [TUNE] knob on the control panel. To resume playback, press the [TUNE] knob again. • You can also press the Mute button on the steering wheel remote control. Playing repeatedly On the control panel, press the [1 RPT] button. The repeat play mode changes each time you press it. The corresponding mode icon will be displayed on the screen. Playing in random order On the control panel, press the [2 SHFL] button. The shuffle play mode is activated or deactivated each time you press it. When you activate the shuffle mode, the corresponding mode icon will be displayed on the screen. NOTICE Depending on the connected Bluetooth device or mobile phone, RPT & SHFL features may not be supported. 5-102 NOTICE • Depending on the connected Bluetooth device, mobile phone, or the music player you are using, playback controls may differ. • Depending on the music player you are using, streaming may not be supported. • Depending on the connected Bluetooth device or mobile phone, some functions may not be supported. • If a Bluetooth enabled phone is being used to play music and it receives or makes a phone call, the music will stop. • Receiving an incoming call or making an outgoing call while playing Bluetooth audio may result in audio interference. • If you use the Bluetooth phone mode while using Bluetooth audio, playback may not automatically resume after you end the call depending on the connected mobile phone. • Moving the track up/down while playing Bluetooth audio mode may result in pop noises with some mobile phones. • The Rewinding/Fast forwarding function is not supported in the Bluetooth audio mode. • The playlist feature is not supported in the Bluetooth audio mode. • If the Bluetooth device is disconnected, Bluetooth audio mode will end. 05 Using a Bluetooth phone You can use Bluetooth to talk on the phone hands free. View call information on the system screen, and make or receive calls safely and conveniently via the vehicle’s built-in microphone and speakers. WARNING • Park your vehicle in a safe location before connecting Bluetooth devices. Distracted driving can cause a traffic accident and lead to personal injury or death. • Never dial a phone number or pick up your mobile phone while driving. Use of a mobile phone may distract your attention, making it difficult to recognize external conditions and reducing the ability to cope with unexpected situations, which may lead to an accident. If necessary, use the Bluetooth Handsfree feature to make calls and keep the call as short as possible. NOTICE • You cannot access the Phone screen if there is no connected mobile phone. To use the Bluetooth phone function, connect a mobile phone to the system. • The Bluetooth Handsfree function may not work when you are passing out of the cellular service coverage area, such as when you are in a tunnel, underground, or in a mountainous area. • Call quality may be degraded in the following environments: - The reception of the mobile phone is poor - The inside of the vehicle is noisy - The mobile phone is placed near metallic objects, such as a beverage can. • Depending on the connected mobile phone, the volume and sound quality of the Bluetooth Handsfree may vary. 5-103 Convenience Features Making a call Using the favorites list If your mobile phone is connected to the system, you can make a call by selecting a name from your call history or contacts list. 1. On the control panel, press the [PHONE] button. • Alternatively, press the Call/ Answer button on the steering wheel. 2. Select a phone number. • To select a phone number from your favorites list, select Favorites. • To select a phone number from your call history, select Call History. • To select a phone number from the contacts list downloaded from the connected mobile phone, select Contacts. 3. To end the call, press the [2 SHFL] button on the control panel. • Alternatively, press the Call end button on the steering wheel. 1. From the Phone screen, turn the [TUNE] knob on the control panel to select Favorites, and then press the knob. 2. Turn the [TUNE] knob to select the desired contact, and then press the knob to make a phone call. Registering the favorites list You can more easily use Bluetooth to talk on the phone hands-free by registering phone numbers as your favorites. 1. On the Phone screen, turn the [TUNE] knob on the control panel to select Favorites and press the knob. 2. Select Add New. 3. Turn the [TUNE] knob to select the desired group of alphanumeric characters, and then press the knob. 4. Turn the [TUNE] knob to select the desired contact. 5-104 Press the [MENU/CLOCK] button on the control panel to access the following menu options: • Add new favorites: Add a frequently used phone number to favorites. • Delete Items: Delete a selected favorites item. • Delete All: Delete all favorites items. NOTICE • You can register up to 20 favorites for each device. • You must first download the contacts to the system to register favorites. • The favorites list saved on the mobile phone is not downloaded to the system. • Even if the contact information on the mobile phone is edited, the favorites on the system are not automatically edited. Delete and add the item to favorites again. • When you connect a new mobile phone, your favorites set for the previous mobile phone will not be displayed, but they will remain in your system until you delete the previous phone from the device list. 05 Using your call history 1. From the Phone screen, turn the [TUNE] knob on the control panel to select Call History, and then press the knob. 2. Turn the [TUNE] knob to select the desired entry, and then press the knob to make a phone call. Press the [MENU/CLOCK] button on the control panel to access the following menu options: • Download: Download your call history. • All Calls: View all call records. • Dialed Calls: View only dialed calls. • Received Calls: View only received calls. • Missed Calls: View only missed calls. NOTICE • Some mobile phones may not support the download function. • The call history is accessed only after downloading the call history when the mobile phone is connected to the system. • Calls from restricted IDs are not saved on the call history list. • Up to 50 call records will be downloaded per individual list. • Call duration and time information will not be displayed on the system screen. • Permission is required to download your call history from the mobile phone. When you attempt to download data, you may need to permit the download on the mobile phone. If the download fails, check the mobile phone screen for any notification or the mobile phone’s permission setting. • When you download your call history, any old data will be deleted. Using the contacts list 1. From the Phone screen, turn the [TUNE] knob on the control panel to select Contacts, and then press the knob. 2. Turn the [TUNE] knob to select the desired group of alphanumeric characters, and then press the knob. 3. Turn the [TUNE] knob to select the desired contact, and then press the knob to make a phone call. 5-105 Convenience Features Press the [MENU/CLOCK] button on the control panel to access the following a menu option: • Download: Download your mobile phone contacts. NOTICE • Contacts can be viewed only when the Bluetooth device is connected. • Only contacts in the supported format can be downloaded and displayed from the Bluetooth device. Contacts from some applications will not be included. • Up to 2,000 contacts can be downloaded from your device. • Some mobile phones may not support the download function. • Depending on the system’s specifications, some of the downloaded contacts may be lost. • Contacts stored both in the phone and in the SIM card are downloaded. With some mobile phones, contacts in the SIM card may not be downloaded. • Special characters and figures used in the contact name may not be displayed properly. 5-106 • Permission is required to download contacts from the mobile phone. When you attempt to download data, you may need to permit the download on the mobile phone. If the download fails, check the mobile phone screen for any notification or the mobile phone’s permission setting. • Depending on the mobile phone type or status, downloading may take longer. • When you download your contacts, any old data will be deleted. • You cannot edit or delete your contacts on the system. • When you connect a new mobile phone, your contacts downloaded from the previous mobile phone will not be displayed, but they will remain in your system until you delete the previous phone from the device list. Answering calls When a call comes in, a notification popup window of the incoming call appears on the system screen. To answer the call, press the [1 RPT] button on the control panel. • Alternatively, press the Call/ Answer button on the steering wheel. 05 To reject the call, press the [2 SHFL] button on the control panel. • Alternatively, press the Call end button on the steering wheel. NOTICE • Depending on the mobile phone type, call rejection may not be supported. • Once your mobile phone is connected to the system, the call sound may be output through the vehicle’s speakers even after you exit the vehicle if the phone is within the connection range. To end the connection, disconnect the device from the system or deactivate Bluetooth on the device. Using options during a call During a call, you will see the call screen shown below. Press a button to perform the function you want. To switch the call to your mobile phone, press the [1 RPT] button on the control panel. • Alternatively, press and hold the Call/ Answer button on the steering wheel. Press the [MENU/CLOCK] button on the control panel to access the following a menu option: • Microphone Volume (Outgoing Volume): Adjust the microphone volume or turn off the microphone so the other party cannot hear you. NOTICE • If the caller information is saved in your contacts list, the caller’s name and phone number will be displayed. If the caller information is not saved in your contacts list, only the caller’s phone number will be displayed. • You cannot switch to any other screen, such as the audio screen or the settings screen, during a Bluetooth call. • Depending on the mobile phone type, call quality may vary. On some phones, your voice may be less audible to the other party. • Depending on the mobile phone type, the phone number may not be displayed. • Depending on the mobile phone type, the call switching function may not be supported. To end the call, press the [2 SHFL] button on the control panel. • Alternatively, press the Call end button on the steering wheel. 5-107 Convenience Features 7+((0(5*(1&<&$//6(59,&(ǣ,)(48,33('Ǥ You can make an emergency call quickly in the event of a traffic accident via the emergency call system. • Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) emergency call service SOS Driver or passenger manually can make an emergency call in the single duty dispatch service, by pressing SOS button to call the necessary emergency services. • Stops sound and SOS is displayed on screen. NOTICE • For more information, refer to the “Emergency situations” in manual. • Depending on your region, the service may not be supported. • Depending on your region or vehicle model, the name of the button may vary. 5-108 05 SYSTEM STATUS ICONS Status icons appear at the top of the screen to display the current system status. Familiarise yourself with the status icons that appear when you perform certain actions or functions and their meanings. Signal strength Icon Description Signal strength of the mobile phone connected via Bluetooth NOTICE Bluetooth Icon Description Battery level of connected Bluetooth device Mobile phone or audio device connected via Bluetooth • The battery level displayed on the screen may differ from the battery level displayed on the connected device. • The signal strength displayed on the screen may differ from the signal strength displayed on the connected mobile phone. • Depending on vehicle models and specifications, some status icons may not be displayed. Bluetooth call in progress Microphone turned off during Bluetooth call Downloading call history from a mobile phone connected via Bluetooth to the system Downloading contacts from a mobile phone connected via Bluetooth to the system 5-109 Convenience Features INFOTAINMENT SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS USB Supported audio formats Audio file specification - WAVeform audio format - MPEG1/2/2.5 Audio Layer3 - Windows Media Audio Ver 7.X/8.X Bit rates - MPEG1 (Layer3): 32/40/48/56/64/80/96/112/128/ 160/192/224/256/320 kbps - MPEG2 (Layer3): 8/16/24/32/40/48/56/64/80/96/ 112/128/144/160 kbps - MPEG2.5 (Layer3): 8/16/24/32/40/48/56/64/80/96/ 112/128/144/160 kbps - WMA (High Range): 48/64/80/96/128/160/192 kbps • Bits Per Sample - WAV (PCM(Stereo)): 24 bit - WAV (IMA ADPCM): 4 bit - WAV (MS ADPCM): 4 bit • Sampling frequency - MPEG1: 44100/48000/32000 Hz - MPEG2: 22050/24000/16000 Hz - MPEG2.5: 11025/12000/8000 Hz - WMA: 32000/44100/48000 Hz - WAV: 44100/48000 Hz • Maximum length of folder/file names (Based on Unicode): 40 English or Korean characters • Supported characters for folder/ file names (Unicode support): 2,604 Korean characters, 94 alphanumeric characters, 4,888 Chinese characters in common use, 986 special characters • Maximum number of folders: 1,000 • Maximum number of files: 5,000 5-110 NOTICE • Files that are not in a supported format may not be recognized or played, or information about them, such as the file name, may not be displayed properly. • Only files with .mp3/.wma/.wav extensions can be recognized by the system. If the file is not in supported format, change the file format by using the latest encoding software. • The device will not support files locked by DRM (Digital Rights Management). • For MP3/WMA compression files and WAV file, differences in sound quality will occur depending on the bitrate. (Music files with a higher bitrate have a better sound quality.) • Japanese or Simplified Chinese characters in folder or file names may not be displayed properly. Supported USB storage devices • Byte/Sector: 64 kbyte or less • Format system: FAT12/16/32 (recommended), exFAT/NTFS 05 TRADEMARKS NOTICE • Operation is guaranteed only for a metal cover type USB storage device with a plug type connector. - USB storage devices with a plastic plug may not be recognized. - USB storage devices in memory card types, such as CF card or SD cards, may not be recognized. • USB hard disk drives may not be recognized. • When you use a large capacity USB storage device with multiple logical drives, only files stored on the first drive will be recognized. • If an application program is loaded on a USB storage device, the corresponding media files may not play. • Use USB 2.0 devices for better compatibility. Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners. • The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by HYUNDAI is under licence. Bluetooth • • • • Bluetooth Power Class 2: -6 to 4 dBm Aerial power: Max 2.5 mW Frequency range: 2400 to 2483.5 MHz Bluetooth patch RAM software version: 1 5-111 Convenience Features DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY CE EU Declaraon of Conformity [1] Product details [2] Product [3] Car Auido System Model [4] ACB10HQIG, ACB11HQIG, ACB12HQIG, ACB13HQIG, ACB10HQGG, ACB10HQGN, ACB10HQGL, ACB10HQGP, ACB11HQGG, ACB10HQMG, ACB00GQTP, ACB11GQTP, ACB00GQEG, ACB01GQEG, ACB90GQEG, ACB10GQEG, ACB11GQEG, ACBC0GQEG, ACB00GQEP, ACB90GQEP, ACB10GQEP, ACBC0GQEP, ACB11GQEP, ACBC1GQEP, ACB91GQEP, ACB02GQEP, AU210HQEP, AU211HQEP We hereby declare, that the product above is in compliance with the essenal requirements of the Direcve 2014/53/EU by applicaon of [5] Applied Standards [6] Arcle [7] 3.2 Radio [8] EN 300 328 V2.2.2, EN 303 345-1 V1.1.1, EN 303 345-2 V1.2.1, EN 303 345-3 V1.1.1 EN 303 345-4 V1.1.1 Arcle [7] 3.1b EMC [9] EN 301 489-1 V2.2.3, EN 301 489-17 V3.2.4 EN 55032:2015+A11:2020, EN 55035:2017+A11:2020 Arcle [7] 3.1a Safety [10], Health [11] EN IEC 62368̺1:2020+A11:2020 EN 62311:2008 Manufacturer [12] Representave in the EU [13] Hyundai MOBIS Co., Ltd. MOBIS Parts Europe N.V. 203, Teheran-ro, Gangnam-gu, Wilhelm-Fay-Strabe 51, Seoul, 06141 , Korea Frankfurt Main, 65936, Germany Tel: +82-31-260-2707 Tel: +49-69-85096-5011 Signed By [14] 25/07/2022 This declaraon of conformity is issued under the sole responsibility of the manufacturer. [15] Seunghoon Choe Representave Hyundai MOBIS Co., Ltd. 5-112 6. Driving Your Vehicle Before driving ................................................................................................. 6-3 Before entering the vehicle ...................................................................................... 6-3 Before starting .......................................................................................................... 6-3 Ignition switch ................................................................................................6-4 Key ignition switch .................................................................................................... 6-4 Engine Start/Stop button...........................................................................................6-7 Manual transmission .....................................................................................6-12 Manual transmission operation .............................................................................. 6-12 Good driving practices ............................................................................................6-14 Automated Manual Transmission (AMT) ......................................................6-15 Automated Manual Transmission (AMT) operation ...............................................6-16 Features of the Automated Manual Transmission (AMT) ......................................6-16 Parking ..................................................................................................................... 6-24 Good driving practices ........................................................................................... 6-24 Braking system .............................................................................................. 6-26 Power brakes ........................................................................................................... 6-26 Disc brakes wear indicator ..................................................................................... 6-26 Rear drum brakes .....................................................................................................6-27 Parking brake ...........................................................................................................6-27 Anti-lock Brake System (ABS)................................................................................. 6-29 Electronic Stability Control (ESC) .......................................................................... 6-30 Vehicle Stability Management (VSM) .................................................................... 6-33 Hill-Start Assist Control (HAC)................................................................................ 6-34 Emergency Stop Signal (ESS) ................................................................................. 6-35 Brake Assist System (BAS) ...................................................................................... 6-35 Good braking practices .......................................................................................... 6-36 Special driving conditions ............................................................................ 6-37 Hazardous driving conditions .................................................................................6-37 Rocking the vehicle ...............................................................................................6-37 Smooth cornering ................................................................................................... 6-38 Driving at night ........................................................................................................ 6-38 Driving in the rain .................................................................................................... 6-38 Driving in flooded areas .......................................................................................... 6-39 Winter driving............................................................................................... 6-40 Snow or icy conditions............................................................................................6-40 Winter precautions.................................................................................................. 6-42 Vehicle weight ...............................................................................................6-44 Overloading .............................................................................................................6-44 6 Driving Your Vehicle WARNING Carbon monoxide (CO) gas is toxic. Breathing CO can cause unconsciousness and death. Engine exhaust contains carbon monoxide which cannot be seen or smelled. Do not inhale engine exhaust. If at any time you smell engine exhaust inside the vehicle, open the windows immediately. Exposure to CO can cause unconsciousness and death by asphyxiation. Be sure the exhaust system does not leak. The exhaust system should be checked whenever the vehicle is raised to change the oil or for any other purpose. If you hear a change in the sound of the exhaust or if you drive over something that strikes the underneath side of the vehicle, we recommend that the exhaust system be checked as soon as possible by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. Do not run the engine in an enclosed area. Letting the engine idle in your garage, even with the garage door open, is a hazardous practice. Run the engine only long enough to start the engine and to move the vehicle out of the garage. Avoid idling the engine for prolonged periods with people inside the vehicle. If it is necessary to idle the engine for a prolonged period with people inside the vehicle, be sure to do so only in an open area with the air intake set at “Fresh” and fan control set to high so fresh air is drawn into the interior. Keep the air intakes clear. To assure proper operation of the ventilation system, keep the ventilation air intakes located in front of the windshield clear of snow, ice, leaves, or other obstructions. If you must drive with the tailgate/trunk open: Close all windows. Open instrument panel air vents. Set the air intake control at “Fresh”, the air flow control at “Floor” or “Face”, and the fan control set to high. 6-2 06 BEFORE DRIVING Before entering the vehicle • Be sure all windows, outside mirror(s) and outside lights are clean and unobstructed. • Remove frost, snow or ice. • Visually check the tires for uneven wear and damage. • Check under the vehicle for any sign of leaks. • Be sure there are no obstacles behind you if you intend to back up. Before starting • Make sure the hood, the tailgate/trunk and the doors are securely closed and locked. • Adjust the position of the seat and steering wheel. • Adjust the inside and outside rearview mirrors. • Verify all of the lights work. • Fasten your seatbelt. Check that all passengers have fastened their seatbelts. • Check the gauges and indicators in the instrument panel and the messages on the instrument display when the ignition switch is in the ON position. • Check that any items you are carrying are stored properly or fastened down securely. • Stay focused on the task of driving. Driver distraction can cause accidents. • Leave plenty of space between you and the vehicle in front of you. WARNING NEVER drink or take drugs and drive. Drinking or taking drugs and driving is dangerous and may result in an accident and SERIOUS INJURY or DEATH. Drunk driving is the number one contributor to the highway death toll each year. Even a small amount of alcohol will affect your reflexes, perceptions and judgment. Just one drink can reduce your ability to respond to changing conditions and emergencies and your reaction time gets worse with each additional drink. Driving while under the influence of drugs is as dangerous as or more dangerous than driving under the influence of alcohol. You are much more likely to have a serious accident if you drink or take drugs and drive. If you are drinking or taking drugs, don’t drive. Do not ride with a driver who has been drinking or taking drugs. Choose a designated driver or call a taxi. WARNING To reduce the risk of SERIOUS INJURY or DEATH, take the following precautions: • ALWAYS wear your seat belt. All passengers must be properly belted whenever the vehicle is moving. For more information, refer to “Seat Belts” in chapter 3. • Always drive defensively. Assume other drivers or pedestrians may be careless and make mistakes. 6-3 Driving Your Vehicle IGNITION SWITCH WARNING To reduce the risk of SERIOUS INJURY or DEATH, take the following precautions: • NEVER allow children or any person who is unfamiliar with the vehicle to touch the ignition switch or related parts. Unexpected and sudden vehicle movement can occur. • NEVER reach through the steering wheel for the ignition switch, or any other controls, while the vehicle is in motion. The presence of your hand or arm in this area may cause a loss of vehicle control resulting in an accident. 6-4 Key ignition switch (if equipped) OIB054010 WARNING • NEVER turn the ignition switch to the LOCK or ACC position while the vehicle is in motion except in an emergency. This will result in the engine turning off and loss of power assist for the steering and brake systems. This may lead to loss of directional control and braking function, which could cause an accident. • Before leaving the driver’s seat, always make sure the shift lever is in the 1st gear (for manual transmission vehicle) or N (Neutral) position (for Automated Manual Transmission vehicle), apply the parking brake, and turn the ignition switch to the LOCK position. Unexpected vehicle movement may occur if these precautions are not followed. 06 Key ignition switch positions Switch Position Action Notice LOCK The steering wheel locks to protect The ignition key can be removed in the vehicle from theft. the LOCK position. (if equipped) ACC Electrical accessories are usable. The steering wheel unlocks. If difficulty is experienced turning the ignition switch to the ACC position, turn the key while turning the steering wheel right and left to release tension. ON This is the normal key position when the engine has started. All features and accessories are usable. The warning lights can be checked when you turn the ignition switch from ACC to ON. Do not leave the ignition switch in the ON position when the engine is not running to prevent the battery from discharging. START To start the engine, turn the ignition switch to the START The engine will crank until you position. The switch returns to the release the key. ON position when you let go of the key. 6-5 Driving Your Vehicle Starting the engine WARNING • Always wear appropriate shoes when operating your vehicle. Unsuitable shoes, such as high heels, ski boots, sandals, flip-flops, etc., may interfere with your ability to use the brake, accelerator and clutch pedals. • Do not start the vehicle with the accelerator pedal depressed. The vehicle can move and lead to an accident. • Wait until the engine RPM is normal. The vehicle may suddenly move if the brake pedal is released when the RPM is high. Starting the petrol engine Vehicle with Manual Transmission: 1. Make sure the parking brake is applied. 2. Make sure the shift lever is in N (Neutral). 3. Depress the clutch and brake pedals. 4. Turn the ignition switch to the START position. Hold the key (maximum of 10 seconds) until the engine starts and release it. 6-6 Vehicle with Automated Manual Transmission : 1. Make sure the parking brake is applied. 2. Make sure the shift lever is in N (Neutral). 3. Depress the brake pedal firmly. 4. Turn the ignition switch to the START position. Hold the key (maximum of 10 seconds) until the engine starts and release it. The engine can not be started unless the shift lever is ‘N’ position. 06 i Information • Do not wait for the engine to warm up while the vehicle remains stationary. Start driving at moderate engine speeds. (Steep accelerating and decelerating should be avoided.) • Always start the vehicle with your foot on the brake pedal. Do not depress the accelerator while starting the vehicle. Do not race the engine while warming it up. Engine Start/Stop button (if equipped) NOTICE To prevent damage to the vehicle: • Do not hold the ignition key in the START position for more than 10 seconds. Wait 5 to 10 seconds before trying again. • Do not turn the ignition switch to the START position with the engine running. It may damage the starter. • If traffic and road conditions permit, you may put the shift lever in the N (Neutral) position while the vehicle is still moving and turn the ignition switch to the START position in an attempt to restart the engine. • Do not push or tow your vehicle to start the engine. OAI3069001 Whenever the front door is opened, the Engine Start/Stop button will illuminate and will go off 30 seconds after the door is closed. WARNING To reduce risk of serious injury or death, NEVER allow children or any person who is unfamiliar with the vehicle to touch the Engine Start/Stop button or related parts. Unexpected and sudden vehicle movement can occur. 6-7 Driving Your Vehicle WARNING To turn the engine off in an emergency: Press and hold the Engine Start/Stop button for more than two seconds OR Rapidly press and release the Engine Start/Stop button three times (within three seconds). If the vehicle is still moving, you can restart the engine without depressing the brake pedal by pressing the Engine Start/Stop button with the shift lever in the N (Neutral) position. WARNING • NEVER press the Engine Start/Stop button while the vehicle is in motion except in an emergency. This will result in the engine turning off and loss of power assist for the steering and brake systems. This may lead to loss of directional control and braking function, which could cause an accident. • Before leaving the driver’s seat, always set the parking brake, press the Engine Start/Stop button to the OFF position, and take the Smart Key with you. Unexpected vehicle movement may occur if these precautions are not followed. • NEVER reach through the steering wheel for the Engine Start/Stop button or any other control while the vehicle is in motion. The presence of your hand or arm in this area may cause a loss of vehicle control resulting in an accident. 6-8 06 Engine Stop/Start button positions Button Position Action Notice OFF • To turn off the engine, stop the vehicle and then press the Engine Start/Stop button. • The steering wheel locks to protect the vehicle from theft. (if equipped) If the steering wheel is not locked properly when you open the driver’s door, the warning chime will sound. • Press the Engine Start/Stop button when the button is in the OFF position without depressing the brake pedal. • Electrical accessories are usable. • The steering wheel unlocks. • If you leave the Engine Start/ Stop button in the ACC position for more than one hour, the battery power will turn off automatically to prevent the battery from discharging. • If the steering wheel doesn’t unlock properly, the Engine Start/Stop button will not work. Press the Engine Start/ Stop button while turning the steering wheel right and left to release tension. • Press the Engine Start/Stop button while it is in the ACC position without depressing the clutch pedal. • The warning lights can be checked before the engine is started. Do not leave the Engine Start/ Stop button in the ON position when the engine is not running to prevent the battery from discharging. To start the engine, depress the clutch and brake pedals and press the Engine Start/ Stop button with the shift lever in neutral. If you press the Engine Start/Stop button without depressing the clutch pedal, the engine does not start and the Engine Start/Stop button changes as follows: OFF o ACC o ON o OFF ACC ON START 6-9 Driving Your Vehicle Starting the engine WARNING • Always wear appropriate shoes when operating your vehicle. Unsuitable shoes, such as high heels, ski boots, sandals, flip-flops, etc., may interfere with your ability to use the brake, accelerator and clutch pedals. • Do not start the vehicle with the accelerator pedal depressed. The vehicle can move and lead to an accident. • Wait until the engine RPM is normal. The vehicle may suddenly move if the brake pedal is released when the RPM is high. i Information • The engine will start by pressing the Engine Start/Stop button, only when the smart key is in the vehicle. • Even if the smart key is in the vehicle, if it is far away from the driver, the engine may not start. • When the Engine Start/Stop button is in the ACC or ON position, if any door is open, the system checks for the smart key. If the smart key is not in the ” indicator will blink vehicle, the “ and the warning “Key not in vehicle” will come on, and if all doors are closed, the chime will also sound for about 5 seconds. The indicator will turn off while the vehicle is moving. Keep the smart key in the vehicle when using the ACC position or if the vehicle engine is ON. 6-10 Vehicle with Manual Transmission: 1. Always carry the smart key with you. 2. Make sure the parking brake is applied. 3. Make sure the shift lever is in N (Neutral). 4. Depress the clutch and brake pedals. 5. Press the Engine Start/Stop button. Vehicle with Automated Manual Transmission: 1. Always carry the smart key with you. 2. Make sure the parking brake is applied. 3. Make sure the shift lever is in N (Neutral). 4. Depress the brake pedals. 5. Press the Engine Start/Stop button. The engine can not be started unless the shift lever is ‘N’ position. 06 i Information • Do not wait for the engine to warm up while the vehicle remains stationary. Start driving at moderate engine speeds. (Steep accelerating and decelerating should be avoided.) • Always start the vehicle with your foot on the brake pedal. Do not depress the accelerator while starting the vehicle. Do not race the engine while warming it up. • When you start to drive, move the shift lever after checking the RPM(revolutions per minute) is in the proper range (under 1,000 RPM) by depressing the clutch pedal and brake pedal. After releasing the parking brake, take your foot off the clutch and depress the accelerator slowly while starting your vehicle. NOTICE To prevent damage to the vehicle: When the stop lamp fuse is blown, you can’t start the engine normally. Replace the fuse with a new one. If you are not able to replace the fuse, you can start the engine by pressing and holding the Engine Start/Stop button for 10 seconds with the Engine Start/Stop button in the ACC position. Do not press the Engine Start/Stop button for more than 10 seconds except when the stop lamp fuse is blown. For your safety, always depress the brake and/or clutch pedal before starting the engine. Emergency starting NOTICE To prevent damage to the vehicle: • If traffic and road conditions permit, you may put the shift lever in the N (Neutral) position while the vehicle is still moving and press the Engine Start/Stop button in an attempt to restart the engine. • Do not push or tow your vehicle to start the engine. OAI3069002 If the smart key battery is weak or the smart key does not work correctly, you can start the engine by pressing the Engine Start/Stop button with the smart key in the direction of the picture above. 6-11 Driving Your Vehicle 0$18$/75$160,66,21ǣ,)(48,33('Ǥ „ Type A WARNING Before leaving the driver’s seat, always make sure the shift lever is in the 1st gear when the vehicle is parked on an uphill and in R (Reverse) on a downhill, set the parking brake, and place the ignition switch in the LOCK/OFF position. Unexpected vehicle movement may occur if these precautions are not followed. OAI3069025 „ Type B To shift to R (Reverse), make sure the vehicle has completely stopped, and then move the shift lever to neutral before moving into R (Reverse). OAI3069026 The shift lever can be moved without pressing the button (1). The button (1) must be pressed while moving the shift lever to R (Reverse). Manual transmission operation The manual transmission has 5 forward gears. The transmission is fully synchronized in all forward gears so shifting to either a higher or a lower gear is easily accomplished. 6-12 When you’ve come to a complete stop and it’s hard to shift into the 1st gear or R (Reverse): 1. Put the shift lever in neutral and release the clutch pedal. 2. Depress the clutch pedal, and then shift into the first or R (Reverse) gear. i Information During cold weather, shifting may be difficult until the transmission lubricant has warmed up. 06 Using the clutch (if equipped) Downshifting The clutch pedal should be depressed all the way to the floor before: - Starting the engine The engine will not start without depressing the clutch pedal. - Shifting To start your vehicle, slowly release the clutch pedal and depress the accelerator. Downshift when you must slow down in heavy traffic or drive up a steep hill to prevent engine load. Also, downshifting reduces the chance of stalling and can accelerate when you need to increase your speed again. When the vehicle is going downhill, downshifting helps maintain safe speed by providing brake power from the engine and enables less wear on the brakes. When releasing the clutch pedal, release it slowly. The clutch pedal should always be released while driving. NOTICE To prevent unnecessary wear or damage to the clutch: • Do not rest your foot on the clutch pedal while driving. • Do not hold the vehicle with the clutch on an incline, while waiting for the traffic light, etc. • Always depress the clutch pedal down fully to prevent noise or damage. • Do not start with the 2nd (second) gear engaged except when you start on a slippery road. • Depress the clutch pedal all the way and be careful not to depress the pedal again before returning to the upright position after you release the pedal. If you depress the pedal before returning to the original position repeatedly, it may cause the clutch system failure. NOTICE To prevent damage to the engine, clutch and transmission: • When downshifting from the 5th gear to the 4th gear, be careful not to inadvertently push the shift lever sideways engaging the 2nd gear. A drastic downshift may cause the engine speed to increase to the point the tachometer will enter the redzone. • Do not downshift more than two gears at a time or downshift the gear when the engine is running at high speed (5,000 RPM or higher). Such a downshifting may damage the engine, clutch and the transmission. 6-13 Driving Your Vehicle Good driving practices • Never take the vehicle out of gear and coast down a hill. This is extremely dangerous. • Don’t “ride” the brakes. This can cause the brakes and related parts to overheat and malfunction. When you are driving down a long hill, slow down and shift to a lower gear. Engine braking will help slow down the vehicle. • Slow down before shifting to a lower gear. This will help avoid over-revving the engine, which can cause damage. • Slow down when you encounter cross winds. This gives you much better control of your vehicle. • Be sure the vehicle is completely stopped before you shift into R (Reverse) to prevent damage to the transmission. • Exercise extreme caution when driving on a slippery surface. Be especially careful when braking, accelerating or shifting gears. On a slippery surface, an abrupt change in vehicle speed can cause the drive wheels to lose traction and may cause loss of vehicle control resulting in an accident. WARNING Do not use the engine brake (shifting from a higher gear to lower gear) rapidly on slippery roads. The vehicle may slip causing an accident. 6-14 WARNING To reduce the risk of SERIOUS INJURY or DEATH: • ALWAYS wear your seatbelt. In a collision, an unbelted occupant is significantly more likely to be seriously injured or killed than a properly belted occupant. • Avoid high speeds when cornering or turning. • Do not make quick steering wheel movements, such as sharp lane changes or fast and sharp turns. • The risk of rollover is greatly increased if you lose control of your vehicle at highway speeds. • Loss of control often occurs if two or more wheels drop off the roadway and the driver over steers to reenter the roadway. • In the event your vehicle leaves the roadway, do not steer sharply. Instead, slow down before pulling back into the travel lanes. • HYUNDAI recommends you follow all posted speed limits. 06 $8720$7('0$18$/75$160,66,21ǣ$07Ǥǣ,)(48,33('Ǥ OAI3069004I Press the shift button, then move shift lever. Move shift lever. The Automated Manual Transmission (AMT) is a transmission equipped with a gear actuator and a clutch actuator in addition to the conventional manual transmission. To improve the driving convenience, gear shift is automatically performed by the transmission control unit and clutch/gear actuator. 6-15 Driving Your Vehicle Automated Manual Transmission (AMT) operation The Automated Manual Transmission (AMT) has five forward speeds and one reverse speed. The individual speeds are selected automatically in the D (Drive) position. Features of the Automated Manual Transmission (AMT) • The Automated Manual Transmission (AMT) can be thought of as an automatically shifting manual transmission. It gives the driving feel of a manual transmission. • When D (Drive) is selected, the transmission will automatically shift through the gears similar to a conventional automatic transmission. Unlike a traditional automatic transmission, the gear shifting can sometimes be felt and heard as the actuators engage the clutches and the gears are selected. When the gear is shifting, you may sometimes hear operating noise. This is normal and does not indicate a problem with your transmission. • The Automated Manual Transmission (AMT) adopts a dry-type single clutch, which is different from the torque converter of the automatic transmission. It shows better acceleration performance and increased fuel efficiency while driving but initial launch might be little bit slower than the automatic transmission. 6-16 • As a result, gear shifts are sometimes more noticeable than a conventional automatic transmission and a light vibration during launching can be felt as the transmission speed is matched with the engine speed. This is a normal condition of the Automated Manual Transmission (AMT). • The dry-type clutch transfers torque more directly and provides a direct drive feeling which may feel different from a conventional automatic transmission with a torque converter. This may be more noticeable when launching the vehicle from a stop or when traveling at low, stop-and-go vehicle speeds. • When rapidly accelerating at a low vehicle speed, the engine RPM may increase highly depending on the vehicle’s driving condition. • For a smooth launch uphill, depress the accelerator pedal smoothly depending on the current conditions. • If you release your foot from the accelerator pedal at low vehicle speed, you may feel engine braking, which is similar to manual transmission. 06 • When you turn the engine on and off, you may hear clicking sounds as the system goes through a self-test. This is a normal sound for the Automated Manual Transmission (AMT). • During the first 1,500 km (1,000 miles), you may feel that the vehicle may not be smooth when accelerating at low speed. During this break-in period, the shift quality and performance of your new vehicle is continuously optimized. i Information - Creeping function The Creeping function helps the vehicle to start smoothly. If you take your foot off the brake pedal when the shift lever is either in R (Reverse), D (Drive) or M (Manual) position, the vehicle will start slowly without depressing the accelerator pedal. To disable the function, depress the brake pedal or pull up the parking brake lever. The creeping function will not operate when: • The parking brake lever is engaged with the shift lever in R (Reverse), D (Drive) or M (Manual) position Automated Manual Transmission (AMT) instruction label OAH2038024 Read and follow the instruction label attached on the driver side’s sunvisor before driving the vehicle. 6-17 6-18 D N R N R D R D N From To (Current position) (Desired position) Lever shifting Lever shifting condition N/A Reversing below 7 km/h (4 mile/h) Moving forward below 2 km/h (1 mile/h) Reversing below 7 km/h (4 mile/h) Moving forward below 2 km/h (1 mile/h) N/A Vehicle speed Applied Applied Applied Applied Brake Shifting condition - D or N blinking N blinking N blinking R or N blinking - Shift indicator - On On On On - Sound Cluster - On On On On - Brake press indicator - N N N N - Transmission position When shifting condition is dissatisfied Driving Your Vehicle 06 WARNING To reduce the risk of serious injury or death: • ALWAYS check the surrounding areas near your vehicle for people, especially children, before shifting a vehicle into D (Drive) or R (Reverse). • Before leaving the driver’s seat, always make sure the shift lever is in the N (Neutral) position, then set the parking brake, and place the ignition switch in the LOCK/OFF position. Unexpected and sudden vehicle movement can occur if these precautions are not followed. • Do not use engine braking (shifting from a high gear to lower gear) rapidly on slippery roads. The vehicle may slip causing an accident. The indicator in the instrument cluster displays the shift lever position when the ignition switch is in the ON position. WARNING • After the vehicle has stopped, always make sure the shift lever is in N (Neutral), apply the parking brake, and turn the engine off. • Do not use the N (Neutral) position in place of the parking brake. Automated Manual Transmission (AMT) warning indicator Press Brake The engine can not be started unless the shift lever is ‘N’ position and brake pedal is depressed. Automated Manual Transmission (AMT) warning lamp Clutch Over Heated This warning light indicates that the clutch is overheat. It appears for a while when the ignition switch is turned ON. The indicator light illuminates when the Clutch’s estimated temperature rises up to limited value. 6-19 Driving Your Vehicle i Information The AMT waring lamp may come on when clutch slip occurs excessively due to repeated stop-and-go driving on steep grades and when Hill Hold is maintained for a long time. In order to prevent waring lamp ON, use the brake during low speed driving on hill or when stopping the vehicle on an Uphill slope. • If the vehicle is held on a hill by using only the accelerator pedal or by creeping with brake pedal disengaged, the clutch may overheat which can result in damage. At this time, a warning lamp will appear on the cluster. • If the warning lamp is active, the foot brake must be applied. • Ignoring the warnings can lead to damage to the clutch and transmission. Clutch High temperature First warning • Under certain conditions, such as repeated stop-and-go launches on steep grades, sudden take off or acceleration, or other harsh driving conditions, the clutch temperature will increase excessively. • When the clutch temperature is high, the safe protection mode and warning lamp engages and the gear position indicator on the cluster blinks three times with a chime. 6-20 Second warning • After first warning, clutch temperature is increased continuously, then warning sound and shift indicator blinks continuously. • If this occurs, pull over to a safe location, stop the vehicle with the engine running, apply the brakes and allow the clutch to cool for a few minutes with engine on. • If you ignore this warning, the driving condition may become worse. You may experience abrupt shifts, jerkiness. To return to the normal driving condition, stop the vehicle and apply the foot brake. Then allow the transmission to cool for a few minutes with engine on. WARNING On an uphill road, never hold the vehicle at a stop using only the accelerator pedal or the creeping mode. This may cause clutch overheating and excessive damage, resulting in the reduction of the clutch’s life cycle. 06 Clutch overheated N (Neutral) Final warning The wheels and transmission are not engaged. Use N (Neutral) if you need to restart a stalled engine, or if it is necessary to stop with the engine ON. Always depress the brake pedal when you are shifting from N (Neutral) to another gear. • If the vehicle continues to be driven and the clutch temperatures reach the maximum temperature limit, the warning lamp will be blinked continuously. • If this occurs, pull over to a safe location, stop the vehicle with the engine running, apply the brakes and allow the clutch to cool for a few minutes with engine on until the warning lamp disappear on the cluster. • When possible, drive the vehicle smoothly. • If any of the warnings continue to blink, for your safety, we recommend you contact an authorized HYUNDAI dealer and have the system checked. R (Reverse) Use this position to drive the vehicle backward. NOTICE • Always come to a complete stop before shifting into R (Reverse) position. • When moving to R (Reverse) position the gear is not shifted if the vehicle speed is over 3 km/h. • Depress the brake pedal fully. If not, the brake press indicator will illuminate and the gear is not shifted. WARNING Do not shift into gear unless your foot is firmly on the brake pedal. Shifting into gear when the engine is running at high speed can cause the vehicle to move very rapidly. You could lose control of the vehicle and hit people or objects. D (Drive) This is the normal forward driving position. The transmission will automatically shift to the appropriate gear position upon operation of the accelerator pedal and variation of vehicle speed. For extra power when passing another vehicle or driving uphill, depress the accelerator further until you feel the transmission downshift to a lower gear. 6-21 Driving Your Vehicle When starting off on an uphill • Engage the parking brake firmly to prevent the vehicle from rolling backwards. • Move the shift lever to D (Drive) position while depressing the brake pedal. Make sure that the shift indicator in the cluster displays 1st gear. • Take your foot of the brake pedal and depress the accelerator pedal gradually. Then, when the vehicle starts moving, release the parking brake and depress the accelerator pedal. When starting off on a downhill • Depress the brake pedal and move the shift lever to D (Drive) position. Make sure that the shift indicator in the cluster displays 1st gear. • Take your foot off the brake pedal and slowly depress the accelerator pedal. When the vehicle speed increases, the clutch will be engaged. 6-22 NOTICE • If the gear is not shifted after changing the shift lever from N (Neutral) to D (Drive)/M (Manual)/R (Reverse), try to shift the gear again. In this case, time delay and intermittent noise may occur which are normal. • Always come to a complete stop and depress the brake pedal before shifting into D (Drive) position . • When moving from R (Reverse) to D (Drive) position, the gear is not shifted if the vehicle speed is over 8 km/h (5 mph). • Depress the brake pedal fully. If not, the brake press indicator will illuminate and the gear is not shifted. 06 Manual shift mode i OAI3069005I Whether the vehicle is stationary or in motion, Manual shift mode is selected by pushing the shift lever from the D (Drive) position into the manual gate (M). To return to D (Drive) range operation, push the shift lever back into the main gate. In Manual shift mode, moving the shift lever backwards and forwards will allow you to select the desired range of gears for the current driving conditions. + (Up) : Push the lever forward once to shift up one gear. - (Down) : Pull the lever backwards once to shift down one gear. Information • Only the five forward gears can be selected. To reverse or park the vehicle, move the shift lever to the R (Reverse) or N (Neutral) position as required. • Downshifts are made automatically when the vehicle slows down. When the vehicle stops, 1st gear is automatically selected. • When the engine rpm approaches the red zone the transmission will upshift automatically. • If the driver presses the lever to + (Up) or - (Down) position, the transmission may not make the requested gear change if the next gear is outside of the allowable engine RPM range. The driver must execute upshifts in accordance with road conditions, taking care to keep the engine RPMs below the red zone. • When accelerating from a stop on a slippery road, push the shift lever forward into the + (Up) position. This allows the transmission to shift into the 2nd gear which is better for smooth driving on a slippery road. Push the shift lever to the - (Down) side to shift back to the 1st gear. NOTICE If you cannot move the shift lever into any position or if the gear is automatically moved to N (Neutral) position when the vehicle speed becomes below 10 km/h, this may indicate malfunction of the system. In this case, we recommend the system be checked by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. 6-23 Driving Your Vehicle Parking Good driving practices To park your vehicle, always come to a complete stop and continue to depress the brake pedal. • When parking on the flat road, move the shift lever from D (Drive)/R (Reverse) to N (Neutral) position. Then, engage the parking brake firmly before turning off the engine. • When parking on a slope, it is recommended to place the shift lever in D (Drive) for uphill and R (Reverse) for downhill and to engage the parking brake before turning off the engine. If the engine was turned off with the shift lever in D (Drive) or R (Reverse) position, it is necessary to depress the brake pedal and move the shift lever to N (Neutral) position to turn on the engine. Take the Key with you when exiting the vehicle. • Never move the shift lever from N (Neutral) to any other position with the accelerator pedal depressed. • Be sure the vehicle is completely stopped before you attempt to shift into R (Reverse) or D (Drive). • Do not move the shift lever to N (Neutral) when driving. Doing so may result in an accident because of a loss of engine braking and the transmission could be damaged. • Driving uphill or downhill, always shift to D (Drive) when driving forward or to R (Reverse) when driving backwards, and check the gear position indicated on the cluster before driving. If you drive in the opposite direction of the selected gear, the engine will turn off and a serious accident might be occurred due to the degraded brake performance. • Do not drive with your foot resting on the brake pedal. Even light, but consistent pedal pressure can result in the brakes overheating, brake wear and possibly even brake failure. • Depressing both accelerator and brake pedals at the same time can trigger logic for engine power reduction to assure vehicle deceleration. Vehicle acceleration will resume after the brake pedal is released. • When driving in Manual shift mode, slow down before shifting to a lower gear. Otherwise, the lower gear may not be engaged if the engine RPMs are outside of the allowable range. WARNING When you stay in the vehicle with the engine running, be careful not to depress the accelerator pedal for a long period of time. The engine or exhaust system may overheat and start a fire. The exhaust gas and the exhaust system are very hot. Keep away from the exhaust system components. Do not stop or park over flammable materials, such as dry grass, paper or leaves. They may ignite and cause a fire. 6-24 06 • Always apply the parking brake when leaving the vehicle. Do not depend on placing the transmission in N (Neutral) to keep the vehicle from moving. • Exercise extreme caution when driving on a slippery surface. Be especially careful when braking, accelerating or shifting gears. On a slippery surface, an abrupt change in vehicle speed can cause the drive wheels to lose traction and may cause loss of vehicle control resulting in an accident • Optimum vehicle performance and economy is obtained by smoothly depressing and releasing the accelerator. WARNING To reduce the risk of SERIOUS INJURY or DEATH: • ALWAYS wear your seatbelt. In a collision, an unbelted occupant is significantly more likely to be seriously injured or killed than a properly belted occupant. • Avoid high speeds when cornering or turning. • Do not make quick steering wheel movements, such as sharp lane changes or fast, sharp turns. • The risk of rollover is greatly increased if you lose control of your vehicle at highway speeds. • Loss of control often occurs if two or more wheels drop off the roadway and the driver over steers to reenter the roadway. • In the event your vehicle leaves the roadway, do not steer sharply. Instead, slow down before pulling back into the travel lanes. • HYUNDAI recommends you follow all posted speed limits. 6-25 Driving Your Vehicle BRAKING SYSTEM Power brakes Your vehicle has power-assisted brakes that adjust automatically through normal usage. If the engine is not running or is turned off while driving, the power assist for the brakes will not work. You can still stop your vehicle by applying greater force to the brake pedal than typical. The stopping distance, however, will be longer than with power brakes. Pump the brake pedal only when necessary to maintain steering control on slippery surfaces. i Information • When the brake pedal is depressed under certain driving conditions or weather conditions, you may temporarily hear a noise. This is normal and does not indicate a problem with your brakes. • While driving on a road with deicing chemicals, brake noise or abnormal tire wear may occur due to deicing chemicals. In a safe traffic condition, additionally apply the brakes to remove deicing chemicals on the brake discs and pads. WARNING Take the following precautions: • Do not drive with your foot resting on the brake pedal. This will create abnormal high brake temperatures, excessive brake lining and pad wear, and increased stopping distances. 6-26 • When descending a long or steep hill, shift to a lower gear and avoid continuous application of the brakes. Applying the brakes continuously will cause the brakes to overheat and could result in a temporary loss of braking performance. • Wet brakes may impair the vehicle’s ability to safely slow down; the vehicle may also pull to one side when the brakes are applied. Applying the brakes lightly will indicate whether they have been affected in this way. Always test your brakes in this fashion after driving through deep water. To dry the brakes, lightly tap the brake pedal to heat up the brakes while maintaining a safe forward speed until brake performance returns to normal. Avoid driving at high speeds until the brakes function correctly. Disc brakes wear indicator When your brake pads are worn and new pads are required, you will hear a high pitched warning sound from your front or rear brakes. You may hear this sound come and go or it may occur whenever you depress the brake pedal. NOTICE To avoid costly brake repairs, do not continue to drive with worn brake pads. i Information Always replace brake pads as complete front or rear axle sets. 06 Rear drum brakes Your rear drum brakes do not have wear indicators.Therefore, have the rear brake linings inspected if you hear a rear brake rubbing noise. Also have your rear brakes inspected each time you change or rotate your tires and when you have the front brakes replaced. Parking brake OAI3069007 To release: Firmly depress the brake pedal. Slightly pull up the parking brake lever. While pressing the release button (1), lower the parking brake (2). OAI3069006 Always set the parking brake before leaving the vehicle, to apply: Firmly depress the brake pedal. Pull up the parking brake lever as far as possible. WARNING To reduce the risk of SERIOUS INJURY or DEATH, do not operate the parking brake while the vehicle is moving except in an emergency situation. It could damage the brake system and lead to an accident. If the parking brake does not release or does not release all the way, we recommend that the system be checked by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. WARNING • Whenever leaving the vehicle or parking, always come to a complete stop and continue to depress the brake pedal. Move the shift lever into the 1st gear (for manual transmission vehicle) or N (Neutral) position (for Automated Manual Transmission vehicle), then apply the parking brake, and place the ignition switch in the LOCK/OFF position. Vehicles with the parking brake not fully engaged are at risk for moving inadvertently and causing injury to yourself or others. 6-27 Driving Your Vehicle • NEVER allow anyone who is unfamiliar with the vehicle to touch the parking brake. If the parking brake is released unintentionally, serious injury may occur. • Only release the parking brake when you are seated inside the vehicle with your foot firmly on the brake pedal. NOTICE • Do not apply the accelerator pedal while the parking brake is engaged. If you depress the accelerator pedal with the parking brake engaged, it will make warning sounds. Damage to the parking brake may occur. • Driving with the parking brake on can overheat the braking system and cause premature wear or damage to brake parts. Make sure the parking brake is released and the Brake Warning Light is off before driving. 6-28 Parking brake warning light Check the Parking Brake Warning Light by placing the ignition switch to the ON position (do not start the engine). This light will be illuminated when the parking brake is applied with the ignition switch in the START or ON position. Before driving, be sure the parking brake is released and the Brake Warning Light is OFF. If the Parking Brake Warning Light remains on after the parking brake is released while the engine is running, there may be a malfunction in the brake system. Immediate attention is necessary. If at all possible, cease driving the vehicle immediately. If that is not possible, use extreme caution while operating the vehicle and only continue to drive the vehicle until you can reach a safe location. 06 Anti-lock Brake System (ABS) WARNING An Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS) or an Electronic Stability Control (ESC) system will not prevent accidents due to improper or dangerous driving maneuvers. Even though vehicle control is improved during emergency braking, always maintain a safe distance between you and objects ahead of you. Vehicle speeds should always be reduced during extreme road conditions. The braking distance for vehicles equipped with ABS or ESC may be longer than for those without these systems in the following road conditions. Drive your vehicle at reduced speeds during the following conditions: • Rough, gravel or snow-covered roads. • On roads where the road surface is pitted or has different surface height. • Tire chains are installed on your vehicle. The safety features of an ABS or ESC equipped vehicle should not be tested by high speed driving or cornering. This could endanger the safety of yourself or others. ABS is an electronic braking system that helps prevent a braking skid. ABS allows the driver to steer and brake at the same time. Using ABS To obtain the maximum benefit from your ABS in an emergency situation, do not attempt to modulate your brake pressure and do not try to pump your brakes. Depress your brake pedal as hard as possible. When you apply your brakes under conditions which may lock the wheels, you may hear sounds from the brakes, or feel a corresponding sensation in the brake pedal. This is normal and it means your ABS is active. ABS does not reduce the time or distance it takes to stop the vehicle. Always maintain a safe distance from the vehicle in front of you. ABS will not prevent a skid that results from sudden changes in direction, such as trying to take a corner too fast or making a sudden lane change. Always drive at a safe speed for the road and weather conditions. ABS cannot prevent a loss of stability. Always steer moderately when braking hard. Severe or sharp steering wheel movement can still cause your vehicle to veer into oncoming traffic or off the road. On loose or uneven road surfaces, operation of the anti-lock brake system may result in a longer stopping distance than for vehicles equipped with a conventional brake system. ) will stay The ABS warning light ( on for several seconds after the ignition switch is in the ON position. During that time, the ABS will go through selfdiagnosis and the light will go off if everything is normal. If the light stays on, you may have a problem with your ABS. We recommend that you contact an authorized HYUNDAI dealer as soon as possible. 6-29 Driving Your Vehicle WARNING If the ABS warning light ( ) is on and stays on, you may have a problem with the ABS. Your power brakes will work normally. To reduce the risk of serious injury or death, we recommend that you contact your HYUNDAI dealer as soon as possible. Electronic Stability Control (ESC) (if equipped) NOTICE When you drive on a road having poor traction, such as an icy road, and apply your brakes continuously, the ABS will be active continuously and the ABS ) may illuminate. Pull warning light ( your vehicle over to a safe place and turn the engine off. Restart the engine. If the ABS warning light is off, then your ABS system is normal. Otherwise, you may have a problem with your ABS system. We recommend that you contact an authorized HYUNDAI dealer as soon as possible. i Information When you jump start your vehicle because of a drained battery, the ABS ) may turn on at the warning light ( same time. This happens because of the low battery voltage. It does not mean your ABS is malfunctioning. Have the battery recharged before driving the vehicle. 6-30 OAI3062008 The Electronic Stability Control (ESC) system helps to stabilize the vehicle during cornering maneuvers. ESC checks where you are steering and where the vehicle is actually going. ESC applies braking pressure to any one of the vehicle’s brakes and intervenes in the engine management system to assist the driver with keeping the vehicle on the intended path. It is not a substitute for safe driving practices. Always adjust your speed and driving to the road conditions. WARNING Never drive too fast for the road conditions or too quickly when cornering. The ESC system will not prevent accidents. Excessive speed in turns, abrupt maneuvers, and hydroplaning on wet surfaces can result in severe accidents. 06 ESC operation ESC ON condition When the ignition switch is in the ON position, the ESC and the ESC OFF indicator lights illuminate for approximately three seconds and goes off, then the ESC is turned on. When operating When the ESC is in operation, the ESC indicator light blinks: • When you apply your brakes under conditions which may lock the wheels, you may hear sounds from the brakes, or feel a corresponding sensation in the brake pedal. This is normal and it means your ESC is active. • When the ESC activates, the engine may not respond to the accelerator as it does under routine conditions. • If the Cruise Control was in use when the ESC activates, it automatically disengages. The Cruise Control can be reengaged when the road conditions allow. See “Cruise Control” in this chapter 7 (if equipped). • When moving out of the mud or driving on a slippery road, the engine RPM (revolutions per minute) may not increase even if you press the accelerator pedal deeply. This is to maintain the stability and traction of the vehicle and does not indicate a problem. ESC OFF condition To cancel ESC operation : • State 1 Press the ESC OFF button briefly. The ESC OFF indicator light and/or message “Traction control disabled” will illuminate and a warning chime will sound. In this state, the traction control function of ESC (engine management) is disabled, but the brake control function of ESC (braking management) still operates. 6-31 Driving Your Vehicle • State 2 Press and hold the ESC OFF button continuously for more than 3 seconds. The ESC OFF indicator light and/or message “Traction control and ESC disabled” illuminates and a warning chime sounds. In this state, both the traction control function of ESC (engine management) and the brake control function of ESC (braking management) are disabled. If the ignition switch is placed in the LOCK/OFF position when the ESC is off, the ESC remains off. Upon restarting the vehicle, the ESC will automatically turn on again. Indicator lights „ESC indicator light (blinks) OTD059012 „ESC OFF indicator light (comes on) OTD059013 When the ignition switch is in the ON position, the ESC indicator light illuminates, then goes off if the ESC system is operating normally. The ESC indicator light blinks whenever the ESC is operating. If the ESC indicator light stays on, your vehicle may have a malfunction with the ESC system. When this warning light illuminates, we recommend that the vehicle be checked by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer as soon as possible. The ESC OFF indicator light comes on when the ESC is turned off with the button. WARNING When the ESC is blinking, this indicates the ESC is active: Drive slowly and NEVER attempt to accelerate. NEVER turn the ESC off while the ESC indicator light is blinking or you may lose control of the vehicle resulting in an accident. NOTICE Driving with wheels and tires with different sizes may cause the ESC system to malfunction. Before replacing tires, make sure all four tires and wheels are the same size. Never drive the vehicle with different sized wheels and tires installed. 6-32 06 ESC OFF usage When Driving Vehicle Stability Management (VSM) (if equipped) The ESC OFF mode should only be used briefly to help free the vehicle if stuck in snow or mud, by temporarily stopping operation of the ESC, to maintain wheel torque. To turn the ESC off while driving, press the ESC OFF button while driving on a flat road surface. The Vehicle Stability Management (VSM) is a function of the Electronic Stability Control (ESC) system. It helps ensure the vehicle stays stable when accelerating or braking suddenly on wet, slippery and rough roads where traction over the four tires can suddenly become uneven. NOTICE To prevent damage to the transmission: • Do not allow wheel(s) of one axle to spin excessively while the ESC, ABS, and parking brake warning lights are displayed. The repairs would not be covered by the vehicle warranty. Reduce engine power and do not spin the wheel(s) excessively while these lights are displayed. • When operating the vehicle on a dynamometer, make sure the ESC is turned off (ESC OFF light illuminated). i WARNING Take the following precautions when using the Vehicle Stability Management (VSM): • ALWAYS check the speed and the distance to the vehicle ahead. The VSM is not a substitute for safe driving practices. • Never drive too fast for the road conditions. The VSM system will not prevent accidents. Excessive speed in bad weather, slippery and uneven roads can result in severe accidents. Information Turning the ESC off does not affect ABS or standard brake system operation. 6-33 Driving Your Vehicle VSM operation When operating Hill-Start Assist Control (HAC) (if equipped) When you apply your brakes under conditions which may activate the ESC, you may hear sounds from the brakes, or feel a corresponding sensation in the brake pedal. This is normal and it means your VSM is active. Hill-Start Assist Control helps prevent the vehicle from rolling backwards when starting a vehicle from a stop on a hill. The system operates the brakes automatically for approximately 2 seconds (maximum of 5 seconds when the accelerator pedal is slightly depressed during HAC operation) and releases the brake after 2 seconds or when the accelerator pedal is depressed. i Information The VSM does not operate when: • Driving on a banked road such as gradient or incline • Driving in reverse. • The ESC OFF indicator light is on. • The MDPS (Motor Driven Power ) is on or blinks. Steering) ( WARNING If the ESC indicator light ( ) or the ) stays on MDPS warning light ( or blinks, your vehicle may have a malfunction with the VSM system. When the warning light illuminates we recommend that the vehicle be checked by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer as soon as possible. NOTICE Driving with wheels and tires with different sizes may cause the ESC system to malfunction. Before replacing tires, make sure all four tires and wheels are the same size. Never drive the vehicle with different sized tires and wheels installed. 6-34 WARNING Always be ready to depress the accelerator pedal when starting off an incline. Hill-Start Assist Control activates only for approximately 2 seconds (maximum of 5 seconds when the accelerator pedal is slightly depressed during HAC operation). i Information • Hill-Start Assist Control does not operate when the gear is shifted to P (Park) or N (Neutral). • Hill-Start Assist Control activates even when the ESC (Electronic Stability Control) is off. However, it does not activate, when ESC does not operate normally. 06 Emergency Stop Signal (ESS) The Emergency Stop Signal system alerts the driver behind by blinking the stop light when the vehicle is braked rapidly and severely. The system is activated when: • The vehicle suddenly stops (vehicle speed is over 55 km/h and the vehicle deceleration at greater than 7 m/s2) • The ABS is activating When the vehicle speed is under 40 km/h and the ABS deactivates or the sudden stop situation is over, the stop light blinking will stop. Instead, the hazard warning flasher will turn on automatically. The hazard warning flasher will turn off when the vehicle speed is over 10 km/h (6.2 mph) after the vehicle has stopped. Also, it will turn off when the vehicle is driven at low speed for some time. You can turn it off manually by pushing the hazard warning flasher switch. CAUTION The Emergency Stop Signal (ESS) system will not work if the hazard warning flasher is already on. Brake Assist System (BAS) (if equipped) The Brake Assistant System provides additional pressure when the brake pedal is momentarily and strongly depressed in a situation sudden braking is required whilst driving. The Brake Assistant System reduces the time for ABS (Anti-Lock Brake System) control to enter and consequently reduces the braking distance, by providing additional pressure up to the point of ABS intervention. BAS operation • When the vehicle speed is more than 30 km/h (20 mph) and the ABS control is not entered. • When the brake pedal is depressed strongly over a certain level. • When the friction of the road surface is above a certain level. BAS operation off • The vehicle speed is below 10 km/h (6 mph). • The brake pedal is depressed over a certain conditions. • The friction of the road surface is below a certain level. WARNING The system may not operate depending on driver’s driving habit, the degree to which the brake pedal is depressed and the road surface condition. 6-35 Driving Your Vehicle Good braking practices WARNING Whenever leaving the vehicle or parking, always come to a complete stop and continue to depress the brake pedal. Move the shift lever into the 1st gear (for manual transmission vehicle) or N (Neutral) position (for Automated Manual Transmission vehicle), then apply the parking brake, and place the ignition switch in the LOCK/OFF position. Vehicles with the parking brake not fully engaged are at risk for moving inadvertently and causing injury to yourself or others. Wet brakes can be dangerous! The brakes may get wet if the vehicle is driven through standing water or if it is washed. Your vehicle will not stop as quickly if the brakes are wet. Wet brakes may cause the vehicle to pull to one side. To dry the brakes, apply the brakes lightly until the braking action returns to normal, taking care to keep the vehicle under control at all times. If the braking action does not return to normal, stop as soon as it is safe to do so and we recommend that you call an authorized HYUNDAI dealer for assistance. DO NOT drive with your foot resting on the brake pedal. Even light, but constant pedal pressure can result in the brakes overheating, brake wear, and possibly even brake failure. If a tire goes flat while you are driving, apply the brakes gently and keep the vehicle pointed straight ahead while you slow down. When you are moving slowly enough for it to be safe to do so, pull off the road and stop in a safe location. Keep your foot firmly on the brake pedal when the vehicle is stopped to prevent the vehicle from rolling forward. 6-36 06 63(&,$/'5,9,1*&21',7,216 Hazardous driving conditions When hazardous driving conditions are encountered such as water, snow, ice, mud or sand: Drive cautiously and allow extra distance for braking. Avoid sudden movements in braking or steering. If stuck in snow, mud, or sand, use second gear. Accelerate slowly to avoid spinning the drive wheels. WARNING Downshifting with an Automated manual transmission while driving on slippery surfaces can cause an accident. The sudden change in tire speed could cause the tires to skid. Be careful when downshifting on slippery surfaces. Use sand, rock salt, or other non-slip material under the drive wheels to provide traction when stalled in ice, snow, or mud. Rocking the vehicle If it is necessary to rock the vehicle to free it from snow, sand, or mud, first turn the steering wheel to the right and left to clear the area around your front wheels. Then, shift back and forth between the 1st and R (Reverse, for manual transmission vehicle) or R (Reverse) and a forward gear (for Automated manual transmission vehicle). Try to avoid spinning the wheels, and do not race the engine. To prevent transmission wear, wait until the wheels stop spinning before shifting gears. Release the accelerator pedal while shifting, and press lightly on the accelerator pedal while the transmission is in gear. Slowly spinning the wheels in forward and reverse directions causes a rocking motion that may free the vehicle. NOTICE If the tires spin at high speed, the tires can explode and you or others may be injured. Do not attempt this procedure if people or objects are anywhere near the vehicle. The vehicle can overheat causing an engine compartment fire or other damage. Spin the wheels as little as possible and avoid spinning the wheels at speeds over 56 km/h (35 mph) as indicated on the speedometer. NOTICE If you are still stuck after rocking the vehicle a few times, have the vehicle pulled out by a tow vehicle to avoid engine overheating, possible damage to the transmission, and tire damage. See “Towing” in chapter 8. 6-37 Driving Your Vehicle Smooth cornering Driving in the rain Avoid braking or gear changing in corners, especially when roads are wet. Ideally, corners should always be taken under gentle acceleration. Rain and wet roads can make driving dangerous. Here are a few things to consider when driving in the rain or on slick pavement: • Slow down and allow extra following distance. A heavy rainfall makes it harder to see and increases the distance needed to stop your vehicle. • Replace your windshield wiper blades when they show signs of streaking or missing areas on the windshield. • Be sure your tires have enough tread. If your tires do not have enough tread, making a quick stop on wet pavement can cause a skid and possibly lead to an accident. See “Tire replacement” in chapter 9. • Turn on your headlights to make it easier for others to see you. • Driving too fast through large puddles can affect your brakes. If you must go through puddles, try to drive through them slowly. • If you believe your brakes may be wet, apply them lightly while driving until normal braking operation returns. Driving at night Night driving presents more hazards than driving in the daylight. Here are some important tips to remember: • Slow down and keep more distance between you and other vehicles, as it may be more difficult to see at night, especially in areas where there may not be any street lights. • Adjust your mirrors to reduce the glare from other driver’s headlights. • Keep your headlights clean and properly aimed. Dirty or improperly aimed headlights will make it much more difficult to see at night. • Avoid staring directly at the headlights of oncoming vehicles. You could be temporarily blinded, and it will take several seconds for your eyes to readjust to the darkness. Hydroplaning If the road is wet enough and you are going fast enough, your vehicle may have little or no contact with the road surface and actually ride on the water. The best advice is SLOW DOWN when the road is wet. The risk of hydroplaning increases as the depth of tire tread decreases, refer to “Tire replacement” in chapter 9. 6-38 06 Driving in flooded areas Avoid driving through flooded areas unless you are sure the water is no higher than the bottom of the wheel hub. Drive through any water slowly. Allow adequate stopping distance because brake performance may be reduced. After driving through water, dry the brakes by gently applying them several times while the vehicle is moving slowly. 6-39 Driving Your Vehicle WINTER DRIVING Snow or icy conditions You need to keep sufficient distance between your vehicle and the vehicle in front of you. Apply the brakes gently. Speeding, rapid acceleration, sudden brake applications, and sharp turns are potentially very hazardous practices. During deceleration, use engine braking to the fullest extent. Sudden brake applications on snowy or icy roads may cause skids to occur. To drive your vehicle in deep snow, it may be necessary to use snow tires or to install tire chains on your tires. Always carry emergency equipment. Some of the items you may want to carry include tire chains, tow straps or chains, a flashlight, emergency flares, sand, a shovel, jumper cables, a window scraper, gloves, ground cloth, coveralls, a blanket, etc. Snow tires WARNING Snow tires should be equivalent in size and type to the vehicle’s standard tires. Otherwise, the safety and handling of your vehicle may be adversely affected. If you mount snow tires on your vehicle, make sure to use radial tires of the same size and load range as the original tires. Mount snow tires on all four wheels to balance your vehicle’s handling in all weather conditions. The traction provided by snow tires on dry roads may not be as high as your vehicle’s original equipment tires. Check with the tire dealer for maximum speed recommendations. We recommend you use snow tires when road temperature is below 7 °C (45 °F). 6-40 i Information Do not install studded tires without first checking local and municipal regulations for possible restrictions against their use. Tire chains OAI3062020 Since the sidewalls of radial tires are thinner than other types of tires, they may be damaged by mounting some types of tire chains on them. Therefore, the use of snow tires is recommended instead of tire chains. Do not mount tire chains on vehicles equipped with aluminum wheels; if possible use a wire type chain. If tire chains must be used, Use wire-type chains with a thickness of less than 15 mm (0.59 in) and install the tire chain after reviewing the instructions provided with the tire chains. Damage to your vehicle caused by improper tire chain use is not covered by your vehicle manufacturer’s warranty. 06 WARNING The use of tire chains may adversely affect vehicle handling: • Drive less than 30 km/h (20 mph) or the chain manufacturer’s recommended speed limit, whichever is lower. • Drive carefully and avoid bumps, holes, sharp turns, and other road hazards, which may cause the vehicle to bounce. • Avoid sharp turns or locked wheel braking. i Information • Install tire chains on the front tires. It should be noted that installing tire chains on the tires will provide a greater driving force, but will not prevent side skids. • Do not install tire chains without first checking local and municipal regulations for possible restrictions against their use. Chain Installation When installing tire chains, follow the manufacturer’s instructions and mount them as tightly possible. Drive slowly (less than 30 km/h (20 mph)) with chains installed. If you hear the chains contacting the body or chassis, stop and tighten them. If they still make contact, slow down until the noise stops. Remove the tire chains as soon as you begin driving on cleared roads. When mounting snow chains, park the vehicle on level ground away from traffic. Turn on the vehicle Hazard Warning Flasher and place a triangular emergency warning device behind the vehicle (if available). Always place the vehicle in N (Neutral), apply the parking brake and turn off the engine before installing snow chains. NOTICE When using tire chains: • Wrong size chains or improperly installed chains can damage your vehicle’s brake lines, suspension, body and wheels. • Use SAE “S” class or wire chains. • If you hear noise caused by chains contacting the body, retighten the chain to prevent contact with the vehicle body. • To prevent body damage, retighten the chains after driving 0.5~1.0 km (0.3~0.6 miles). • Do not use tire chains on vehicles equipped with aluminum wheels. If unavoidable, use a wire type chain. • Use wire chains less than 15 mm (0.59 in) wide to prevent damage to the chain’s connection. 6-41 Driving Your Vehicle Winter precautions Use high quality ethylene glycol coolant Your vehicle is delivered with high quality ethylene glycol coolant in the cooling system. It is the only type of coolant that should be used because it helps prevent corrosion in the cooling system, lubricates the water pump and prevents freezing. Be sure to replace or replenish your coolant in accordance with the maintenance schedule in chapter 9. Before winter, have your coolant tested to assure that its freezing point is sufficient for the temperatures anticipated during the winter. Check battery and cables Winter puts additional burdens on the battery system. Visually inspect the battery and cables as described in chapter 8. The level of charge in your battery can be checked by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer or a service station. Change to “winter weight” oil if necessary In some climates, it is recommended that a lower viscosity “winter weight” oil be used during cold weather. See chapter 2 for recommendations. If you aren’t sure what weight oil you should use, we recommend that you consult with an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. 6-42 Check spark plugs and ignition system Inspect your spark plugs as described in chapter 9 and replace them if necessary. Also check all ignition wiring and components to be sure they are not cracked, worn or damaged in any way. To keep locks from freezing To keep the locks from freezing, squirt an approved de-icer fluid or glycerine into the key opening. If a lock is covered with ice, squirt it with an approved de-icing fluid to remove the ice. If the lock is frozen internally, you may be able to thaw it out by using a heated key. Handle the heated key with care to avoid injury. Use approved window washer antifreeze in system To keep the water in the window washer system from freezing, add an approved window washer anti-freeze solution in accordance with instructions on the container. Window washer anti-freeze is available from an authorized HYUNDAI dealer and most auto parts outlets. Do not use engine coolant or other types of anti-freeze as these may damage the paint finish. 06 Don’t let your parking brake freeze Under some conditions, your parking brake can freeze in the engaged position. This is most likely to happen when there is an accumulation of snow or ice around or near the rear brakes or if the brakes are wet. If there is a risk the parking brake may freeze, apply it only temporarily while you put the shift lever in N (for Automated Manual Transmission) or in the first or reverse gear (for Manual Transmission) and block the rear wheels so the vehicle cannot roll. Then release the parking brake. Don’t let ice and snow accumulate underneath Under some conditions, snow and ice can build up under the fenders and interfere with the steering. When driving in severe winter conditions where this may happen, you should periodically check underneath the car to be sure the movement of the front wheels and the steering components is not obstructed. Don’t place foreign objects or materials in the engine compartment Placement of foreign objects or materials which prevent cooling of the engine, in the engine compartment, may cause a failure or combustion. The manufacturer is not responsible for the damage caused by such placement. Drive your vehicle when water vapor condenses and accumulates inside the exhaust pipes When the vehicle is stopped for a long time in winter while the engine is running, water vapor may condense and accumulate inside the exhaust pipes. Water in the exhaust pipes may cause noise, etc., but it is drained driving at medium to high speed. Carry emergency equipment Depending on the severity of the weather, you should carry appropriate emergency equipment. Some of the items you may want to carry include tire chains, tow straps or chains, flashlight, emergency flares, sand, shovel, jumper cables, window scraper, gloves, ground cloth, coveralls, blanket, etc. 6-43 Driving Your Vehicle VEHICLE WEIGHT Two labels on your driver’s door sill show how much weight your vehicle was designed to carry: the Tire and Loading Information Label and the Certification Label. Before loading your vehicle, familiarize yourself with the following terms for determining your vehicle’s weight ratings, from the vehicle’s specifications and the Certification Label: Base Curb Weight This is the weight of the vehicle including a full tank of fuel and all standard equipment. It does not include passengers, cargo, or optional equipment. Vehicle Curb Weight This is the weight of your new vehicle when you picked it up from your dealer plus any aftermarket equipment. Cargo Weight This figure includes all weight added to the Base Curb Weight, including cargo and optional equipment. GAW (Gross Axle Weight) This is the total weight placed on each axle (front and rear) - including vehicle curb weight and all payload. GAWR (Gross Axle Weight Rating) This is the maximum allowable weight that can be carried by a single axle (front or rear). These numbers are shown on the Certification Label. The total load on each axle must never exceed its GAWR. 6-44 GVW (Gross Vehicle Weight) This is the Base Curb Weight plus actual Cargo Weight plus passengers. GVWR (Gross Vehicle Weight Rating) This is the maximum allowable weight of the fully loaded vehicle (including all options, equipment, passengers and cargo). The GVWR is shown on the Certification Label located on the driver’s door sill. Overloading WARNING The Gross Axle Weight Rating (GAWR) and the Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) for your vehicle are on the Certification Label attached to the driver’s (or front passenger’s) door. Exceeding these ratings can cause an accident or vehicle damage. You can calculate the weight of your load by weighing the items (and people) before putting them in the vehicle. Be careful not to overload your vehicle. 7. Driver Assistance System Cruise Control (CC) ..........................................................................................7-2 Cruise Control operation .......................................................................................... 7-2 Rear View Monitor (RVM) ............................................................................... 7-6 Rear View Monitor operation ....................................................................................7-6 Rear View Monitor malfunction and limitations ..................................................... 7-7 Reverse Parking Distance Warning (PDW) .................................................... 7-8 Reverse Parking Distance Warning settings............................................................ 7-8 Reverse Parking Distance Warning operation ..........................................................7-9 Reverse Parking Distance Warning malfunction and precautions .........................7-9 7 Driver Assistance System &58,6(&21752/ǣ&&Ǥǣ,)(48,33('Ǥ Cruise Control operation To set speed OTM070111 (1) Cruise indicator (2) Set speed Cruise Control will allow you to drive at speeds above 30 km/h (20 mph) without depressing the accelerator pedal. NOTICE During cruise-speed driving of a manual transmission vehicle, do not shift into neutral without depressing the clutch pedal, as the engine will be overrevved. If this happens, depress the clutch pedal or press the Driving Assist button. OAI3060018 1. Press the Driving Assist button on the steering wheel to turn the function on. The CRUISE indicator on the cluster will illuminate. 2. Accelerate to the desired speed, which must be more than 30 km/h (20 mph). Information For manual transmission vehicles, you should depress the brake pedal at least once to set the cruise control after starting the engine. OAI3069011 3. Push the SET- switch down, and release it. The Set indicator on the cluster display will illuminate. 4. Release the accelerator pedal. 7-2 07 To decrease speed Information The vehicle may slow down or speed up slightly while going uphill or downhill. To increase speed OAI3069011 OAI3069012 • Push the RES+ switch up and hold it, while monitoring the speedometer on the instrument cluster. Release the toggle switch when the desired speed is shown and the vehicle will accelerate to that speed. • Push the RES+ switch up and release it immediately. The set speed will increase 2 km/h (1.2 mph) each time the toggle switch is operated in this manner. • Depress the accelerator pedal. When the vehicle attains the desired speed, push the SET- switch down. • Push the SET- switch down and hold it. Your vehicle will gradually slow down. Release the toggle switch at the speed you want to maintain. • Push the SET- switch down and release it immediately. The set speed will decrease 2 km/h (1.2 mph) each time the toggle switch is operated in this manner. • Lightly tap the brake pedal. When the vehicle attains the desired speed, push the SET- switch down. To temporarily accelerate Depress the accelerator pedal. When you take your foot off the accelerator, the vehicle will return to the previously set speed. If you push SET- switch down at the increased speed, Cruise Control will maintain the increased speed. 7-3 Driver Assistance System To temporarily pause the Cruise Control To resume Cruise Control OAI3069012 OAI3069019 Cruise Control will be paused when: • Depressing the brake pedal. • Depressing the clutch pedal. (for manual transmission vehicle) • Pressing the CANCEL button located on the steering wheel. The indicator will turn off. • Decreasing the vehicle speed lower than the memory speed by 20 km/h (12 mph). • Decreasing the vehicle speed to less than approximately 30 km/h (20 mph). Information Each of the above actions will cancel Cruise Control operation (the SET indicator light in the instrument cluster will go off), but only pressing the Driving Assist button will turn the system off. If you wish to resume Cruise Control operation, push the RES+ switch up located on your steering wheel. You will return to your previously preset speed, unless the system was turned off using the Driving Assist button. 7-4 Push the RES+ switch up. If the vehicle speed is over 30 km/h (20 mph), the vehicle will resume the preset speed. 07 To turn off the Cruise Control OAI3060018 Pressing the Driving Assist button. The cruise indicator will go off. WARNING Take the following precautions when using Cruise Control: • Always set the vehicle speed to the speed limit in your country. • Keep Cruise Control off when the function is not in use, to avoid inadvertently setting a speed. Check ) indicator is that the Cruise ( off. • Cruise Control does not substitute for proper and safe driving. It is the responsibility of the driver to always drive safely and should always be aware of unexpected and sudden situations from occurring. • Always drive cautiously to prevent unexpected and sudden situations from occurring. Pay attention to the road conditions at all times. • Do not use Cruise Control when it may be unsafe to keep the vehicle at a constant speed: - When driving in heavy traffic, or when traffic conditions make it difficult to drive at a constant speed - When driving on rainy, icy, or snowcovered roads - When driving on hilly or windy roads - When driving in windy areas - When driving with limited view (possibly due to bad weather, such as fog, snow, rain and sandstorm) • Do not use Cruise Control when towing a trailer. 7-5 Driver Assistance System 5($59,(:021,725ǣ590Ǥǣ,)(48,33('Ǥ Rear View Monitor shows the area behind the vehicle to assist you when parking or backing up. Detecting sensor Rear View Monitor operation Rear view • Shift the gear to R (Reverse), the image will appear on the screen. „ 5 Door Off conditions • The rear view cannot be turned off when the gear is in R (Reverse). • Shift the gear from R (Reverse) to P (Park), the rear view will turn off. OAI3072022 „ 4 Door OAI3072024 Refer to the picture above for the detailed location of the detecting sensor. 7-6 07 Rear View Monitor malfunction and limitations Rear view while driving (if equipped) Rear View Monitor malfunction When Rear View Monitor is not working properly, or the screen flickers, or the camera image does not display normally, we recommend that the function beinspected by an authorized HYUNDAIdealer. OAI3059050 The driver is able to check the rear view on the screen while driving, it is to assist with safe driving. Limitations of the Rear View Monitor When the vehicle is stopped for a long time in winter or when the vehicle is parked in an indoor parking lot, the exhaust fumes may temporarily blur the image. Operating conditions • The ignition switch is turned ON. • The rear view monitor button (1) is pressed when gear shift status is D (Drive) or N (Neutral). Off conditions The rear view monitor button (1) is pressed again. When operating • When the vehicle is reversing, the screen switches to the parking guidance screen. • When Rear view while driving is displayed on the screen, an icon ( ) will appear on the upper right side of the screen indicating that the rear view is being displayed. WARNING • The rear view camera does not cover the complete area behind the vehicle. The driver should always check the rear area directly through the inside and outside rearview mirror before parking or backing up. • The image shown on the screen may differ from the actual distance of the object. Make sure to directly check the vehicle's surroundings for safety. • Always keep the rear view camera lens clean. If the lens is covered with foreign material, it may adversely affect camera performance and Rear View Monitor may not operate normally. However, do not use chemical solvents such as strong detergents containing high alkaline or volatile organic solvents (gasoline, acetone etc.). This may damage the camera lens. 7-7 Driver Assistance System 5(9(56(3$5.,1*',67$1&(:$51,1*ǣ3':Ǥ Reverse Parking Distance Warning will help warn the driver if an obstacle is detected within a certain distance when the vehicle is moving in reverse at low speeds. Detecting sensor „ 5 Door OAI3072023 „ 4 Door OAI3059059 [A]: Rear sensors Refer to the picture above for the detailed location of the detecting sensors. 7-8 Reverse Parking Distance Warning settings Warning Volume 6HOHFWœ'ULYHUDVVLVWDQFHƟ:DUQLQJ volume’ from the cluster Settings menu to change the Warning volume to ‘High’, ‘Medium’, or ‘Low’ for Reverse Parking Distance Warning. If you change the Warning Volume, the warning volume of other Driver Assistance systems may change. 07 Reverse Parking Distance Warning operation Reverse Parking Distance Warning • Reverse Parking Distance Warning will operate when the gear is in R (Reverse). • Reverse Parking Distance Warning detects a person, animal or object in the rear when the vehicle’s rearward speed is below 10 km/h (6 mph). Distance from object Warning indicator while driving backward Warning sound 100 ~ 61 cm (39 ~ 24 in.) Buzzer beeps intermittently 60 ~ 31 cm (24 ~ 12 in.) Beeps more frequently within 30 cm (12 in.) Beeps continuously • The corresponding indicator will illuminate whenever each senor detects a person, animal or object in its sensing range. Also an audible warning will sound. • When more than two objects are detected at the same time, the closest one will be warned with an audible warning. • The shape of the indicator in the illustration may differ from the actual vehicle. Reverse Parking Distance Warning malfunction and precautions Reverse Parking Distance Warning malfunction After starting the engine, a beep will sound when the gear is shifted to R (Reverse) to indicate the function is operating properly. However, if one or more of the following occurs, first check whether the sensor is damaged or blocked with foreign materials. If it still does not work properly, we recommend that the function be inspected by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. • The audible warning does not sound. • The buzzer sounds intermittently. • The ‘Senseor error or blockage. System limited’ warning message appears on the cluster. OBI3070014 7-9 Driver Assistance System WARNING • Reverse Parking Distance Warning is a supplemental function. The operation of the function can be affected by several factors (including environmental conditions). It is the responsibility of the driver to always check the rear view before and while parking. • Your new vehicle warranty does not cover any accidents or damage to the vehicle due to the malfunction of Reverse Parking Distance Warning. • Pay close attention when driving near objects, pedestrians, and especially children. Some objects may not be detected by the ultrasonic sensors, due to the objects distance, size or material, all of which can limit the effectiveness of the sensor. Limitations of Reverse Parking Distance Warning • Reverse Parking Distance Warning may not operate normally when: - Moisture is frozen to the sensor - Sensor is covered with foreign materials, such as snow or water (Reverse Parking Distance Warning will operate normally when such foreign materials are removed.) - The weather is extremely hot or cold - The sensor or sensor assembly is disassembled - The surface of the sensor is pressed hard or an impact is applied with a hard object - The surface of the sensor is scratched with a sharp object - The sensors or its surrounding areas are directly sprayed with high pressure washer 7-10 • Reverse Parking Distance Warning may malfunction when: - Heavy rain or water spray is present - Water flows on the surface of the sensor - Affected by another vehicle’s sensors - The sensor is covered with snow - Driving on uneven roads, gravel roads or bushes - Objects that generate ultrasonic waves are near the sensor - Installing the license plate differently from the original location - The vehicle bumper height or sensor installation has been modified - Attaching equipments or accessories around the sensors • The following objects may not be detected: - Sharp or slim objects such as ropes, chains or small poles. - Objects, which tend to absorb sensor frequency, such as clothes, spongy material or snow. - Objects smaller than 100 cm (40 in.) in length and narrower than 14 cm (6 in.) in diameter. - Pedestrians, animals or objects that are very close to the sensors • Parking Distance Warning Indicators may be displayed differently from the actual detected location when the obstacle is located between the sensors. • Parking Distance Warning indicator may not occur sequentially depending on vehicle speed or obstacle shape. • If Reverse Parking Distance Warning needs repair, we recommend that Reverse Parking Distance Warning be inspected by an authorizedHYUNDAI dealer. 8. Emergency Situations Hazard warning flasher................................................................................... 8-2 In case of an emergency while driving.......................................................... 8-2 If the engine stalls while driving .............................................................................. 8-2 If the engine stalls at a crossroad or crossing ......................................................... 8-2 If you have a flat tire while driving ........................................................................... 8-3 If the engine will not start .............................................................................. 8-3 If the engine doesn’t turn over or turns over slowly ............................................... 8-3 If the engine turns over normally but doesn’t start ................................................ 8-3 Jump starting ..................................................................................................8-4 If the engine overheats................................................................................... 8-7 Tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS) ......................................................8-9 Check tire pressure ................................................................................................... 8-9 Tire pressure monitoring system.............................................................................8-10 Low tire pressure telltale ..........................................................................................8-11 Low tire pressure position telltale and tire pressure telltale ..................................8-11 TPMS (Tire Pressure Monitoring System) malfunction indicator .......................... 8-12 Changing a tire with TPMS ...................................................................................... 8-12 If you have a flat tire ......................................................................................8-14 Jack and tools ..........................................................................................................8-14 Removing and storing the spare tire.......................................................................8-14 Changing tires ......................................................................................................... 8-15 Jack label ..................................................................................................................8-19 EC declaration of conformity for jack .................................................................... 8-20 Towing ...........................................................................................................8-21 Towing service .......................................................................................................... 8-21 Removable towing hook ........................................................................................ 8-22 Emergency towing ................................................................................................. 8-23 Emergency commodity ................................................................................ 8-25 First aid kit ............................................................................................................... 8-25 Triangle reflector ..................................................................................................... 8-25 8 Emergency Situations HAZARD WARNING FLASHER IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY WHILE DRIVING If the engine stalls while driving OAI3079001 The hazard warning flasher serves as a warning to other drivers to exercise extreme caution when approaching, overtaking, or passing your vehicle. It should be used whenever emergency repairs are being made or when the vehicle is stopped near the edge of a roadway. To turn the hazard warning flasher on or off, press the hazard warning flasher button with the ignition switch in any position. The button is located in the crash pad garnish panel. All turn signal lights will flash simultaneously. • The hazard warning flasher operates whether your vehicle is running or not. • The turn signals do not work when the hazard flasher is on. 8-2 • Reduce your speed gradually, keeping a straight line. Move cautiously off the road to a safe place. • Turn on your hazard warning flasher. • Try to start the engine again. If your vehicle will not start, we recommend that you contact an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. If the engine stalls at a crossroad or crossing If the engine stalls at a crossroad or crossing, if safe to do so, move the shift lever to the N (Neutral) position and then push the vehicle to a safe location. • If your vehicle has a manual transmission not equipped with a ignition lock switch, the vehicle can move forward by shifting to the 2(second) or 3(third) gear and then turning the starter without depressing the clutch pedal. 08 If you have a flat tire while driving If a tire goes flat while you are driving: • Take your foot off the accelerator pedal and let the vehicle slow down while driving straight ahead. Do not apply the brakes immediately or attempt to pull off the road as this may cause loss of vehicle control resulting in an accident. When the vehicle has slowed to such a speed that it is safe to do so, brake carefully and pull off the road. Drive off the road as far as possible and park on firm, level ground. If you are on a divided highway, do not park in the median area between the two traffic lanes. • When the vehicle is stopped, press the hazard warning flasher button, move the shift lever into N (Neutral, for Automated manual transmission) or neutral (for manual transmission vehicle), apply the parking brake, and place the ignition switch in the LOCK/ OFF position. • Have all passengers get out of the vehicle. Be sure they all get out on the side of the vehicle that is away from traffic. • When you have a flat tire, follow the instructions provided later in this chapter. IF THE ENGINE WILL NOT START If the engine doesn’t turn over or turns over slowly • Be sure the gear is in N (Neutral). The engine starts only when the shift lever is in N (Neutral). • Check the battery connections to be sure they are clean and tight. • Turn on the interior light. If the light dims or goes out when you operate the starter, the battery is drained. Do not push or pull the vehicle to start it. This could cause damage to your vehicle. See instructions for “Jump Starting” provided in this chapter. WARNING Push or pull starting the vehicle may cause the catalytic converter to overload which can lead to damage to the emission control system. If the engine turns over normally but doesn’t start • Check the fuel level and add fuel if necessary. If the engine still does not start, we recommend that you call an authorized HYUNDAI dealer for assistance. 8-3 Emergency Situations JUMP STARTING Jump starting can be dangerous if done incorrectly. Follow the jump starting procedure in this section to avoid serious injury or damage to your vehicle. If in doubt about how to properly jump start your vehicle, we strongly recommend that you have a service technician or towing service do it for you. WARNING To prevent SERIOUS INJURY or DEATH to you or bystanders, always follow these precautions when working near or handling the battery: Always read and follow instructions carefully when handling a battery. Wear eye protection designed to protect the eyes from acid splashes. Keep all flames, sparks, or smoking materials away from the battery. Hydrogen is always present in battery cells, is highly combustible, and may explode if ignited. Keep batteries out of reach of children. Batteries contain sulfuric acid which is highly corrosive. Do not allow acid to contact your eyes, skin or clothing. 8-4 If acid gets into your eyes, flush your eyes with clean water for at least 15 minutes and get immediate medical attention. If acid gets on your skin, thoroughly wash the area. If you feel pain or a burning sensation, get medical attention immediately. • When lifting a plastic-cased battery, excessive pressure on the case may cause battery acid to leak. Lift with a battery carrier or with your hands on opposite corners. • Do not attempt to jump start your vehicle if your battery is frozen. • NEVER attempt to recharge the battery when the vehicle’s battery cables are connected to the battery. • The electrical ignition system works with high voltage. NEVER touch these components with the engine running or when the ignition switch is in the ON position. • Do not allow the (+) and (-) jumper cables to touch. It may cause sparks. • The battery may rupture or explode when you jump start with a low or frozen battery. • Never attempt jump start if you observe cracks, leaks or other damage on Battery. 08 CAUTION • Improper jump starting procedure can result in battery explosion and acid burn hazard. • Loosely connected battery cables could damage the electronic control units. • To disconnect battery terminals wait for at least 2 minutes to allow discharge of high voltage or it could lead to personal injury. • While disconnecting, always disconnect the -VE terminal first and while connecting, always connect the -VE terminal last. Jump starting procedure 1. Position the vehicles close enough that the jumper cables will reach, but do not allow the vehicles to touch. 2. Avoid fans or any moving parts in the engine compartment at all times, even when the vehicles are turned off. 3. Turn off all electrical devices such as radios, lights, air conditioning, etc. Put the vehicles in N (Neutral, for Automated manual transmission vehicle) or neutral (for manual transmission vehicle), and set the parking brakes. Turn both vehicles OFF. Jumper Cables NOTICE To prevent damage to your vehicle: • Only use a 12-volt power supply (battery or jumper system) to jump start your vehicle. • Do not attempt to jump start your vehicle by push-starting. i Pb Information An inappropriately disposed battery can be harmful to the environment and human health. Dispose the battery according to your local law(s) or regulation. (-) (-) (+) Jumper Terminal (+) Booster Battery OAI3079002 4. Connect the jumper cables in the exact sequence shown in the illustration. First connect one jumper cable to the red, positive (+) jumper terminal of your vehicle (1). 5. Connect the other end of the jumper cable to the red, positive (+) battery/ jumper terminal of the assisting vehicle (2). 6. Connect the second jumper cable to the black, negative (-) battery/chassis ground of the assisting vehicle (3). 8-5 Emergency Situations 7. Connect the other end of the second jumper cable to the black, negative (-) chassis ground of your vehicle (4). Do not allow the jumper cables to contact anything except the correct battery or jumper terminals or the correct ground. Do not lean over the battery when making connections. 8. Start the engine of the assisting vehicle and let it run at approximately 2,000 RPM for a few minutes. Then start your vehicle. WARNING Do not connect the jumper cable to the negative (-) jumper terminal of the discharged battery. A spark could cause the battery to explode and lead to a personal injury or vehicle damage. If your vehicle will not start after a few attempts, it probably requires servicing. In this event, please seek qualified assistance. If the cause of your battery discharging is not apparent, we recommend that your vehicle be checked by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. WARNING Never connect Jumper Cable directly to the negative (-) terminal of discharged Battery (Your Vehicle Battery), or an Explosion may occur. 8-6 Disconnect the jumper cables in the exact reverse order you connected them: 1. Disconnect the jumper cable from the black, negative (-) chassis ground of your vehicle (4). 2. Disconnect the other end of the jumper cable from the black, negative (-) battery/chassis ground of the assisting vehicle (3). 3. Disconnect the second jumper cable from the red, positive (+) battery/ jumper terminal of the assisting vehicle (2). 4. Disconnect the other end of the jumper cable from the red, positive (+) jumper terminal of your vehicle (1). WARNING While jump starting your vehicle, avoid the positive (+) and negative (-) cables to come in contact. A spark could cause personal injury. 08 IF THE ENGINE OVERHEATS If your temperature gauge indicates overheating, you experience a loss of power, or hear loud pinging or knocking, the engine may be overheating. If this happens, you should: 1. Pull off the road and stop as soon as it is safe to do so. 2. Place the shift lever in N (Neutral, for Automated manual transmission vehicle) or neutral (for manual transmission vehicle) and set the parking brake. If the air conditioning is ON, turn it OFF. 3. If the engine coolant is running out under the vehicle or steam is coming out from the hood, stop the engine. Do not open the hood until the coolant has stopped running or the steaming has stopped. If there is no visible loss of engine coolant and no steam, leave the engine running and check to be sure the engine cooling fan is operating. If the fan is not running, turn the engine off. WARNING While the engine is running, keep hands, clothing and tools away from the moving parts such as the cooling fan and drive belt to prevent serious injury. 4. Check for coolant leaking from the radiator, hoses or under the vehicle. (If the air conditioning had been in use, it is normal for cold water to be draining from it when you stop.) 5. If the engine coolant is leaking out, stop the engine immediately and we recommend that you call an authorized HYUNDAI dealer for assistance. WARNING NEVER remove the radiator cap or the drain plug while the engine and radiator are hot. Hot coolant and steam may blow out under pressure, causing serious injury. Turn the engine off and wait until the engine cools down. Use extreme care when removing the radiator cap. Wrap a thick towel around it, and turn it counterclockwise slowly to the first stop. Step back while the pressure is released from the cooling system. When you are sure all the pressure has been released, press down on the cap, using a thick towel, and continue turning counterclockwise to remove it. 8-7 Emergency Situations 6. If you cannot find the cause of the overheating, wait until the engine temperature has returned to normal. Then, if coolant has been lost, carefully add coolant to the reservoir to bring the fluid level in the reservoir up to the halfway mark. 7. Proceed with caution, keeping alert for further signs of overheating. If overheating happens again, we recommend that you call an authorized HYUNDAI dealer for assistance. NOTICE • Serious loss of coolant indicates a leak in the cooling system and we recommend the system be checked by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. • When the engine overheats from low engine coolant, suddenly adding engine coolant may cause cracks in the engine. To prevent damage, add engine coolant slowly in small quantities. 8-8 08 7,5(35(6685(021,725,1*6<67(0ǣ7306Ǥǣ,)(48,33('Ǥ Check tire pressure OAI3082101 OSU2I049054 OSU2I049052 (1) Low tire pressure telltale / TPMS malfunction indicator (2) Low tire pressure position telltale and tire pressure telltale (Shown on the cluster display) • You can check the tire pressure in the Assist mode on the cluster. Refer to the “User settings mode” in chapter 4. • Tire pressure is displayed 1~2 minutes later after driving. • If tire pressure is not displayed when the vehicle is stopped, “Drive to display” message will appear. After driving, check the tire pressure. • The displayed tire pressure values may differ from those measured with a tire pressure gauge. • You can change the tire pressure unit in the User Settings mode on the instrument cluster. - psi, kpa, bar (Refer to the “User settings mode” in chapter 4). 8-9 Emergency Situations Tire pressure monitoring system WARNING Over-inflation or under-inflation can reduce tire life, adversely affect vehicle handling, and lead to sudden tire failure that may cause loss of vehicle control resulting in an accident. Each tire, including the spare (if provided), should be checked monthly when cold and inflated to the inflation pressure recommended by the vehicle manufacturer on the vehicle placard or tire inflation pressure label. (If your vehicle has tires of a different size than the size indicated on the vehicle placard or tire inflation pressure label, you should determine the proper tire inflation pressure for those tires.) As an added safety feature, your vehicle has been equipped with a tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS) that illuminates a low tire pressure telltale when one or more of your tires is significantly under-inflated. Accordingly, when the low tire pressure telltale illuminates, you should stop and check your tires as soon as possible, and inflate them to the proper pressure. Driving on a significantly under-inflated tire causes the tire to overheat and can lead to tire failure. Under-inflation also reduces fuel efficiency and tire tread life, and may affect the vehicle’s handling and stopping ability. Please note that the TPMS is not a substitute for proper tire maintenance, and it is the driver’s responsibility to maintain correct tire pressure, even if under-inflation has not reached the level to trigger illumination of the TPMS low tire pressure telltale. 8-10 Your vehicle has also been equipped with a TPMS malfunction indicator to indicate when the system is not operating properly. The TPMS malfunction indicator is combined with the low tire pressure telltale. When the system detects a malfunction, the telltale will flash for approximately one minute and then remain continuously illuminated. This sequence will continue upon subsequent vehicle start-ups as long as the malfunction exists. When the malfunction indicator is illuminated, the system may not be able to detect or signal low tire pressure as intended. TPMS malfunctions may occur for a variety of reasons, including the installation of replacement or alternate tires or wheels on the vehicle that prevent the TPMS from functioning properly. Always check the TPMS malfunction telltale after replacing one or more tires or wheels on your vehicle to ensure that the replacement or alternate tires and wheels allow the TPMS to continue to function properly. NOTICE If any of the below happens, we recommend that you have the system checked by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. 1. The Low Tire Pressure Telltale/ TPMS Malfunction Indicator does not illuminate for 3 seconds when the Engine Start/Stop button is pressed to the ON position or when the engine is running. 2. The TPMS Malfunction Indicator remains illuminated after blinking for approximately 1 minute. 3. The Low Tire Pressure Position Telltale remains illuminated. 08 Low tire pressure telltale Low tire pressure position telltale and tire pressure telltale If you drive the vehicle for about 10 minutes at speeds above 25 km/h after replacing the low pressure tire with the spare tire, the following will happen: • The TPMS malfunction indicator may blink for approximately 1 minute and then remain continuously illuminated because the TPMS sensor is not mounted on the spare wheel. NOTICE OSU2I049054 When the tire pressure monitoring system warning indicators are illuminated and a warning message displayed on the cluster display, one or more of your tires is significantly under-inflated. The low tire pressure position telltale light will indicate which tire is significantly under-inflated by illuminating the corresponding position light. If either telltale illuminates, immediately reduce your speed, avoid hard cornering and anticipate increased stopping distances. You should stop and check your tires as soon as possible. Inflate the tires to the proper pressure as indicated on the vehicle’s placard or tire inflation pressure label located on the driver’s side center pillar outer panel. If you cannot reach a service station or if the tire cannot hold the newly added air, replace the low pressure tire with a spare tire. In winter or cold weather, the low tire pressure telltale may be illuminated if the tire pressure was adjusted to the recommended tire inflation pressure in warm weather. It does not mean your TPMS is malfunctioning because the decreased temperature leads to a proportional lowering of tire pressure. When you drive your vehicle from a warm area to a cold area or from a cold area to a warm area, or the outside temperature is greatly higher or lower, you should check the tire inflation pressure and adjust the tires to the recommended tire inflation pressure. WARNING Low pressure damage Significantly low tire pressure makes the vehicle unstable and can contribute to loss of vehicle control and increased braking distances. Continued driving on low pressure tires can cause the tires to overheat and fail. 8-11 Emergency Situations TPMS (Tire Pressure Monitoring System) malfunction indicator The TPMS malfunction indicator will illuminate after it blinks for approximately one minute when there is a problem with the Tire Pressure Monitoring System. We recommend that the system be checked by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. NOTICE If there is a malfunction with the TPMS, the low tire pressure position telltale will not be displayed even though the vehicle has an under-inflated tire. NOTICE The TPMS Malfunction Indicator may illuminate after blinking for one minute if the vehicle is near electric power supply cables or radio transmitters such as police stations, government and public offices, broadcasting stations, military installations, airports, transmitting towers, etc. Additionally, the TPMS Malfunction Indicator may illuminate if snow chains are used or electronic devices such as computers, chargers, remote starters, navigation, etc. This may interfere with normal operation of the TPMS. 8-12 Changing a tire with TPMS If you have a flat tire, the Low Tire Pressure and Position telltales will come on. We recommend that the flat tire be repaired by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer as soon as possible or replace the flat tire with the spare tire. NOTICE It is recommended that you do not use a puncture-repairing agent not approved by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer or the equivalent specified for your vehicle to repair and/or inflate a low pressure tire. Tire sealant not approved by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer or the equivalent specified for your vehicle may damage the tire pressure sensor. The spare tire (if equipped) does not come with a tire pressure monitoring sensor. When the low pressure tire or the flat tire is replaced with the spare tire, the Low Tire Pressure Telltale will remain on. Also, the TPMS Malfunction Indicator will illuminate after blinking for one minute if the vehicle is driven at speed above 25 km/h (15.5 mph) for approximately 10 minutes. Once the original wheel equipped with a tire pressure monitoring sensor is reinflated to the recommended pressure and reinstalled on the vehicle, the Low Tire Pressure Telltale and TPMS Malfunction Indicator will go off within a few minutes of driving. 08 If the indicators do not extinguish after a few minutes we recommend to consult an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. Each wheel is equipped with a tire pressure sensor mounted inside the tire behind the valve stem (except for the spare tire). You must use TPMS specific wheels. It is recommended that you always have your tires serviced by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. You may not be able to identify a tire with low pressure by simply looking at it. Always use a good quality tire pressure gauge to measure. Please note that a tire that is hot (from being driven) will have a higher pressure measurement than a tire that is cold. A cold tire means the vehicle has been sitting for 3 hours and driven for less than 1.6 km (1 mile) in that 3 hour period. Allow the tire to cool before measuring the inflation pressure. Always be sure the tire is cold before inflating to the recommended pressure. WARNING • The TPMS cannot alert you to severe and sudden tire damage caused by external factors such as nails or road debris. • If you feel any vehicle instability, immediately take your foot off the accelerator, apply the brakes gradually and with light force, and slowly move to a safe position off the road. WARNING Protecting TPMS Tampering with, modifying, or disabling the Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) components may interfere with the system’s ability to warn the driver of low tire pressure conditions and/or TPMS malfunctions. Tampering with, modifying, or disabling the Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) components may void the warranty for that portion of the vehicle. 8-13 Emergency Situations IF YOU HAVE A FLAT TIRE WARNING Changing a tire can be dangerous. Follow the instructions in this section when changing a tire to reduce the risk of serious injury or death. Removing and storing the spare tire Jack and tools OBI3081009 OAI3079004 c Jack d Jack handle e Wheel lug nut wrench f Towing hook Turn the winged hold down bolt counterclockwise to remove the spare tire. Store the spare tire in the same compartment by turning the winged hold down bolt clockwise. To prevent the spare tire and tools from “rattling” store them in their proper location. The jack, jack handle, and wheel lug nut wrench, towing hook are stored in the luggage compartment. The jack is provided for emergency tire changing only. OBI3081010 If it is hard to loosen the tire hold-down wing bolt by hand, you can loosen it easily using the wheel lug nut wrench. 1. Put the wrench (1) inside of the tire hold-down wing bolt. 2. Turn the tire hold-down wing bolt counterclockwise with the wrench. 8-14 08 Changing tires WARNING A vehicle can slip or roll off of a jack causing serious injury or death to you or those nearby. Take the following safety precautions: • Do not get under a vehicle that is supported by a jack. • NEVER attempt to change a tire in the lane of traffic. ALWAYS move the vehicle completely off the road on level, firm ground away from traffic before trying to change a tire. If you cannot find a level, firm place off the road, call a towing service for assistance. • Be sure to use the jack provided with the vehicle. • ALWAYS place the jack on the designated jacking positions on the vehicle and NEVER on the bumpers or any other part of the vehicle for jacking support. • Do not start or run the engine while the vehicle is on the jack. • Do not allow anyone to remain in the vehicle while it is on the jack. • Keep children away from the road and the vehicle. Follow these steps to change your vehicle’s tire: 1. Park on a level and firm surface. 2. Move the shift lever into N (Neutral, for Automated manual transmission vehicle) or neutral (for manual transmission vehicle), apply the parking brake, and place the ignition switch in the LOCK/OFF position. 3. Press the hazard warning flasher button. 4. Remove the wheel lug nut wrench, jack, jack handle, and spare tire from the vehicle. 5. Block both the front and rear of the tire diagonally opposite of the tire you are changing. OAI3082102 6. Loosen the wheel lug nuts counterclockwise one turn each in the order shown above, but do not remove any lug nuts until the tire has been raised off of the ground. 8-15 Emergency Situations 10. Install the spare tire onto the studs of the hub. 11. Tighten the lug nuts with your fingers onto the studs with the smaller end of the lug nuts closest to the wheel. 12. Lower the vehicle to the ground by turning the jack handle counterclockwise. OAI3079009 7. Place the jack at the designated jacking position under the frame closest to the tire you are changing. The jacking positions are plates welded to the frame with two tabs and a raised dot. Never jack any other position or part of the vehicle. OAI3082103 13. Use the wheel lug nut wrench to tighten the lug nuts in the order shown. Double-check each lug nut until they are tight. After changing tires, we recommend that an authorized HYUNDAI dealer tighten the lug nuts to their proper torque as soon as possible. The wheel lug nut should be tightened to 11~13 kgf.m (79~94 lbf.ft). OAI3I071021 8. Insert the jack handle into the jack and turn it clockwise, raising the vehicle until the tire clears the ground. Before removing the wheel lug nuts, make sure the vehicle is stable on the jack. 9. Loosen the lug nuts with the wheel lug nut wrench and remove them with your fingers. Remove the wheel from the studs and lay it flat on the ground out of the way. Before removing the wheel lug nuts, make sure the vehicle is stable on the jack. 8-16 08 If you have a tire gauge, check the tire pressure (see “Tires and Wheels” in chapter 2 for tire pressure instructions.). If the pressure is lower or higher than recommended, drive slowly to the nearest service station and adjust it to the recommended pressure. Always reinstall the valve cap after checking or adjusting tire pressure. If the cap is not replaced, air may leak from the tire. If you lose a valve cap, buy another and install it as soon as possible. After changing tires, secure the flat tire and return the jack and tools to their proper storage locations. i Information Check the tire pressure as soon as possible after installing a spare tire. Adjust it to the recommended pressure. NOTICE Your vehicle has metric threads on the studs and lug nuts. Make certain during tire changing that the same nuts that were removed are reinstalled. If you have to replace your lug nuts make sure they have metric threads to avoid damaging the studs and ensure the wheel is properly secured to the hub. We recommend that you consult an authorized HYUNDAI dealer for assistance. Use of compact spare tires (if equipped) Compact spare tires are designed for emergency use only. Drive carefully on the compact spare tire and always follow the safety precautions. WARNING To prevent compact spare tire failure and loss of control possibly resulting in an accident: • Use the compact spare tire only in an emergency. • NEVER operate your vehicle over 80 km/h (50 mph). • Do not exceed the vehicle’s maximum load rating or the load carrying capacity shown on the sidewall of the compact spare tire. • Do not use the compact spare tire continuously. Repair or replace the original tire as soon as possible to avoid failure of the compact spare tire. If any of the equipment such as the jack, lug nuts, studs, or other equipment is damaged or in poor condition, do not attempt to change the tire and call for assistance. 8-17 Emergency Situations When driving with the compact spare tire mounted to your vehicle: • Check the tire pressure after installing the compact spare tire. The compact spare tire should be inflated to 420 kPa (60 psi). • Do not take this vehicle through an automatic car wash while the compact spare tire is installed. • Do not use the compact spare tire on any other vehicle because this tire has been designed especially for your vehicle. • The compact spare tire’s tread life is shorter than a regular tire. Inspect your compact spare tire regularly and replace worn compact spare tires with the same size and design, mounted on the same wheel. • Do not use more than one compact spare tire at a time. • Do not tow a trailer while the compact spare tire is installed. i Information When the original tire and wheel are repaired and reinstalled on the vehicle, the lug nut torque must be set correctly to prevent wheel vibration. The correct lug nut tightening torque is 11~13 kgf.m (79~94 lbf.ft). 8-18 NOTICE To prevent damaging the compact spare tire and your vehicle: • Drive slowly enough for the road conditions to avoid all hazards, such as a potholes or debris. • Avoid driving over obstacles. The compact spare tire diameter is smaller than the diameter of a conventional tire and reduces the ground clearance approximately 25 mm (1 inch). • Do not use tire chains on the compact spare tire. Because of the smaller size, a tire chain will not fit properly. • Do not use the compact spare tire on any other wheels, nor should standard tires, snow tires, wheel covers or trim rings be used with the compact spare wheel. • Do not suddenly accelerate or decelerate 0 l 40 km/h (0 l 25 mph) in any driving mode. It may cause leakage of transfer oil. 08 Jack label „ Example • Type A OHYK065010 • Type B OHYK065011 K The actual Jack label in the vehicle may differ from the illustration. For more detailed specifications, refer to the label attached to the jack. 1. Model Name 2. Maximum allowable load 3. When using the jack, set your parking brake. 4. When using the jack, stop the engine. 5. Do not get under a vehicle that is supported by a jack. 6. The designated locations under the frame 7. When supporting the vehicle, the base plate of jack must be vertical under the lifting point. 8. Shift into Reverse gear on vehicles with manual transmission or move the shift lever to the N (Neutral) position on vehicles with Automated manual transmission 9. The jack should be used on firm level ground. 10. Jack manufacture 11. Production date 12. Representative company and address 8-19 Emergency Situations EC Declaration of conformity for Jack NX4I082001 8-20 08 TOWING NOTICE Towing service • Do not tow the vehicle with 4 wheels on the ground (such as dinghy towing behind a motorhome or other motor vehicle) as this can seriously damage the Transmission. OAI3079011 OAI3082105 [A] : Dollies If emergency towing is necessary, we recommend having it done by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer or a commercial tow-truck service. Proper lifting and towing procedures are necessary to prevent damage to the vehicle. The use of wheel dollies or flatbed is recommended. It is acceptable to tow the vehicle with the rear wheels on the ground (without dollies) and the front wheels off the ground. If any of the loaded wheels or suspension components are damaged or the vehicle is being towed with the front wheels on the ground, use a towing dolly under the front wheels. When being towed by a commercial tow truck and wheel dollies are not used, the front of the vehicle should always be lifted, not the rear. • Do not tow the vehicle with the front wheels on the ground as this may cause damage to the vehicle and the Transmissions. OAI3079013 • Do not tow with sling-type equipment. Use a wheel lift or flatbed equipment. OAI3079012 8-21 Emergency Situations When towing your vehicle in an emergency without wheel dollies: 1. Place the ignition switch in the ACC position. 2. Place the shift lever in N (Neutral). 3. Release the parking brake. Removable towing hook „ 5 Door NOTICE Failure to place the shift lever in N (Neutral) when being towed with the front wheels on the ground can cause internal damage to the transmission. OAI3082108 „ 4 Door OAI3082107 1. Open the tailgate/trunk, and remove the towing hook from the tool case. 2. Remove the hole cover pressing the lower part of the cover on the front bumper. 3. Install the towing hook by turning it clockwise into the hole until it is fully secured. 4. Remove the towing hook and install the cover after use. 8-22 08 Emergency towing CAUTION „ Front The driver must be in the vehicle for steering and braking operations when the vehicle is being towed. Passengers other than the driver must not be in the vehicle. OAI3082106 „ Rear OAI3082104 If towing is necessary, we recommend you have it done by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer or a commercial tow truck service. If towing service is not available in an emergency, your vehicle may be temporarily towed using a cable or chain secured to the emergency towing hook at the front (or rear) of the vehicle. Use extreme caution when towing the vehicle with a cable or chain. A driver must be in the vehicle to steer it and operate the brakes. Towing in this manner may be done only on hard-surfaced roads for a short distance and at low speeds. Also, the wheels, axles, power train, steering and brakes must all be in good condition. Always follow these emergency towing precautions: • Place the ignition switch in the ACC position so the steering wheel is not locked. • Place the shift lever in N (Neutral). • Release the parking brake. • Depress the brake pedal with more force than normal since you will have reduced braking performance. • More steering effort will be required because the power steering system will be disabled. • Use a vehicle heavier than your own to tow your vehicle. • The drivers of both vehicles should communicate with each other frequently. • Before emergency towing, check that the hook is not broken or damaged. • Fasten the towing cable or chain securely to the hook. • Do not jerk the hook. Apply steady and even force. 8-23 Emergency Situations NOTICE OAI3079017 • Use a towing cable or chain less than 5 m (16 feet) long. Attach a white or red cloth (about 30 cm (12 inches) wide) in the middle of the cable or chain for easy visibility. • Drive carefully so the towing cable or chain remains tight during towing. • Before towing, check the Automated manual transmission for fluid leaks under your vehicle. If the Automated manual transmission fluid is leaking, flatbed equipment or a towing dolly must be used. NOTICE Accelerate or decelerate the vehicle in a slow and gradual manner while maintaining tension on the tow rope or chain to start or drive the vehicle, otherwise tow hooks and the vehicle may be damaged. 8-24 To avoid damage to your vehicle and vehicle components when towing: • Always pull straight ahead when using the towing hooks. Do not pull from the side or at a vertical angle. • Do not use the towing hooks to pull a vehicle out of mud, sand or other conditions from which the vehicle cannot be driven out under its own power. • The vehicle should be towed at a speed of 25 km/h (15 mph) or less within the distance of 20 km (12 miles). (for Manual transmission/ Automated manual transmission vehicle) 08 (0(5*(1&<&2002',7<ǣ,)(48,33('Ǥ Your vehicle is equipped with emergency commodities to help you respond to emergency situation. First aid kit Supplies for use in giving first aid such as bandage and adhesive tape, etc., are provided. Triangle reflector Place the triangle reflector on the road to warn oncoming vehicles during emergencies, such as when the vehicle is parked by the roadside due to problems. 8-25 Emergency Situations 8-26 9. Maintenance Engine compartment......................................................................................9-4 Maintenance services .....................................................................................9-5 Owner’s responsibility .............................................................................................. 9-5 Owner maintenance precautions ........................................................................... 9-5 Owner maintenance ...................................................................................... 9-7 Owner maintenance schedule .................................................................................9-7 Scheduled maintenance service ...................................................................9-9 Normal maintenance schedule (petrol engine) .....................................................9-10 Maintenance under severe usage conditions (petrol engine)...............................9-14 Normal maintenance schedule - CNG Components .............................................9-16 Explanation of scheduled maintenance items ........................................... 9-18 Engine oil ....................................................................................................... 9-22 Checking the engine oil level ................................................................................. 9-22 Changing the engine oil and filter.......................................................................... 9-23 Engine coolant .............................................................................................. 9-25 Checking the coolant level ..................................................................................... 9-25 Recommended engine coolant ...............................................................................9-27 Changing the coolant ..............................................................................................9-27 Brake/clutch fluid .........................................................................................9-28 Checking the brake/clutch fluid level .................................................................... 9-28 Washer fluid ..................................................................................................9-30 Checking the washer fluid level ........................................................................... 9-30 Parking brake .................................................................................................9-31 Checking the parking brake .................................................................................... 9-31 Air cleaner ..................................................................................................... 9-32 Filter replacement ................................................................................................... 9-32 Climate control air filter................................................................................9-34 Filter inspection....................................................................................................... 9-34 9 Filter replacement ................................................................................................... 9-34 Wiper blades ................................................................................................9-36 Blade inspection...................................................................................................... 9-36 Blade replacement ................................................................................................ 9-36 Battery ...........................................................................................................9-39 For best battery service .......................................................................................... 9-39 Battery capacity label .............................................................................................9-41 Battery recharging .................................................................................................. 9-42 Reset items .............................................................................................................. 9-42 Battery replacement ............................................................................................... 9-42 Tires and wheels ..........................................................................................9-43 Tire care ................................................................................................................... 9-43 Recommended cold tire inflation pressures ....................................................... 9-43 Checking tire inflation pressure .............................................................................9-44 Tire rotation ............................................................................................................ 9-45 Wheel alignment and tire balance .........................................................................9-46 Tire replacement ..................................................................................................... 9-47 Wheel replacement ................................................................................................9-48 Tire traction .............................................................................................................9-48 Tire maintenance ....................................................................................................9-49 Tire sidewall labeling...............................................................................................9-49 Low aspect ratio tire................................................................................................ 9-52 Fuses ..............................................................................................................9-54 Instrument panel fuse replacement ...................................................................... 9-55 Engine compartment panel fuse replacement ..................................................... 9-57 9 Fuse/relay panel description .................................................................................. 9-58 Light bulbs .....................................................................................................9-69 Headlight, Parking (Position) Light, Turn signal Light, Fog Light and Daytime Running Light bulb replacement ........................................................................... 9-70 Side repeater light replacement .............................................................................9-73 Rear combination light bulb replacement .............................................................9-74 High mounted stop light ..........................................................................................9-77 License plate light bulb replacement ....................................................................9-77 Interior light bulb replacement .............................................................................. 9-78 Appearance care ........................................................................................... 9-79 Exterior care ............................................................................................................ 9-79 Interior care ............................................................................................................. 9-85 Emission control system.............................................................................. 9-88 Crankcase emission control system ......................................................................9-88 Evaporative emission control system ....................................................................9-88 Exhaust emission control system ...........................................................................9-89 Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) ..................................................................9-92 9 Maintenance ENGINE COMPARTMENT „ Petrol Engine (Kappa 1.2 MPI) The actual engine room in the vehicle may differ from the illustration. OAI3089001 1. Engine coolant reservoir 6. Battery 2. Engine oil filler cap 7. Windshield washer fluid reservoir 3. Brake/clutch* fluid reservoir 8. Radiator cap 4. Air cleaner 9. Engine oil dipstick 5. Fuse box 9-4 09 MAINTENANCE SERVICES You should exercise the utmost care to prevent damage to your vehicle and injury to yourself whenever performing any maintenance or inspection procedures. Inadequate, incomplete or insufficient servicing may result in operational problems with your vehicle that could lead to vehicle damage, an accident, or personal injury. Owner maintenance precautions Owner’s responsibility Improper owner maintenance during the warranty period may affect warranty coverage. For details, read the separate Service Passport provided with the vehicle. If you’re unsure about any servicing or maintenance procedure, we recommend that the system be serviced by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. i Information Maintenance Service and Record Retention are the owner’s responsibility. We recommend in general that you have your vehicle serviced by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. You should retain documents that show proper maintenance has been performed on your vehicle in accordance with the scheduled maintenance service charts shown on the following pages. You need this information to establish your compliance with the servicing and maintenance requirements of your vehicle warranties. Detailed warranty information is provided in your Service Passport. Repairs and adjustments required as a result of improper maintenance or a lack of required maintenance are not covered when your vehicle is covered by warranty. Improper or incomplete service may result in problems. This chapter gives instructions only for the maintenance items that are easy to perform. i Information WARNING Maintenance work • Performing maintenance work on a vehicle can be dangerous. You can be seriously injured while performing some maintenance procedures. If you lack sufficient knowledge and experience or the proper tools and equipment to do the work, we recommend that the system be serviced by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. • Working under the hood with the engine running is dangerous. It becomes even more dangerous when you wear jewelry or loose clothing. These can become entangled in moving parts and result in injury. Therefore, if you must run the engine while working under the hood, make certain that you remove all jewelry (especially rings, bracelets, watches, and necklaces) and all neckties, scarves, and similar loose clothing before getting near the engine or cooling fans. 9-5 Maintenance WARNING Do not leave gloves, rags or any other combustible material in the engine compartment. Doing so may cause a heat-induced fire. NOTICE • Do not put heavy objects or apply excessive force on top of the engine cover (if equipped) or fuel related parts. • When you inspect the fuel system (fuel lines and fuel injection devices), we recommend that you contact an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. • Do not drive long time with the engine cover (if equipped) removed. • When checking the engine room, do not go near fire. Fuel, washer fluid, etc., are flammable oils that may cause fire. • Before touching the battery, ignition cables and electrical wiring, you should disconnect the battery “-” terminal. Otherwise, you may get an electric shock from the electric current. • When you remove the interior trim cover with a flat head (-) driver, be careful not to damage the cover. • Be careful when you replace and clean bulbs to avoid burns or electrical shock. 9-6 09 OWNER MAINTENANCE The following lists are vehicle checks and inspections that should be performed at the frequencies indicated to help ensure safe, dependable operation of your vehicle. Any adverse conditions should be brought to the attention of your dealer as soon as possible. These Owner Maintenance Checks are generally not covered by warranties and you may be charged for labor, parts and lubricants used. Owner maintenance schedule When you stop for fuel: • Check the coolant level in coolant reservoir. • Check the windshield washer fluid level. • Look for low or under-inflated tires. • Check the radiator and condenser. Check if the front of the radiator and condenser are clean and not blocked with leaves, dirt or insects etc. If any of the above parts are extremely dirty or you are not sure of their condition, we recommend that you contact an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. WARNING Be careful when checking your engine coolant level if the engine is hot. Scalding hot coolant and steam may blow out under pressure. This could cause burns or other serious injury. 9-7 Maintenance While operating your vehicle: • Note any changes in the sound of the exhaust or any smell of exhaust fumes in the vehicle. • Check for vibrations in the steering wheel. Notice any increased steering effort or looseness in the steering wheel, or change in its straight-ahead position. • Notice if your vehicle constantly turns slightly or “pulls” to one side when traveling on smooth, level road. • When stopping, listen and check for unusual sounds, pulling to one side, increased brake pedal travel or “hardto-push” brake pedal. • If any slipping or changes in the operation of your transmission occurs, check the transmission fluid level. • Check the parking brake. • Check for fluid leaks under your vehicle (water dripping from the air conditioning system during or after use is normal). At least monthly: • Check the coolant level in the engine coolant reservoir. • Check the operation of all exterior lights, including the stoplights, turn signals and hazard warning flashers. • Check the inflation pressures of all tires including the spare for tires that are worn, show uneven wear, or are damaged. • Check for loose wheel lug nuts. 9-8 At least twice a year (for example, every Spring and Fall): • Check the radiator, heater and air conditioning hoses for leaks or damage. • Check the windshield washer spray and wiper operation. Clean wiper blades with clean cloth dampened with washer fluid. • Check the headlight alignment. • Check the muffler, exhaust pipes, shields and clamps. • Check the lap/shoulder belts for wear and function. At least once a year: • Clean the body and door drain holes. • Lubricate the door hinges and checks, and hood hinges. • Lubricate the door and hood locks and latches. • Lubricate the door rubber weatherstrips. • Check the air conditioning system. • Inspect and lubricate Automated manual transmission linkage and controls. • Clean the battery and terminals. • Check the brake/clutch fluid level. 09 SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE SERVICE *1. *2. *3. *4. *5. *6. *7. *8. *9. As it is normal for engine oil to be consumed during driving, the amount of engine oil should be checked regularly. Operating with an insufficient amount of oil can damage the engine, and such damage is not covered by warranty. Check the engine oil level and leak every 500km(350miles) or before starting a long trip. The engine oil change interval for normal operating conditions is based on the use of the recommended engine specification. If the recommended engine oil specification is not used, then replace the engine oil according to the maintenance schedule under severe operating conditions. Inspect for excessive valve noiseand/or engine vibration and adjust if necessary. We recommend that an authorized HYUNDAI dealer should perform the operation. When adding coolant, use only deionized water or soft water for your vehicle and never mix hard water in the coolant filled at the factory. An improper coolant mixture can result in serious malfunction or engine damage. Transmission fluid and differential oil should be changed anytime the vehicle has been submerged in water. This maintenance schedule depends on fuel quality. It is applicable only when using a qualified fuel <”EN228 or equivalent”>. If there are some important safety matters like fuel flow restriction, surging, loss of power, hard starting problem etc., replace the fuel filter immediately regardless of maintenance schedule. We recommend that you consult an authorized HYUNDAI dealer for details. Inspect drive belt tensioner, idler & alternator pulley, starter & all chassis electrical items. Correct or replace if necessary.For your convenience, it can be replaced prior to it’s interval when you do maintenance of other items. For your convenience, it can be replaced prior to it’s interval when you do maintenance of other items. 9-9 9-10 1.5 2 - Battery condition & specific gravity I C I R 40 48 4 I C I R 50 60 5 Replace at every 60,000 kms I R I R 30 36 3 I R I R 60 72 6 I - - I - I C I R 70 84 7 Inspect when replacing the drive belt or timing belt/chain - Inspect at every 90,000 kms or 108 months I C I R 20 24 2 I I C I R 80 96 8 Inspect at every 60,000 kms or 48 months C : Clean and Replace if necessary I : Inspect and if necessary adjust,top-up, clean or replace R : Replace Inspect at every 60,000 kms or 48 months Automated manual Transmission fluid (if equipped) *6 Inspect at every service; Replace first at 1,00,000 Km or 60 months; then at every 40,000 Km or 24 months Inspect at every service; Replace at every 40,000 km or 36 months - I C I R 10 12 1 Manual transaxle fluid *6 Engine Coolant (topup & specify gravity) * Brake/Clutch fluid Idler / damper pulley/Adj. Bolt Vaccum Hose Valve clearance *4 - I Air Filter Spark Plugs*9 C Drive belt I 5 Kmsx1,000 Months Years Number of months or driving distance, whichever comes first Engine oil & filter *1 *2 *3 ENGINE BAY MAINTENANCE ITEM MAINTENANCE INTERVALS NORMAL MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE - PETROL ENGINE (CONT.) Maintenance I I I Fuel filler cap Climate control air filter Check AC system (refrigerant/Compressor) Cooling system (water pump,hoses) & leakage - I : Inspect and if necessary adjust,top-up, clean or replace Front & rear suspension (linkages & ball joints) Fuel tank air filter - - Fuel filter*7 - I I I I C I I I 10 12 1 Exhaust system Steering gear rack, linkage and boots I I VEHICLE ON LIFT I 1.5 2 - - I I I I I C I I I 30 36 3 - Not Applicable - I I I I R I I I 40 48 4 - - I I I I C I I I 50 60 5 C : Clean and Replace if necessary - - I I I I R I I I 20 24 2 - - I I I I C I I I 70 84 7 R : Replace I R I I I I R I I I 60 72 6 Number of months or driving distance, whichever comes first Brake/Clutch (Pedal free play/Pipes/Hoses/ Connectors) Kmsx1,000 Months Years Wiper (wiper blade , washer fluid) VEHICLE ON FLOOR MAINTENANCE ITEM MAINTENANCE INTERVALS NORMAL MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE - PETROL ENGINE (CONT.) I - I I I I R I I I 80 96 8 09 9-11 9-12 I I Driveshafts & boots Fluid leakages - Wheel Alignment & Balancing I I I Warning lights operation & GDS system check Ext & int. lights, horn & gauges I : Inspect and if necessary adjust,top-up, clean or replace I - Check all electrical systems (Drive belts ,alternator)*8 - L I I Lubricate locks & hinges I C I I I I I I I,TR 20 24 2 I I I I,TR 30 36 3 I I I I,TR 40 48 4 I I I I,TR 50 60 5 I I I I,TR 60 72 6 C C C I I I L I I I I L I I I I L I I I I L I C I I I I,TR 70 R : Replace I I I L I Inspect and if necessary, adjust C C : Clean and Replace if necessary I I I L I C 7 84 Inspect and if necessary, adjust, top-up, clean or replace I,TR 10 12 1 Bolt and nuts on chasis and body FINAL CHECKS - Parking brake (disc/drum ,shoe & operation) Front and rear wheel bearings & bushes - 1.5 2 - Fuel lines, hoses and connections Kmsx1,000 Months Years Number of months or driving distance, whichever comes first Tyre Pressure,condition & rotation MAINTENANCE ITEM MAINTENANCE INTERVALS NORMAL MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE - PETROL ENGINE (CONT.) I I I L I C I I I I,TR 80 96 8 Maintenance - Road test I : Inspect and if necessary adjust,top-up, clean or replace I All seat belt operation 1.5 2 - - I I 10 12 1 I I I 30 36 3 - I I 40 48 4 - I I 50 60 5 C : Clean and Replace if necessary - I I 20 24 2 - I I 70 84 7 R : Replace - I I 60 72 6 Number of months or driving distance, whichever comes first I Kmsx1,000 Months Years Power window / Sunroof operation (if equipped) MAINTENANCE ITEM MAINTENANCE INTERVALS NORMAL MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE - PETROL ENGINE (CONT.) I I I 80 96 8 09 9-13 9-14 R R R R R I I Air cleaner filter Spark plugs Manual transmission fluid (if equipped) Automated manual transmission fluid (if euqipped) Steering gear rack, linkage and boots Front suspension ball joints Maintenance operation C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J C, D, E, F, G C, D, E, F, G Every 120,000 km (80,000 miles) Inspect more frequently depending on the condition Inspect more frequently depending on the condition C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J A, B, F, G, H, I, K Replace more frequently depending on the condition Every 120,000 km (80,000 miles) C, E Replace more frequently depending on the condition Maintenance intervals Driving condition A, B, C, D, E, F, G, Every 5,000 km (3,000 miles) or 6 months H, I, J, K, L R : Replace or change Engine oil and engine oil filter Maintenance item I : Inspect and if necessary, adjust, correct, clean or replace The following items must be serviced more frequently on cars mainly used under severe driving conditions. Refer to the chart below for the appropriate maintenance intervals. MAINTENANCE UNDER SEVERE USAGE CONDITIONS (PETROL ENGINE) Maintenance I I I R Drum brakes and linings (if equipped) Parking brake Driveshaft and boots Climate control air filter A : Repeated short distance driving B : Extensive idling C : Driving in dusty, rough roads D : Driving in areas using salt or other corrosive materials or in very cold weather E : Driving in the condition of inflowing sand or dust into engine Severe driving conditions I Maintenance operation Disc brakes and pads, calipers and rotors Maintenance item C, D, E, G, H C, D, E, G, H C, D, G, H C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J C, E Inspect more frequently depending on the condition Inspect more frequently depending on the condition Inspect more frequently depending on the condition Inspect more frequently depending on the condition Replace more frequently depending on the condition F : Driving in heavy traffic area G : Driving in mountainous areas H : Towing a trailer I : Driving for patrol car, taxi, commercial car or vehicle towing J : Driving over 170 km/h (106 mile/h) Driving condition Maintenance intervals 09 9-15 9-16 Tar drain plug * I 40 I 50 Drain at Every 20,000 km I 30 I I I I I I I I I 60 I I I I I I I I I R I C Replace at every 160,000 km. I Replace at every 80,000 km. R I C NOTE : Time interval between any two consecutive services should not exceed more than six months. I : Inspect R : Replace C : Clean (After Inspection Adjust, Repair, Clean or Replace if necessary) Spark plug CNG fuel tank *1 *3 I I CNG gas injector CNG gas fuel filter (Gaseous fuel filter) I Solenoid valve I I I 20 I 70 I I I I Replace at every 80,000 km. Replacement mandatory on every dissassembly. C C R C C R C I I CNG filter Diaphragm kit ‘o’ rings 2 10 1.5 CNG fuel line and hose for damage, leakage CNG solenoid assembly Vaporizer assembly *1 MAINTENANCE ITEM CNG fuel system compartments MAINTENANCE INTERVALS Km x 1,000 NORMAL MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE - CNG COMPONENTS I I I I C I 80 Maintenance *1 : Check with soapy water for leakage at pipe assembly and major parts. 1) Vaporizer and inlet/outlet connection 2) Injector/fuel delivery pipe assembly and inlet/outlet connection 3) Fuel hose connection in the engine room 4) Fuel feed line 5) Gaseous fuel filter body and inlet/outlet connection 6) Multi valve body and feed/return connection 7) CNG filling inlet 8) Emergency valve body and inlet/outlet connection 9) Bombe assembly 10) Fuel gauge 11) Refuel valve body and connection *2 : It is recommanded to visit the nearest HYUNDAI Authorised Workshop for draining Tar at every 15,000 km. *3 : CNG Fuel Tank has to be tested by Goverment approved agency at every 5 years. 09 9-17 Maintenance EXPLANATION OF SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE ITEMS Engine oil and filter The engine oil and filter should be changed at the intervals specified in the maintenance schedule. If the car is being driven in severe conditions, more frequent oil and filter changes are required. Fuel lines, fuel hoses and connections Check the fuel lines, fuel hoses and connections for leakage and damage. We recommend that the fuel lines, fuel hoses and connections be replaced by an authoized HYUNDAI dealer. Drive belts Vapor hose and fuel filler cap Inspect all drive belts for evidence of cuts, cracks, excessive wear or oil saturation and replace if necessary. Drive belts should be checked periodically for proper tension and adjusted as necessary. The vapor hose and fuel filler cap should be inspected at those intervals specified in the maintenance schedule. Make sure that a new vapor hose or fuel filler cap is correctly replaced. NOTICE When you are inspecting the belt, place the ignition switch in the LOCK/OFF or ACC position. Fuel filter A clogged filter can limit the speed at which the vehicle may be driven, damage the emission system and cause multiple issues such as hard starting. If an excessive amount of foreign matter accumulates in the fuel tank, the filter may require replacement more frequently. After installing a new filter, run the engine for several minutes, and check for leaks at the connections. We recommend that the fuel filter be replaced by an authoized HYUNDAI dealer. 9-18 09 Vacuum crankcase ventilation hoses (if equipped) Inspect the surface of hoses for evidence of heat and/or mechanical damage. Hard and brittle rubber, cracking, tears, cuts, abrasions, and excessive swelling indicate deterioration. Particular attention should be paid to examine those hose surfaces nearest to high heat sources, such as the exhaust manifold. Inspect the hose routing to assure that the hoses do not come in contact with any heat source, sharp edges or moving component which might cause heat damage or mechanical wear. Inspect all hose connections, such as clamps and couplings, to make sure they are secure, and that no leaks are present. Hoses should be replaced immediately if there is any evidence of deterioration or damage. Air cleaner filter Cooling system Check cooling system components, such as radiator, coolant reservoir, hoses and connections for leakage and damage. Replace any damaged parts. Coolant The coolant should be changed at the intervals specified in the maintenance schedule. Manual transmission fluid (if equipped) Inspect the manual transmission fluid according to the maintenance schedule. Automated manual transmission fluid (if equipped) Inspect the Automated manual transmission fluid according to the maintenance schedule. We recommend that the air cleaner filter be replaced by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. Spark plugs Make sure to install new spark plugs of the correct heat range. When assembling parts, be sure to wipe out foreign substances inside and outside of the boot bottom of the ignition coil and the insulator of the spark plug with a soft cloth to prevent contamination of the spark plug insulator. WARNING Do not disconnect and inspect spark plugs when the engine is hot. You may burn yourself. 9-19 Maintenance NOTICE The use of non-specified fluid (even marked as compatible with genuine) could result in shift quality deterioration and vibrations, eventually, the transmission failure. Use only specified Automated manual transmission fluid. (Refer to the “Recommended lubricants and capacities” in chapter 2.) Brake hoses and lines Visually check for proper installation, chafing, cracks, deterioration and any leakage. Replace any deteriorated or damaged parts immediately. Brake/clutch fluid (if equipped) Check brake/clutch fluid level in the brake fluid reservoir. The level should be between “MIN” (Minimum) and “MAX” (Maximum) marks on the side of the reservoir. Use only hydraulic brake/ clutch fluid conforming to DOT 4. Parking brake Inspect the parking brake system including the parking brake lever and cables. Rear brake drums and linings (if equipped) Check the rear brake drums and linings for scoring, burning, leaking fluid, broken parts, and excessive wear. Brake pads, calipers and discs Check the pads for excessive wear, discs for run out and wear, and calipers for fluid leakage. Suspension mounting bolts Check the suspension connections for looseness or damage. Retighten to the specified torque. 9-20 09 Steering gear box, linkage & boots/lower arm ball joint With the vehicle stopped and engine off, check for excessive free-play in the steering wheel. Check the linkage for bends or damage. Check the dust boots and ball joints for deterioration, cracks, or damage. Replace any damaged parts. Drive shafts and boots Check the drive shafts, boots and clamps for cracks, deterioration, or damage. Replace any damaged parts and, if necessary, repack the grease. Air conditioning refrigerant (if equipped) Check the air conditioning lines and connections for leakage and damage. 9-21 Maintenance ENGINE OIL Engine oil is used for lubricating, cooling, and operating various hydraulic components in the engine. Engine oil consumption while driving is normal, and it is necessary to check and refill the engine oil regularly. Also, check and refill the oil level within the recommended maintenance schedule to prevent deterioration of oil performance. Check the engine oil following the below procedure. Checking the engine oil level 1. Follow all of the oil manufacturer’s precautions. 2. Be sure the vehicle is on the lovel ground in P (Park) with the parking brake set. if possible, block the wheels. 3. Turn the engine on and warm the engine up until the coolant temperature reaches a constant normal temperature. 4. Turn the engine off, remove the oil filler cap and pull the dipstick out. Wait for 15 minutes for the oil to return to the oil pan. 5. Wipe the dipstick clean and re-insert it fully. OAI3089002 6. Pull the dipstick out again and check the level. OAI3089003 7. If the oil level is below L, add enough oil to bring the level to F (Full). Do not overfill. Use a funnel to help prevent oil from being spilled on engine components. Use only the specified engine oil. (Refer to the “Recommended lubricants and capacities” in chapter 2.) WARNING Radiator hoseBe very careful not to touch the radiator hose when checking or adding the engine oil as it may be hot enough to burn you. 9-22 09 NOTICE To prevent damage to you engine: • Do not spill engine oil when adding or changing engine oil. Wipe off spilled oil immediately. • The engine oil consumption may increase while you break in a new vehicle and it will be stabilized after driving 6,000 km (4,000 miles). • The engine oil consumption can be affected by driving habits, climate conditions, traffic conditions, oil quality, etc. Therefore, it is recommended that you inspect the engine oil level regularly and refill it if necessary. Changing the engine oil and filter • We recommend that the engine oil and filter be replaced by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. • If the maintenance schedule to replace engine oil is exceeded, the engine oil performance may deteriorate, and the engine condition may be affected. Therefore, replace the engine oil according to the maintenance schedule. • To keep the engine in optimal condition, use the recommended engine oil and filter. If the recommended engine oil and filter are not used replace it according to the maintenance schedule under severe usage conditions. • The purpose of the maintenance schedule for engine oil replacement is to prevent oil deterioration and it is irrelevant to oil consumption. Check and refill engine oil regularly. 9-23 Maintenance CAUTION The engine oil is very hot immediately after the vehicle has been driven and can cause burns during replacement. Replace the engine oil after the engine oil has cooled down. WARNING Used engine oil may cause skin irritation or cancer if left in contact with the skin for prolonged periods of time. Used engine oil contains chemicals that have caused cancer in laboratory animals. Always protect your skin by washing your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water as soon as possible after handling used oil. 9-24 09 ENGINE COOLANT The high-pressure cooling system has a reservoir filled with year-round antifreeze coolant. The reservoir is filled at the factory. Check the antifreeze protection and coolant level at least once a year, at the beginning of the winter season, and before traveling to a colder climate. Checking the coolant level NOTICE • Do not drive with no engine coolant. It may cause water pump failure and engine seizure, etc. • When the engine overheats from low engine coolant, suddenly adding engine coolant may cause cracks in the engine. To prevent damage, add engine coolant slowly in small quantities. OAI3089004I Check the condition and connections of all cooling system hoses and heater hoses. Replace any swollen or deteriorated hoses. The coolant level should be filled between F (Full) and L (Low) marked on the side of the coolant reservoir when the engine is cool. If the coolant level is low, add enough distilled (deionized) water. Bring the level to F (Full), but do not overfill. If frequent additions are required, we recommend that the system be inspected by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. 9-25 Maintenance OAI3089005 WARNING Removing radiator cap • Never attempt to remove the radiator cap while the engine is operating or hot. Doing so might lead to cooling system and engine damage and could result in serious personal injury from escaping hot coolant or steam. 9-26 • Turn the engine off and wait until it cools down. Use extreme care when removing the radiator cap. Wrap a thick towel around it, and turn it counterclockwise slowly to the first stop. Step back while the pressure is released from the cooling system. When you are sure all the pressure has been released, press down on the cap, using a thick towel, and continue turning counterclockwise to remove it. • Even if the engine is not operating, do not remove the radiator cap or the drain plug while the engine and radiator are hot. Hot coolant and steam may still blow out under pressure, causing serious injury. WARNING The electric motor (cooling fan) is controlled by engine coolant temperature, refrigerant pressure and vehicle speed. It may sometimes operate even when the engine is not running. Use extreme caution when working near the blades of the cooling fan so that you are not injured by a rotating fan blades. As the engine coolant temperature decreases, the electric motor will automatically shut off. This is a normal condition. 09 Recommended engine coolant • Use only soft (distilled) water in the coolant mixture. • The engine in your vehicle has aluminum engine parts and must be protected by an ethylene-glycol-based coolant to prevent corrosion and freezing. • DO NOT USE alcohol or methanol coolant or mix them with the specified coolant. • Do not use a solution that contains more than 60% antifreeze or less than 35% antifreeze, which would reduce the effectiveness of the solution. For mixture percentage, refer to the following table. Ambient Temperature Mixture Percentage (volume) Antifreeze Water -15 °C (5 °F) 35 65 -25 °C (-13 °F) 40 60 WARNING Radiator cap Do not remove the radiator cap when the engine and radiator are hot. Scalding hot coolant and steam may blow out under pressure causing serious injury. Changing the coolant We recommend that the coolant be replaced by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. NOTICE Put a thick cloth or fabric around the radiator cap before refilling the coolant in order to prevent the coolant from overflowing into engine parts such as the alternator. WARNING -35 °C (-31 °F) 50 50 Coolant -45 °C (-49 °F) 60 40 • Do not use radiator coolant or antifreeze in the washer fluid reservoir. • Radiator coolant can severely obscure visibility when sprayed on the windshield and may cause loss of vehicle control or damage to paint and body trim. 9-27 Maintenance %5$.(&/87&+ǣ,)(48,33('Ǥ)/8,' Checking the brake/clutch fluid level WARNING Loss of brake fluid In the event the brake system requires frequent additions of fluid, we recommend that the system be inspected by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. i Information Before removing the brake/clutch filter cap, read the warning on the cap. OAI3089006 Check the fluid level in the reservoir periodically. The fluid level should be between MAX (Maximum) and MIN (Minimum) marks on the side of the reservoir. Before removing the reservoir cap and adding the brake/clutch fluid, clean the area around the reservoir cap thoroughly to prevent brake/clutch fluid contamination. If the level is low, add the fluid to the MAX (Maximum) level. The level will fall with accumulated mileage. This is a normal condition associated with the wear of the brake linings and/or clutch disc (if equipped). If the fluid level is excessively low, we recommend that the system be checked by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. Use only the specified brake/clutch fluid. (Refer to “Recommended lubricants or capacities” in chapter 2.) Never mix different types of fluid. 9-28 WARNING Clean the filler cap before removing. Use only DOT 4 brake/clutch fluid from a sealed container. 09 WARNING Brake/clutch fluid When changing and adding the brake/ clutch fluid, handle it carefully. Do not let it come in contact with your eyes. If the brake/clutch fluid come in contact with your eyes, immediately flush them with a large quantity of fresh tap water. Have your eyes examined by a doctor as soon as possible. NOTICE • Do not allow the brake/clutch fluid to contact the vehicle’s body paint, as it will result in paint damage. • NEVER use brake/clutch fluid which have been exposed to open air for an extended time, as its quality cannot be guaranteed. It should be properly disposed. • Don’t put in the wrong kind of fluid. A few drops of mineral-based oil in your brake/clutch system can damage brake/clutch system parts. 9-29 Maintenance WASHER FLUID Checking the washer fluid level WARNING Coolant OBI3090038 Check the fluid level in the washer fluid reservoir and add fluid if necessary. Plain water may be used if washer fluid is not available. However, use washer solvent with antifreeze characteristics in cold climates to prevent freezing. 9-30 • Do not use radiator coolant or antifreeze in the washer fluid reservoir. • Radiator coolant can severely obscure visibility when sprayed on the windshield and may cause loss of vehicle control or damage to the paint and body trim. • Windshield washer fluid agents contain some amounts of alcohol and can be flammable under certain circumstances. Do not allow sparks or flame come in contact with the washer fluid or the washer fluid reservoir. Damage to the vehicle or occupants could occur. • Windshield washer fluid is poisonous to humans and animals. Do not drink and avoid coming in contact with the windshield washer fluid. Serious injury or death could occur. 09 PARKING BRAKE Checking the parking brake OAI3069006 Check the stroke of the parking brake by counting the number of “clicks’’ heard while fully applying it from the released position. Also, the parking brake alone should securely hold the vehicle on a fairly steep grade. If the stroke is more or less than specified, we recommend that the system be inspected by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. Stroke : 5~7 “clicks’’ at a force of 20 kg (44 lbs, 196 N). 9-31 Maintenance AIR CLEANER Filter replacement The air cleaner filter can be cleaned for inspection using compressed air. Do not attempt to wash or to rinse it. Otherwise, water will damage the filter. If soiled, the air cleaner filter must be replaced. OAH2078017 OAI3089040 OAI3089041 1. Loosen the hose clamp and remove hose from cleaner. 2. Open the cleaner cover by openingthe clips. 9-32 3. Remove the used filter and wipe the inside of the air cleaner housing carefully not to remain dusts incover housing. 4. Place the new filter with clean hands and ensure the rubber gasket is not taken off. 5. Reassemble in the reverse order of removal. 09 i Information If the vehicle is operated in extremely dusty or sandy areas, replace the element more often than the usual recommended intervals (refer to “Maintenance Under Severe Usage Conditions” in this chapter). NOTICE • Do not drive with the air cleaner filter removed. This will result in excessive engine wear. • When removing the air cleaner filter, be careful that dust or dirt does not enter the air intake, or damage may result. • Use HYUNDAI genuine parts or the equivalent specified for your vehicle. Use of non-genuine parts could damage the air flow sensor. 9-33 Maintenance CLIMATE CONTROL AIR FILTER Filter inspection If the vehicle is operated in the severely air-polluted cities or on dusty rough roads for a long period, it should be inspected more frequently and replaced earlier. When you, the owner, replace the climate control air filter, replace it performing the following procedure, and be careful to avoid damaging other components. Replace the filter according to the maintenance Schedule. Filter replacement OAI3089009 2. Push in both sides of the glove box as shown. This will ensure that the glove box stopper pins will get released from its holding location allowing the glove box to hang. OAI3059035 1. Open the glove box. OAH2078021 3. Remove the climate control air filter cover. 9-34 09 ODH073012 4. Clean the climate control air filter. 5. Reassemble in the reverse order of disassembly. NOTICE Install a new climate control air filter in the correct direction with the arrow symbol () facing downwards. Otherwise, the climate control effects may decrease, possibly with a noise. 9-35 Maintenance WIPER BLADES Blade inspection Blade replacement When the wipers no longer clean adequately, the blades may be worn or cracked, and require replacement. NOTICE To prevent damage to the wiper arms or other components, do not attempt to move the wipers manually. 1JBA5122 i Information Commercial hot waxes applied by automatic car washes have been known to make the windshield difficult to clean. Contamination of either the windshield or the wiper blades with foreign matter can reduce the effectiveness of the windshield wipers. Common sources of contamination are insects, tree sap, and hot wax treatments used by some commercial car washes. If the blades are not wiping properly, clean both the window and the blades with a good cleaner or mild detergent, and rinse thoroughly with clean water. NOTICE To prevent damage to the wiper blades, do not use petrol, kerosene, paint thinner, or other solvents on or near them. 9-36 NOTICE The use of a non-specified wiper blade could result in wiper malfunction and failure. 09 Front windshield wiper blade OLMB073021 OLMB073020 1. Raise the wiper arm and turn the wiper blade assembly to expose the plastic locking clip. NOTICE Do not allow the wiper arm to fall against the windshield, since it may chip or crack the windshield. OLMB073022 2. Compress the clip and slide the blade assembly downward. 3. Lift it off the arm. 4. Install the blade assembly in the reverse order of removal. 9-37 Maintenance Rear window wiper blade (if equipped) OLMB073023 1. Raise the wiper arm and rotate the wiper blade assembly (1). 2. Pull out the wiper blade assembly. OLMB073024 3. Install the new blade assembly by inserting the center part into the slot in the wiper arm until it clicks into place. 4. Make sure the blade assembly is installed firmly by trying to pull it slightly. To prevent damage to the wiper arms or other components, we recommend that the wiper blade be replaced by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. 9-38 09 BATTERY For best battery service i Information - For batteries marked with UPPER and LOWER OBI3090013 • Keep the battery securely mounted. • Keep the battery top clean and dry. • Keep the terminals and connections clean, tight, and coated with petroleum jelly or terminal grease. • Rinse any spilled electrolyte from the battery immediately with a solution of water and baking soda. • If the vehicle is not going to be used for an extended time, disconnect the negative terminal cable of the battery to prevent discharge. OHYK077011 If your vehicle is equipped with a battery marked with LOWER (MIN) and UPPER (MAX) on the side, you should check the electrolyte level. The electrolyte level should be between LOWER (MIN) and UPPER (MAX). Be careful not to spill distilled (or de-mineralized) water over the battery surface or other adjacent components. Also, do not overfill the battery cells. If not, it may corrode the battery or other components. Finally, securely close the cell cap. However, we recommend you to contact an authorized HYUNDAI dealer for better battery service. NOTICE If the Electrolyte level is Low, add distilled (or demineralized) water. Never add sulfuric acid or other electrolyte. 9-39 Maintenance WARNING Battery dangers Always read the following instructions carefully when handling a battery. Keep lighted cigarettes and all other flames or sparks away from the battery. Hydrogen, a highly combustible gas, is always present in battery cells and may explode if ignited. Keep batteries out of the reach of children because batteries contain highly corrosive SULFURIC ACID. Do not allow battery acid to contact your skin, eyes, clothing or paint finish. 9-40 If any electrolyte gets into your eyes, flush your eyes with clean water for at least 15 minutes and get immediate medical attention. If electrolyte gets on your skin, thoroughly wash the contacted area. If you feel a pain or a burning sensation, get medical attention immediately. Wear eye protection when charging or working near a battery. Always provide ventilation when working in an enclosed space. An inappropriately disposed battery can be harmful to the environment and human health. Dispose the battery according to your local law(s) or regulation. The battery contains lead. Do not dispose of it after use. Please return the battery to an authorized HYUNDAI dealer to be recycled. • When lifting a plastic-cased battery, excessive pressure on the case may cause battery acid to leak, resulting in personal injury. Lift with a battery carrier or with your hands on opposite corners. • Never attempt to recharge the battery when the battery cables are connected. • The electrical ignition system works with high voltage. Never touch these components with the engine running or the ignition switched on. Failure to follow the above warnings can result in serious bodily injury or death. 09 NOTICE If you connect unauthorized electronic devices to the battery, the battery may be discharged. Never use unauthorized devices. Battery capacity label „Example WARNING Always follow these instructions when handling your vehicle’s battery to prevent damage to your battery: • When you do not use the vehicle for a long time in a low temperature area, disconnect the battery and keep it indoors. • Always charge the battery fully to prevent battery case damage in low temperature areas. • Prevent liquid from wetting the battery terminals. The performance of the battery may be degraded, and may cause injury. Be cautious when loading liquid in the trunk. • Do not tilt the battery. • If you connect unauthorized electronic devices to the battery, the battery may be discharged. Never use unauthorized devices. OQXI079062 ❈ The actual battery label in the vehicle may differ from the illustration. 1. CMF45L-DIN : The HYUNDAI model name of battery 2. 12V : The nominal voltage 3. 45Ah(20HR) : The nominal capacity (in Ampere hours) 4. RC 80min : The nominal reserve capacity (in min.) 5. CCA410 : The cold-test current in amperes by SAE 6. 410A : The cold-test current in amperes by EN 9-41 Maintenance Battery recharging Your vehicle has a maintenance-free, calcium-based battery. • If the battery becomes discharged in a short time (because, for example, the headlights or interior lights were left on while the vehicle was not in use), recharge it by slow charging (trickle) for 10 hours. • If the battery gradually discharges because of high electric load while the vehicle is being used, recharge it at 20-30A for two hours. WARNING Recharging battery When recharging the battery, observe the following precautions: • The battery must be removed from the vehicle and placed in an area with good ventilation. • Do not allow cigarettes, sparks, or flame near the battery. • Watch the battery during charging, and stop or reduce the charging rate if the battery cells begin gassing (boiling) violently or if the temperature of the electrolyte of any cell exceeds 49°C (120°F). • Wear eye protection when checking the battery during charging. • Disconnect the battery charger in the following order. 1. Turn off the battery charger main switch. 2. Unhook the negative clamp from the negative battery terminal. 3. Unhook the positive clamp from the positive battery terminal. 9-42 WARNING • Before performing maintenance or recharging the battery, turn off all accessories and stop the engine. • The negative battery cable must be removed first and installed last when the battery is disconnected. Reset items Items should be reset after the battery has been discharged or the battery has been disconnected. • Auto up/down window (See chapter 5) • Climate control system (See chapter 5) • Audio (See chapter 5) Battery replacement Replacing a Battery required precautionary measures. We recommend that you consult an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. NOTICE Make sure the battery is installed securely when the it is replaced. If the battery vibrates while driving,the case and electrode plate can be damaged. 09 TIRES AND WHEELS Tire care WARNING For proper maintenance, safety and maximum fuel economy, you must always maintain recommended tire inflation pressures and stay within the load limits and weight distribution recommended for your vehicle. Recommended cold tire inflation pressures All tire pressures (including the spare) should be checked when the tires are cold. “Cold Tires” means the vehicle has not been driven for at least three hours or driven less than 1.6 km (one mile). Recommended pressures must be maintained for the best ride, top vehicle handling, and minimum tire wear. For recommended inflation pressure, refer to “Tire and wheels” in chapter 2. Tire underinflation Severe underinflation (70 kPa (10 psi) or more) can lead to severe heat build-up, causing blowouts, tread separation and other tire failures that can result in the loss of vehicle control leading to severe injury or death. This risk is much higher on hot days and when driving for long periods at high speeds. NOTICE • Underinflation also results in excessive wear, poor handling and reduced fuel economy. Wheel deformation also is possible. Keep your tire pressures at the proper levels. If a tire frequently needs refilling, we recommend that the system be checked by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. • Overinflation produces a harsh ride, excessive wear at the center of the tire tread, and a greater possibility of damage from road hazards. NOTICE OAI3019023 All specifications (sizes and pressures) can be found on a label attached to the driver’s side center pillar. • Warm tires normally exceed recommended cold tire pressures by 28 to 41 kPa (4 to 6 psi). Do not release air from warm tires to adjust the pressure or the tires will be underinflated. • Be sure to reinstall the tire inflation valve caps. Without the valve cap, dirt or moisture could get into the valve core and cause air leakage. If a valve cap is missing, install a new one as soon as possible. 9-43 Maintenance WARNING Tire Inflation Overinflation or underinflation can reduce tire life, adversely affect vehicle handling, and lead to sudden tire failure. This could result in loss of vehicle control and potential injury. NOTICE Tire pressure Always observe the following: • Check tire pressure when the tires are cold. (After vehicle has been parked for at least three hours or hasn’t been driven more than 1.6 km (one mile) since startup.) • Check the pressure of your spare tire each time you check the pressure of other tires. • Never overload your vehicle. Be careful not to overload a vehicle luggage rack if your vehicle is equipped with one. • Worn, old tires can cause accidents. If your tread is badly worn, or if your tires have been damaged, replace them. 9-44 Checking tire inflation pressure Check your tires once a month or more. Also, check the tire pressure of the spare tire. How to check Use a good quality gage to check tire pressure. You can not tell if your tires are properly inflated simply by looking at them. Radial tires may look properly inflated even when they’re underinflated. Check the tire’s inflation pressure when the tires are cold. - “Cold” means your vehicle has been sitting for at least three hours or driven no more than 1.6 km (1 mile). Remove the valve cap from the tire valve stem. Press the tire gage firmly onto the valve to get a pressure measurement. If the cold tire inflation pressure matches the recommended pressure on the tire and loading information label, no further adjustment is necessary. If the pressure is low, add air until you reach the recommended amount. If you overfill the tire, release air by pushing on the metal stem in the center of the tire valve. Recheck the tire pressure with the tire gage. Be sure to put the valve caps back on the valve stems. They help prevent leaks by keeping out dirt and moisture. 09 WARNING • Inspect your tires frequently for proper inflation as well as wear and damage. Always use a tire pressure gauge. • Tires with too much or too little pressure wear unevenly causing poor handling, loss of vehicle control, and sudden tire failure leading to accidents, injuries, and even death. The recommended cold tire pressure for your vehicle can be found in this manual and on the tire label located on the driver’s side center pillar. • Worn tires can cause accidents. Replace tires that are worn, show uneven wear, or are damaged. • Remember to check the pressure of your spare tire. HYUNDAI recommends that you check the spare every time you check the pressure of the other tires on your vehicle. Tire rotation To equalize tread wear, it is recommended that the tires be rotated according to the maintenance schedule or sooner if irregular wear develops. During rotation, check the tires for correct balance. When rotating tires, check for uneven wear and damage. Abnormal wear is usually caused by incorrect tire pressure, improper wheel alignment, out-of-balance wheels, severe braking or severe cornering. Look for bumps or bulges in the tread or side of tire. Replace the tire if you find either of these conditions. Replace the tire if fabric or cord is visible. After rotation, be sure to bring the front and rear tire pressures to specification and check lug nut tightness. Refer to “Tire and wheels” in chapter 2. 9-45 Maintenance „ With a full-size spare tire (if equipped) WARNING • Do not use the compact spare tire for tire rotation. • Do not mix bias ply and radial ply tires under any circumstances. This may cause unusual handling characteristics that could result in death, severe injury or property damage. CBGQ0706 „ Without a spare tire CBGQ0707 „ Directional tires (if equipped) Wheel alignment and tire balance The wheels on your vehicle were aligned and balanced carefully at the factory to give you the longest tire life and best overall performance. In most cases, you will not need to have your wheels aligned again. However, if you notice unusual tire wear or your vehicle pulling one way or the other, the alignment may need to be reset. If you notice your vehicle vibrating when driving on a smooth road, your wheels may need to be rebalanced. NOTICE Improper wheel weights can damage your vehicle’s aluminum wheels. Use only approved wheel weights. CBGQ0707A Disc brake pads should be inspected for wear whenever tires are rotated. i Information Rotate radial tires that have an asymmetric tread pattern only from front to rear and not from right to left. 9-46 09 Tire replacement WARNING Replacing tires Tread wear indicator OEN076053 If the tire is worn evenly, a tread wear indicator will appear as a solid band across the tread. This shows there is less than 1.6 mm (1/16 inch) of tread left on the tire. Replace the tire when this happens. Do not wait for the band to appear across the entire tread before replacing the tire. NOTICE When replacing the tires, recheck and tighten the wheel nuts after driving about 1,000 km (620 miles). If the steering wheel shakes or the vehicle vibrates while driving, the tire might be out of balance so align the tire balance. If the problem is not solved, we recommend that you contact an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. To reduce the chance or serious or fatal injuries from an accident caused by tire failure or loss of vehicle control: • Replace tires that are worn, show uneven wear, or are damaged. Worn tires can cause loss of braking effectiveness, steering control, and traction. • Do not drive your vehicle with too little or too much pressure in your tires. This can lead to uneven wear and tire failure. • When replacing tires, never mix radial and bias-ply tires on the same car. You must replace all tires (including the spare) if moving from radial to bias-ply tires. • It is best to replace all four tires at the same time. If that is not possible, or necessary, then replace the two front or two rear tires as a pair. Replacing just one tire can seriously affect your vehicle’s handling. • Using tires and wheels other than the recommended sizes could cause unusual handling characteristics and poor vehicle control, resulting in a serious accident. • Wheels that do not meet HYUNDAI’s specifications may fit poorly and result in damage to the vehicle or unusual handling and poor vehicle control. • The works by comparing the speed of the wheels. Tire size can affect wheel speed. When replacing tires, all 4 tires must use the same size originally supplied with the vehicle. Using tires of a different size can cause the ABS (Anti-lock Brake System) and ESC (Electronic Stability Control) to work irregularly. (if equipped) 9-47 Maintenance Compact spare tire replacement (if equipped) A compact spare tire has a shorter tread life than a regular size tire. Replace it when you can see the tread wear indicator bars on the tire. The replaced compact spare tire should be the same size and design tire as the one provided with your new vehicle and should be mounted on the same compact spare tire wheel. The compact spare tire is not designed to be mounted on a regular size wheel, and the compact spare tire wheel is not designed to mount a regular size tire. Wheel replacement When replacing the metal wheels for any reason, make sure the new wheels are equivalent to the original factory units in diameter, rim width and offset. WARNING A wheel that is not the correct size may adversely affect wheel and bearing life, braking and stopping abilities, handling characteristics, ground clearance, body-to-tire clearance, snow chain clearance, speedometer and odometer calibration, headlight aim and bumper height. Tire traction Tire traction can be reduced if you drive on worn tires, tires that are improperly inflated or on slippery road surfaces. Tires should be replaced when tread wear indicators appear. Slow down whenever there is rain, snow or ice on the road, to reduce the possibility of losing control of the vehicle. 9-48 09 Tire maintenance 1. Manufacturer or brand name In addition to proper inflation, correct wheel alignment helps decrease tire wear. If you find a tire worn unevenly, have your dealer check the wheel alignment. When you have new tires installed, make sure they are balanced. This will increase vehicle ride comfort and tire life. Additionally, a tire should always be rebalanced if it is removed from the wheel. Tire sidewall labeling Manufacturer or Brand name is shown. 2. Tire size designation A tire’s sidewall is marked with a tire size designation. You will need this information when selecting replacement tires for your car. The following explains what the letters and numbers in the tire size designation mean. Example of tire size designation: (These numbers are provided as an example only; your tire size designator could vary depending on your vehicle.) 165/70R14 81T 1 5,6 7 4 2 3 1 I030B04JM This information identifies and describes the fundamental characteristics of the tire and also provides the tire identification number (TIN) for safety standard certification. The TIN can be used to identify the tire in case of a recall. 165 - Tire width in millimeters. 70 - Aspect ratio. The tire’s chapter height as a percentage of its width. R - Tire construction code (Radial). 14 - Rim diameter in inches. 81 - Load Index, a numerical code associated with the maximum load the tire can carry. T - Speed Rating Symbol. See the speed rating chart in this chapter for additional information. 9-49 Maintenance Wheel size designation Wheels are also marked with important information that you need if you ever have to replace one. The following explains what the letters and numbers in the wheel size designation mean. Example wheel size designation: 5.0JX14 5.0 - Rim width in inches. J - Rim contour designation. 14 - Rim diameter in inches Tire speed ratings The chart below lists many of the different speed ratings currently being used for passenger car tires. The speed rating is part of the tire size designation on the sidewall of the tire. This symbol corresponds to that tire’s designed maximum safe operating speed. Speed Rating Symbol S 180 km/h (112 mph) T 190 km/h (118 mph) H 210 km/h (130 mph) V 240 km/h (149 mph) 9-50 Maximum Speed W 270 km/h (168 mph) Y 300 km/h (186 mph) 3. Checking tire life (TIN : Tire Identification Number) Any tires that are over 6 years old, based on the manufacturing date, (including the spare tire) should be replaced by new ones. You can find the manufacturing date on the tire sidewall (possibly on the inside of the wheel), displaying the DOT Code. The DOT Code is a series of numbers on a tire consisting of numbers and English letters. The manufacturing date is designated by the last four digits (characters) of the DOT code. DOT : XXXX XXXX OOOO The front part of the DOT means a plant code number, tire size and tread pattern and the last four numbers indicate week and year manufactured. For example: DOT XXXX XXXX 2222 represents that the tire was produced in the 22th week of 2022. WARNING Tire age Tires degrade over time, even when they are not being used. Regardless of the remaining tread, it is recommended that tires generally be replaced after six (6) years of normal service. Heat caused by hot climates or frequent high loading conditions can accelerate the aging process. Failure to follow this warning could cause sudden tire failure, which could lead to a loss of control and an accident involving serious injury or death. 09 4. Tire ply composition and material 7. Uniform tire quality grading The number of layers or plies of rubber-coated fabric in the tire. Tire manufacturers also must indicate the materials in the tire, which include steel, nylon, polyester, and others. The letter “R” means radial ply construction; the letter “D” means diagonal or bias ply construction; and the letter “B” means belted-bias ply construction. Quality grades can be found where applicable on the tire sidewall between tread shoulder and maximum chapter width. For example: TREAD wear 200 TRACTION AA TEMPERATURE A 5. Maximum permissible inflation pressure Tread wear This number is the greatest amount of air pressure that should be put in the tire. Do not exceed the maximum permissible inflation pressure. Refer to the Tire and Loading Information label for recommended inflation pressure. 6. Maximum load rating This number indicates the maximum load in kilograms and pounds that can be carried by the tire. When replacing the tires on the vehicle, always use a tire that has the same load rating as the factory installed tire. The tread wear grade is a comparative rating based on the wear rate of the tire when tested under controlled conditions on a specified government test course. For example, a tire graded 150 would wear one-and-a-half times (1½) as well on the government course as a tire graded 100. The relative performance of tires depends upon the actual conditions of their use, however, and may depart significantly from the norm due to variations in driving habits, service practices and differences in road characteristics and climate. These grades are molded on the sidewalls of passenger vehicle tires. The tires available as standard or optional equipment on your vehicle may vary with respect to grade. 9-51 Maintenance Traction - AA, A, B & C The traction grades, from highest to lowest, are AA, A, B and C. Those grades represent the tire’s ability to stop on wet pavement measured under controlled conditions on specified government test surfaces of asphalt and concrete. A tire marked C may have poor traction performance. WARNING The traction grade assigned to this tire is based on straight-ahead braking traction tests, and does not include acceleration, cornering, hydroplaning, or peak traction characteristics. Temperature -A, B & C The temperature grades are A (the highest), B, and C, representing the tire’s resistance to the generation of heat and its ability to dissipate heat when tested under controlled conditions on a specified indoor laboratory test wheel. Sustained high temperature can cause the material of the tire to degenerate and reduce tire life, and excessive temperature can lead to sudden tire failure. Grades B and A represent higher levels of performance on the laboratory test wheel than the minimum required by law. 9-52 WARNING Tire temperature The temperature grade for this tire is established for a tire that is properly inflated and not overloaded. Excessive speed, underinflation or excessive loading, either separately or in combination, can cause heat build-up and sudden tire failure. This can cause loss of vehicle control and serious injury or death. Low aspect ratio tire (if equipped) Low aspect ratio tires, whose aspect ratio is lower than 50, are provided for sporty looks. Because the low aspect ratio tires are optimized for handling and braking, it may be more uncomfortable to ride in and there is more noise compare with normal tires. 09 NOTICE Because the sidewall of the low aspect ratio tire is shorter than the normal, the wheel and tire of the low aspect ratio tire is easier to be damaged. So, follow the instructions below. - When driving on a rough road or off road, drive cautiously because tires and wheels may be damaged. And after driving, inspect tires and wheels. - When passing over a pothole, speed bump, manhole, or curb stone, drive slowly so that the tires and wheels are not damaged. - If the tire is impacted, we recommend that you inspect the tire condition or contact an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. - To prevent damage to the tire, inspect the tire condition and pressure every 3,000 km (1864 miles). NOTICE • It is not easy to recognize the tire damage with your own eyes. But, if there is the slightest hint of tire damage, even though you cannot see the tire damage with your own eyes, have the tire checked or replaced because the tire damage may cause air leakage from the tire. • If the tire is damaged by driving on a rough road, off road, pothole, manhole, or curb stone, it will not be covered by the warranty. • You can find out the tire information on the tire sidewall. 9-53 Maintenance FUSES If the electrical system does not work, first check the driver’s side fuse panel. Before replacing a blown fuse, turn the engine and all switches off, and then disconnect the negative battery cable. Always replace a blown fuse with one of the same rating. If the replacement fuse blows, this indicates an electrical problem. Avoid using the system involved and we recommend that all inspect an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. „Blade type Normal Blown „Cartridge type Normal Blown i „Multi fuse Information Three kinds of fuses are used: blade type for lower amperage rating, cartridge type, and multi fuse for higher amperage ratings. Normal WARNING Blown OTA070039 A vehicle’s electrical system is protected from electrical overload damage by fuses. This vehicle has 2 fuse panels, one located in the driver’s side panel bolster, the other in the engine compartment. If any of your vehicle’s lights, accessories or controls do not work, check the appropriate circuit fuse. If a fuse has blown, the element inside the fuse will be melted or broken. NEVER replace a fuse with anything but another fuse of the same rating. • A higher capacity fuse could cause damage and possibly cause a fire. • Do not install a wire or aluminum foil instead of the proper fuse even as a temporary repair. It may cause extensive wiring damage and possibly a fire. NOTICE Do not use a screwdriver or any other metal object to remove fuses because it may cause a short circuit and damage the system. i Information The actual fuse/relay panel label may differ from equipped items. 9-54 09 NOTICE • When replacing a blown fuse or relay with a new one, make sure the new fuse or relay fits tightly into the clips. The incomplete fastening fuse or relay may cause the vehicle wiring and electric systems damage and a possible fire. • Do not remove fuses, relays and terminals fastened with bolts or nuts. The fuses, relays and terminals may be fastened incompletely, and it may cause a possible fire. If fuses, relays and terminals fastened with bolts or nuts are blown, consult an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. • Do not input any other objects except fuses or relays into fuse/relay terminals such as a driver or wiring. It may cause contact failure and system malfunction. • Check the blown fuse with checking the fuse information on the fuse box cover. • Replace the blown fuse on the safe place after turning off the ignition switch and all electric switches and disconnecting the negative battery cable. Instrument panel fuse replacement OAI3089011 1. Turn the vehicle off. 2. Turn all other switches OFF. 3. Open the fuse panel cover. 4. Refer to the label on the inside of the fuse panel cover to locate the suspected fuse location. 9-55 Maintenance Memory fuse OAI3089012 5. Pull the suspected fuse straight out. Use the removal tool provided in the engine compartment fuses panel. 6. Check the removed fuse; replace it if it is blown. Spare fuses are provided in the instrument panel fuse panels (or in the engine compartment fuse panel). 7. Push in a new fuse of the same rating, and make sure it fits tightly in the clips.If it fits loosely, we recommend that you consult an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. In an emergency, if you do not have a spare fuse, use a fuse of the same rating from a circuit you may not need for operating the vehicle, such as the cigarette lighter fuse. If the headlights or other electrical components do not work and the fuses are undamaged, check the fuse panel in the engine compartment. If a fuse is blown, it must be replaced with the same rating. 9-56 OAI3089013 Your vehicle is equipped with the memory fuse to prevent battery discharge if your vehicle is parked without being operated for prolonged periods. Use the following procedures before parking the vehicle for prolonged periods. 1. Turn off the engine. 2. Turn off the headlights and tail lights. 3. Open the driver’s side panel cover and pull up the memory fuse. i Information • If the memory fuse is pulled up from the fuse panel, the warning chime, audio, clock and interior lamps, etc., will not operate. Some items must be reset after replacement. Refer to “Battery” in this chapter. • Even though the memory fuse is pulled up, the battery can still be discharged by operation of the headlights or other electrical devices. 09 Engine compartment panel fuse replacement Multi fuse (Main fuse) OAI3089014 OAI3089014 1. Turn the vehicle off. 2. Turn all other switches OFF. 3. Remove the fuse panel cover by pressing the tab and pulling up. 4. Check the removed fuse; replace it if it is blown. To remove or insert the fuse, use the fuse puller in the engine compartment fuse panel. 5. Push in a new fuse of the same rating, and make sure it fits tightly in the clips. If it fits loosely, we recommend that you consult an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. NOTICE After checking the fuse panel in the engine compartment, securely install the fuse panel cover. You may hear a clicking sound if the cover is securely latched. If it is not securely latched, electrical failure may occur from water contact. OAI3089015 If the multi fuse is blown, it must be removed as follows: 1. Turn the vehicle off. 2. Disconnect the negative battery cable. 3. Remove the fuse panel cover by pressing the tab and pulling it up. 4. Remove the nuts shown in the picture above. 5. Replace the fuse with a new one of the same rating. 6. Reinstall in the reverse order of removal. If the multi fuse is blown, we recommend that you consult an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. 9-57 Maintenance Fuse/relay panel description Inner fuse panel i Information Not all fuse panel descriptions in this manual may be applicable to your vehicle. It is accurate at the time of printing. When you inspect the fuse panel in your vehicle, refer to the fuse panel label. OBI3090015 Inside the fuse/relay panel covers, you can find the fuse/relay label describing fuse/relay name and capacity. „ ICU „ PCB OAI3089018/OAI3089017 9-58 09 Inner Compartment Fuse Panel (ICU) Fuse Name Symbol ROOM LAMP Fuse rating Circuit Protected 10A PCB/ICU: Room Lamp 10A Outside Mirror Heated 25A FRT Power Window LH S 10A F_Water Sensor POWER OUTLET 20A ICU/PCB: Front Power Outlet IBU1 15A ICU: BODY CONTROL MODULE (IBU) MULTI MEDIA 20A ICU: AUDIO POWER WINDOW RH 25A FRT Power Window RH TCU 15A PCB/ICU: AT : Speed Sensor Out, Inhibit SW. AMT: AMT Lever. BRAKE SWITCH 10A PCB/ICU: Stop Switch MEMORY 10A ICU: A/Con (FATC), Cluster START 7.5A PCB: Inhibitor Switch, Start Relay FOLDING MIRROR 10A ICU/PCB: Folding Mirror MODULE1 7.5A ICU/PCB: Stop Switch 10A ICU/PCB: Multi Function Switch 10A ICU/PCB: ACU OUTSIDE MIRROR HEATED POWER WINDOW LH SENSOR POWER OUTLET FRONT REAR FOG LAMP Airbag FRT FRT 9-59 Maintenance Inner Compartment Fuse Panel (ICU) Fuse Name Symbol DOOR LOCK Fuse rating Circuit Protected 20A ICU: Door Lock 10A ICU/PCB: ECU, A_FLOW_SNSR DRL 10A ICU: DRL , DRL Position Lamp MODULE6 10A ICU/PCB: OBD HAZARD 15A PCB: HAZARD Switch, ICU: IBU (Turn Signal) MODULE2 10A PCB: ESC Switch, ICU: BCM(IBU) *for CNG:CNG_SW:IGN1 MODULE3 7.5A PCB/ICU: FATC, AT Lever Indicator, Head Lamp Projection, Audio Compact, AVN SPARE1 10A ICU: Spare Fuse REAR WIPER 15A PCB: RR Wiper Motor, ICU : Washer Motor Airbag INDICATOR 7.5A PCB/ICU: Cluster 10A ICU: BCM (IBU) ABS 7.5A PCB/ICU: ABS/ESC Unit FRONT WIPER 20A PCB/ICU: MFSW, Wiper Motor A/CON2 7.5A PCB/ICU: MTC, FATC, Dual Switch CLUSTER 7.5A PCB/ICU: Cluster ACC 10A PCB/ICU: Crash_VDMS_Extension, USB Charger, Audio_B, IBU ECU IBU2 9-60 E IBU 09 Inner Compartment Fuse Panel (ICU) Fuse Name Symbol Fuse rating Circuit Protected MDPS 7.5A PCB/ICU: Motor Driven Power Steering Unit MODULE5 10A PCB/ICU: Crash_VDMS_Extension MODULE4 7.5A ICU: BCM (IBU) 20A PCB/ICU: RR Power Outlet 7.5A PCB/ICU: FATC, Blower Motor REAR POWER OUTLEt A/CON1 RR POWER OUTLET 9-61 Maintenance Inner Compartment Fuse Panel (ICU) Fuse Name Symbol TAIL LH OUTSIDE MIRROR HEATED POWER WINDOW LH SENSOR POWER OUTLET FRONT S POWER OUTLET FRT Fuse rating Circuit Protected 7.5A PCB: Position Lamp LH, Head Lamp LH, RR Combi Lamp LH 10A Outside Mirror Heated 25A FRT Power Window LH 10A F_Water Sensor 20A ICU/PCB: Front Power Outlet TAIL RH 7.5A PCB: Position Lamp RH, Head Lamp RH, RR Combi Lamp RH POWER WINDOW RH 25A FRT Power Window RH TCU 15A PCB/ICU: AT : Speed Sensor Out, Inhibit SW AMT: AMT Lever. BRAKE SWITCH 10A PCB/ICU: Stop Switch 15A PCB: Stop Lamp, RR Combi Lamp, HMSL STOP LAMP START STOP LAMP 7.5A PCB: Inhibitor Switch, Start Relay FOLDING MIRROR 10A MODULE1 7.5A ICU/PCB: Stop Switch ICU/PCB: Folding Mirror IMMOBILIZER 10A PCB: Immobilizer Unit Airbag 10A ICU/PCB: ACU 9-62 09 Inner Compartment Fuse Panel (PCB) Fuse Name Symbol DOOR LOCK Fuse rating Circuit Protected 20A ICU: Door Lock 10A ICU/PCB: ECU, A_FLOW_SNSR MODULE6 10A ICU/PCB: OBD HAZARD 15A PCB: HAZARD Switch, ICU: IBU (Turn Signal) MODULE2 10A PCB: ESC Switch, ICU: BCM (IBU) MODULE3 7.5A PCB/ICU: FATC, AT Lever Indicator, Head Lamp Projection, Audio Compact, AVN HEAD LAMP 10A PCB: Head Lamp Relay REAR WIPER 15A PCB: RR Wiper Motor, ICU : Washer Motor Airbag INDICATOR 7.5A PCB/ICU: Cluster ECU TURN SIGNAL ABS E 10A PCB: Hazard Switch 7.5A PCB/ICU: ABS/ESC Unit FRONT WIPER 20A PCB/ICU: MFSW, Wiper Motor A/CON2 7.5A PCB/ICU: MTC, FATC, Dual Switch SPARE1 10A PCB: Spare Fuse 9-63 Maintenance Inner Compartment Fuse Panel (PCB) Fuse Name Symbol CLUSTER 10A MODULE5 9-64 PCB/ICU: Crash_VDMS_Extension, USB Charger, Audio_B, IBU 7.5A PCB/ICU: Motor Driven Power Steering Unit. MDPS A/CON1 Circuit Protected 7.5A PCB/ICU: Cluster ACC REAR POWER OUTLEt Fuse rating 10A RR POWER OUTLET PCB/ICU: Crash_VDMS_Extension 20A PCB/ICU: RR Power Outlet 7.5A PCB/ICU: FATC, Blower Motor 09 Engine compartment fuse panel i Information Not all fuse panel descriptions in this manual may be applicable to your vehicle. It is accurate at the time of printing. When you inspect the fuse panel in your vehicle, refer to the fuse panel label. OAI3089014 Inside the fuse/relay panel covers, you can find the fuse/relay label describing fuse/relay name and capacity. OAI3089019 9-65 Maintenance Engine Compartment Fuse Panel Item RELAY Fuse Name Symbol Fuse Rating Circuit Protected MAIN RELAY MAIN RELAY 30A ECU (MT, AT, CNG, BS6) START 20A ECU, Start Solenoid BLOWER 35A PCB, ICU BURGLAR ALARM HORN 20A IBU HEAD LAMP HI 20A Head Lamp Projection, Head Lamp HEAD LAMP 20A Head Lamp Fuse 20A ECU (MT, AT, CNG, BS6) 20A AMT, VACUUM PUMP, ECU Relay HORN 20A HORN AIR CONDITIONER 20A A/CON, ECU (MT, AT, U2) COOLING FAN 35A Radiator Fan Motor, ECU (AT, MT, U2) FUEL PUMP BACK UP LAMP VACUUM PUMP MULTI FUSE LP S/B J FUSE 125A K1.0T, K1.2 150A U2 (BS4) 180A U2 (^BS4) MDPS 80A 50A DC type Economical type BLOWER 40A Blower Relay REAR HEATED 40A RR Heated Relay COOLING FAN GSL/DSL 30A/40A Cooling Fan Relay 30A Starting 30A ICU ALTERNATOR IGNITION1 BATTERY3 9-66 B/UP LAMP VACUUM PUMP ALT IG1 09 Engine Compartment Fuse Panel Item LP S/B J FUSE Fuse Rating Circuit Protected BATTERY2 30A/50A ICU, PCB BATTERY1 30A/40A ICU, PCB 40A AMT BATTERY4 50A ICU ABS/ESC2 40A ABS/ESC Unit 40A ICU, PCB 40A ABS/ESC Unit 40A AMT 30A ECU Fuse Name AMT1 POWER OUTLET S/B M FUSE Symbol 1 AMT POWER OUTLET ABS/ESC1 AMT2 2 AMT ECU1 LP MINI FUSE IGNITION2 IG2 30A Starting, Start Relay BACK UP LAMP1 1 B/UP LAMP 10A Back Up Relay FRONT WIPER 10A Front Wiper, ECU ECU3 15A ECU (MT, AT, BS6) HORN 15A Horn Relay AIR CONDITIONER 10A A/Con Relay HEAD LAMP LH 10A Head Lamp LH, Head Lamp Projection LH 9-67 Maintenance Engine Compartment Fuse Panel Item LP MINI FUSE Fuse Rating Circuit Protected HEAD LAMP RH 10A Head Lamp RH, Head Lamp Projection RH ECU7 10A Main Relay *for CNG:ECU7 ECU8 10A Main Relay HEAD LAMP HI 10A Cluster ECU2 15A Main Relay *for CNG:SHUTOFF VALVE111 ECU5 15A Main Relay *for CNG:ECU4 ECU4 15A Main Relay *for CNG:INJECTOR_3&4 ECU6 15A Main Relay, Ignition Coil Extension 10A Back Up Relay HEAD LAMP 20A Head Lamp Relay HEAD LAMP HI 20A Head Lamp HI Relay Fuse Name BACK UP LAMP2 9-68 Symbol B/UP LAMP 2 ALTERNATOR MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AMS 10A ECU (U2) FUEL PUMP3 3 FUEL PU MP 15A Fuel Pump Relay AMT AMT 15A AMT VACUUM PUMP VACUUM PUMP 10A Main Relay 09 LIGHT BULBS We recommend that you consult an authorized HYUNDAI dealer to replace most vehicle light bulbs. It is difficult to replace vehicle light bulbs because other parts of the vehicle must be removed before you can get to the bulb. This is especially true for removing the headlight assembly to get to the bulb(s). Removing/installing the headlight assembly can result in damage to the vehicle. WARNING Prior to replacing a light, depress the foot brake, move the shift lever into the N (Neutral, for Automatic transmission vehicle) or neutral (for manual transmission vehicle), apply the parking brake, place the ignition switch in the LOCK/OFF position, and take the key with you when leaving the vehicle to avoid sudden movement of the vehicle and to prevent possible electric shock. Be aware the bulbs may be hot and may burn your fingers. NOTICE Be sure to replace the burned-out bulb with one of the same wattage rating. Otherwise, it may cause damage to the fuse or electric wiring system. i Information The headlight and tail lamp lenses could appear frosty if the vehicle is washed after driving or the vehicle is driven at night in wet weather. This condition is caused by temperature difference between the lamp inside and outside and, it does not indicate a problem with your vehicle. When moisture condenses in the lamp, it will be removed after driving with the headlight on. The removable level may differ depending on lamp size, lamp position and environmental condition. However, if moisture is not removed, we recommend that your vehicle is inspected by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. 9-69 Maintenance Headlight, Parking (Position) Light, Turn signal Light, Fog Light and Daytime Running Light bulb replacement „ Type B • 5 Door „ Type A • 5 Door OAI3092003 • 4 Door OAI3092001 • 4 Door OAI3092004 (1) Headlight (Low/High) * (2) Turn Signal Light (3) Parking (Position) Light/ Daytime Running Light (if equipped) 2 OAI3092002 (1) Headlight (Low/High) *1 (2) Parking (Position) Light (3) Turn Signal Light (4) Daytime Running Light (if equipped) or Daytime Running Light/Position light (if equipped) *1 : MFR (Multi Focus Reflector) Headlight 9-70 *2 : Bi-Function Projection Headlight 09 Headlight (Low/High) „ Type A OLMB073042L OAI3092010 WARNING Halogen bulbs • Halogen bulbs contain pressurized gas that will produce flying pieces of glass if broken. • Always handle them carefully, and avoid scratches and abrasions. If the bulbs are lit, avoid contact with liquids. Never touch the glass with bare hands. Residual oil may cause the bulb to overheat and burst when lit. A bulb should be operated only when installed in a headlight. • If a bulb becomes damaged or cracked, replace it immediately and carefully dispose of it. • Wear eye protection when changing a bulb. Allow the bulb to cool down before handling it. i Information If the headlight aiming adjustment is necessary after the headlight assembly is reinstalled, consult an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. „ Type B OAI3092011 [1]: Dust cover [2]: Headlight [3]: Parking (Position) light [4]: Turn signal light 1. Open the hood. 2. Disconnect the negative terminal of the battery. 3. Remove the headlight bulb cover by turning it counterclockwise. 4. Disconnect the headlight bulb socketconnector. 5. Unsnap the headlight bulb retaining wire by depressing the end and pushing it upward. 6. Remove the bulb from the headlight assembly. 7. Install a new headlight bulb and snap the headlight bulb retaining wire into position by aligning the wire with the groove on the bulb. 8. Connect the headlight bulb socket connector. 9. Install the headlight bulb cover by turning it clockwise. 10. Connect the negative terminal of the battery. 9-71 Maintenance i Information - Bi-Function projection headlight This headlight is bi-function type that switches the low beam to high or the high beam to low using solenoid system. So, the moving sound may be heard when the headlight switches the low beam to high or the high beam to low and it does not indicate malfunction of the headlight. Turn signal light 1. Open the hood. 2. Disconnect the negative terminal of the battery. 3. Remove the turn signal light bulb cover by turning it counterclockwise. 4. Remove the socket from the assembly by turning the socket counterclockwise until the tabs on the socket align with the slots on the assembly. 5. Insert a new bulb by inserting it into the socket and rotating it until it locks into place. 6. Install the socket in the assembly by aligning the tabs on the socket with the slots in the assembly. Push the socket into the assembly and turn the socket clockwise. 7. Install the turn signal light bulb cover by turning it clockwise. 8. Connect the negative terminal of the battery Parking (Position) light 1. Remove the socket from the assembly by pulling it straight out. 2. Remove the bulb from the socket by pulling it out. 3. Insert a new bulb by inserting it into the socket. 4. Install the socket in the assembly by pushing it in. 9-72 Parking(Position) light/ Daytime running light (LED Type, If equipped) Your vehicle is equipped with LED lamps. LED lamps do not have replaceable bulbs. If the LED lamp does not operate, we recommend that the vehicle be checked by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. NOTICE We recommend that the headlamp bulb replacement be serviced by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. 09 Side repeater light replacement (if equipped) OAI3089056 Type B OAI3089022 Type A If the LED lamp does not operate, we recommend that the vehicle be checked by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. 1. Disconnect the negative terminal of the battery. 2. Remove the lamp assembly from the vehicle by prying the lens and pulling the assembly out. 3. Disconnect the bulb electrical connector. 4. Separate the socket and the lens parts by turning the socket counterclockwise until the tabs on the socket align with the slots on the lens part. 5. Remove the bulb by pulling it straight out. 6. Insert a new bulb in the socket. 7. Reassemble the socket and the lens part. 8. Connect the bulb electrical connector. 9. Reinstall the lamp assembly to the body of the vehicle. 10. Connect the negative terminal of the battery If the light does not operate, we recommend that the vehicle be checked by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. 9-73 Maintenance Rear combination light bulb replacement OAI3092009 OAI3092005 5 Door 1. Back Up Light 2. Rear Turn Signal Light 3. Stop Light 4. Tail light 5. Reflex Reflector OAI3092008 1. Open the tailgate 2. Loosen the light assembly retaining screws with a cross-tip screwdriver. 3. Remove the rear combination light assembly from the body of the vehicle. 9-74 09 OAI3092007 [1]: Back up light [2]: Rear turn signal light [3]: Stop light 4. Remove the socket from the assembly by turning the socket counterclockwise until the tabs on the socket align with the slots on the assembly. 5. Remove the bulb from the socket by pressing it in and rotating it counterclockwise until the tabs on the bulb align with the slots in the socket. Pull the bulb out of the socket. 6. Insert a new bulb by inserting it into the socket and rotating it until it locks into place. 7. Install the socket in the assembly by aligning the tabs on the socket with the slots in the assembly. Push the socket into the assembly and turn the socket clockwise. 8. Reinstall the light assembly to the body of the vehicle. OAI3089065 4 Door 1. Back Up Light 2. Rear Turn Signal Light 3. Stop Light 4. Tail Light 5. Reflex Reflector 9-75 Maintenance „ Outside lamp OAI3089063 OAI3089068 OAI3089064 1. Open the trunk. 2. Loosen the light assembly retaining screws with a cross-tip screwdriver. Remove the rear combination light assembly from the body of the vehicle. „ Inside lamp OAI3089070 1. Open the trunk. 2. Loosen the retaining screw of the trunk lid cover and then remove the cover. 9-76 OAI3089069 [1]: Back up light [2]: Rear turn signal light [3]: Stop light 3. Remove the socket from the assembly by turning the socket counterclockwise until the tabs on the socket align with the slots on the assembly. 4. Remove the bulb from the socket by pressing it in and rotating it counterclockwise until the tabs on the bulb align with the slots in the socket. Pull the bulb out of the socket. 5. Insert a new bulb by inserting it into the socket and rotating it until it locks into place. 09 6. Install the socket in the assembly by aligning the tabs on the socket with the slots in the assembly. Push the socket into the assembly and turn the socket clockwise. 7. Reinstall the light assembly to the body of the vehicle. License plate light bulb replacement Tail lamp (LED Type) If the LED lamp does not operate, we recommend that the vehicle be checked by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. High mounted stop light OAI3089029 „ 5 Door OAI3089031 „ 4 Door 1. Using a flat-blade screwdriver, remove the light assembly from the body of the vehicle by prying the housing and pulling the assembly out. 2. Separate the socket and the lens part by turning the socket counterclockwise until the tabs on the socket align with the slots on the lens part. 3. Remove the bulb by pulling it straight out. 4. Insert a new bulb in the socket. 5. Reassemble the socket and the housing part. 6. Reinstall the light assembly to the body of the vehicle. OAI3089067 If the light does not operate, we recommend that the vehicle be checked by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. 9-77 Maintenance Interior light bulb replacement „ Room lamp OIB074041 „ Luggage room lamp • 5 Door OAI3089030 • 4 Door OAI3089030I 1. Using a flat-blade screwdriver, gently pry the lens from the interior light housing. 2. Remove the bulb by pulling it straight out. 3. Install a new bulb in the socket. 4. Align the lens tabs with the interior light housing notches and snap the lens into place 9-78 NOTICE Be careful not to dirty or damage lens, lens tab, and plastic housings. 09 APPEARANCE CARE NOTICE If you park your vehicle near a stainless steel sign or glass facade building, the vehicle’s exterior plastic parts such as a bumper, spoiler, garnish, lamp or outside rearview mirror might be damaged due to sunlight reflected from the sign or building. To prevent damage of the exterior plastic parts, you should avoid parking in areas where light may be reflected or use a car cover. (The exterior plastic parts applied to your vehicle may vary.) Exterior care Exterior general caution It is very important to follow the label directions when using any chemical cleaner or polish. Read all warning and caution statements that appear on the label. High-pressure washing • When using high-pressure washers, make sure to maintain sufficient distance from the vehicle. Insufficient clearance or excessive pressure can lead to component damage or water penetration. • Do not spray the camera, sensors or its surrounding area directly with a high pressure washer. Shock applied from high pressure water may cause the device to not operate normally. • Do not bring the nozzle tip close to boots (rubber or plastic covers) or connectors as they may be damaged if they come into contact with high pressure water. Finish maintenance Washing To help protect your vehicle’s finish from rust and deterioration, wash it thoroughly and frequently at least once a month with lukewarm or cold water. If you use your vehicle for off-road driving, you should wash it after each off-road trip. Pay special attention to the removal of any accumulation of salt, dirt, mud, and other foreign materials. Make sure the drain holes in the lower edges of the doors and rocker panels are kept clear and clean. Insects, tar, tree sap, bird droppings, industrial pollution and similar deposits can damage your vehicle’s finish if not removed immediately. Even prompt washing with plain water may not completely remove all these deposits. A mild soap, safe for use on painted surfaces, may be used. After washing, rinse the vehicle thoroughly with lukewarm or cold water. Do not allow soap to dry on the finish. NOTICE • Do not use strong soap, chemical detergents or hot water, and do not wash the vehicle in direct sunlight or when the body of the vehicle is warm. • Be careful when washing the side windows of your vehicle. Especially, with high-pressure water, water may leak through the windows and wet the interior. • To prevent damage to the plastic parts and lamps, do not clean with chemical solvents or strong detergents. 9-79 Maintenance NOTICE WARNING Wet brakes After washing the vehicle, test the brakes while driving slowly to see if they have been affected by water. If the braking performance is impaired, dry the brakes by applying them lightly while maintaining a slow forward speed. Matte paint finish vehicle (if equipped) Automatic car wash which uses rotating brushes should not be used as this can damage the surface of your vehicle. A steam cleaner which washes the vehicle surface at high temperature may result the oil to adhere and leave stains that is difficult to remove. Use a soft cloth (for example, microfiber towel or sponge) when washing your vehicle and dry with a microfiber towel. When you hand wash your vehicle, you should not use a cleaner that finishes with wax. If the vehicle surface is too dirty (sand, dirt, dust, contaminant, etc.), clean the surface with water before washing the car. Waxing OAI3092006 NOTICE • Water washing in the engine compartment including high pressure water washing may cause the failure of electrical circuits located in the engine compartment. • Never allow water or other liquids to come in contact with electrical/ electronic components inside the vehicle as this may damage them. 9-80 Wax the vehicle when water will no longer bead on the paint. Always wash and dry the vehicle before waxing. Use a good quality liquid or paste wax, and follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Wax all metal trim to protect it and to maintain its luster. Removing oil, tar, and similar materials with a spot remover will usually strip the wax from the finish. Be sure to re-wax these areas even if the rest of the vehicle does not yet need waxing. 09 NOTICE • Wiping dust or dirt off the body with a dry cloth will scratch the finish. • Do not use steel wool, abrasive cleaners, or strong detergents containing highly alkaline or caustic agents on chrome-plated or anodized aluminum parts. This may result in damage to the protective coating and cause discoloration or paint deterioration. NOTICE Matte paint finish vehicle (if equipped) Do not use any polish protector such as a detergent, an abrasive and a polish. In case wax is applied, remove the wax immediately using a silicon remover and if any tar or tar contaminant is on the surface use a tar remover to clean. However, be careful not to apply too much pressure on the painted area. Finish damage repair Deep scratches or stone chips in the painted surface must be repaired promptly. Exposed metal will quickly rust and may develop into a major repair expense. i Information If your vehicle is damaged and requires any metal repair or replacement, be sure the body shop applies anti-corrosion materials to the parts repaired or replaced. NOTICE Matte paint finish vehicle (if equipped) In case of matte paint finish vehicles, it is impossible to modify only the damaged area and repair of the whole part is necessary. If the vehicle is damaged and painting is required, we recommend that you have your vehicle maintained and repaired by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. Take extreme care, as it is difficult to restore the quality after the repair. 9-81 Maintenance Bright-metal maintenance • To remove road tar and insects, use a tar remover, not a scraper or other sharp object. • To protect the surfaces of bright-metal parts from corrosion, apply a coating of wax or chrome preservative and rub to a high luster. • During winter weather or in coastal areas, cover the bright metal parts with a heavier coating of wax or preservative. If necessary, coat the parts with non-corrosive petroleum jelly or other protective compound. Underbody maintenance Corrosive materials used for ice and snow removal and dust control may collect on the underbody. If these materials are not removed, accelerated rusting can occur on the underbody parts such as the fuel lines, frame, floor pan and exhaust system, even though they have been treated with rust protection. Thoroughly flush the vehicle underbody and wheel openings with lukewarm or cold water once a month, after offroad driving and at the end of each winter. Pay special attention to these areas because it is difficult to see all the mud and dirt. It will do more harm than good to wet down the road grime without removing it. The lower edges of the doors, rocker panels, and frame members have drain holes that should not clog with dirt; trapped water in these areas can cause rusting. 9-82 WARNING After washing the vehicle, test the brakes while driving slowly to see if they have been affected by water. If the braking performance is impaired, dry the brakes by applying them lightly while maintaining a slow forward speed. Aluminum wheel maintenance The aluminum wheels are coated with a clear protective finish. • Do not use any abrasive cleaner, polishing compound, solvent, or wire brushes on aluminum wheels. They may scratch or damage the finish. • Clean the wheel when it has cooled. • Use only a mild soap or neutral detergent, and rinse thoroughly with water. Also, be sure to clean the wheels after driving on salted roads. This helps prevent corrosion. • Avoid washing the wheels with highspeed car wash brushes. • Do not use any alkaline or acid detergent. It may damage and corrode the aluminum wheels coated with a clear protective finish. 09 Corrosion protection Protecting your vehicle from corrosion Moisture breeds corrosion The most common causes of corrosion on your vehicle are: • Road salt, dirt and moisture that is allowed to accumulate underneath the vehicle. • Removal of paint or protective coatings by stones, gravel, abrasion or minor scrapes and dents which leave unprotected metal exposed to corrosion. Moisture creates the conditions in which corrosion is most likely to occur. For example, corrosion is accelerated by high humidity, particularly when temperatures are just above freezing. In such conditions, the corrosive material is kept in contact with the vehicle’s surface by moisture that slowly evaporates. Mud is particularly corrosive because it dries slowly and holds moisture in contact with the vehicle. Although the mud appears to be dry, it can still retain moisture and promote corrosion. High temperatures can also accelerate corrosion of parts that are not properly ventilated so the moisture can be dispersed. For all these reasons, it is particularly important to keep your vehicle clean and free of mud or accumulations of other materials. This applies not only to the visible surfaces but particularly to the underside of the vehicle. High-corrosion areas To help prevent corrosion By using the most advanced design and construction practices to combat corrosion, we produce vehicles of the highest quality. However, this is only part of the job. To achieve the long-term corrosion resistance your vehicle can deliver, the owner’s cooperation and assistance is also required. Common causes of corrosion If you live in an area where your vehicle is regularly exposed to corrosive materials, corrosion protection is particularly important. Some of the common causes of accelerated corrosion are road salts, dust control chemicals, ocean air and industrial pollution. You can help prevent corrosion from getting started by observing the following: 9-83 Maintenance Keep your vehicle clean The best way to prevent corrosion is to keep your vehicle clean and free of corrosive materials. Attention to the underside of the vehicle is particularly important. • If you live in a high-corrosion area — where road salts are used, near the ocean, areas with industrial pollution, acid rain, etc.—, you should take extra care to prevent corrosion. In winter, hose off the underside of your vehicle at least once a month and be sure to clean the underside thoroughly when winter is over. • When cleaning underneath the vehicle, give particular attention to the components under the fenders and other areas that are hidden from view. Do a thorough job; just dampening the accumulated mud rather than washing it away will accelerate corrosion rather than prevent it. Water under high pressure and steam are particularly effective in removing accumulated mud and corrosive materials. • When cleaning lower door panels, rocker panels and frame members, be sure that drain holes are kept open so that moisture can escape and not be trapped inside to accelerate corrosion. 9-84 Keep your garage dry Don’t park your vehicle in a damp, poorly ventilated garage. This creates a favorable environment for corrosion. This is particularly true if you wash your vehicle in the garage or drive it into the garage when it is still wet or covered with snow, ice or mud. Even a heated garage can contribute to corrosion unless it is well ventilated so moisture is dispersed. Keep paint and trim in good condition Scratches or chips in the finish should be covered with “touch-up” paint as soon as possible to reduce the possibility of corrosion. If bare metal is showing through, the attention of a qualified body and paint shop is recommended. Bird droppings : Bird droppings are highly corrosive and may damage painted surfaces in just a few hours. Always remove bird droppings as soon as possible. Don’t neglect the interior Moisture can collect under the floor mats and carpeting and cause corrosion. Check under the mats periodically to be sure the carpeting is dry. Use particular care if you carry fertilizers, cleaning materials or chemicals in the vehicle. These should be carried only in proper containers and any spills or leaks should be cleaned up, flushed with clean water and thoroughly dried. 09 Interior care Interior general precautions Prevent chemicals such as perfume, cosmetic oil, sun cream, hand cleaner, and air freshener from contacting the interior parts because they may cause damage or discoloration. If they do contact the interior parts, wipe them off immediately. See the instructions that follow for the proper way to clean vehicle interior surfaces. NOTICE Never allow water or other liquids to come in contact with electrical/ electronic components inside the vehicle as this may damage them. NOTICE When cleaning leather products (steering wheel, seats etc.), use neutral detergents or low alcohol content solutions. If you use high alcohol content solutions or acid/alkaline detergents, the color of the leather may fade or the surface may get stripped off. Cleaning the upholstery and interior trim Vehicle interior surfaces (if equipped) Remove dust and loose dirt from interior surfaces with a whisk broom or a vacuum cleaner. If necessary, clean interior surfaces with a mixture of warm water and mild nondetergent cleaner (test all cleaners on a concealed area before use). Fabric (if equipped) Remove dust and loose dirt from fabric with a whisk broom or vacuum cleaner. Clean with a mild soap solution recommended for upholstery or carpets. Remove fresh spots immediately with a fabric spot cleaner. If fresh spots do not receive immediate attention, the fabric can be stained and its color can be affected. Also, its fire-resistant properties can be reduced if the material is not properly maintained. NOTICE Using anything but recommended cleaners and procedures may affect the fabric’s appearance and fire-resistant properties. 9-85 Maintenance Leather (if equipped) • Feature of Seat Leather - Leather is made from the outer skin of an animal, which goes through a special process to be available for use. Since it is a natural object, each part differs in thickness or density. Wrinkles may appear as a natural result of stretching and shrinking depending on the temperature and humidity. - The seat is made of stretchable fabric to improve comfort. - The parts contacting the body are curved and the side supporting area is high which provides driving comfort and stability. - Wrinkles may appear naturally from usage. It is not a fault of the products. CAUTION • Wrinkles or abrasions which appear naturally from usage are not covered by warranty. • Belts with metallic accessories, zippers or keys inside the back pocket may damage the seat fabric. • Make sure not to wet the seat. It may change the nature of natural leather. • Jeans or clothes which could bleach may contaminate the surface of the seat covering fabric. 9-86 • Caring for the leather seats - Vacuum the seat periodically to remove dust and sand on the seat. It will prevent abrasion or damage of the leather and maintain its quality. - Wipe the natural leather seat cover often with dry or soft cloth. - Use of proper leather protective may prevent abrasion of the cover and helps maintain the color. Be sure to read the instructions and consult a specialist when using leather coating or protective agent. - Light colored (beige, cream beige) leather is easily contaminated and the stain is noticeable. Clean the seats frequently. - Avoid wiping with wet cloth. It may cause the surface to crack. 09 • Cleaning the leather seats - Remove all contaminations instantly. Refer to instructions below for removal of each contaminant. - Cosmetic products (sunscreen, foundation, etc.) Apply cleansing cream on a cloth and wipe the contaminate spot. Wipe off the cream with a wet cloth and remove water with a dry cloth. - Beverages (coffee, soft drink, etc.) Apply a small amount of neutral detergent and wipe until contaminations do not smear. - Oil Remove oil instantly with absorbable cloth and wipe with stain remover used only for natural leather. - Chewing gum Harden the gum with ice and remove gradually. Cleaning the lap/shoulder belt webbing Clean the belt webbing with any mild soap solution recommended for cleaning upholstery or carpet. Follow the instructions provided with the soap. Do not bleach or re-dye the webbing because this may weaken it. Cleaning the interior window glass If the interior glass surfaces of the vehicle become fogged (that is, covered with an oily, greasy or waxy film), they should be cleaned with glass cleaner. Follow the directions on the glass cleaner container. NOTICE Do not scrape or scratch the inside of the rear window. This may result in damage to the rear window defroster grid. 9-87 Maintenance EMISSION CONTROL SYSTEM The emission control system of your vehicle is covered by a written limited warranty. Please see the warranty information contained in the Service Passport in your vehicle. Your vehicle is equipped with an emission control system to meet all emission regulations. There are three emission control systems which are as follows. (1) Crankcase emission control system (2) Evaporative emission control system (3) Exhaust emission control system In order to assure the proper function of the emission control systems, it is recommended that you have your car inspected and maintained by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer in accordance with the maintenance schedule in this manual. 1. Crankcase emission control system The positive crankcase ventilation system is employed to prevent air pollution caused by blow-by gases being emitted from the crankcase. This system supplies fresh filtered air to the crankcase through the air intake hose. Inside the crankcase, the fresh air mixes with blow-by gases, which then pass through the PCV valve into the induction system. 2. Evaporative emission control system The Evaporative Emission Control System is designed to prevent fuel vapors from escaping into the atmosphere. Canister Fuel vapors generated inside the fuel tank are absorbed and stored in the onboard canister. When the engine is running, the fuel vapors absorbed in the canister are drawn into the surge tank through the purge control solenoid valve. Purge Control Solenoid Valve (PCSV) The purge control solenoid valve is controlled by the Engine Control Module (ECM); when the engine coolant temperature is low during idling, the PCSV closes so that evaporated fuel is not taken into the engine. After the engine warms up during ordinary driving, the PCSV opens to introduce evaporated fuel to the engine. 9-88 09 3. Exhaust emission control system The Exhaust Emission Control System is a highly effective system which controls exhaust emissions while maintaining good vehicle performance. Engine exhaust gas precautions (carbon monoxide) • Carbon monoxide can be present with other exhaust fumes. Therefore, if you smell exhaust fumes of any kind inside your vehicle, have it inspected and repaired immediately. If you ever suspect exhaust fumes are coming into your vehicle, drive it only with all the windows fully open. Have your vehicle checked and repaired immediately. WARNING Exhaust Engine exhaust gases contain carbon monoxide (CO). Though colorless and odorless, it is dangerous and could be lethal if inhaled. Follow the instructions on this page to avoid CO poisoning. • Do not operate the engine in confined or closed areas (such as garages) any more than what is necessary to move the vehicle in or out of the area. • When the vehicle is stopped in an open area for more than a short time with the engine running, adjust the ventilation system (as needed) to draw outside air into the vehicle. • Never sit in a parked or stopped vehicle for any extended time with the engine running. • When the engine stalls or fails to start, excessive attempts to restart the engine may cause damage to the emission control system. 9-89 Maintenance Operating precautions for catalytic converters (if equipped) WARNING Fire • A hot exhaust system can ignite flammable items under your vehicle. Do not park, idle, or drive the vehicle over or near flammable objects, such as grass, vegetation, paper, leaves, etc. • The exhaust system and catalytic system are very hot while the engine is running or immediately after the engine is turned off. Keep away from the exhaust system and catalytic, you may get burned. Also, do not remove the heat sink around the exhaust system, do not seal the bottom of the vehicle or do not coat the vehicle for corrosion control. It may present a fire risk under certain conditions. 9-90 Your vehicle is equipped with a catalytic converter emission control device. Therefore, the following precautions must be observed: • Use only UNLEADED FUEL for petrol engine. • Do not operate the vehicle when there are signs of engine malfunction, such as misfire or a noticeable loss of performance. • Do not misuse or abuse the engine. Examples of misuse are coasting with the ignition off and descending steep grades in gear with the ignition off. • Do not operate the engine at high idle speed for extended periods (5 minutes or more). • Do not modify or tamper with any part of the engine or emission control system. All inspections and adjustments must be made by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. • Avoid driving with an extremely low fuel level. Running out of fuel could cause the engine to misfire, damaging the catalytic converter. Failure to observe these precautions could result in damage to the catalytic converter and to your vehicle. Additionally, such actions could void your warranties. 09 Petrol particulate filter (GPF) (if equipped) Petrol Particulate Filter (GPF) systemremoves the soot in the exhaust gas.The GPF system automatically burns (or oxidizes) the accumulated soot in accordance with driving situations, unlike a disposable air filter. In other words, the accumulated soot is automatically purged out by the engine control system and by the high exhaust gas temperature at normal/ high driving speeds.However, when the vehicle is continually driven at repeated short distances or driven at low speed for a long time, the accumulated soot may not be automatically removed because of low exhaust gas temperature. In this case, the accumulated soot may reach a certain amount regardless of the soot oxidization process, then the ) will illuminate.The GPF lamp ( Petrol Particulate Filter (GPF)lamp stops illuminating, when the driving speed exceeds 80 km/h (50 mph) with engine RPM 1,500 ~ 4,000 and the gear in the 3rd position or above for approximately 30 minutes.When the GPF lamp starts to blink or the warning message “Check exhaust system” pops up even though the vehicle was driven as mentioned above, we recommend that you have the GPF system checked by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer.With GPF lamp blinking for an extended period of time, it may damage the GPF system and lower the fuel economy. CAUTION We recommend you to use only the regulated petrol fuels, when your vehicle is equipped with the GPF system.When you use other petrol fuels which contain unspecified additives, they may damage the GPF system and cause exhaust emission problems. 9-91 Maintenance Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Characteristics of CNG .......................................................................................3 Safety precautions - Do’s ...................................................................................3 Safety precautions - Dont’s ................................................................................4 Compliance plate ................................................................................................5 Instrument cluster ............................................................................................. 6 Gauges ........................................................................................................................... 7 Warnings and indicators ...............................................................................................8 CNG Change over Switch .................................................................................. 9 Fuel conversion .......................................................................................................... 10 CNG filling ......................................................................................................... 12 To refill CNG ..................................................................................................................12 CNG safety precaution.................................................................................................13 Starting the Engine ........................................................................................... 14 Engine compartment........................................................................................ 16 Owner maintenance ..........................................................................................17 Owner maintenance schedule ....................................................................................17 normal maintenance schedule ........................................................................ 18 Fuse maintenance ........................................................................................... 20 CNG component details ................................................................................... 21 CNG tank and multi valve assembly ................................................................22 CNG tank...................................................................................................................... 22 Multi valve assembly ................................................................................................... 22 CNG tank location.............................................................................................23 What to do in case of emergency? ..................................................................23 If you have a flat Tyre ........................................................................................24 Dimensions........................................................................................................25 Engine specification .........................................................................................25 Tires and wheels ...............................................................................................26 Recommended lubricants and capacities ...................................................... 27 Tire specification and pressure label .............................................................. 28 Engine number................................................................................................. 28 Air conditioner compressor label ....................................................................29 9-92 09 CHARACTERISTICS OF CNG • CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) is principally constituted by methane. CNG is considered as clean burning fuel. Due to low density of CNG, it is compressed at a pressure of around 200 bars to enhance the vehicle on-board storage capacity. • Pure CNG has no colour and no smell. Some additives are added for smell in order to detect any gas leakage. • Gaseous Propane is 1.5 times heavier and butane is 2 times heavier than air. • Volume of CNG increases more than 250 times when changed to gas from liquid, so liquid state is easier for transportation and storage. • It is economical because consumption of engine oil is lower and fuel cost is less than others. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ǘ'2Ŕ6 In order to get the best out of CNG fuel, it is recommended that the engine must be turned and regularly serviced, both as regards the mechanical and the electrical parts in addition to the routine maintenance required by the vehicle manufacturer. • Please check fuel gauge on the cluster for petrol availability in fuel tank before you start the engine. • Check/replace CNG fuel filter every 30,000 kms. Clean at every service. • Always refer to HYUNDAI Owner’s manual for trouble shooting and ‘Do It Yourself Maintenance’. • In case of any accident, get the vehicle repaired through authorised HYUNDAI dealer workshop only. • For emergency handling of any CNG leakage, user must be aware of the location and operation of the Manual shut off valve. • CNG has a special odour to make it easier to detect leakages. In case of leakages, immediately close the shut off valve & contact HYUNDAI authorised dealer workshop for further assistance. • Ensure that while filling CNG in the tank, the supply should cut off automatically in and around 22 litre. If it does not cut off, do not try to fill more CNG. • In case of replacement of any component in CNG system, always contact HYUNDAI authorised dealer workshop. • It is safe to carry a fire extinguisher in your vehicle. Your CNG is equipped with a fire extinguisher placed under the front passenger’s seat. 9-93 Maintenance 6$)(7<35(&$87,216ǘ'217Ŕ6 • Do not install a LPG, propane or any other cylinder in place of CNG cylinder. • Never tamper setting of the CNG system. • The CNG cylinder should never be repaired under any circumstances. In case of any problem, consult HYUNDAI authorised dealer workshop. • Never carry any inflammable material near CNG cylinder. • Avoid frequent change over from CNG mode to petrol mode and vice-versa to avoid symptoms of engine missing. • Use of domestic CNG is not only punishable as per law but also causes severe damage to your vehicle. Discourage CNG vendors who transfer the gas from domestic cylinder to your CNG tank. • Do not park the vehicle near inflammable/burning substance. • Do not smoke inside or near your vehicle it can be hazardous to your vehicle. 9-94 OPA042411 OPA042412 NOTICE Get CNG Tank checked after every 5 years at government approved testing agency. Never fill CNG cylinder with air, LPG or any fuel except CNG (subject to existing government regulations). 09 COMPLIANCE PLATE „ Compliance plate OBA053016 Compliance plate depicting the CNG kit identification details and kit installation date is located on the rear right side of the vehicle. „ CNG sticker OPA052034R CNG stickers are pasted on the front and rear wind shields for identification purpose. WARNING Do not tamper with the compliance plate. Tampering with the compliance plate may lead to termination of HYUNDAI warranty. 9-95 Maintenance INSTRUMENT CLUSTER ❈ The actual cluster in the vehicle may differ from the illustration. For more details refer to the “Gauges” in the next pages. OAI3049028 1. Tachometer 2. Speedometer 3. Fuel gauge 4. Warning and indicator lights 5. Trip mode/reset button 9-96 09 Gauges Fuel gauge Tachometer OAI3049029 OAI3049005 The tachometer indicates the approximate number of engine revolutions per minute (rpm). Use the tachometer to select the correct shift points and to prevent lugging and/ or over-revving the engine. When the door is opened, or if the engine is not started within 1 minute, the tachometer pointer may move slightly in the ON position with the engine OFF. This movement is normal and will not affect the accuracy of the tachometer once the engine is running. CAUTION Do not operate the engine within the tachometer’s RED ZONE. This may cause severe engine damage. The fuel gauge indicates the approximate amount of fuel remaining in the fuel tank. The fuel gauge is supplemented by a low fuel warning light, which will illuminate when the fuel tank is nearly empty. On inclines or curves, the fuel gauge pointer may fluctuate or the low fuel warning light may come on earlier than usual due to the movement of fuel in the tank. WARNING Fuel gauge Running out of fuel can expose vehicle occupants to danger. You must stop and obtain additional fuel as soon as possible after the warning light comes on or when the gauge indicator comes close to the “E (Empty)” level. CAUTION Avoid driving with extremely low fuel level. Running out of fuel could cause the engine to misfire, damaging the catalytic converter. 9-97 Maintenance Warnings and indicators Engine has Overheated Warning Light This warning light illuminates with a warning chime when the engine coolant temperature is above 120°C (248°F). It remains on if the engine coolant temperature is above 120°C (248°F). This means that the engine is overheated and may be damaged. If your vehicle is overheated, refer to “If the Engine Overheats” in chapter 7. CNG Warning Light (if equipped) This warning light blinks: • When there is some problem with the CNG system. • If CNG indicator blinks, It means either of 1) fuel lid (cap) open 2) CNG Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor Error 3) CNG System Error Low fuel level warning light - CNG (if equipped) This indicator will illuminate • When the CNG fuel tank is nearly empty. 9-98 09 CNG CHANGE OVER SWITCH „ CNG mode ON „ Petrol mode ON OAI3069021 OAI3059069 • Change over switch is installed on the driver’s side crash pad to make fuel type selection. The switch has two modes CNG & Petrol. One can choose the type of mode (petrol or CNG) by pushing on the mode selection switch. • The CNG system engine starts on petrol if there is enough petrol and if the petrol fuel system is normally operating. • It is recommended to use petrol only when you start the engine and when CNG is empty. • The engine starts with CNG when petrol is empty or when there is a problem with the petrol fuel system. The vehicle will starts in gasoline mode and then changes the CNG automatically without changeover switch input, If the switch is entered while in progress, it will remain as gasoline. The changeover time depends on the temperature of the engine coolant and the engine speed. (up to 60 s). Do not press the fuel changeover switch several times as the changeover does not take place immediately. Do not be surprised. When switching fuel from gasoline to CNG in a stationary vehicle, the engine speed can increase momentarily for smooth fuel conversion. If press and hold the fuel change over switch for more than 5 seconds, it will be forced into CNG. The vehicle will start in CNG. CNG Mode On or Petrol Mode On is indicated as shown in LCD , helps the driver to Indicate which Mode is running. While driving with the petrol system, if you press the fuel change over switch to change the fuel system the CNG, the CNG indicator will blink 3 times and then the fuel system will change to CNG system. CNG mode • The change over switch is pressed with Petrol mode • The CNG Mode is on as shown 9-99 Maintenance Petrol mode • The change over switch is pressed with CNG mode • The Petrol Mode is on as shown OAI3049029 The CNG gauge on the instrument cluster indicates the fuel level in the CNG tank. E : Empty tank F : Full tank While driving, the CNG gauge may change due to movement of CNG gauge pointer fixed in CNG cylinder. When CNG fuel level is very low the CNG level warning light illuminates. 9-100 Fuel conversion Automatically converts from petrol to CNG The vehicle will starts in gasoline mode and then changes the CNG automatically without fuel change over switch input by user. When driving on petrol with no fuel change over switch input, petrol is below a certain level, or there is a problem with the petrol system, it will convert from petrol to CNG if the following conditions are met. • After some time starting the engine on petrol • When CNG pressure is above certain level. • When CNG fuel system is operating normally. • When the amount of CNG is above certain level. Automatically converts from CNG to petrol When the CNG is nearly empty or the system has a problem, it will convert from CNG to petrol if the following conditions are met. • Running the engine on CNG. • When petrol fuel system is operating normally. • When the amount of petrol is above certain level. 09 Manually converts from petrol to CNG When the fuel change over switch is pressed with petrol, it will convert to from petrol to CNG if the following conditions are met. • After some time starting the engine on petrol. • When CNG pressure is above certain level. • When CNG fuel system is operating normally. • When the amount of CNG is above certain level. CAUTION Whenever you convert petrol to CNG or vice-versa it is recommended to press the acceleration pedal gradually(RPM drop or engine stoppage may occur due to fuel consumption delay. CAUTION • A thud sound may be heard when CNG mode is activated. This is normal due to CNG solenoid valve being activated located on the Valve assembly of CNG tank. Manually converts from CNG to petrol When the fuel change over switch is pressed with CNG, it will convert from CNG to petrol if the following conditions are met. • After some time starting the engine. • When petrol fuel system is operating normally. • When the amount of petrol is above certain level. 9-101 Maintenance CNG FILLING WARNING OAI3059016 Auto CNG filler valve is installed on the rear right hand side of your vehicle. To refill CNG 1. Turn off the engine. 2. To open the fuel filler lid, pull up the fuel filler lid opener. 3. Pull the fuel filler lid (1) out to fully open. 4. Open the CNG cap (2). Place the cap on the fuel filler door (3). 5. Refill your vehicle with CNG. While refilling, do not refill your tank over 80%. Your vehicle automatically blocks the fuel if it is refilled 80%. But in any case, you have refilled over 80%, we recommend that the system be checked by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. 6. Close the CNG cap and fuel filler lid. Make sure it is securely closed. 9-102 • Do not refill your tank over 80%. • Always turn the engine off before refilling. • Keep away from flammable materials when refilling. • Start the engine after checking the fuel cap is securely closed. • CNG is extremely flammable. If something ignites it, you could be badly burned. Keep sparks, flames and smoking materials away from CNG. Do not smoke if you are near CNG or refilling your vehicle. • CNG is stored in the fuel tank at pressures up to 3.0 Mpa (435 psi). To prevent personal injury, never: - Fill to a pressure greater than 3.0 Mpa (435 psi). - Fill a leaking or damaged tank. • CNG can cause severe cold burns and frostbite. Never let liquid CNG contact your skin or eyes. When filling your CNG fuel tank, always wear gloves approved for handling CNG and appropriate eye protection. • If your vehicles is parked on an angled surface, the auto-stop fill device may not function correctly. Make sure your vehicle is parked on a level surface when filling the CNG fuel tank. 09 • Under certain conditions, you may notice it takes longer to fill your CNG fuel tank or CNG fuel tank does not refill on a hot day. This is caused by an increase in the pressure inside the CNG fuel tank. This is normal and does not indicate a problem with the CNG fuel tank. • If it’s difficult to refill your CNG tank for the above reason, do as follows: - Use petrol (refuel petrol). - Avoid refilling the CNG fuel tank at a very hot midday. - Do not refill a high propane CNG gas for home (camping) use. CNG safety precaution • Refill CNG only 80% of the tank. • Do not remove the valve to over refill. If you refill more than you are permitted, the fuel tank may explode. • Turn the engine off while refilling. • Avoid heat and direct sunlight the fuel tank may pressure up. • Avoid underground parking lots or closed places when you need to park your vehicle for a very long time. • If you smell CNG inside your vehicle open the windows. If you notice a leak, we recommend that the system be checked by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. • Make sure your vehicle is parked on a level surface and nothing flammable is near while you check your vehicle. • Do not repair your fuel tank. We recommend that you contact an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. • Do not try to stop the leak by covering it with your hand. You might suffer from frostbites. • If the CNG fuel system has a leak, a spark from jumper cables could ignite the CNG. You or someone else could be badly burned. Do not jump start your vehicle if you smell CNG or hear a hissing sound. • Towing your vehicle with improperly positioned tow straps, hooks or chains can damage the CNG fuel system and cause a leak. You or someone else could be injured. Do not use the CNG fuel system components and/or fuel lines as towing attachment points. • Do not open the fuel cap while driving. - The engine may turning off when the fuel cap is opened while driving. - When starting the engine after opening the fuel cap, the engine may not start. 9-103 Maintenance STARTING THE ENGINE HYUNDAI CNG Bi-fuel car is programmed to start the engine in petrol mode then changes the CNG mode automatically. If the switch is entered while in progress, it will remain as gasoline. Fuel changeover time is up to 60 seconds and is affected by engine speed and engine coolant temperature. If the quantity of petrol is not sufficient enough, the car will start the engine in CNG mode. However, for a smooth starting, ensure that sufficient quantity of petrol is present in the fuel tank. WARNING It is observed that drivers have the tendency to adjust the idling condition to suit their own preferences. It is advisable not to adjust the standard conditions. Deviation from the standard value may result in excessive exhaust gas and loss of fuel efficiency. Do not press the fuel changeover switch several times as the changeover does not take place immediately 9-104 How CNG/petrol mode gets activated? The activation/conversion occurs at different conditions and logics which are dependent on how the vehicle is tuned. CNG conversion happens only when all the activation conditions are attained. Petrol mode The change over switch is pressed with CNG mode or the change over switch is pressed while automatic fuel change is progress. Vehicle starts in petrol mode. Vehicle running in petrol mode. 09 CNG mode Type A The change over switch is pressed and hold over 5s then the engine will start with CNG Type C The change over switch is pressed with petrol mode after first automatically change CNG (Start with petrol  Automatically change CNG  Change over switch is pressed  Manually change petrol) Vehicle starts in CNG mode Vehicle running in CNG mode Vehicle running in CNG mode Type B The change over switch is not pressed , engine will start with petrol Vehicle starts in petrol mode Automatically change over to CNG mode if following conditions are met. • The engine coolant temperature is over a certain level or the engine speed is over a certain level • The quantity of CNG is over a certain level • The CNG pressure is over a certain level • The CNG system is operating normally Vehicle running in CNG mode 9-105 Maintenance ENGINE COMPARTMENT ❈ The actual engine compartment in the vehicle may differ from the illustration. OAI3089051 1. Engine coolant reservoir 2. Engine oil filler cap 3. Brake/clutch* fluid reservoir 4. Air cleaner 5. Fuse box 6. Battery 7. Windshield washer fluid reservoir 8. Radiator cap 9. Engine oil dipstick 10. CNG gaseous fuel filter 9-106 09 FUSE MAINTENANCE „ Fuse OPA072100 The CNG system is protected against short circuit/overload using fuse (10A) fitted in the engine compartment fuse panel. If CNG system doesn’t work, check the engine compartment fuse panel. Always replace a blown fuse with one of same rating. When the fuse blows off, the following symptoms may be observed. • The vehicle can be restarted in petrol mode only. • If the vehicle is running in petrol mode the vehicle will keep on running on petrol mode. 9-107 Maintenance CNG COMPONENT DETAILS 1. CNG tank 2. Multifunction valve 3. Vaporizer assembly 9-108 OBA053010 OBA053012 OPA052040 OBA053014 OBA053013 OAI3069021 4. Gas filter and bracket assembly 5. Petrol-CNG ECU unit 6. CNG change over switch 09 CNG TANK AND MULTI VALVE ASSEMBLY CNG tank Multi valve assembly OPA042416 CNG tank is located in the trunk/boot of your vehicle under the luggage mat which is fastened to the trunk /boot body wall ensuring better safety. CNG tank is toroidal shaped for better layout. WARNING Do not tamper standard settings. It may cause damage to CNG system. Do not tamper with the tank by increasing or decreasing tank capacity. OAI3069022 The tank is fitted with the multi valve assembly. The multi valve assembly has a fuel gauge, shut off valve and a pressure relief valve as shown in the illustration. 1. Inlet 2. Pressure relief valve 3. Capacity gauge 4. Solenoid 5. Manual shut off valve 6. Outlet • The pressure relief valve operates whenever the gas pressure in the tank increases above a set pressure (in case of accident). • Manual shut off valve is a manually operated safety valve. It is advisable to understand opening and closing of the manual shut off valve. This helps in handling emergency situation with ease. 9-109 Maintenance CNG TANK LOCATION WHAT TO DO IN CASE OF EMERGENCY? „ Manual shut-off valve OAI3069024 CNG tank is located in the trunk/boot of your vehicle (under the luggage mat). CNG tank is toroidal shaped for better layout. The following steps are to be followed to reach the CNG tank: 1. Remove the spare tyre from the luggage mat by unfastening the installation bolt manually. 2. Lift the luggage mat to reach the CNG tank. OAI3069023 In case of suspicion of any CNG leakage, following steps should be followed. 1. Stop the vehicle at a safe location and switch to petrol mode. 2. Open all windows, switch off the ignition. 3. Close the manual shut-off valve on the CNG tank. The flow of CNG can be shut off by putting the manual shut off valve to closed position by rotating it clockwise when viewed from front. Manual shut off valve is located at the rear of the vehicle just over the tank assembly. 4. Contact your nearest HYUNDAI authorised dealer workshop. NOTICE Under normal driving conditions, the vehicle can be driven in petrol mode to the nearest dealer workshop for checking. Ensure not to switch over CNG mode while driving. 9-110