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We cover 60 Lada vehicles, were you looking for one of these?

Lada - Niva - Workshop Manual - 2003 - 2003
Lada - 2107 - Workshop Manual - 2007 - 2007 (Russian)
Lada Lada Niva Lada Niva Workshop Manual 1700
Lada - 110 - Parts Catalogue - 2003 - 2003 (Russian)
Lada - 2107 - Parts Catalogue - 2004 - 2004 (Russian)
Lada - Priora - Workshop Manual - 2009 - 2009 (Russian)
Lada - Niva - Drivers Manual - 1989 - 1999
Lada - Samara - Workshop Manual - 2003 - 2003
Lada - Kalina - Workshop Manual - 2008 - 2008 (German)
Lada - 110 - Workshop Manual - 2016 - 2016 (German)
Lada Lada Niva Lada Niva Workshop Manual 1600
Lada - Granta - Owners Manual - 2016 - 2016 (Russian)
Lada - Niva - Workshop Manual - 2004 - 2004
BMW N13 Engine. Technical training. Product information
Lada - 2112 - Owners Manual - 2001 - 2001
Lada - Niva - Workshop Manual - 2001 - 2001
ATSG 722.6 Transmission Technical Service Information
Lada - Niva - Workshop Manual - 1987 - 1987
Lada - Niva - Parts Catalogue - 2011 - 2011
Lada - Samara - Parts Catalogue - 1995 - 1995
Lada - Niva - Owners Manual - 2016 - 2016
Lada - Kalina - Owners Manual - 2016 - 2016
Lada - 110 - Parts Catalogue - 2003 - 2003
Lada - 2110 - Workshop Manual - 1998 - 1998 (Dutch)
Lada - Niva - Workshop Manual - 1977 - 1977
Lada - Samara - Workshop Manual - 2003 - 2003 (2)
Lada Lada Samara Lada Samara 2000 Misc. Document Parts Catalogue
Lada - Niva - Miscellaneous Documents - 1989 - 1989
Lada - Samara - Parts Catalogue - 1986 - 1986
Lada - 2111 - Workshop Manual - 2006 - 2006 (German)
Lada - Samara - Workshop Manual - 2003 - 2003 (German)
Lada - Priora - Owners Manual - 2017 - 2017 (Russian)
Lada - Niva - Workshop Manual - 1977 - 1977 (2)
Lada - Priora - Parts Catalogue - 2007 - 2007 (Russian)
Lada - Kalina - Owners Manual - 2017 - 2017 (Russian)
Lada Lada Niva Lada Niva 2003 Misc. Document Parts Catalogue
Lada - Priora - Workshop Manual - 2010 - 2010 (Russian)
Lada - Kalina - Owners Manual - 2016 - 2016 (Kazakh)
ATSG Ford F4-EAT, F4E-III Technical Service Information
Lada - Niva - Workshop Manual - 2011 - 2011 (German)
Lada Lada Niva Lada Niva 2009 Misc Documents Parts Catalogue
Lada - Kalina - Workshop Manual - 2014 - 2014 (Dutch)
Lada - Priora - Workshop Manual - 2013 - 2013
Lada - Vesta - Miscellaneous Documents - (2017 )
Lada - 110 - Workshop Manual - 2001 - 2001 (German)
Lada Lada Kalina Lada Kalina 2005 Misc Documents Parts Catalogue
Lada - Kalina - Sales Brochure - 2013 - 2013 (Czech)
Lada Lada Kalina Lada Kalina Workshop Manual Russian
Lada - Priora - Workshop Manual - 2007 - 2007 (Russian) (3)
Printers & Accessories - Xerox - Wide Format 6705 System
Lada - 2112 - Workshop Manual - 1999 - 1999 (German)
Lada - Niva - Sales Brochure - 1993 - 1993 (Spanish)
Lada Lada Nova Ligier Nova 2002 Misc Documents Brochure
Lada - Kalina - Sales Brochure - 2003 - 2003 (Slovak)
Lada Lada Niva Lada Niva 2006 Misc Documents Buyers Guide
Lada - Priora - Sales Brochure - 2018 - 2018 (French)
Lada - Priora - Workshop Manual - 2007 - 2007 (Russian) (2)
Lada - Priora - Sales Brochure - 2018 - 2018 (Spanish)
Lada - 111 - Sales Brochure - 1995 - 1995 (Slovak)
Lada - Kalina - Owners Manual - 2016 - 2016 (Hungarian)
Summary of Content
zurück Inhalt npasnnanonwosannnKaranoroM ...................... ...5 rieperekb MOAelleR,ucAk@aKalfa9 H KOuMeKTsqnH ......... .7 rieperakbnnnmcrpaqk9.. .... ......................... .3ll mnnlocrpaqww ..... ................................... .40 nepereHboanacnblxracreR .......................... Ta6nnubl .......................................... CanbkkKk ........................................... rlonmHnHHlfJ ........................................ #arneneHw~..........................................4 ..26 5 ..411 ,417 ,419 23 Hinweise für den Benutzer ............... Auflistung der Modelle, deren Versionen und Bestückung ........................... Verzeichnis der Bilder ................... Bildteil ................................ Ersakteiiiiste .................... I ..... Tabellen ............................... Dichtringen. ............................ wäiriager ........... L ................. Änderungen................~ ........... . . . . . 20 . . . . 22 . 30 . . . . . 40 . . 265 . . . . 411 . . . 417 . 419 . . . . 423 Contenido Howtousethecataiogue.. ................... .lO List of vehicie modeis, Versions and speclfications ... 12 List of figures. ............................. ..3 0 Figures..................................... 0 Spare part iiet ............................ ..26 5 Tabies :....................................4? 1 Oil seais ................................. ..417 Antifriction basrings ........................ .419 Modifications .......... ..~..................42 3 Regias de Ia utiiizacion dei cataiogo ............. .25 Mcdificaciones de los autos y de sus versiones ... .27 Liste de figuras. ............................ ..3 0 Figuras ................................... ..4 0 Listade recambios .......................... .265 Tabias ................................... ..411 Retenes. ................................. ..417 Cojlnetes de contacto radante ................. .419 Cambios ................................. ..42 3 Sommaire Mode d’empioi du cataiogue .................. Liste des modeies, modifications et nlveaux d’6quipement des vehicuies .................. Liste des iiiustrations ....................... iiiustrations ............................... Nomenciature des pieces d&ach&s ........... Tabieaux .................................. Garnitures d’etancheite ...................... Rouiements ............................... Modifications .............................. .15 17 : 30 40 265 411 417 419 423 1 This cats/ogue has been designed as a guide for making op orders for spare patrs. Range of replacement parts and units delivered by AVTOVAZ. is based on the effective spare parts specification. The Cata/ogue is intended for repair, sales and Service personnel. The Catalogue is BS of 01.01.2GOO. All rights reserved. The Copyright holder of this Catalogue is Department of Development of AO AIITOVAZ. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in sny form 01 by sny meank, electronie or mechanlcal, including photocopying, recording or by eny information storage 01 retrieval System, without permission in wrlting frOm the copyrlght holder. Ce Cstalogue seri d’ouvrage de r&rence lors de la formation des commandes des pi&ces d&?ch&?s. La nomenclature der pi&ces et ensembles fournis en rechange psr I’AVTOVAZ. est determin& psr Ia SpeCification des pi&ces d&ach6es Le catslogue s’adresse ao personnel des entreprises de reparstion, commerciales et de senfices. Le catalogue s 6th mis 9 jour Ie 01.01.2000. Taus /es droits pour Ie pr&ent Catalogue sont r&erv& ä DPpsrtement de d&eloppementAO AVTOVAZ. Toote repr&entation ou mproduction m6me partielle y compris copies 6lectroniques et photocoptes sans autorisation 6cdte du titulaire Der vorliegende Das Angebot sn Der Katalog so// Stand: gt.Ol.2M)o. Alle Rechte sind Katalog ist ein Nachschlagenwerk, das bei Erstellen der Aufträge für jeweilige Einzelteilen und Baugruppen, die das Lieferprogramm von AVTOVXZ. enthält, in erster Linie den Reparatur-, Handels- und Service-Werkstätten. dem Geschäftsbereich nEntwickhmgu, AG AVTOVAZ en vigueur . du drolt sont interdites. Ersatzteile zum Einsatz kommen soll. wird durch das jeweils gültige Ersatzteilverzeichnis festgelegt. vorbehalten. El cat6logo es UR material de informact6n psra conformar los pedidos de recambios. El nomenclador de piezas y conjuntos que la plsnta AVTOVAZ. suministra en calldad de recsmbios, se El cst&go se destlna psrs los empleados de las empresss y organizeciones de reparsciOn, comercio, El cat6logo est6 preperado de acuerdo con et estado en 01.01.2000. Todas los derechos pers et presente Cat&go de repuestos est6n reservados per el Departamento de Nlnguna parte del presente Cst&go de repuestos puede ser reproducida por ningtin fln y en ninguna memorizacidn de le informackjn en cualquier sistema, sin autorizaci6n previe por escrito de Parte del determina por Ia especificsci6n de los servicios de asistencia de recamblos t&nica. desarrollo forma, poseedor incluyendo del AO AVTOVAZ. tsmpoco via s-msil, de derechos. vigentes (ERV). ls fOtOreproduCCi6n y Ia 4. 2 VA2 2110 VAZ 21108 VAZ 2111 VAZ 2112 3 : Ae~oMo6m~ BA3-2110, BA3-2111, BA3-2112 MMXtviofln@wtaqbw Cars VAZ-2110, VAZ-2111, VAZ-2112 and their Versions Voitures VAZ-2110, VAZ-2111, VAZ-?112 et leurs Versions Personenkrqftwagen VA%21 IO, VAZ-2111, VAZ-2112 mit Aversionen. Atitom6viles VAZ-21 IO, VAZ-2111, VAZ-2112 y modificaciones KaTanor 3anactwx racTeR Parts catalogue Catalogue des pieces d&achees , Ersatzteiikatalog Cat&& ,’ de repuestos AO ABTOBA3 AO AVTOVAZ TOflbHlX’l l l TOGLIATTI * POCCLW l RUSSIA 2000 4 5 KM 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7,8,9 c Merepmae KW - 6 0 Cmnbcnpe*enou npowom 1 Cnnbc 2 C~anbc npenenou npowom 3 Cmbcnpe,mou 4 Jlayb 5 Jlernnü cnnae npenenou npowom 6 MP 7 ~yr~eue~amrecnw2 8 Heuerannitrecmü 9 CwuaHwR Hapaapbs333 -490 Mna (34 -50 w/d) Hapa3pbie490.784Mna (50 -80 iv/m42) Hapa3pbie 784-980 Mna (80-100 K~/MM*) npor~ocrw~apa3pble960-1176Mna Marepaam,Kpoue (100.i2O~ri~d) ~bwflepewcnewu IlEPEVEHb M MOC(EIIEl$ MO~‘WlKAL(Mti M KOMllJlEKTAL(Mti ABTOM06MflEti HOW TO USE CATALOGUE 2110-1703320-01 (01-11) Versionsand specificationsn). Replacement part catalogue consists of 5 major sections: - List of Mustrations Illustratlons List of replacement Tablas Modiflcations 2110-5109006 Legend used in the catalogue is as describedbelow. 1 4 &J L R E Rus+B GM 2101-1005163 + 0.127 - a part which true size exceeds its nominalsize by 0.127 mm 2101-1106170 0.3 - a Pali of 0.3 mm true size 2110 - 5325014 2110 - 3402012 _ refers to 1st gear - a part within Kit 1, which No is shown in the detail to the Sameillustration (01) 2106-30011410 (14) 10 - a parl fitted to the vehicles with code (01). (See LH bottom comer of illustration). Parts and units having no (Ol), (02), etc. Codesin their numbsrsarc fitted to the vehicles shown at the LH bottom corner of illustration. - a part fitted to the vehicles packaged as optlon code 15 (Refsr to *List of vehicle models, versions and specificationsn). - a unit which componentsarc shown in the catalogue D160 - a unit which componentsars shown in illustrationDl60 04399 -10 4389 - by notice 4399 part 21106606035 is removed from the design of the illustrated unit. The Same notice introduces parl 21099-6605035-10 - +-2 +- x2 = 2110-5206060 - part 2110-5206062 together with parts 2110-5206132 + 2110-5206064arc replaced with part 2110-5206060 - not supplied as replacement pari - not supplied as replacemenfpart (sec List of replacement -‘a detail with Kit No 2111-5305100 - a unit fitted to the kft-hand drive vehicles with (01) code (Refer to the legend below) - for left-hand drive vehicles - for right-hand drive vehicles - for export vshicles - for vehicles fftted with Russian-makeand BOSCH wmponents - for vehicles fined with GM components refers to reverss gear 1 (Ol-L) parts Section <) Shows that the part is made of steel with breaking strength of 490 to 784 MPa, the last digit *2>> indicates the pati is chrome-plated. Section forforeign market 2111.16,1.5-L, 8V, MPFI EUR(12 GM,Zlll-1411020-10 Ft.&? Rus+B,2111-1411020 with AIC Vehicle Hode1 Variaid 21102 211026 21103 211a36 Fuel Injectlon components and ekctmniccontml module(ECM) Sp.%. Coda Bodytype 136 salom LH &tandardnlorSweden Zlll-16,1.6-L,6V, 143 sahmn LH &tandard~~ for Gulfcountdes 2i11-16,i.5-L,6V,MPFI EUROP GM,2111-1411020-10 176 SalOOll LH &wdard~forIsrael 2111.16,1.5-L,W,MPFI EUROB GM.2111-1411020-10 610 SalOOn RH l~Standard,,forforeignmarket 2111.16,1.5-L,6V,MPFI EUROI GM,Zill-1411020-10 10 saloon LH pourmarcheext&ieur 2111-14, 1.5 1, 6 soupapes, a injection mutipoint Eure-2 Rus+B,2111-141102040 avec I’averlisseur du vehicule 116 berline Agauche ~~Normex pourmarcheexi&ur 2111.16, 1.5 I,6 wpapes, a injection multipoint Eu02 GM,2111-1411020-10 avec rai@ag mnducteur 116 berline A gauehe CxNormeza pourmarch6exlerieur 2111-14, 1.5 1, 6 soupapes, a injection multipoinl Eu02 RustB,2111-141102@4C avec essuie-phares 130 berline a gauehe ~‘Norme~~ pour marct&xtWur 2111-76, 1.5 1, 6 soupapes, k injection multipoint Euro3 Rus+B,2111-141102050 avec Rough Road Sensor 133 berline A gauehe ‘~Norme,,pourm~chcheeuterieur 2111.16, Eure-2 GM,2111-1411020-10 pourmarch~exi~rieur 1,6 soupapes, 1.5 1,6 soupapes, multipoint a injection muitipoint f .5 Ij 6 soupapes, B injection multipoint d’injection GM,Zlll-1411020-10 A climatisation sonore d’alerle du surviiessf et feuxde jour 17 Ndeur 21102 2116% 21103 211036 Notes 136 berline &gauche ~NornwpaurSu&ie 2111-16, 1.5 1.6 soupapes, & injection multipoint hm-2 GM,2111-141102&10 BW les essuie-phares etfeux de hur 143 berline & gsuche ~Nom~eapourpays de Goll Penique 2111-16,1.5 l, 6 soupapes, 6 iniection multipoint Em4 GM,2111-141102010 avec I’avBrlisseursonore d’alerle du swvites! du vbhicule 176 terline Bgauche ~Nornw~pourlsra~l 2111.16, 1.5 1.6 soupapes, & injeclion multipoint Eum-2 GM,2111~1411020-10 610 berline admite ~Normetipourmarch8eaiWur 2111-16, 1.5 I,6 soupapes, & injectmn multipoint Eure2 GM,2i11~1411@2Q-10 10 berline Bgawhe ~Norme,,pourmarcheint6rieur 2112, 1.5 1,16 soupapes. & injection multipoint R43 GM,2112-1411020 11 befline ggauche ~Narme,,pourmarch6intarieur 2112-10, 1.5 1,16 soupapes, * injeaion multipaint R43 RUs+B,2112-1411020~1 14 berline B gatie +&rnw 2112.14, 1.5 1,16 soupapes, & injection multipaint R43 GM,2112-1411020 20 berline 4 gauehe dorrne~~ pur march8 i?&ur 110 pxr marchd int&iaur BW les essuie-phares et k compteur de vitesse awc l’&helk en kmhniles 6 climatisation 2112.10, 1.5 1,16 soupapes, a ijection multipoint Eure-2 RustE,2112-141102040 bering 2112-10, 1.5 I, 16 soupapes, z%iniection mulpoint Eure-2 RustB,2112-141102040 116 bedine 2112-10, 1.5 1,16 soupapes, a injenion multipoint Eum-2 RustB,2112~-1411020-4 130 beding 2112-70, 1.5 1,16 soupapes, & injedion mulöpoint Euro.3 RustB,,2112-1411020-50 avecRough Road Sensor 133 bertine 2112, 1.5 1,16 soupapes, g in@ctionmultipoint Eure2 GM,2112-1411020~10 137 beiine 2112.70, 1.5 1,16 soupapes, & injenion rnulöpoint USA-SB GM,2112-1411020-20 avac recirculationdes gaz d’echappement 610 bedine 2112.30,1.5 I,16 soupapes, 3 injaction mukipoint Eure-2 GM,2112-141102CiO avec las eswie-phares st Ie mmpteur de vilesss BW I’&helle en kmlmiles 10 bedine 2112, 1.5 I, 16 soupape.9,a injeetion multipoint R83 G,.,,2112~1411020 version du vtiile 11 baiine 2112.10,1.5 I,16 soupapes, SQ iniection mukipoint R.63 Rus+B,2112-141102001 version du v8hiurle VAZ-21103 a longue baa 10 break 2111, 1.5 l,6 wupapes, 6 injection munipoint RB) Rus+B,2111-1411020 .possibk de pose, des ca!alat8urs injection 2111.1411EO-7Oou211l-1411020-71 11 break 2111.12, 1.5 1,6 soupapes, g injection multipoint R-?3 RustB,2111-141102W2 20 break 4 gauehe enormen pwrmarch8 Mt&ieur 2111-14, 1.5 I,6 soupapes, g injectiin multipoint Eure2 RustB,2111~141102%46 21 lxeak a gauehe =Nonew pourmarrSint&ieur 2111-14, 1.5 1,6 soupapes, g injection multipoint Eure-2 RwB,2111-141102060 110 twak &gauche -Normen pcurmarci-&x%~ur 2111.14,1.5 1,6 soupapes, 3 injection multipoint Eum-2 Rus+B,2111~141102040 113 Ixeak agauche 2111-14, 1.5 I, 6 soupaps, 4 injec3on multipoint Eum-2 Rt!stB,2111~1411020-4 avec ks essuie-phares et leux de jour VAZ-21103 a longue bar 21166 2111 -Norme” pourmati4exiWur HINWEISE FÜR DEN BENUTZER Der Ersatzteilkatalog wird aus fünf Hauptabschnitten gebildet: &xzeichnis Bildern, ~~Bilderl>~, ~~Ersatzteilliste~~ , aTabellem und *Änderungen*. Der Abschnitt GWerzeichnisder Bildern enthält die Kurzbeschreibung der 2108-300114-10 (14) -Teil wird in die Fahrzeuge eingebaut, die nach Version 14 ausgestattet werden (siehe hierzu < paramercadointerior i 2110, 1.5 1,de carburador con sistema de inyecci6n de encendido sin con1ac1o i21 IO, 1.5 I,de carburarhr con sistemade inyecci6n de encendido sin contacto 2110.02 10 sedan izquierda eLu]ograndez 10 sedan izquierda para mercadoetiedor 133 sedan izquierda UNorma” para mercado extedar 137 sedan izquierda “Norman para Canada 610 sedan derecha ~~Nornw para mercado exterior 10 sedan izquierda me]orcomfortparamerc?zdcado interior 2111-16J 1.5 I,8-v&~ulas inyeccibn de combustible multi polnts 2111.16!1.51,8-v~vulasinyecciondacombustible multi pomts 2111.1!,1.5 I,8-v&lvulas inyeti6n de combustible multi pomts 2112, 1.5 1, l&v~lvulas inyeccibn de combustible multi Points 2112-10, 1.5 1, 16.v&lvulas inyecciOn de combustibk multi points 2112-14, 1.5 1, 16.v&lvulas inye&n de combustible multi points 2112.10, 1.5,I, 16-v&.ks inyeccibn de combutible multi Points 2112.10, 1.5 I,16-~Blvulas inyecci6n de combustibla multi Points 2112-10, 1.5 1, 16.v&lvulas inyeccibn de combustible muiti Points 2112.70, 1.5 1, IB-Wulas inyeccibn de combustible muiti Points 2112, 1.5 1, 16-v&~ulas inyeccibn de combustible multi Points 2112.70, 1.5 1, Wv&ulas inyeccibn de mmbustible multi Points 2112.30, 1.5 1, l&v&~ulas inyeccidn de mmbustibk multi Points 2112. 1.5 1, IO-v#vulas inyea%n de combusbble ,,,ulti points 11 sedan izquierda mejorwmfortparamercado intedor 2112.10, 1.5 1, i6-tikulas combustible ,,,ulti points Ejacuct6n Motor interior 21103 10 wagen izquierda ~Nonna~ paramercado intertor 11 wagen izquierda ~%m~a* 20 wagen izquierda “Narma”paramercadointerior 21 W” izquierda *Norma- 110 ww” izquierda *Normaas para mercadoexterior 113 mw” izquierda %Normam para mwcado etierior paramercadointerior 2111 28 Normas de emisi6n C6diP de equ~pamlento para menxdointerior inyexibn inyeccibn de 2111, 1 S 1, 6.v&~ulas inyeccibn de combustible mult Points 2111.12! 1.5 i,8-v~lvulas inyeccibn de combustible multi polnts 2111-14, 1.5 1, W~vulas inyeccian de combustible multi pomts 2111~14~1.5 1, 6.v&ulas inyeccibn de combustible multi pomts 2111.14,1.5 I,8-v~lwlas inyecckin de combustible multi points 2111-14T 1.5 1, 8-v&~las inyecciOn de combustibk multi pa~nts R-8 velocimetro limpialaros y Iuz diurna de faros de velocidac elevada con escalacombinada, GM,2112~1411MO R-K? ,RustB,2112~14110~0-01 R-83 ,GM,2112-1411020 EuroP NOta mn acondicionador Rus+B,‘2112--1411020-40 Eure2 ~Rus+B,2112-1411020-40 EuroB ~Aus+B, 2112-1411020-40 limpiafaros Eum3 ~Rus+B, 2112-141102050 con avisador Eure-2 :GM,2112-i411MO-10 USA-98 GM,2llB1411Cr20-20 Eure-2 ~~,2112-141i~0-ia con avisador de carretera accidentada recirculaci6n de gases de desecho velocimetro con escala combinada, limpiafaros Fl43 GM,2112-1411020 verstin R-83 RustB,ZliZ-14ilOZO-Ol versi6ndebase Rf53 Rus+B,2111-141102U eventual instalacüm de calculadores 2111.141102~7002i11-i411020;/1 R-83 Rus+B 2,,,~,4,,020~22 Eure2 RustB,2tl t-14ttO2O-40 Eure2 ~RustB,2111-1411020-60 Eure-2 ~Rus+B 21,,~,4,,o~~40 Eure2 Rus+B,2111-141102U0-40 y Iuz diurna de laros de carretera atidentada de base larga VA&21 103 IargaVAZ-21103 Auiombvil Cbdigo Tiw de Disposition de equipa6wre&de odelo miento camxeda 1ejecuci6n 1 I I de “““b Motor EjeCUCMil I I 114 vdagm izquierda 115 wagen izquierda 118 Wgo” izquierda 10 wagal izquierda 11 W3ga” izquierda 21111-01 IO wagen izquierda 21111-02 IO wagen izquierda 2111.i4> 1.5 I, 8-v#&s inyeccion de combuslible multi Domts 21 f 1:14 1.5 l, 8.vAlvulas inyeccion de combustible &mw paramercadoexterior multi points 2111.14,1.5 l, 8.v&lvulas inyecci6n de combusIible -Normas paramercadoetierior multi pomts 2110,1.5 1, de carburador con sistema de encendido &rma~ paramercadointerior sin contactos 21083-80, 1.5 1,de carburador con sistema de Tenorman paramercadointerior encendido sin contactos 2110,1.5 1, de carburadormn sistemade encendido CLujon para mercado interior sin contactos 2110,1.5 1, de carburador 0x1 sistema de eniendido ~Lujogrande= paramercado interior sin mn,actOs 10 wagen izquierda ~~Norrna~ paramercadointerior 11 wagen izquierda ~~Norma* paramercadointerior 20 wagen izquierda <‘Norm@ paramercadointerior 110 wagen izquierda CxNormaa paramercadoexierior 113 wagen izquierda <mll CcseqeHHe n+paHeE f-~ppo~w~w~ OcBeuteHw canm!a CcBeuteHwe c?a#ee CkeeuteHHe 3amlee Kz. Llghttngaystem Frontlights tlydraulicheadlight adjuster Imerior rghllng Rearlights bar lghts Kz. Belwohlung Vc&rbsletchtung LetitVief2enreglsr Innenraumbslwchtung Hinterbeleuchtung Hinterbeleuchtung K2 SIetema de alumbmda CwcreMa m”ra”Hn 6noKM 3neKTpQ”“ble 6noKn 3nempw”Me 6llOKH 3nenTpa”“Me Bwwtarenb HsfoAynb saxara~ns Pacnpeqennrenb &ofrari~~ 6aTapeflaKKyuy”nTopHaR reHep~op~apk4a7w3 renspamp c apuarypoa CTapTOP K2.Syst&ned’&afnge Eclairage avant Commende dereglage depharss Eclaimgs deI’habitacle Ecfairagearrf&s Ecfakage arders Alumbradodelantero Corrector htraulimdefams Alumbrado delsalon Pilotastraseros Pilotastraseros K3.Acossaortes K3.e K3.Zubehk K3.Accasortos Teil-tales Avertisseurs Signale Setiales ktsbuments Appareils Geräte Instmmentos npH6opbl Interruptaurset Bclafrage d’iwtruments Schalter und Taf+sr&ebeteuchtung In$m@M Bbmntorarens Hnopcserka npndcpoeInstrument illumination and switches Contrdblocksandctgarette lightsrBlocsdecommande et allume-cigares Blocodemando y erwndedor 6n-w ynpasnenwnnpanypaearens K3. tlpnnaanenmocm CWMJlbl K4. Xtyru nposo~~s Fuseandrelayblock Windshield wiper Rsarwlper Flearwfper Boitea fusibles et relais Essuieglaceavant Essuie-glacs arri&e Esstiglacearrisre Zentratelektrik Scheibenwischervorne Heckscheibenwischer Heckscheibenwischer Cajafusibles y rele Limpialunadelantera Llm@lunatrasera timpialunatrasers K4.WimW K4. Fakeaux M. KabelrWngs Kabktfängefürh+&rraum Kabetstr2ngsfik Innenraum K4. Mazo de cablw de &blea Faisceaux ducompartknent moteur baywireharne% Xryrst npoeo~os wcpwro orceka Engine PassengetcompartmentwirsFaisceaux de I’habitacfe MyTbl npce4nos cMoi!a 35 Mazodecab!esdefantems MazodecaL4es delsalon 1 6 Kl32 KlM KlW Kl05 Kl10 Kl20 Kl30 Kl40 Kl41 Kl50 Kl51 Kl@ Kl70 Km K2lO Km K23l K231 K200 K310 K320 K330 K340 K360 K3Kl K365 KM K410 1 7 (GM) (FtowB) (14) (11) (133,137) 1 1. 1 2 wirshamess Xry-rblnpoaonoe “a”enunpubopos Instrumentpanel Wireharness accessaries Apwypa nvymenposoAoe M. Kyaos In. Body MO. Kyaoa e c6ope Kyaoe 3 FrontSe& Frontseetsadjustment mechanism Mezodecablesdeltablero Guamtci6nes demazodetiles M.Carmserie M. Karosserie M.C8mda Mo. Canossefle ccmplbte MO. Karoderb, komplett Kamssede Mo.camfb Snconjunlo Carrccerla Ml. AmBnagementdelaearrosserleMl. Innenraum Si@esavant Vordersitze MBcanisme dereslage dusi&e Einstellung derSitze Sanqoetfearrf&e Sanquettsani&e M&carIsrne der&lagedusi@e Rücksitze Rücksitze Einstellung derSie Front seats adjustment mechanism Mkanismeder&ge dusi&e Einstellung derSitze Therme-andnoiseinsulation Mats Interiorkirn Interiortdm Inferfortdm Luggagecompartment tdm Luggagecomparimenttrim Luggage compattment trim Interioraccessories Mirors InstnJmentpanel Glevebox Isolations thermique etphonique Tapis Garnkure deI’hahitacle Garniture daI’habitacle Gamiture deIhebftacle Gamiture ducoffrea bagages Gamiture ducoffre&bagages Gernkure ducoffreabagages Accessoires deI’habiiacle RWroviseurs Planehe debord Saiteg gants MZ. ocnosHble eneMe”Tbl Kyrosa MZ.Main bcdy compofwib KanOT nonKysoea nepsnsMn Hmx sody floor, front flan ixysoea3anii~U bdy flom,rear 1 6 KabeIstrQefürTafelgeräte KetdsträIigezubeMr Rear seat Rearseat Front eeats adjustment mechanism 5 I Faisceaux dutableaudebord Accessoires desfaisceaux Carmeeerie Ml. Body fnterfor 4 I MZ. EIBmenb prlnclpeux de Ia Ca@ demoteur Planeher deIacarrossede avant PlantierdeIacarroseerte arribre 7 I M1.PaIteinbrlordelacauoceffe Asientos delanteros Mecanismo de instalacion delos asientos Asiento trasao Asiento trasem sezsmo deinstalac@n delos Mecanismo de instalac&delos asientos Wärmeisolation undSchalldämpfungAislamiento t&mosonom BodenmaUen Alfombras Innenraumverkleidung Tapizadodelsa!& Innenraumverkleidung Tapizadodelsa!& Innenraumverkleidung Tapizado delsaldn Kofferraumvaddeidung Tapizadodelpxtaequipaies Kofferraumverkleidung Tapizadodelportaequipajes Tapizado de portaequipajes Kofferraumverkleidung Innenraumzubeh6r~ Accewxiosdelsat6n Retmviwes Spigel Armaturenbrett Paneldeinstrumentos Handschuhfach Guantera MZ. HauptteIleder Karoaserle MOt0flWUb.S Boden, vorne ’ Boden, hinten 1 ntos prlnciplea MlW MllO M120 Hl21 Hl36 M131 M14ll M150 Ml60 Y161 Hl62 hl170 M171 M172 MlBO M196 M196 Hl95 de Ia Cap5 Piw deIacarrocerla delantera Pis0deIawocella trasem m M230 M235 37 l hu. JlBepu H onna 1 2 I 38 I 4 I 5 Body front frame Body side and rear frame Body side and rear frame Body side and rear harne BOdy Panels Body panels Body panels Trunk lid Trunk lid leck Carcasse de Ia Partie avant Carcaw de Ia pariie latixale et ard&e Carcasse de Ia patiie lat&ale et arrihre Carcasse de Ia pattii lat6mle et arriere Panneaux de ta carrosserie Panneauxde lacarroswtt Panneaux de Ia carrosserii Porte du coffre & bagages Serrure de portedu coffre & bagages Innenteile, vorne Seitenwand und Innenteile, hinten Seitenwand und Innenteile, hinten Seitenwand und Innenteile, hinten Außenteile Außenteile Außenteile Kofferraumdeckel Kofferraumdeckelschlösser Frente El~mentos interfores hasero Elementosinteriores trawc Elementas interiores trasero Elementas exteriores Elementas etieriores Elemantosexleriores Tapa d8l p+ntaequipajes Cerradurade taps del portaequipajes M3. hon M3.POlteeetvitres M3. Türen und Fenster M3. Pwtaa y IUnaS Portes avant Portes avant ClwniBres des pories PorteearffBre Portesard&e PortesarriBre Ssrrures de portes avant Serrures de pwtes arri&e Viires da portes avanf Fenehes des poties arribre Fe&es des porles arribre Fen&tres des portes anihre LeVe-vitres des poffes avant L&%-vitres des portes avant LBve-vitresdes portes arriere L&e-tibes des podes ard&e Vitres Vordmüfen Vorderturen Türgelenke Hintertüren Hintertüren Hint&ijren Vordwtürschlösssr Hinteftiirechlbsser Vordertinscheiben Hintemrscheiben Hintertürscheiben Hintertürscheiben Fensterheber, vorne Fensterheber, vorne Fensterheber, hinten Fensterheber, hinten Fenster Fenster Fenster Heckklappe Heckklappe Heckklappeschlösser Pwtas delanteras Puertas delanteras Bisagras de puedae Pueltastreseras Puedas traseras Puertasbaseras Cerraduras de las puertas delanteras Cerraduras de las pueftas traseras Lunas de las puertas detanteras Lunas de las puertas traseras Lunas de las puertas traseras Lunas de las puertas traseras Elevalunas delanteras Elevalunas delantefas Elevalunas traseras Elevalunas traseras Lunas Lunas LUIl~ PoIi6n trasero Port611trasem CerraUura del ptön trasero and wlndowe Front doors Front doors Dm hinges Reardoors Reardoors flsepw www Reardwns fleepn 3aAwe Front door locks 3aw nepenmu Aeepeü 3mKul sanwwc AeepeR bar door locks Front doof wfndow Owa nepewx fleepeü Reardwrwindwvs ha saIIw+x naepefi Reardoorwindows 0~ sanwx Asepen Reardoortindows CxHa sanwx paepefi CTeuonanbewnw nepenwnsepe~ Frontwindowregulalor CTewononwMwu nepeAw Aeepeü Frontwtndowregultior CTeKnonoabeww ~HHX pßepeü Rear windwregulator CTeKnonoAbeuww sanwu naepeü Rear windowregulator Wmdows Owa Windows OKHa Windws OW Tailgate CleePb aw Tailgate AeePb=w Tailgate leck 3auoK ~sepw sapw2 Asewepewm fleeptmepep,we nernn neepeü Aaepww~ne 3 I VitCflS Vitres Hayon Hayon Serrure de I’hayon 1 6 MO240 M2w Mz51 M252 M200 hl%1 M262 hl200 bl290 hl304 hWt1 MW5 hl310 kl311 M312 MC320 M330 M340 huw M361 M3S2 hl360 M361 M370 M371 M324 hf331 hl302 M390 M381 tm5 1 7 I 2 1 3 I 4 I 5 I M4. ‘firn componente M4. Elkeente de garniesage M4.Zierelemente ht4. Elementas de revesümiento Radiator trim Badges Badges Badges Rool rails Trim panels Covers Front bomper Rearbumper Rearbumpsr Calandre de radiateur Anagramas Anagramas Anagramas. Galeries de toit Enjoliveun TBles de protection Pare-chocs avant Parechocs arri&e Pare-chocs arriere Kühlermaske Zierbeschriftung Zierbeschriftung ZierbeschriHung Dachrelings Auflagen Zierschilde Stoßstange, vorne Stoßstange, hinten Stoßstange, hinten Revestimientodel radiador Monogrammes Moncgrammes Monogrammes Alojamientos del baul Embellecedores Guardabaros Paragofpes delantero Paragolpes trasero Paragolpes trasaro T. Cxeua ycra~oexa sarnyruex T. Plug Layout T. Schema d’emplacement des obturateurs Ti Anordnung der VerschluSstopfen T. Esquema de instalalci6n de obturadores CxeMa ycra~osw4 3arnyweK Plug Layout Schema d’emplacement des obturateurs Anordnung der Verschlußstopfen Esquema de instalaici6n de obturadores Y. MnclpyuetlT Y. Tools Y. Outillage Y. Werkzeug ‘Y. Herramientas Driver’s tools Otiillage de bord Fahrerwerkzeug Herramientas del condudor 1 6 ( 7 I M400 M410 M411 M412 M413 M420 M421 ht430 M440 M44t Tl60 YlOO 39 l/lflJl~TPAL(ltlM l FIGURES l ILLUSTRATIONS l BILDTEIL l FIGURAS r (!)21083-lOOO260-80(0 2110-1000260 &, (02-10) 2111-1000260 (02-11)2111-1000260-12(!) 2111-1000260-14 (““) 211%1000260-16(!) (‘1 I(O2-14) 2111-100il260-41 (02-130)2111-1000260-76 L (') -(02-12, 112, 116, 133, 138, 143, 176,610) (*')- (02-20, 21, 110, 113, 114, 115, 118) (!) - A120, Al30 2110 211,0-01 (01) KW 2111 21111 (02) AmraTenb Englne 211042 21102 211026 (01) (02) (02) 21111 21111 21122 ;i:; (01) (02) Moteur Motor Motor AO01 2112-1000260 (10,133) 2112-1000260-30(R) 2112-1000260-70(137) 2112~1000260-76(130) 2112-1000260-10(11,20,110,118) 2112-1000260-44(14) l- 21103 211036 21106 21113 2112 mw6Tenb Englne Moteur Motor Motor 1130692 2110-1001284 1 \\\ illQA?71 2110-1001286 \\ 01348 8211 2110-1001257 2110-1001251 2110-1001259 2110-1001224 2121-1001029 2110-1001249 2110-1001161 2110-1001255 2110-1001195 AO13 2112-1001348 8211 2110-1001257 8211 2101-1003017 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21162 211626 42 2111 21111 2111-01 21111-02 21122 IlofiaecKa AewraTenfl Engine mounting Suspension de moteur Motoraufhängung Suspensih del motor AOI~O 2101-1001101 (14)13543521 L 2110-1001157 2101-1003017 (14)11198373 (14)15970721 2110-1001224 2121-1001029 (14)2112-1001362-20 2110-1001161 2110-1001195 -..- AO13 .--.1. 2112-100136~ 2110-1001257 / / \\ - - ?112-10013 2112-1001310-01 2,12~1001300 \ 21103 211036 21108 21113 2112 IloAeecKa AewaTenn Engine mounting Suspension de moteur Motoraufhängung Suspensibn del motor AO11 43 2112-1001346 2112-1001300 2110-1001257 2121-1001029 1410-I-IM 2112-1001292 2101-1003017 2112-1001294 2110-1001257 2110-1001251 2110-1001259 2110-1001249 2110-1001230 2110-1001255 08211 2F10-)8Btz60 21103 211036 21108, 21113 2112 44 llow3cKa~ewaTenn Engine mountlng Suspensiondemoteur Motoraufhängung SuspefMndelmotor r AO1 2 2110-1001259 2110-1001204 2110~001242, 2110-1001242-01 l-I 2110-1001214 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21102 211026 21103 211036 21106 2111 21111 111 n~flk 21111-01 21111-02 21113 2112 21122 2110-1001210 ~OC\yUlK6flp66O~OIlOpbl Support pad, right Bloc Blastique d’appui droit Motorlagerung, rechts Tope el8stico de apoyo demho AQI 3 n 45 2108-1003284 2108-1003298 \--,- .------ (02)2111-1003288 2108-1003274 (01)2108-3708122 (01)2108-1003282 21083-1003011 21083-1003011-40(02-14) 2101-1002042 (Rus+B)16100821 2111-1411020(K105) 2112-3855010 (!) / p!; ,,,:1iifii 2111-1411020-22(KlO4) 2110 2110-01 211oq2 21102 211026 46 (0' ) (01) VW (02) (02) 2111 21111 21111.01 21111-02 21122 ji2. (01) y;; ', ~,, 6flOKqunMnApoeMrOflOBKa6noKa Cylinder block and cylinder block head Bloc-cylindres et culasse Zylinderblock und Zylinderkopf Bloque de cilindros y culata Al00 Rus+B)2112-3855026 2112-1003020-11 (Rus+B)12642701 2101-1002040 (!) 2112-3855010 L (GM)2112-3855010-01 2112-3855010 21103 211036 21106 21113 2112 (!) 2112-1411020-Ol(K104) . I Al32 6~OK~HflHHLUH)B~~OflO6K66n~~~ ,“IU Cylinber block and cylinder block head Bloc-cylindres et culasse Zylinderblock und Zylinderkopf Bloque de cilindros y culata I l Al01 Al00,AlOl L 2108-1009070 11197773 2110-1009010 11197473 210%lOCl9156 2110 2110-01 211042 21102 211026 4s \ 21103 211036 21108 2111 21111 21111-01 21111-02 21~113 2112 21122 10902121 KapTep nicacngrrbrk Oil sump Carter d’huile i)lwannenunterteil Carter de aceite r Al10 2108-1000102-01 2108-1000102-11 n'-7-1000102-12 L,,J-1000102-13 2108-1000102-14 = = = = = 1 2 3 4 5 2108-1005115 2108-1005016 2108-1005127 2108-1005031 2110-1005060- 2108-1005128 2110-1005065 +0,127 2106-1005183-20 (!)-(AOOI) 2110 21102 211026 2111 21111 0,127 2101-1005183-20 2111-1000260-12;2111-1000260-16;21083-1000260-80 Crankshaftandflywheel Vilebrequin et Volant Kurbelwelle und Schwungrad Cigüeiial y volante Al20 49 I L = 1 2108-1000102-01 7inn-4nnnin9.4l -I”“~~a”““I”L-II =- 9L 2108-1000102-12 = 3 2108-1000107-13 -.-.___.__ ._ = A. , =5 1 2108-1000102-14 I, I I // 2108-1005031(01) 2108-1005127 0 2110,1005078 1554.6433 x< V-J n- ,A 0 2108-1005128 _I (Ol)- 2110~005058 1 2110~005058-Ol(O1) 2110-1005058-02(01) 211%1005058(01-130) 2112~005058 (02) ~ \ 21122005058-Ol(O2) 2112-1005058-02(02) 2112-1005058-10(02-13O)i -0,25 -0,50 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21102 211026 50 2 ~3 (01) (01) (01) (01) (01) \ -1,00 5 \ (02) (02) (02) (f-w (01) 21111-01(01) 21111-02~(01) 21113 (02) 2112 (02) 21122 (01) 2 -0,25 3 4 -0,50 -0,75 5 -l,oo 0,000 -L r 0,000 2106-1005183 +0,127 106-1005183-20 2101-1005183 0,000 21011;005183-01 +0,127 21103 211036 21106 2111 21111 0,oo Ban KOll6H'I6Tbl~HM6XOBHK Crankshafl and flywheel Vilebrequin et Volant Kurbeiwelle und Schwungrad Cigüeiial y volante 2101-1005183-20 Al21 r o,o +0,4 +0,8 21213-1004020 21083-1000100 21083-1000100-31 21083-1000100-32 21083-1004029 2101-1000104-10 2101-1000104-11 2101-1000104-12 2101-1000104-13 2101-1000104-14 1, 2 3 21083-1004015 m= 21083-1004015-02 21083-1004015-03 II 1 $2 21083-1004015-04 2101-1000104-30 2101-1000104-31 2101-1000104-32 = = = = = = = = = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 9 10 11 = 12 = 13 ) = - 21213-1004062 - 9 21213-1004067 72555020 t!)-(AO011 ,, 2110 21102 211026 2111 21111 4’ , 2111-1000260-12: 2111-1000260-16; 21083-1000260-80 (9 WalJ'HblM nOpUlH# Connecting rods and pistons Bielles et pistons Pleuel und Kolben Bielas y pistones 1 Al 30 51 08 +0,4 +0,8 eo +0,4 2 +0,8 3 w 1, +0,4 2 +0,8 3 21083-1000100 21083-1000100-31 21083-1000100-32 21083-1004029 2101-1000104-10 2101-1000104-11 2101-1000104-12 2101-1000104-13 2101-1000104-14 m= 2101-1000104-30 2101-1000104-31 2101-1000104-32 2101-1000104-33 2101-1000104-34 2101-1000104-35 J 2110-1004015 2110-1004015-01 2llC!-10~401502 2110-1004015-03 2110-1004015-04 2110-1004015-31 2110-1004015-32 0, 00 5,q - 0,125 6,12 -0, 25 f,l3 -0, 50 8,14 -0, 75 9,j5 -1, 0010,16 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21102 211026 52 - 004062 9060 21213-1004067 2111 21111 21111-01 21111-02 21122 ~6TYHblW nOfMllHM Connecting rods and pistons Bielles et pistons Pleuelund Kolben Bielas y pistones = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 2110-1004045 2110-1004045-01 2110-1004045-02 7 Al31 2112-1004081 2112-1004015 2112-1004015-02 2112-1004015-04 21083-1000100 21083-1000100-31 21083-1000100-32 21083-1004029 = 1 = 2 = 3 =4 2101-1000104-11 2101-1000104-12 2101-1000104-13 2101-1000104-14 m 2101-1000104-30 2101-1000104-31 2101-1000104-32 2101-1000104-33 2101-1000104-34 2101-1000104-35 = 6 = 7 = 8 = 9 =lO = 11 = 12 = 13 = ~14 = 15 = 16 2112-1004015-31 2112-1004015-3 1213-1004062 09060 21213-1004067 21103 211036 21108 21113 2112 ~aT)'HblH~OPlllHH rods and pistons Bielles et pistons Pleuel und Kolben Bielas y pistones Connecting 2110-1004045 2110-1004045-02 Tl Al32 2108-1008020-20 15896211 2108-1008129-10 12601473 12164721 2108-1006149 \ 2108-1006151 4)2III-1006151-40 11197773 10902021 2108-1006162 %\ 2108-1006148 2III-1006146-40(14) - \ 2110 2110-01 2111 21111 2110.02 21102 211026 21111-01 21111-02 21122 54 I 2108-1006130-10 7108-1006120 2108-1005017 np#so~pacnpe~en~TenbHorosana Camshafl drive Commande d’arbre & cames Nockenwellenantrieb Mando del grbol de levas Al40 2112-1006162 , 2112-1006148 2112-1006058 2112-1006216 12601473 2112-1006250 12164721 2112-1006209 2112-1006227 -12643701 2112-1006019 2112-1006224. 2112-1006135 2112-1006040 2110-1005030 2108-1005017 21103 211036 21106 21113 21112 I~PHBOA pacnpeaenHTenbHor0 Camshaft drive Commande d’arbre & cames Nockenwellenantrieb Mando del arbol de levas eana Al41 55 16100821 - 2108-1007056 2101-1003017 3,80 2108-1007056-34 3,05 2108-1007056-10 3,85 2108-1007056-36 3,lO 2108-1007056-11 3,90 2108-1007056-38 3,15 2108-1007056-12 3,95 2108-1007056-40 3,20 2108-1007056-13 4,00 2108-1007056-42 3,25 2108-1007056-14 4,05 2108-1007056-44 3,30 2108-1007056-15 4,lO 2108-1007056-46 3,35 3,40 2108-1007056-16 2108-1007056-18 4,15 4,20 2108-1007056-48 2108-1007056-50 3,45 2108-1007056-20 4,25 2108-1007056-52 3,50 2108-1007056-22 4,30 2108-1007056-54 3,55 2108-1007056-24 4,35 2108-1007056-56 3,60 2108-1007056-26 4.40 2108-1007056-58 3,65 2108-1007056-28, 4,45 2108-1007056-60 3,70 2108-1007056-30 4,50 2108-1007056-62 ,75 2108-1007056-32 (130)2111-1006010 2108-1007055 2101-1007035 2108-1007032-20 +O,O 2108-1007032-22 +0,2 ,02 2108-1007033-20 0,22 2108-1007010 2110 2110.01 2110-02 21102 2,11026 56 2108-1007033-22 2108-1007012 2111 21111 21111-01 21111-02 21122 Mexanw3t.4 ra30pacnpe~ntwenbiiblCi Valve train Mkanisme de distribution Motorsteuerung Mecanismo de distribucih de gas Al50 2112-1006014 2112-1006015 2112-1007025 112-1007012-01 2112-1007022 2112-1007032-20 2112-1007032-22 +0,02 +O, Mecanisme de distribution 12647001 \ AArA,.e-,n 2110-1101082 2101-3827064 2110-1101060-20 2111-1101060-20 2101-1101138 2108-1101080 11652110-1101070 2110-1101126 2108-1101164 2110-1101176 / 15896211 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21111-01 21111-02 58 L 2110-1101114 6aKTOWWlBHbl~ (01) (01) Fuel tank Reservoir h carburant Kraftstofftank DepOsito de combustible A200 1~ 2110-1101096 2110-1101150 2108-1101080 2110-1101070 2110-1101082 21082-1101178 21082-1101007-10 2108-3724220 1-E) 2110-1101060 (01)2110-1101060-20 (02-E) 2111-1101060 11-1101060-20 21082-1101013 2108-1300080-10 2110-1101126 ~108-1300080-30 21102 211026 21103 211036 21108 (01) (01) (01) (01) (01) 2110-1101114 2111 21113 2112 21122 (02) 66KTOllflblBHbl~ (02) (01) (01) Fuel tank Rhservoira carburant Kraftstofftank DepOsito de combustible A201 59 (130) 21103-1103010 (137)21103-1103010-01 10794011 12605170 @j 2108-3724220 21083-1101007(130) 21103-1101007(137) 21103-1139008 2110-1101096 2110-1101150 08-1300080-10 2110-1101082 (137) 2112-1413030-01(137) 21103-1413056(137) 21103-1101138 2110-1101126 2108-1300080-30 21103-1101080 2110-1101176 2110-1101060 21103-1101114 21103-1101092 d- (130,137) 6aK TOWlMBHblti Fuel tank Sservoir A carburant KraftstoHtank Dep6sito de combustible 12644401 r A202 A310 2110-1104128 J!GlF?A \-\ 500 400 2108-1104009 '330 2108-1104025 2102-1104025 255 2110-1104042 2102-1104025 255 2108-1164083 220 2110-1104035 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21111 21111-01 / 21111-02 Tpy6onposoAbl TOWWiBHble Fuel lines Canalisations de carburant Kraftstoffleitungen Tuberia de combustible A210 61 (Ol-130)2112-1104243-10 (0%130)2112-1104228-10 21082-1104226 2112-1104208-lO(Ol-13 21214-1104138 2112-1104252 21082-1104092 1125104252-03 21082-11~04054 2112-1104222 A37( l-130)2112-1104222-10 21082-1104013 07383 7383 2110-1104042 W 2110-1104043 21082-1104220 2112-1104218-lO(Ol-130) -.2112-1104034 .._ ._- y 2112-1104032 1 2112-1104032-lO(Ol-130)' v 2112fl117010-03 -l 21121;117010-04 2112-1104034-lO(Ol-130) 7 21102 211026 2111 21122 62 (01) 2112%17010-05 Tpy60nposo~~TOnnMBHble Fuel lines Canalisations de carburant Kraftstoffleitungen Tuberia de combustible A211 2112-1104243-lO(Ol-130,137) (0%130,137)2112-1104226-10 14569980 2112-1104092 1221104252-03 2112-1104222 (Ol-130,137)2112-1104222-10 2110-1104042 07383 7383 m. 2110-1104043 21082-1104220 2112-1104218-lO(Ol-130,137 2112-1104034 21108-1104032(02) &y \ \ \ -==zz&+‘/ ‘Z L 2112~117010-04 21121;117010-05 2112-1104032 2112-1104032-lO(Ol-130,137) 21103 211036 21108 21113 2112 (01) (02) 2112-1104208 n (Ol-130,137)2112-1104208-10 Tpy6onpoaoAbl TOilIlHBHble Fuel lines Canalisations de carburant Krafktoffleitungen Tuberia de combustible A212 63 2101-1106166 2101-1106165 01-1106170-11 2108%06170 08-11~6170-01 2108-1106010 2108fl106171-01 2101-1106172-11 2108%06172 2108%06172-01 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21111 21111-01 64 0,7 21111-02 Hacoc TOllflMBHblFi Fuel pump Pompe a carburant Ktaftetoffpumpe Bomba de combustible r A230 2110-1164247 2110-1164147 2110-1164062 2110-1164050 10170990 1000 2110-1164089 10168590 15896211 12605371 2108-1104042-10 2108-1104043-10 2110-1164148 15896211 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21102 21103 2111 21111 21111-01 21111-02 21113 2112 21122 C~cret.4aynaantiaatwnapoa6eH3~Ha Evaporative emission control System Systeme de Capture de vapeurs d’essence Tankentlüftungsanlage Sistema de absorcion de vapores de gasolina A240 2108-1104025 330~ 2112-1164010-Ol(GM) 2112-1164010(Rus+ 2112-1164075 12643701 10516470' 15896211 12644401 13824611 2108-1164083 220 A380 280 2112-1164085 250 2108-1164089 .A% 1214-1164080 2110-1164148 \ 250 2108-1264089 2110-1164247 2110-1164147 2112-1164084 2108-1104043-10 2108-1104047 2108-1104042-10 21102 211026 21103 I 21108 2111036 86 2111 21113 2112 21122 thCT8M8)'Jl88INl86HHRn8pO866H3MH8 Evaporative emission control system Syst&medecapturedevapeursd'essence Tankentlüftungsanlage Sistemadeabsorci~ndevaporesdegasolina A241 r, 21103-1164203 21103-1164103(137) 30 21103-1164103-10(02-130) 300 21103-1164109-lO(Ol-130) 90 (Ol-130)10519601 3O)M (Ol-13@10516670 21103-1164091(137) 35 21103-1164091-lO(130) 35 (137)21103-1164200 (130)21103-11642?0-01 21103-1164010(137) '21103-1164010-Ol(130) (137)21103-1164109 00 (130)21103-1164109-10 21103-1163110(137) 21103-1163010(137) (137)21103-1164150 (137)21103-1164087 2112-1164075 (130)21015-1104150 21102 21103 5 (01) (02) (IJ”,IJI, CwcTeMaynaenHeatiwfl napoe 6eH3HHa (aAcop6ep) Evaporative emission control System (canister) A242 Systeme de Capture de vapeurs d’essence (cenister) Tankentlüftungsanlage (Aktivkohlebehälter) Sistema de absorcion de vapores de gasolina (adsorbedor) 67 15896211 12605371 12574211 \\ 700 (130)21103-1164097-10 2110-1164062 (137)21103-1164069 00 (130)21103-1164089-10 (137)21103-1164105 50 (130)21103-1164105-10 21103-1164091(137) 21103-1164091-lO(l30) 35 350 2112-1164084 2108-1104047 2110-1164147 2,08~1104042~10 15896211 2108-1104043-10 12605371 6fiH3tiHB (CeIIBpBTOp) r Evaporative emission control System (separator) Systeme de Capturede vapeurs d’essence (separateur) AZ43 Tankentlüftungsanlage (Separator) Sistema de absorcih de vapores de gasolina (separador) Y 158g6211 12644401 2108-1143010 2109-1109308-10 L 2101-1109100-05 2101~1109100-06 2101~1109100-07 2101~1109100-09 2413~1109100 !12135109100-04 17671201 12605270 I!109-1109010 2101-1109129 21fll-AlClQlR7 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21111 21111-01 21111-02 @WlbTpB03&'iJlHbl~ Air cleaner Filtre h air Luftfilter Filtro de aire Tl A300 69 (GM) 2112-1109~11 (Rus+B)2112-1109011-IO 2102-5401320 2112-1109302 21102 211026 21163 2112-1109189 21113 2112 21122 03 ~HJlbTPBO3&'lUHbl~ 211636 2111 I 70 Air cleaner Filtre h air Luftfilter Filtre de aire A301 2112-1109011-10 2108-5402271'~~ 2108-5402270 i112-1109080-02 2112~1109080-04 d -----_____ 15896211 10516470 12643701 2112-1109189 21102 2112 'hlbTpBO3f#IlHblh 21103 21108 21122 Aircleaner Filtre h air Luftfilter Filtro de aire 2111 21113 A302 Kl20 \ 21083-1107010-31 AI 2108-1107034 330 2108-1107019-60 15896211 21051-1107055 2108-1107063 160 107017-10 # 270 2108-1107017-12 2108-1107016-1 2108-1107015 # 2108-1107016-1 2110 2110-01 21,10-02 21111 21111-01 72 108-1107015-01 21111-02 Kap6fopaTop Carburetor Carburateur Vergaser Carburador A310 2108-1107710 2108-1107752 2108-1107038 2110-1107420 2108-1107991 2108-1107992 2108-1107424 = 2 = 3 2108-1107611-10 2 - 2108-1107896 -1 108-1107422-40 21083-1107800-31 2108-1107606 2108-1107737 2108-1107730 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21111 21111-01 21111-02 KpblUIKa Kap6IOpaTOpa Carburetorcover Couvercle de carburateur Wergaserdecke1 Tapadelcarburador A320 73 2108-1107340-10 2108-1107340 2108-1107338 2108-1107410 U& 1 - 2108-1107388 2108-1107475 2108-1107460 - 3 LA r d 3 - 2108-1107892 2108-1107892 - 3 2108-1107375 2108-1107479 v \ 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21111 21111-01 74 21111-02 u Kopnyc Kap6iopaTopa Carburetor body Corps de carburateur Vergasergehäuse Cuerpo del carburador r 2108-1107755 A33Q 2108-1107990 2108-1107991 2108-1107992 2108-1107082 = 1 = 2 = 3 - 3 2108-1107085 2108-11~7083 2108-1107120 2108-1107938 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21111 21111-01 E - 3 2108-1107121- 3-2108-1107131 3 - 2108-1107133 3 - 2108-1107134 1 - 2/ 21111-02 Kopnyc Kap6mpaTopa Carburetor body Corps de carburateur Vergasergehäuse Cuerpo del carburador A331 75 (01)2110-1108157 (01)2108-1108158 (01)15896211 (01)12599071 14567780(R) 21102-1108054 (02-R) 21103-1108054(02,03-L 2112-1108054-10(03- 2108-1108069 21102-1108069 (0 2112-1108069-lO(0 (01)AlOO 2110-1108036(L) 2108-1108052 2108-1108139-10 2110-1108022-IO(R) -\ 2110-1108019 (02)(03)A380 15896211(R) 12599070(R) 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21102 211026 76 (01) (01) (01) (02) (02) r (R)2110-1108013-10 21103 211036 21108 2111 21111 (03) (03) w (02) (01) 21111-01 21111-02 21113 2112 21122 (01) (01) (03) (03) (02) llp~~ofl aKcenepaTopa Throttle drive unit Commande d’accklkateur Gaspedalbetätigung Mando del acelerador A350 21083-1130020(Rus+B) mA I 21083-1130010-01 A403 i A404 2112-1148080-02 09354 2108-1300080-lO(Ol-GM) 09354 2111-1014296(01-GM) 2112-1148035- .10 (10,11,14)2112-1148028 2108-1107012-01 2112-1148039 440 - A610 21102 211026 21103 211036 I 21108 Ud (01) w 2111 21113 2112 21122 (0') (01) CwcTeManoaarw eo3ayxa Air supply System Systbme d’amenbe d’air Luftsnsaugleitung Sistema de alimentacih de aire l-l A360 2111-1132188 2112-1132032-02 2111-1132188 2111-1132188 2111-1144035-02 2111-1132010-02 11-1132010-02 2111-1144010 (Rus+B) 2111~1144010-02(Rus+B) 2ld1144010-03(Rus+B) 2111-1144010-01 (GM) 21102 211026 2111 21122 70 \ 2111-1144056-02 2111-1144058-02 Pahma,@opcytiwi HperynnTop Aaenewwi Fuel rail, injectors and pressure regulator Rampe, injecteurs et limiteur de presslon Kraftstoffsammelrohr, Einspritzdüsen und Druckregler Rampa, inyectores y regulador de presibn r A370 400 2108-1178056 2111-1132010-02 // / \\\ 2112-1132032-02 / 2105-1127070 2111-1132188 7111-1144025-02 2111-1132188 All 2112-1144010-01 21103 211036 21106 21113 2112 (GM) 2111-1132188 PaMna,@~PCYHKW H perynfllop wnenwi Fuel rail, injectors and pressure regulator Rampe, injecteurs et limiteur de Pression Kraftstoffsammelrohr, Einspritzdüsen und Druckregler Rampa, inyectores y regulador de presibn ‘I A37 1 79 M) 2112-1148010-31 us+B)2112-1148010-32 2112-1148110-02 2112-1148178-02 / 2112-1148200 2112-1148300-02 'w- 2112-1148376-02 21102 211026 21103 211036 21106 80 2111 21113 2112 21122 2110-1107892-01 ~aTpy60K~pOCC6JlbHbl~ Throttle manifold Tubuluredu papillon Stutzen mit der Drosselrkappe Tubuladura de mariposa A38Q r) 13517421 13540821 ,- \ \\ / 13543721 21083-1008081 21083~008081-10 21083~008081-14 2108-1008021 2108-1008025-36 / 16100811 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21111 21111-01 6 KaranorJh2110,2111.1112 21111-02 - Tpy6a BllyCKHaflH BblIIYCKHO~KOIlJleKTOP Intake and exhaust manifold Tubulure d’admission et collecteur d’echappement Ansaugrohr und Auslaßkrümmer Tubo de admisEn y colector de escape 10519601 n A400 81 211%1008014(GM) (Rus+B)2111-1008014-20 (Rus+B)2111-1008148 2111-1008078 (Rus+B)2111-1008056-10 2111-1008056(GM), 21102 211026 2111 21122 82 Tpy6aanycKHaR Intake manifold Tubulure d’admission Ansaugrohr Tubo de admisi6n A40 1 r 2112-1008140 2112-1008088 2112-1008140 2112-1008015 10519601 21103 211036 21106 21113 2112 6' / \ 13517021 Tpy6aanycrna5i Intake manifold Tubulure d’admission Ansaugrohr Tubo de admision A402 83 13543421 13543321 13543321 2111-1008027(GM) 1 -\ - 71iI%10lM3021 (Rus+B)2111-1008027-20 16100811 11198073 -A401 21102 211026 2111 21122 Pecwep Plegnum Rkipient Sammelrohr Recipiente A403 2108-1003298 2112-1008062 2112-1008027 13543421 A402 21103 211036 21108 21113 2112 (137) 2112-1008027-10 -u Pecneep Plegnum Rkipient Sammelrohr Recipiente A404 85 2111-1008025(130) us+B) 2108-1008025 M) 2108-1008025-36 2101-1008082 13543721 16100811 10519601 21102 211026 2111 21122 KonnexTop BblllyCKHO8 Exhaust manifold Collecteur d’bchappement Auslaßkrümmer Colector de escape A405 2112~1008089 2112-+lOO8089-11 2112-1008089-17 13543521 . / /- 13517021 : 13516630 2112-1008025-lO(137) (137)16043021 21103 211036 21106 21113 2112 KonneKTopeblnyCKHOk Exhaust manifold Collecteur d’bchappement Auslaßkrümmer Colector de escape l-l A406 87 A404 2112-1213010 21213-1217082 2112-1213011-10 2112-1217046-10 13832101 - 2112-1217040 (ICI/) Knanaii pewpKyn5wf EGR valve Clapet de recyclage Abgasrückführungsventil Wvula de recirculaci6n A410 ,- :oE6Yl,\ (01)2110-1203010-01 2110-1~06058 ,/ L - - --- -II A443 212%1203075(01) 2112-1203020(02) (02)2112-1203010-01 2110 KV 21108 (02) 2110-01 2110-02 21102 21103 (01) (01) (01) (02) 2111 (01) 21111 (01) 2111%Ol(O1) 2111%02(01) 21113 (02) 2112 21122 (02) (01) (10,11,14) TDv6bIBblXIlOflHble Exhaust pipes Tu~~Bd’khappement Auslaßröhre Tubos de escape 89 - 2108-1203042 (01) 21103-1203042(02) (02)21103-1203010-01 14569480 2112-1203020(02) (GM) 2112-3850010-11 (Rus+B)2112-3850010-20 2108-1203019(01) 2108-1203040 (01) 21103-1203040(02) us+B)2110-1206010 M)2110-1206010-20 10516670 16043221 21102-1203010-Ol(O1) 211026 21102 21103 211036 2111 90 (01) (01) (02) (02) (01) 'll 2112 2'113 21122 I2 (01) I Tpy6bl BblXJlOflHM6 Exhaustpipes Tubesd'&happement Auslaßröhre Tubosdeescape r A441 /- ::E:A.\ 2110-1203021-12 37) 2112-1206010 30)2112-1206010-10 2112-1203020-12 21103-1203010-10 2112-3850010-20(130) 2112-3850010-ll(137) 21102 21103 / (130,137) Tpy6bl BblXIlOilHble Exhaust pipes Tubes d’echappement Auslaßröhre Tubos de escap-e A442 91 .-l 2108-1203064 2108-1203073-20 2110-1200020-10 2110-1200020-11 10516670 (1 (11 16100811 21108-1200020-lO(0 2110-1203121 A440 (02)(03)21102-1200020 A441 A442 (02,03-130,137)21103-1200020 I 92 rnywwem Silencers Silencieux Schalldämpfer Silenciadores r A443 1111-1014240 260 \ 12170090 / 10168990 2101;381060~ 210613829010 _I 2101-3724114 10516470 L . W”” -,\ ““““L I v-v, 21083f3839210-02 II ?J 2101-1012150 l I 2105-1012005 - 2108-1300080-20 \ +d- 210&012005-01 2108%012005 21081;012005-03 210821012005-05 2108-1011010(11) \ 2108-1014213-10 [2108-i011065-12 FK~IU 10902821 11197773 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21111 21111-01 21111-02 CucTeMaCMa3KWWBeHTHIl~~Hti Lubrication and Ventilation System Graissage et Ventilation Schmier- und Lüftungsanlage Sistema de lubricaci6n y de ventilacion A500 93 1 +09354 ] 10168590 I 260 / . T.,.,,, -., 1 A5R77Rrl I 2101-3724114 1111-1014240 ts3 \zLj ~2112-1009148 - 2108-1300080-10 2108-1014056-10 -- 2101-1009055 2108-1009045 2108-1300080-20 2108-1014213-10 2112-1011010 21102 211026 21111 21122 94 A510 L;KcTeMaCMa3KKHBeHTnflR4nn Lubrication and Ventilation System Graissage etventilation Schmier-undLüftungsanlage Sistema de lubricacion y de ventilacion A501 10188590 260 101-381060~ 1111-1014240 2111-1014278-10 21083-3839210 10168990 2112-1014059 r GM) 2112-3847010-01 (GM 10902421 I 2108-1300080-20 2108-1011065-12 A5+0 2112-1011010 2101-1012150 10902821 _---11197773 21102 211026 2111 21122 -/ \ \ A510 11197773 ‘,.$j \ CtiCTBMBCM63KHW 10902021 BBHTMflbl~Mti Lubrication and Ventilation system Graissage et Ventilation Schmier- und Lüftungsanlage Sistema de lubricacion y de ventilach% A502 95 2112-1014231 300 2112-1009045 2112-1014240 2112-1014059 2112-1014166 12-1014059-10 2112-1014164 2112-1011010 2112-1009146 2112-1014058 2112-1014056 2112-3847010-01 (G 08-1300080-20 2101-1012150 2112-1009076 2112-1014213 10902821 21103 211036 21108 21113 2112 96 . Cweh4a CMa3KWW BeHTblllfl~Mt4 Lubrication and Ventilation System Graissage et Ventilation Schmier- und Lüftungsanlage Sistema de lubricaci6n y de ventilacion A503 2108-1011062 2112-1011061 2108-1011058 2108-1011023 2108-1011052(01) 2108-1010075 2108-1005034 2108-1010010 2108-1011032 / 2108-1011045 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21102 211026 VW (01) W) 21103 211036 21108 2111 21111 (01) 21111-01 21111-02 21113 2112 21122 (01) (01) + Hacoc MaCflRHblfi Oil pump Pompe A huile ölpumpe Bomba de aceite 11197773 2103-1308030 2103-1308031 2103-1308030 2110-1309018 (01 2112-1301012 2112-1301012-lO(0 2108-1311065 110-3839310-10 2110-1311090 1111-1302060 2108-1305027 2108-3401228 1110 2110-1303095 / L 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21102 211026 98 (01) (01) (01) (02) (02) 21103 211036 21106 2111 21111 (02) 032) (02) (02) (01) 21111-01 21111-02 21113 2112 21122 (01) (01) (02) Pamla10p Radiator Radiateur Kühler Radiador 2110-3724321 01546~I-M 1546~i-IM 2112-3851010 1 1 IRus+Bj , (02~103~2111-1303014 . 108-1307042-01 2101-1305026 2108-1303092 - 2112-1303080 2112-1303069(03j 7’ / 2110 2110-01 2110-02 (01) (01) (01) 21103 211036 21108 21102 211028 P-w (02) 2111 21111 (03) (03) (03) 21111-01 21111-02 21113 (01) (01) 2112 21122 (03) (02) (03) \ 2108-1300080-10 10518470 2108-1303069 HacocsoAwoH wTpy6OripOBO~bl Water pumpandlines Pompeaeauetdurits Wasserpumpeund Roh?eitungen Bombadeaguaytuberlas A610 99 1 ~, r 2108$303017 2101-1305026 2110-1303055-10 2109-1306010(01) 21082-1306010(02)(03 2108-1300080-20 2110-1303025(01)(0 2112-1303025 (0 01)(02)2109-1307010 2112-1307010 2112-3851010-Ol(GM) 2110-1303010(01)(02) 2112-1303010 (0 2101-3724112 / 2108-1300080-10 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21102 211026 100 (01) ;i:; (02) (02) 21103 211036 21108 2111 21111 (03) w (03) (02) (01) 21111-01 y3"' (01) g;; 2112 21122 KW w (03)2112-1303069 (03)2112-1303055-10 333 2112-1303080 \ ktaCOCBO&7HOR tfTpy6OnpOBO~bl Waterpumpand ihres Pompe Beau etdurits WasserpumpeundRohrleitungen Bombade agua ytuberjas 2108-1307032 07000 2101-1307013 101~307013-01 101fl307013-02 101-5307013-03 2:08-1307013 13748330 (01)2108-1307015 (02)2212-1307015 2110 2110-01 (01) KW 21103 211036 (02) 2110-02 21102 211026 (01) KW 21106 2111 21111 109 21111-01 21111-02 (01) (01) (01) VW 21113 2112 21122 1:;; (01) nacocBO~Houl Water pump, Pompe i eau Wasserpumpe Bomba de agua A620 101 2110-1602468 2108-1602059 2110-1602063 2110-1602063- - 2121-1804043 2110-1602466 2108-1601216 3' ) 2110-1602010 )2110-1602010-10 2110-1602048 2110-1601200 2110-1602210 2110-1602210-lO( 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21102 ,211026 162 2101-1602155 2108-1602096 ( 21103 211036 21108 2111 21111 21111-01 21111-02 21113 2112 21122 rlpLieoCI C~erMwHrrn Clutch drive Commanded'embrayage Kuppltingsbetätigung Mandodeembrague BllO~ 2110-1601130 (01)2112-1601130 2108-1601188 2110 2110-01 211042 21102 211026 21103 211036 21106 2111 21111 (oi) 21111-01 21111-02 21113 2112 21122 I (01) (01) Cqennewie Clutch Embrayage Kupplung Embrague n BI40 103 2109-1601138 2109-1601130 2108-1601188 L 2110-1601180 2108-1601295 2109-1601182 2110 21102 21111 21122 104 ClwleHble Clutch Embrayage Kupplung Embrague BI41 .( 2108-1601210 \ 2108-1601223 , 2110-1601120 15541021 13546221 15541321 2110-1601190 2108-3802826 13543521 13544121 2110-1601121 L - ,f% 2110-1700012 2111-1700012(01) 2108-37104~0 L 2110-1601015 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21102 211026 21103 211036 21106 2111 21111 (01) 21111-01 21111-02 21113 2112 21122 (01) (01) Kopo6KanepeAar Gearbox Boite de vitesses Schaltgetriebe Caja de cambios n 8200 2108-1801220 2109-1801190 10fl801190 2110-1801121 09397 w 09397 2110-1700012-20 - i:;;!, 1 \-- - 09397 2108-1601210 11,12,112,116,133,136,143,176 2110 21102 21111 21122 106 "I I 13543621 l - (01-11) (01) (02) (01) (03) KopoOKanepeftar Gearbox Boite de vitesses Schaltgetriebe Caja de cambios 8201 2110-1701205 2110-1701015 21093fi701015 13544321 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21102 211026 21103 211036 21106 2111 21111 21111-01 21111-02 21113 2112 21122 K6pTepKOpO6KHIWp6~6~ Gearbox casing Carter de boite de vitesses Schaltgetriebegehäuse Carter de caja de cambios 081;701031-04 2110-1701043 2108-1701034 21083-1701132 2110-1701098 2108-1701244 08-J7011~80-01 2108-1701180-02 08fi701180-03 08fi701180-04 2108-1701034 2110-2302030-01 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21102 211026 106 21103 211036 21106 21113 2112 21122 BanblKOpO6Knnepe~r Gearbox shafts Arbres de boite de vitesses Getriebeweilen Arboles de caja de cambios r B220 2110-1701030 2108-1701034 21083-1701132 2108-1701244 2108-1701034 2110 21102 2111 21111 21111-01 (01) ;:i; (01) (03) 21111-02 21122 (03) (02) (02)m 09397 (Ol)- 09397 hbtKOp06KH IIepeAaq Gearbox shafts Arbres de boite de vitesses Getriebewellen Arboles de caja de cambios B221 109 21083-1701159 2110-1701133 2110-1701112 2108-1701116-10 2108-1701117 2110-1701146 2108-1701148 2108-1701164-10 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21102 211026 110 /I I ‘--\ L ,?!Av -+&p--&p 21103 211036 21106 21111 21113 2112 21122 lUecrepwiKop06iwnepe~r Gearbox gears Pignonnerie de boite de vitesses Getrieberäder Engranajes de caja de cambios 2108-1701117 21083-1701159 21083-1701133 2108-1701134 2108-1701144 2108-1701127 21083-1701158 )2111-1701127 2108-1701164-1 108-1701164-10 21083-1701174 2108-1701117 2108-1701164-10 2108-1701116-10 21083-1701166 2108-1701112-10 2108-1701164-10 )2111-1701112 2108-1701144 2108-1701146 2108-1701108 2111-1701146 2108-1701108-01 2108-1701147 2108-1701108-02 2111-1701147(01) 108-1701108-03 2108-1701148 2108-1701173 2108-1701116-10 2108-1701171 2108-1701170-10 2108-1701149 2108-1701119 2108-1701131 2108-1701175-10 2111-1701131(01) 2108-1701135 2108-1701080 2101-1702159 2108-1701092 2110 21102 2111 21111 21111-01 21111-02 21122 (01) (01) (01) (01) UJecTepnuKOpO6KHnepe~r Gearbox gears Pignonnerie de boite de vitesses Getrieberäder Engranajes de caja de cambios B231 111 10516670 16102311 2110-1703138 *\ 2110-1703236 2110-1703227 1111-1703200 01913-r-IM 1913~I-M 2110-1703226 2110-17031 2110-1703219 2108-1703169 2108-1703160 2110-1703198-01 8348 2110-1703094 2108-1703182 2110-1703317 16100811 2110-1703190 10516670 - 16043921 2110-1703319 2110-1703091-/ 10516670 2110-1703086 16102311 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21102 211026 112 21103 211036 21106 2111 21111 21111-01 21111-02 21113 2112 21122 npHaoCIMexaHH3ManePeWIK)qeHHFInepeClar Gearshifting drive Commande de boite de vitesses Betätigung für Gangschaltung Mando de cambio velocidades r B250 2110-1703320 / 2110-1703189 2110-1703300 2110-1703320-Ol(Ol-11) / 2110-1703310 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21102 211026 (01) 21103 211036 21108 2111 21111 21111-01 21111-02 21113 (01) 2112 21122 (0') \ 10516670 Tma peammiafi Torque rod Bielle de reaction Zugstrebe Tirante B251 1,z.e 1,24e% 2108-1702024 / \ 3,44e 2 -- / 2110-1703050 2108-1702080 2108-1702071 2110-1702098 8270 .2108- .1702030 2110-1702036 2110-J702046 2110-1702046- ,IO I 2108-1107148 2101-1702077 2101-1702087 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21102 211026 114 r 2108-3512115 1111-1702112 21103 211036 21106 2111 21111 21111-01 21111-02 21113 2112 21122 I Mexaw3M nepewsoreHw nepemr Gearshifting mechanism Commande des vitesses Gangschaltung Mecanismo de cambio velocidades B26q 2110-1703072 2110-1703073-10 2110-1703069 03926 m 3926 2110-1703075-1 2110-1703071 2110-1703055 2110-1703024 2108-1703042-01 2110-1703054 2110-1703028 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21102 211026 8’ 21103 ~211036 21108 2111 21111 21111-01 21111-02 21113 2112 21122 Mexatiu3M abl60pa nepei4ar Gear selection mechanism Mkanisme de selection des vitesses Gangwähler Mecanismo de seleccion de las velocidades 8270 115 2112~3843010-30 (01)(02-*)2110-3843010-13 2112-3843010-31(01-** 2101-3802717 2108-3802820-10 2108-3802830 2108-3202833-20 * l * 110,113,114,118,120,130,133 - 11,112,116,133,138,143,176 2110 (01) 21103 2110-02 2110-01 21102 211026 (01) (01) (02) 21106 211036 2111 21111 116 w (01) (01) 21111-01 (01) IlpweoA craqtoh4eTpa 21113 21111-02 2112 21122 ;i:; (01) (01) Commande dudrive compteur de vitesse Speedometer gear unit Geschwindigkeitsmesserantrieb Mando del velocimetro 6290 2108-2215066 2108-2215036 2108-2215030 2108-2215034 \ \\ \ 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21102 211026 21103 211036 21106 2111 21111 21111-01 21111-02 21113 2112 21122 \\ I 2108-2215056 '\ -&8-2215104 np~o~ nepeAHnx xonec Front wheel drive Transmission aux roues avant Vorderradantrieb Mando de las ruedas delanteras 1 Tl 8400 117 2108-2303090 2108-2303091 2'08-2303092 2108-2303093 2108-2303094 2108-2303095 2108-2303096 2'08-2303097~ 2'08-2303098 2108-2303099 2108-2303100 1,85 1,70 ',75 1,80 1,85 1,90 1,95 2,00 2,05 2,10 2,15 2108-2303101 2108-2303102 2108-2303103 2108-2303104 2108-2303105 2108-2303106 2108-2303107 2108-2303108 2108-2303109 2108-2303110 2,2ö 2.25 2,30 2,35 2,40 2,45 2;50 2,55 2,60 2,65 r 2108;2303036-01 2108-2303036-02 2108!2303036-03 2110-2301034 2101-2403021 2110-2301035 -@$)[ 2108-2302060-30 2108-2302060-20(01-11)(02) 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21102 211026 (0' 1 21103 211036 21108 2111 21111 21111-01 21111-02 21113 2112 21122 (02) (02) lWb+epewan Differential Diffbentiel Differential Diferencial l-l 8410 2108-1602059 2110-3504050 2110-3504094-01 07896 7896 2121-1804043 2110-1602050 2110-3504010 2110-3504010-10 2103-3504016 11064076 - 13832201 - 2110-1802048 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21103 211036 21106 21111-01 21111-02 21113 21102 211026 2111 21111 2112 21122 llenanbTopMo3a Brake Pedal Pedale de frein Bremspedal Pedal del freno Cl00 119 2110-3510050-10 08576 107-3510430 8576 2108-3505110-01 02)(03)A403,A404 2)420 3)800 2110-3510050-10 21103-3510050 2108-3505092-01 2108-3505010 Cl40 - 2108-3510110 2108-3510070 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21102 211026 120 (01) (03) (02) 05625 - 21103 211036 (03) g; 21111-01 21111-02 (01) (01) 21108 2111 21111 (03) (01) 21113 2112 21122 (03) (03) (03) 3neMeHTblnp~BO~aTOPM030B Brake drive components EMments constitutifs de Ia commande des freins Hauptteile des Bremsantriebs Elementos de mando de frenos r Cl10 2110-3506082 (01 2110-3506082-,lO(O 21108-3506082 02)2110-3506080-10 (0 03) 21108-3506080 2101-3506045 2110-3506040 ( 2110-3506040-lO( 2108-3506073 2110-3506060 -3506110 02276~I-IM 0-01 2276-Ill4 2110-3506085 2110-3506140 2108-3512120 2110-3506045(R 2110-3506050 ( 2110-3506050-lO( 2110-3506060 160 2108-3512010 21108-3506472(03) 2110-3506472(01)(02) 2110 2110-01 211062 21102 211026 (01) (01) (01) (01) (02) 2110-3506474 21103 211036 21106 2111 21111 (03) (01) (01) 21111-01 21111-02 21113 2112 21122 (01) (01) (01) (01) (01) llpH6oflrH~poTopMo3oB Hydraulic brakes drive Commande hydraulique Hydraulikbremsen Mando de frenos des freins Cl20 hidr&tlicos 121 2108-3512122 p\ 2108-1107148 2108-3512141 2108-3512132 2108-3512128 2108-3512117 13820021 2110 2110-01 211042 21102 211026 122 %\ 21103 211036 21106 2111 21111 \ 21111-01 21111-02 21113 2112 21122 llpwoa perynflopa Aaenewn Preesure regulator actuator Commande du compensateur de freinage Druckreglerantrieb Mando del regulador de presih Cl30 2101-3505039 2101-3505038 2108-3505037 2101-3505039 2101-3505038 2108-3505032 01-3505031-01 2108-3505032 2101-3505031-01 2101-3502051-01 2108-3505034 2101-3502051-01 2108-3505033 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21102 211026 21103 211036 21106 2111 21111 21111-01 21111-02 21113 2112 21122 ~unHH~prn6BHbl~TOPMOJOB Main brake cylinder~ Maitre-cylindre des freins Hauptbremszylinder Cilindro maestro de frenos hidr6ulicos Cl40 123 2105-3502044 21053502044 2105-3502048 2105-3502043 21053502053 2105-3502048 2101-3502051-01 2105-3502053 2101-3502058- 2105-3502054 2101-3502051-01 2105-3502054 2105-3502048 2105-3502043 21~01-1602592 -3 2110 21103 21111-01 ~WlHH~pKOJl6CHbl~ 2110-01 211036 21111-02 21106 2111 21111 21113 Rear brake wheel cylinder Cylindre recepteur de freit-i AR Hinterradbremszylinder Cilindro de ruedas del freno WaSer 2110-02~ 21102 211026 124 2112 21122 36AH6rOTOPM036 Cl50 2108-3512073 2108-3512105 - 11087676 2108-3512106 2108-3512080 2108-3512100 2108-3512115 2101-1602550 11057876 - 2110 21104' 2110-02 21102 211026 2108-3512060 21103 211036 21108 2111 21111 21111-01 21111-02 21113 2112 21122 PerynnTop flaaneiing Pressure regulator Compensateur de freinage Druckregler Regulador de presih Tl Cl 60 22041361 16100811 / \ 2108-3508046 2110-3508010 2108-3507036 2108-3508071 2108-3507034 2110-3508039 2110-3508012 \\\ -12605370 \ - 2108-3508214-20 \ 2110 2110-01 (01) ;o:; 21103 211036 21102 211042 211026 (01) (01) 2111 21106 21111 IE; (01) 21111431 21111-02 (01) (01) 2112 21113 21122 g:; (01) llpneoacTonHorHoroTOpM036 Parking brakedrive Commandedefrein destationnement Feststellbremsbetätigung Mando del freno de estacionamiento r Cl70 13824111 3 f-i-l (01)2110-3501013 (02)2112-3501013 0916~I-M 2112-3501146 916~Ill4 2112-3501146-20 0918~I-IM 2112-3501147 916~I-IM 2112-3501147-20 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21102 211026 21103 211036 21108 2111 21111 L 1 (02) (02) (02) (01) W) 21111-01 21111-02 21113 2112 21122 (01) (01) (02) (02) W) TopMosanepejwe Front brakes ‘Freins avant Vorderradbremse Frenos delanteros 2101-3101082 c200 127 L.?+ Ud - 2110-3501012-10 c210 --i 2110-3501013-10 10516870 15970730 210 '1-3101082 2108-3501070 2110 21111 128 (11) TopMosanepewie Front brakes Freins avant Vorderradbremse Frenos delanteros r c201 2101-1602592 , 2108-3501063 \ 2101-1602591-01 2101-3501051 2108-3501058 2108-3501030 2108-3501057 (01)(02)2110-3501014 (01)(02)2110-3501015 (11)2110-3501014-10 (11)2110-3501015-10 2108-3501039 )2110-3501155 )2112-3501155 2108-3501033 2108-3501032 2108-3501018 (11)2108-3501155 2108-3501019 2110-3501093 2108-3501170 2108-3501166 2110-3501080 2110-3501080 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21102 211026 (01) ;:; 21103 21111-01 211036 21111-02 21106 2111 21111 (02) 21113 2112 21122 (01) (01) (02) (02) (01) 3Il6M6HTblfl6p6AHtiXTOpMO3OB Frontbrakes components Vue &lathe desfreins avant Hauptteile der Vorderbremsen Elementos de los frenos delanteros 'C210 Cl50 -l 916~flM 2108-3502013-21 0916~I-IM 2108-3502012-10 916-flll 2108-3502012-2 2105-3502040 2108-3502090-01 0916-t-kd 2108-3502033 2108~3502019 2108-3502019-01 916~I-IM 2108-3502090-02 0916~i-IM ~108-3502090-01 :,Kp&x ---j I 2108-3502105-01 l 130 \ \ kiibK-* \ 2108-3502038 2110 2110-01 211042 I 211026 21102 - 21103 211036 21108 21111 2111 21111-01 21111-02 21113 2112 21122 I j- \ TopMoaasamHe Reär brakes Freins adre Hinterradbremse Frenos traseros 2108-3502070 2101-3101082 7220 2110-3402136 07220 lQXMl-7 / 2110-3402066-01 2110-3403070 17670501 12605170 02010-I-IM 2110-3401100(01)(03)(11j-l 2110-3401100-20 02010-Ill4 (02x03) 2110-3401100-30 (04) t D130\ Dl60 2110-3402012 12646701 10516670 16100611 10516670 16043621 0-3403072 21lO-3403044 +j@/ 10516470 2110-3704324 /s\ 10519301 9* 2110 2110-01 211062 21102 (02) (03) 211026 (04) 21103 211036 21106 2111 21111 (03) (04) (0’) 21111-01 21111-02 21113 (03) 2112 (02) 21122 (02) (02) 1::; (0’) 17671001 KOJIOHKa Steering Colonne Lenksäule Columna pyneeafl column de direction de Ia direccih 131 108-3402082-10 2110-3403204 2112-3401100 D130 2110-3704324 ‘/- 21102 21103 2111 132 17671001 (114,116) KOrIOHKa pynesm Steering column Wonne de direction Lenksäule Columna de Ia direccih DlOl 1 2110-3402136 7 2110-3402060 2110-3403070-10 2110-3402088-01 2110-3403204 17670501 12605170 D160 2110-3402012 2110-3401100-IO(R) 12646701 10516670 16100811 2110-3403072-10 13311201 2110-3704324 10519301 2110 21102 211026 21108 21103 21113 211036 2112 2111 21111 21122 KOJlOHK6 pyIl6B6R Steering column Colonne de direction Lenksäule Columna dela direccih D102 133 2108-3401165 - 0 2110-3401204 2108-3403020-1 2108-3403082-10 10519401~ 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21102 21103 134 21108 2111 21111 21111-01 21111-02 21113 2112 21122 Mexatui3M pyneaoR Steering mechanism Mecanisme de direction Lenkung Macanismo de direccion 2110-3400012 10-3400012-10 2110-3401202-10 2110-3401204 10519601 16104111 10519301 12574111 2108-3403020-10 - 2110-3401165 12574211 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21102 211026 21103 211036 21108 2111 21111 21111-01 21111-02 21113 2112 21122 Mexaww pyneeoti Steering mechanism Mbcanisme de direction Lenkung Mecanismo de direccibn rl Dill 135 2110-3414056 2106-3414076 2110-3414052 2108-3414076 2108-3414077 02848-i-IM 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21102 21103 136 21108 2111 21111 21111-01 21111-02 21113 2112 21122 2108-3414075 ~PHBO~p)'fli?BO~ Swingdrive Timonerie de direction Lenkgestänge Mandodedireccih D120 2110g3414054 2110-3414054-01 2110-3414070 2110-3414058-10 0111 2lK3yxQ-10 4\ 16043821 2110-$414054 2110-3414053-10 2110-3414052-10 2110-34140541 2108-3414077 2110-3414057 2848-"kl 02848~I-IM 2108-3414075-01 4/ 2108-3414075 l- 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21102 211026 21103 211036 21108 2111 21111 21111-01 21111-02 21113 2112 21122 npMBOflpyJl8BOR Steering drive Timonerie de direction Lenkgestänge Mando de direccih rl D121 137 2110-3401160 2110-3403185 2112~3401160(114)(11 2110-3403183 2108-3401120 2110-3403160 114)(116) 2114-3403041 (01)(03)(11)2114-3403041 2110-3403181 2010~I-M 2110-3403062 2110-3403179 \UL,\VJ, (01)(03)(11)2110-3403041 Y 02010-I-IM (L) -r 2110-3403010 tR12110-3403010-10 2110-3401092-10(02)(03) 2108-3401241-30 16043621 2110-3403181 10519601 2110-3403179 2110 211041 21,10-02 KW (02) (02) 21102 211026 (03) (01) 138 21103 211036 21111-01 21111-02 21113 (02) (02) 21108 (03) (01) (01) 2111 21111 (03) w-3 2112 21122 KV BaJipyneeoroynpaenewtn Steering mechanism Shaft Arbre de direction Lenkspindel Arbol de direcci6n D130 2108-3401035 02870~fWl2108-3401010-20 2870~i-IM 2110-3401010-20 r2108-3401022 -/ I \ 2108-3403080. 218-3401123 2108-3401036 2108-3401029 2108-3401048 2108-3401047 2108-3401033 2108-3401031 2108-3401121 2108-3401067 2108;3401228 108-3401228-10 06-3401223-10 2110-3401254 2108S3401228 2108-3401228. 2108-3401224 2108-3401089 2108-3401066 D120 2108-3401228 2108-3401026 2108-3401071 08-3401071-01 02641~I-IM 2641~i-lt4 n 2,108-3401057 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21102 21103 21108 2111 21111 21111-01 21111-02 21113 2112 21122 3nek4etmbipyneeoroh4exatwi3tda Steering mechanism components Vue eclat&e du boitier de~direction Hauptteileder Lenkung Elementos dedireccion D140 139 (L) 2110-3401010 2110~3401010-IO(R) 2110-3401225 -k D150 7 \ -+ 2110-3401224 2110-3401044 2110-3401302 2110-3401269 2110-3401116 2110-3401025 2110-3401089 (L) 2110-3401066. (RP1 2110-3401068 10-3401068-10 Dl21 2110-3401223 2110-3401070 2110-3401284 2110-3401286 2110-3401276 2110-3401057 2110 21103 21111-01 3neMewblpyneeorot4exawish4a 2110-01 2110-02 211036 21106 21111-02 21113 21102 211026 2111 21111 2112 21122 Steering mechanism components Vue 6clatee du boitier de direction Hauptteile der Lenkung Elementos de direccion 140 D141 2110-3401046 2110-3401020 2110-3401274 2110-3401272 2110-3401016 2110-3401104 2110-3401268 2110-3401015 2110-3401270 10-3401015-10 21103 211036 21106 21111-01 21111.02 21113 2111 21111 2112 21122 KapTep pyneeoro MeXBHH3Ma Steering box Boitier de direction Lenkgetriebegehäuse Carter del mecanismo de direccion D150 1 1 L 12606671 21 Io-3402077 12605170 13272601 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21102 211026 142 21103 211036 21108 2111 21111 21111-01 21111-02 21113 2112 21122 KonecopyneBoe Steering wheel Volant de direction Lenkrad Volante de direccibn r D160 2110-2901054 2108-2901056 10519601 2110-2g02816 - 21 Io-2902826 2110-2905681 2110-2902820 2110-2902760 2108-2901052 16105021 1)2108-2902712 c / 2108-2901050 102~2112-2902712 15540931 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21102 211026 (0') (01) (01) KJV (01) 21103 211036 21106 2111 21111 (02) 032) (02) (0' (01) 1 21111-01 21111-02 21113 2112 21122 (01) y; (02) (01) 3neMenrblnepeLIHeiinoLbecrw Front Suspension components Vue 6clat6e d’un Mment de Suspension avant Hauptteile der Vorderradaufhängung Elementos de Ia suspensibn delantera D200 143 2108-2904054 02249~I-IM 12574921 22494ll4 2110-2904070 2110-2904055 2108-2904020 2108-2904225 2108-2904270 2108-2904225 2108-2904045 125749212108-2904045 2110 2110-01 211042 (01) (01) (01) 21103 211036 21108 (02) (02) (02) 21111-01 21111-02 21113 (01) y; 21102 211026 (01) (01) 2111 21111 (01) (01) 2112 21122 (02) 144 (01) ~flSM6HTbln6pe~H8)inO~66CK~ Front suspension components Vue 6clat6e d’un Mment de Suspension avant Hauptteile der Vorderradaufhängung Element& de Ia Suspension delantera D201 211L,,,--2110-2906010 2110-2906016 2110-2906040 10516870 2110 2llo-01 2110-02 21102 211026 21103 211036 21108 2111 21111 21111-01 21111-02 21113 2112 21122 CTa6WlM3aTOpllOllepe’4HO~)‘CTOi+lklaOCTH Anti-roll bar Barre stabilisatrice anti-roulis Querstabilisator Barra estabilizadora trasversal J D220 2110-2916450 2108-2912652 2108-2915446- 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21102 211026 146 (01) ioij 21103 211036 (05) io2j 21111-01 21111-02 (01) (04) (02) 21106 2111 21111 (03) (03) (03) 21113 2112 21122 fO3b .~ -, (03) (03) l llomecKa3anH!J~ Rearsuspenfion Suspension arri8re Hinterradaufhängung Suspension trasera 2110-2915004 I D300 2108-3103020-01 8~3103020-02 10-3103020 2803~I-IM 2108-3103012 2110-3103012 2803~I-M 2108-3001060 0916~I-IM 2108-3001014 9164Pl 2108-3001014-01 2803~I-IM 2110-3001014-30 0916~I-IM 2108-3001015 916~I-M 2108-3001015-01 2803~I-IM 2110-3001015-30 2108-3001061 / 2108-3103032 28034lM 2110-3103032 2108-3103065 Y 2108-3103079 2110 2110-01 21103 211036 21111-01 21111-02 2110-02 21106 21113 21102 211026 2111 21111 2112 21122 IO’ Kynawi ~O6OpOlHbl6klC~hlH4bl Steering knuckles and hubs Pivots et moyeux Achsschenkel und Naben Manguetas y cubos D400 147 2110-3101301 2110-3101302 2110-3101303 2110-3101304 2110-3101306 2110-3101307 2110-3101308 2110-3101309 2110-3101310 2110-3101311 2110-3101312 2110-3101313 1 2110-3101015-01 2110-3102010 2110 2110-01 2110-02 211026 21111 148 21122 Koneca Wheels Roues Räder Ruedas D410 2108-3101015-06 2108~310101507 l- 2101-3101301 2101-3101302 2101-3101303 2101-3101304 20 40 60 80 l- 2101-3101305 - 2110 2110-01 21102 2111 21111 ,-21093-31CI202q \ 21111-01 21111-02 21122 2110-3102010 2108-3101040 I Koneca Wheels Roues Räder Ruedas 1 D411 149 2110-3101301 i 25 35 30 20 15 2110-3101306 2110-310130R 21103101303 2110-3101307 2110-3101304 2110-3101302 - _ _ _ _ __ 2110-3101309 2110-3101310 2110-3101311 2110-3101312 2110-3101313 2112-3101015 2106-3101040 21103 211036 21113 2112 150 / 2112-3102020 Koneca Wheels Roues Räder Ruedas 12112-3102010 D412 2108-3101301 1 10 2112-3102020 2112-3102010 01552~I-IM 2112-3101015-01 ' 2108-3101302 2108-3101303 2108-3101304 2108-3101306 2108-3101307 21103 211036 21106 21113 20 30 40 50 60 2108-3101040 Koneca Wheels Roues Räder Ruedas 2112-3101302 2112-3101303 2112-3101304 2112-3101306 2112-3101307 2112-3101308 2112-3101309 2112-3101310 2112-3101311 2112-3101312 2112-3101313 1 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 c ,.. r 20 2101-3101301 40 2101-3101302 2101-3101303 2101-3101304 2112-3101040 12-3101014-10 2112-3101301 2112-3101015 2110 21103 211036 21113 2112 152 Koneca Wheels Roues Räder Ruedas D414 2112-3101302 2112-3101303 2112-3101304 2112-3101306 2112-3101307 2112-3101308 2112-3101309 2112-3101310 2112-3101311 2112-3101312 2112-3101313 \\l \\\\ I’ 2112-3101301 21103 211036 21113 2112-3101015-12 / -- - ,- llli 2112-3101040 2112-3101014-10 5 w - Koneca Wheels Roues Räder Ruedas 13279601 n D415 153 9 2112-3101015-13 ,- 2112-3101040 2112-3101014-12 2101-3101301 2101-3101302 2101-3101303 2101-3101304 20 40 60 80 13279911 - 2109-3101305 D416 2108-3104055 2108-3104016 L 2106-3104020 A/ 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21103 211036 21106 21111-01 21111-02 21113 21102 211026 2111 21111 2112 21122 C~yn~~(aaaflHero Rearwheel hub 2,06-3103066 Koneca Moyeu de roue arriere Hinterradnabe Cubo de Ia rueda trasera D420 155 02224-mI 2920~i-W4 17670507 (14)2108-8101150 2110-8104090-20 02920~I-M 17669107 029204lM 2110-8104 El20,El30 El20,El32 2110-8101012 2112-8101012 2329~i-M 121,E1312110-8101012-012224~I-IM 02920~llbl2110-8104090-10( 2101-8109137 10-8104040-10 2920~nl'l 17669107 02920~I-IM 110-8104040 02920~i-hl 110-8104041 02920~i-IM 10-8104100 02940~Ill4 2110-8101340 2110-8104033 I 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21102 211026 156 21103 211036 21108 2111 21111 21111-01 21111-02 21113 2112 21122 CncTeMaseHTannq#HnoTonneH#R Heating and ventilation System Chauffage-Ventilation Heizungs- und Lüftungsanlage Sistema de ventilacibn y de calefaccibn El00 2110-8128050 f m \’ 2110~8128050-01 17670201 12605270 2101-8109137 / Cs- / /- ?-/w ,- +y%& -A 2110-8128052 El00 L==-%q 21102-8121020(14) 2110-8128020 10-8103040-10 2920~Wl #Ill // ’ 2110-8109020-20 2920~flLl 2110-8109044-10 02920~I-IM 2110-8109044 2101-8109137 (L) 2110-8103010 (R)2110-8103010-10 2110-8103010-20 02920~Ill4 0292snvl 2920-m 17670201 02920~I-IM 2110-8109020-IO(R) 02920~I-M 2110-8109020 (L)f/ 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21102 211026 21103 211036 21108 2111 21111 / 21111-01 21111-02 21113 2112 21122 2110-81030432110-8103042 02920~I-IM 1 YnpaenenileseHT#nRllweCiuoTonneHneM Heating and Ventilation control Commande de Chauff8ge- Ventilation Steuerung für Heizung und Lüftung Sistema de ventilacibn y de calefaccibn 1 El10 157 2101-8109137 2108-1303095-01 2108-8101078 2110-8101096 2110-8101025 2110-8101568 \ I i Ill 1051g201 -Gs$$.& p 2110-8101050 2108-1300080-10 2110-3724308 2110-8101024 2110-8101200 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21102 211026 158 211043101202 21111-01 olonHTenb 211036 21111-02 21108 2111 21111 21113 2112 21122 Heater Appareiidechauffage-ventiletion Heizgerät Calentador 21103 El20 2108-6816098 2110-81011002110-8101096 71n* Q,A,,,rl 2108-6101078 2110-8101568 -- --_ 2108-8101081 2108-1303095-01 - 12170090 2110-8101024-20 2110-8101200 2110 21103 2110-01 2110-02 21102 211026 211036 21106 2111 21111 21111-01 21111-02 21113 2112 21122 OTOflMT6flb Heater Appareilde Heizgerät Calentador I chauffagoventilation I 2110-8119023 14567680 2101-3706604 850 2110-8119054 2121-1217047 200 2110 2110-01 21103 211036 21111-01 21111-02 2110-02 21102 211026 21106 2111 21111 21113 2112 21122 160 ~O3~~XO~pOBOflblOTOWlT6Jl~ Heater airducts Conduits d’air Luftführungskasten Conducto aire de calefactor El 30 2110-8119030-20 / 2101-8109143 2110-8119048-20 2110-8119023-20 12642801 17669201 A400, A403, A404 2110-8119054-20 2110-8119022-20 2110-8119110 2101-3706604 10519201 850, 17669201 301392-01 13274201 2105-1127010-01 12638101 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21102 211026 21103 211036 21106 2111 21111 21111-01 21111-02 21113 2112 21122 ~O3~~XO~~OBO~blOTO~#T6~~ Heater airducts Conduits d’air Luftführungskasten Conducto aire de calefactor rl El31 161 2101-8109137 2110-8119023 12598071 17669201 2112-8119054 2110-8119022 17669201 A400, A403, A404 2110 2110-01 211042 21102 21103 162 2111 21111 21111-01 21111-02 21113 2112 21122 ~O3~~XO~pOBO~blOTO~~TBfl~ Heater airducts Conduits d'air Luftführungskasten Conducto aire de calefactor El32 2112-8114054 2110-8114060 21102 21103 (14) llpwsoc\ KoMnpeccopa Compressor belt drive Commande du compresseur Compressorantrieb Mando del compressor rl El40 163 9344 2110-5208090 2110-5208060-01 150 2110-5208098 2110-5208009 2110-5208458 pl 10-5208009-04 2110-5208103 2110 21102 21103 21108 164 OhnueaTenu nepennne Front washere Lave-glaces avant Vorderwascher Lavadores delanteros E200 2110-5208060-01 150 2110-5208098 2110-5208458 2110-5208230 1100 24912551 0910~I-IM 2105-1127036 910~I-M 2110-01 2110-02 21102 211026 21103 211036 2111 OMbleaTenn nepeme Front washers Laveglaces avant Vorderwascher Lavadores delanteros n E210 165 2111-6314094 2112-6314094 4000(01 3200(0 (02)82 2112-6314096 2101-1108124 2101-3724322 2110-5208060-01 2110-5208098 2108-5208422 13832101 2111-6314090 2110-5208103 2110-5208458 I 0.84. ‘V) _.... \- 1) 21111-01 (01) 21111-02 21113 (01) 166 (01) 21122 (02) OMbleaTenM Washers Lavaglaces Wascher Lavadores E220 2101-3724322 2110-5208060-01 12605170 17669001 2112-6314094 3200 -J r- 13632101 - . 300 - OhiuaaTem Washers Lave-glaces Wascher Lavadores -l E221 167 1111-3704201 \ 2108-3704198-30 / 2110-3704005-20 2108-3706701 2110-3724026-10 2110-3724037 2108-3707010 CucTeh4a3axbtrawin Ignition syatem Allurnage Zündanlage Sisteme de encendido 168 Kl00 (GM) K104' (14)21102-3724105 2111-37240261"*1 1 /- (GM) (14)21102-3724026-20 (14)- 2111-3724026-20(1 (*)21102-3724026 (21)21102-3724026-01 (10)21102-3724026-20 (10)21102-3724026-50 02928~I-M 2928~Wl (130)21102-3724026-10 130)2111-3706040 2111-3707010~ -i 2111-3707080-01 / KIIO. ('*) - (12,112,116,133,138,143,176,610) (') - (20,110,113,114,115.118) 21102 211026 2111 21122 2112-3724037 I CncTeMa3amuwatttw Ignition System Allurnage Ziindanlage Sistema de encendido Tl Kl01 169 - (Rus+B) I (“) 21103-3724026-10 (130)21103-3724026-20 Kl05 2112-3707080-01 33,610)2112-3724026 0,11)2112-3724026-10 137) 2112-3724026-20 2112-3724037 (137)2112-3724037-10 2112-1006250 1) (‘) - (20,110,118) 21103 211036 21108 21113 2112 170 (01) \ - A CbweMa 3aztwraHw Ignition System Aktmage Zündanlage Sistema de encendido 21108-3724037 2112-3707010 2112-3724036 Kl 02 2121-6106106 2110-1415016 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21111 21111-01 21111-02 hOKM3JleKTpOHHble Electronie control modules Blocs %ctroniques Steuergeräte,elektronische Equipo elecbnico 2111-1411020-10 (01-•) (!)2111-1411020-22(01-11) 1 c 2121- 2112-1411020-20(02-137) (143)21102-3823042 2111-1411060 2111-1411072 2111-1411072 21$0-1415016 (!j2112-1413065-f~ \ s 13832101 ' - \ r-+("“,"" (Ol-11)(02-10,11,14) (*) - (12,112,116,133,138,143,176,6~10) 2112-1413065 21102 211026 21103 211036 21106 72 (W PJ') (02) (02) (02) 2111 (0') 21113 (02) (02) 2112 21122, (01) 2108-3840010 21~02-3840010 (01-11)(02-10,11,14)21102-3840010-01 (GM) 6llOKK3Jl6KTpOHHbl6 Electronie coritrol modules Blocs blectroniques Steuergerät!, elektronische Equipo eleconico Kl04 02931~I-IM 2111-1411020 (Ol-IO,14 2931~I-M 2111~411020-70(01-IO,14 2931~nM 2111-1411020-71(01-10,14) 2111-1411020-40 2121-6106108 (Ol-•) 2111-1411020-50(01-130) 2110-1415030 2112~1411020-40 (02-*) 2112-1411020-41 (02-') (115)21102-3823042 21102-3840010 (115)2114-3823010 2111-1411072 (*) - (20,110,113,114,115,118) 21102 21103 2111 21113 2112 21122 W) (02) (02) 2110-1415016 (01) (Rus+B) 6JlOKM3MTpOHHble Electronie control modules Blocs blectroniques Steuergeräte, elektronische Equipo eleconico Tl Kl 05 173 2111-3705410(01) 7 1111-3704201 11198073(01) 18043221~01, ,\ \ 2110-3704324 (01)12647001 / 10516870(01) \ (01)2111-3705422 21102 211026 21103 211136 21108 m (01) 2111 21113 2112 21122 (01) (01) BblKnlollaTenbHMOAYnb3a~KHraHHR Ignition switch and ignition module Contact et module d’allumage Zündschalter und Schaltgerät Interruptor y bobina de encendido Kl10 r 2108-3706010 2108-37;6010-02 - r 71nFI-37n6~nn 2108-3706500' 2108-3706200 / 13309201 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21111 21111-01 21111-02 \ 2108-3706020 PecnpeAenwenb 3amuiraw Ignition distributor Allumeur Zündverteiler Distribuidor de encendido Kl20 175 2108-3724178 \ (02)21212-3703110 / 2110-3724070 1)2108-3724080-02 2) 2110-3724080 K140] Kl4 L- (02)2110-3703104 Kl5 Kl5 2108-3703112 ~-13838171 2110-3701686(02) 2110-3703090 2110-3703109(02) 10516470 - 2110-3701686 2110 2110-01 (01) (01) 21103 211036 (02) (02) 21111-01 21111-02 (01) (01) 2110-02 21102 211026 (01) 21106 2111 21111 (02) w (01) 21113 2112 21122 (W (02) (02) 15896211 6arapefi 6KK)'MyJllITOpH69 Battery Batterie Batterie Bateriadeacumuladores r Kl30 A0’0 c 2110-3701670 2110-3701624 2110-3701686 2110-3701629 2110-3701720 (01)(02)2110-3701652 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21102 211026 (01) (01) (01) ;:i; 21103 211036 21108 2111 21111 (03) (03) (03) (02) (01) 21111-01 21111-02 21113 2112 21122 (01) (01) (03) (03) (02) renepalop c apMaTypoR Alternator and fixtures Alternateur et ses fixations Generator mit Träger Alternador con accesorios 2110-3701686 2112-3701010 11-3701652-10 2110-3701686: 2110-3701638 2110-3701637 2110-3701634 2110-3701376 (14) reHepaTopc aphtaTypoR Alternator and fixtures Alternateur et ses fixations Generator mit Träger Alternador con accesorios 178 2110-1001257 2110-3701686 2108-3708010-06 2110-1700012-20 -t2110-1700012-10 (!)2108-3708010-06 2110-3708010 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21103 211036 21106 21111-01 21111-02 21113 21102 211026 2111 21111 2112 21122 IT (!) 6201 (!) Bi00 CTapTep Crank motor Dbmarreur Anlasser Estator Kl50 179 2108;3708805 2108-3708805-01 - 2108-3708010 # 2108-3708010-05 2108-3708071 2110-1001257 2110 21111 180 (11) CTapTep Crank motor Dbmarreur Anlasser Estator l-l Kl51 _--.-.._ -. 132/4001(137) (137)13272401 12605270(137) (137)11195370 21214-1413020(137) (137)10519201 (137)m 21051127049 300 (137) (137)V 2AAH+mm(l37) (130)2123-1413130 21102 21103 (130,137) ~TWIKM Sensors ,Fe!:" Sensores Tl Kl60 181 2103-1308010-10 21083730010-01 # 21043730010-02 # 2109-3730010-03 (01)2103-3808804 2110 2110-01 2110-02 ~21102 211026 162 (01) (01) (01) 21103 211036 21106 2111 21111 (01) 21111-01 21111-02 21113 2112 21122 (01) (01) ~ll6KT~B6HTHIlftTOp Electric fan Motoventllateur Lüfter Electroventilader Kl70 2110-3711061 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21102 211026 21103 211036 21108 2111 21111 21111-01 21111-02 21113 2112 21122 Ocseqefine nepeiwee Front lights Eclairage avant Vorderbeleuchtung Alumbrado delantero n K200 183 10116801 -\ /Pb)2110-3718010-10 1051g401 7 r(L) 2110-3718010 \ 2106-3718348 2110-3718349 (02)2111-3718347 2110 2110-01 211042 (01) (01) W) 21103 211036 21106 (01) (01) 21111-01 y-02 (02) (02) 21102 211026 (01) (01) 2111 21111 (02) (02) 2112 21122 KW (01) w-) 104 rMCIpOKOpp6KTOp +ap Hydraulic headlight adjuster Commande de reglage de phares Leuchtweitenregler Corrector hidrWco de faros r K210 - uaT--ru-v#,IJ’) 2101-3746997(01) L 2102-3714030-10 -, h i --. ,k : 21083-3714016 __--------- 2102-3714020 ‘.\ 2,01~3746gg7 21083-3714010 21083~3714010-01 ,------/- 210s3717010(01) E$"' 2101~3710200 2107-3710200-01 / 2101-3710206 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21102 211026 21103 211036 21106 2111 21111 (01) 21111-01 21111-02 21113 2112 21122 \ 17678701 Oceeqewe canona Interior lighting Eclairage de I’habitacle Innenraumbeleuchtung Alumbrado del Salon Tl K220 165 2110-3716111 \ 2110-3716010 (!)2110-3717034-10 17679001 17670001 12605270 2110-3717034-10 2110 2110-01 211042 21102 211028 166 21103 211036 21108 2112 21122 2110-3717010 (!) Oceeuetwe sawee Rear lights Eclairage arrkre Hinterbeleuchtung Pilotos traseros K230 17669001 2111-3716111 17678801 / pNIL \ : -t 2102-3717113 J 14148190 2111,3716110 ’ ti 211O-X’17010 2,0,-37&QQ8 1 2111 21111 21111-01 21111-02 21113 I Ocee~etfae3afltiee Rear lights Eclairage arrike Hinterbeleuchtung Pilotos traseros n K231 167 2108-3709305 2108-3709340 2108-3709305-01 2108-3709320 ---- 2110-3721010 ,\; \ 2101-3720125 2108-3720010 2110-3731048(137 2115-3828210(01) (137)21061-3731011 2108-3720780 21061-3731010(137) 2108-3715044 (E)2110-3726225 2110-3726087 2110 2110-01 211*02 21102 21103 211036 21108 2111 211026 21111 (01) 21111-01 21111-02 21113 2112 21122 CMrHaJlbl Tell-tales Avertisseurs Signale Seiiales (E)2110-3726010 2110-3728010-01 K300 2115-3801010f011 21061-3709500 - 2110-3801010-lO( 2108-3840030 2110-3804010 21102-3840030 2108-3840040 2112-3857010 2108-38400207 2108-3840030 2108-3840040 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21102 211026 (!) (Kl04)2108-3840010 21103 211036 21106 2111 21111 (01) 21111-01 21111-02 21113 2112 21122 npki6opbl Instruments Appareils Geräte Instrumentas rl K310 189 2110-3710030-01 2110-3710020-01 ,- 2110-3710050-01 (14)211;;;;;;;;;; 2110-3710010-01 2110-3710610-01 2110-3710604 2110-3710604-10 2106-3710310-02 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21102 211026 21103 211036 21108 2111 21111 21111-01 21111-02 21113 2112 21122 BwsoraTen~ H no~ceeTKanp@opoe Instrumentillumination and switches Interrupteurs et bclairage #rtstruments Schalter und TafelgerätebeleucMung Interruptores r K320 2108-3714615 2108-3725100-10 mmwxmn # 2108-3714615-01 2108-273*"1"-1n 2110-8203060 2101-2808020 \ 2110-3709720 / 2110-3709710 - 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21103 211036 21106 21102 211026 2111 21111 (01) 21111-01 21111-02 21113 2112 21122 6flOK#yn~6n6Hn~KnpKKypH6616flb Control block6 and cigarette lighter Blocs de commande et allumecigares Steuergeräte,Zigarettenanzünder Bloco de mando y encendedor K330 191 2110-3747410 2110-3747710 2108-3747010-02 2105-3747210-12 2105-3747210-12 2110-3747310-01 2110-3722020-01 2110~3722020-08 1 13831801 21082-3747210 2110-3747310-20 2110-3747210-20 12599171 2101-8109137 2105-3747210 \- \ . -j 2105-3747210-10 2111-3747720(01) 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21102 211026 192 i 21103 211036 21108 2111 21111 (01) 21111-01 21111-02 21113 2112 21122 2110-3722010-01 21C$-3747210-12 # 2110-3747410-08 2108-3747710-08 2108-3747010-08 2105-3747210-18 2105-3747210-18 2110-3747310-01 2105-3747210-18 . 2110-3747710 2108-3747010-02 2105-3747210-12 2105-3747210-12 2110-3747310-01 2105-3747210-12 2114-3747610 17670101 - 2110-3722010-08 - 2108-3747710-08 2108-3747010-08 2105-3747210-18 2105-3747210-18 2110-3747310-01 k105-3747210-18J 6JlOKMOHT6XHbl~HpSJlS Fuse and relay block Boite & fusibles et relais Zentralelektrik Caja fusibles y rel6 (137)2110-3722010-11 # 137)2110-3722010-18 r K340 2110-5205065-01 2110-5205066-01 (01)2110-5205066-10 07283 m 2110-3756131 2110-3756100 21103 211036 21108 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21102 211026 (01) Um 21111-01 21111-02 21113 2111 2112 21111 21122 13 Karanor3,~2110,*111.2112 CTeKflOOr~CT#TenbnepellHwn Windshield wiper Essuie- glace avant Scheibenwischervorne Limpialuna delantera K350 193 ly 2112-6313090 15896211 2112 21122 194 1I i cTeKnoorHcTHTenb3aAnHA Rear wiper Erde-glece arriere Heckscheibenwischer Limpialuna trasera \, 12599571 r K360 2111j6313200 2111-6313200-01 2111f313150 2111-6313150-01 2108-5205054 2108-5205063 2108-5205055 2111-6313090 15896211 2111 21111 21111-01 21111-02 21113 13 CTeKnOOr~CTwTeflbJaCIH~A Rearwiper Essuie-glace arrikre K365 Heckscheibenwischer Limpialuna trasera 195 - 2110-3724223 (0) n 2110-3724228 (03)(04)21216-3724100 (L) 2110-3724019 (14)2110-3724232 (R)21106-3724019 Li 2110-3724223 2110 2110-01 2110-02 2002 211026 196 ;i:; 21103 211036 (01) KW (02) 21106 2111 21111 (02) (02) (05) '(03) (04) 21111-01 21111-02 21113 2112 21122 \ (01)(04) 2110-3724010 (02)(03)(05)2110-3724010-20 (137) 2110-3724010-10 (04) ~~YTblllPOBO~OBMOTOPHO~OOTC6KB (04) (03) w (03) Engine baywire harness Faisceauxducompartimentmoteur Kabelstränge für Motorraum Mazo de cables delanteros K400 (01)(02)(03)2110-3724226-10 21108-3724226 ,PL"") 21103-3724145 2110-3724950 2110-3724550~lO(l37w 1\1 2110-3724558-10 (02) (02)2111-3724558-102984~nM I I L-l-l-- 2110-3724210-30 2111-372455802984~I-M 2112-3724558 (01) 2110-3724210-lO(l37) 2112-3724210 (03) 2111-3724214 2111-3724210-20(02) 21108-3724210 (01)(04)2110-3724107 2110-3724551 21083-3724245 2110-3724551-10(137) 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21102 211026 (01) (01) ;a:; (01) 21103 211036 21106 2111 21111 (01) (01) (04) 21111-01 21111-02 21113 2112 21122 (02) y; (03) (03) mrysbi ~POBO~~OB canona Passenger compattment wie harne% Faisceaux de I’habitacle Kabelstränge für Innenraum Mazo de cables del Salon K410 197 3011~1lM2111-3724100 2110-3724100-10 03011~lll421103-3724100-IO(') 21106-3724100 ( (R)21106-3724238 (14)2110-3724233 K400 2110-3724540 -SO (115,143)2110 -3724570 K410 2110 2110-01, 2110.02 21102 211026 198 ) 2110-3724234 (R)21106-3724234 /qjpysgL 21102-3724101(116) 21103 211036 21108 2111 21111 21111-01 2111142 21113 2112 21122 >KQ'TblllPOBOL\OBIl~HBJlH llpM60pOB Instrument Panel wire harness Faisceaux de I’habitacle Kabelstränge für Innenraum Mazo de cables del sa& r K420 7 14567780 1 ,- 2110-372 (02)2108-372419510 d 2111-3724195(01) 10249980 2108-3724 10250080 f~~~2101-3~24118 14569480 14569680 14569880 14569980 21082-3724118 @j-j- 14570180 14570280 2103-3724128-10 2101-3726410 GI I 2101-3724177 21103-3724195 12059080 'L'2108-3724182 21103-3724196 2101-6205256 2110-3724321 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21102 211026 21103 211036 21108 2111 21111 KW (01) 21111-01 21111-02 21113 2112 21122 .(Ol) (01) (01) (02) (02) ApM8Typ8IxryTo8npo8oaos Wireharnessaccessories Accessoires des faisceaux Kabelsträngezubehör Guarnicionesde mazo de cables K430 199 2110-5000014 (0 21102-5000014(02) 21103-5000014(03) (06)2112-5000014 2111-5000014 (05)21111-5000014 (04) 2110 2110.01 2110-02 21102 21103 200 In; (01) (02) (03) 2111 21111 21111-01 21111-02 2112 w (05) (05) (05) (06) Ky30e Body Carrosserie Karosserie Carrocerja MO01 hO6-6818142 \ 2108-6818144 2110-6810010 2110;6818010 1 \ # 2110-6810011-10 C 2110-6810010-10 2110-6812610 - 2110-6810011-94(E) 2110-6810010-94(E) L 16104111 -\ 2110-6810025 2110-6810054 2101-6810052 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21102 211026 21103 211036 21108 2111 21111 21111-01 21111-02 21113 2112 21122 CMAaHbflnepeaHMe Frontseats Sieges avant Vordersitze Asientos delanteros MlOO 201 2108-6814242 08-6814234-01 2iio-6ai43ia 2108-6814270 2110 2110-01 211042 21102 211026 202 21103 211036 21106 2111 21111 21111-01 21111-02 21113 2112 21122 Mexatm3u ycTaHoew nepefviux cHaetefA Front sests adjustment mechanism Mcanisme de r@lage du sikge Einstellung der Sitze Mecanismo de instelacibn de los asientos MllO 2110-6828010 1 2110-6820140 2110-6820210 2110-6820211 2110-6820211-10 (E)2110-6820211-30 21106824178 2110-6826110 2110-6820110 2110 2110-01 211042 21102 211026 21103 211036 21106 Ct+AeHbe 3aAnee Rear seat Banquette arrihre Rücksitze Asiento trasero n M120 203 2110-6828010 2111-6820210 2d3820210-10 21110820211 2111-6822610-1 2111-6820110 2111 21111 21111-01 21111-02 21113 204 2112 21122 CweHbeaamiee Rear seat Banquette arrihe Rücksitze Asiento trasero M121 15896411 \ / 12605371 2110-6824206 2110-6824111 2110-6824213 2103-8109142 2110-6826164 2110-6820127 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21102 211026 21103 211036 21108 MexaHm3MyCTaHOBKH3aJlHerOCHJleHbFI Front seats adjustment mechanism Mkanisme de rbglage du siege Einstellung der Sitze Mecanismo de instalacibn de los asientos n M130 205 2111-6822812 13274201 12642701 y;;-z7; 2111-6822814 2108-6824184 2108-6824102 2108-5402271 2108-5402270 2108-5402270\ 2108-6824110 2111-6822813 12605371 2111-6824200 2108-6824208 2111 21111 21111-01 21111-02 21113 2112 21122 13276001 Mexanw3nrycTatioaiw 3aAHerocHAetibn Front seats adjustment mechanism Mkanisme de kglage du siege Einstellung der Sitze Mecanismo de instalacibn de los asientos r M131 08532 - 08532 -( ,( (01)21108-5007261 2112-5007233 2110-5007060 ( 2110-5007502 2110-5007502-lO( ( 2101-8109137 2110-5007465-10 )2110-5007080-10 2110-5007402 2110-5007248 2110-5007501 ( 2110-5007070 2110-5007501-lO( 2110-5007032 2103-8109142 / 12608570 710143109143 -.-. - .__. .- h 2110 2110-01 2110-02 211-02 211026 2110-5007512 12599173 17670201 \ 21103 211036 21108 2111 21111 (01) 21111-01 21111-02 21113 2112 21122 TepMowyMoHsonRqHR Thermo- and noise insulation Isolations thermique et phonique Wärmeisolation und Schalldämpfung Aislamiento tbrmosonoro n M140 207 2101-8109137 h 17670207 / 2112-5109054 4)21106-5109054-20 (01)2103-5004028 (04)2103-5002122 2110-5109079 (04)21108-5109079 2110~5109008-lO(Ol-R) 2111-5109008 (02)(03) 21108-5109008 (04 4)21108-5109078 - 2110-5109076 2110 2110-01 21102 2110-02 211026 208 (01) 1::; 21103 211036 2111 21106 21111 W) (01) KW (04) (02) 21111-01 21111-02 2112 21113 21122 (02) (02) WV (02) w KOBPHKH Mats Tapis Bodenmatten Alfombras M150 2105-5004264(01) 2108-5402270 2108-5402271 2108-6102053 2110;5402143 2110-5402143-40 2110-5702012 2110;5402142 2110-5402142-40 2110~570201208385 211oaz828tt-m 2~10-5402190 2110-5402190-01 7iin-64n7il4 _..-.--.. 2110 2110-01 2110-02 O~MBK~cenona 21103 211036 21106 21102 211026 14Kaianors,r2110,2111.2112 KW Interior trim Garniture de I’habitacle Innenraumverkleidung Tapizedo del sal0n M160 209 2103-5002122 2108-5402271 2108-6102053 2110-5402114 111-5402144 2108-6102053 2110-5402115 2110-5702152 2110-5402158 2111 21111 21111-01 2111142 21113 210 06~s~ canoHa Interior trim Garniture de I’habitacle Innenraumverkleidung Tapizado del Salon M161 2112-5702154 2112-5702012 2112~5702012- 2108-6102053 2108-6302015 2110-5402115 ---... 2110-5702152 2110-5402128 11, 2110-5402158 ‘/ I / 06aeKa CanotIa Interior trim Garniture de I’habitacle Innenraumverkleidung Tapizado del Salon rl M162 211 @$@@ 2110-6607010 # 2110-5607080 17669705 / 2110-5607010-01 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21102 211026 212 21103 211036 21106 6aranoiwa Luggage compartment trim Garniture du coffre h bagages Kofferraumverkleidung Tapizado del portaequipajes 06HBK6 M170 2111-5607136 10519201 17669705 2111-5607070 2111-5607071 L 2111-5607060 2111-5607010 2111-5607010-50 2111 21111 21111-01 21111-02 21113 06neKa 6araxHMKa Luggage compartment trim Garnihre du coffre a bagages Kofferraumverkleidung Tapizado del portaequipajes l-l M171 213 2112-5607136 2111-5607080 20162884-rlM 17670101 2105-6816096 10519307 2123-6302336 m 2884~I-IM 02884~I-IM 2101-8109137 2112-5602012 2884I-M 10519307 2112-5607042 14189770 17670101 17679301 10519307 14189770 06HaKa 6araxHwa Luggage compartment trim Garnhure du coffre h bagages Kofferraumverkleidung Tapizado del portaequipajes M172 )2110-8204010-10 )2110-8204010-01 2110-8202011-10 2110-8204011-Ol( 2110-8201008 2110-8203008 -\,-- - 17669101 17669001 2110-8203110 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21102 211026 M150 : 21103 211036 21106 2111 21111 21111-01 21111-02 21113 2112 21122 llpwiaanemnocw canotia Interior accessories Accessoires de I’habitacle Innenraumzubehör Accesorios del sal6n l-l M180 215 2110-8201004 2110-8201004-01 2110-8201004-10 m=4 = 1 /- = 2 = 3 1-3---L 2110-8201385 2110-8201384 l-3 -2110-8201284 1-3 -2110-8201294 1-3 13271901 1-3 12605171 4 13274201 4 12638101 17671601- 4-m 2110-8201050-84(L) ,2110 2110-01 211042 21102 211026 216 21103 211036 21108 2111 21111 21111-01 21111-02 21113 2112 21122 3eprana Mirrors Rktroviseurs Spigel Retrovisores M185 2110-5325180 2110-5325180-lO( ( 2110-5325010 (L 2110-5325010-10 2110-5325011-01 (L 2110-5325134 (R) 2108-5326016 2110-5325346 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21102 211026 21103 211036 21108 2111 21111 21111-01 21111-02 21113 2112 21122 fl8HenbnpH6OpOs Instrumentpanel Planehe de bord Armaturenbrett Panel de instrumentos Tl M190 217 M210 --QQ- 2108-5303044 2110-5303056 2110-5303016 2110-5303057 \ 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21102 211026 218 21103 211036 21106 2111 21111 21111-01 21111-02 21113 2112 21122 L 2iio-5303058 Glove box Bofte In gante Handschuhfach Guantera r M195 12605370 2110-8402010 12598471 2110-8402214 -h 2121-6308010 2110-84022002110-8406140 2110-8406194 2110-8406134 2101-3724317 2110-8406010 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21102 211026 21103 211036 21106 2111 21111 21111-01 21111-02 21113 2112 21122 Capot de moteur Motorhaube Cap6 n M200 219 2110-5101066 2110-5101067 2110-5101024 2110 2110-01 2110-02 I 21102~ 211028 21103 211036 21108 21111-01 21111-02 21113 21111 2111 21122 2112 lloJlKy3oe8nepe~MR Body floor, front Planeher de Ia carrosserie avant Boden, vorne Piso de Ia carroceria delantera M230 2110~5101240(01)(03) 2110-5101241(01)(l-~3) 2111-5101240 2111-5101241 (02) (02) 2111-5101210 2111-5101211 (02) (01)(03)2110-5101276 - (02)2111-5101276 1)(02)2110-5101043 2112-5101043 (01)(02)2110-5101040 2112-5101040 I 2110-5101290 1)(02)2110-5101331 2112-5101331 ;;;;;;;; L (03) ,, Y 2110~5101373 2110 (01) 21103 2110-01 2110-02 21102 211026 (01) (01) (01) KW 211036 21106 2111 21111 (01) 2112-51o1ow \\ci (01)(02)2110-5107120 (03) 2112-5107120 (01)(02)2110-5101090 (03) 2112-5101090 1 21111-01 (02) flOJl KY306636jJHHti 21111-02 21113 2112 21122 (02) Wl Bodyfloor, rear Planeher de Ia carrosserie arrike Boden, hinten Piso de Ia carroceda trasero (03) (03) l-l M235 221 r~ 2110-8403426 2110-8403260 2110-8403261 2110-8403265 2110-5101303 10-5101302 2110-8403281 v- 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21102 211026 21103 211036 21108 2111 21111 21111-01 21111-02 21113 2112 21122 2110-84034~ 3neMewblnepe~Ka Body front frame Carcasse de Ia Partie avant Innenteile,vorne Frente M240 2110-5701124 21108-5401086(01) 5, 21 21 21 10-5401087 21 10-5401086 i=Lw 1 2110-5401120 / \ - - 2110-5401175 (01)21108-5401716 2110-5401316 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21102 211026 21103 211036 21106 ~Jl6M6HTbl6OKOBHHblH36~K6 (01) Body side and rear frame Carcasse de Ia Partie laterale et arri&e Seitenwand und Innenteile, hinten Elementos interiores trasero r-l M250 223 2111-57niinn 2111-540108; 2111-5401086 2111-5401171 2171-5401170 2110-5401120 1 2111 21111 21111-01 21111-02 21113 224 I-’ \ 2110-5401316 ~neMeHTbl60KOBiIHblH 3a)yta Sody side and raar frame Carcasse de Ia Partie laterale et arrikre Seitenwand und Innenteile, hinten Elementos interiores trasero M251 2112-5701124 r;ll2-5401427 2110-5701100 2110-54010 2110-5401086 2112-5401171 2112-5401170 2110-5401121 2110-5401120 2111 21122 2110-5401316 %leMeHTbl60KOB#HblLi 3WKa Body side and rear frame Carcasse de Ia Partie laterale et arri&e Seitenwand und Innenteile, hinten Elementos interiores trasero M252 07702 m 13276001 7702 2110-5701012 12599070 21108-5701012(01) 2110-8413010 ,- 2110-520101~~, 2110-5401338 \. 21104401339 “------7 2110-5601250 '2110-5601013 110-5601012 2110-8403014 2110-5601080 2110-8403014-20(137) 2110-8404015 2110-8404014 2110-5401131 2108-8403066 2110-8403015 2110-8403015-20(137) 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21102 211026 226 / 2110-5401130 I-J 21103 211036 21106 (01) / 2110-5401061 2110-540~060 llatienbfxysoaa Bcdy Panels Panneaux de Ia carrosserie Außenteile Elementos exteriores M260 7702 2111-5701012 2110-5201010 2110-5201027 2110-8403014 2111-5601082 2111-8404015 2108-8403066 2111-8404014 2110-8403015 h 2111 21111 21111.01 21111-02 21113 15' IlaHenw xy3oea Body Panels Panneaux de Ia carrosserie Außenteile Elementos exteriores l-l M261 227 2110-5201026 2112-6404050 2110-8403014 2112-5601086 2108-8403068 2112-5601098 2110-8403015 - \ \ 2112-8404015 2112-8404014 2110-5401131 2110-5401130 llanentf xy3oaa Body Panels Panneaux de Ia carrosserie Außenteile Elementos exteriores r M262 2110-5604010 21099~5605035-10 4389 2110-5605018 2110-5604040 2101-6207032 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21102 211026 21103 211036 21108 I KpblUlK666WKHtiK8 Trunklid Porleducoffreabagages Kofferraumdeckel Tapadel portaequipajes n M280 229 1 06467 - 6467 2110-6100040-IO=1 =l (M320) 1 - B 06467 2110-5606070-10 (M320) 6467 12599170 6467 10977611 6467 2110-5606144 21093-651221 2110-5606075-10 6467 21093-6512310 m 06467 2110-5606068 2108-6302015 2110-5606010-10 2110-5606058-10 2110-5606064 2110 2110-01 2110-02 I 21102 211026 230 21103 211036 21106 3aMoKtcpbwu4 6aramoiwa Trunk lid leck Serrure de Porte du coffre & bagages Kofferraumdeckelschlösser Cerradura de tapa del portaequipajes M290 2110-6107020 / 2110-6102012-20 2110-6102013-20 # 2110-6102012-30 2110-6102013-30 1 1- 08463 8463 08463 B 2110-6816086-10 m 08463 8463 08463 2110-6816088-10 - M360(!) . I / i ” L ,J8-6102053 El00 LI I"-~I","JL 9llt-7 r,n7n,n 17670307 IAlfG277~ .--. .” v 2105-6816096 \' - \ 2110 2110-01 21103 211036 21111-02 21113 2110-02 21102 211026 2111 21111 21111-01 2112 21122 17671707 nepemne Front doors Portes avant Vordertüren. Puertas delanteras ABBPM M300 231 / / / / - ~2110-6101014~ l741n.c4n4mC I I 2'10-6100014 2110~6iOOfllFi 21108-610201 21108-610201 13277311 \ - I 21108-6816087 21108 / Aeepw nepeAwe Frontdoors Portes avant Vordertüren Puertas delanteras 232 2110-6107032 r M30i 2110-6106082 2108-6106020 2108-6106072 2108-6106018 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21102 211026 21103 211036 21106 2111 21111 21111-01 21111-02 21113 2112 21122 IlemiaaepeCi Door hinges CharniBres des portes Türgelenke Bisagras de puertas Tl M305 233 # 1 2110-6202012-20 2110-6202013-20 2110-6202012-30 2110-6202013-30 7 /xlO-6;01014 M371(!) , --'lO-6200014 i2110-6107021 M370(!) 1 08463 8463. ,- 08463 p&$Y 8463 El00 - 2110-6107032 08463 8463 2110-6816088, c 08463 8463 2110-6816089 2110-6202102 - 2110-6202103 13277311 \ 17R71?m7 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21103 211036 2112 21102 211026 21122 234 21056816096 /&epMsaL1HHe Reardoors Pottes arrike Hintertüren Puertas traseras M310 2111-6201014 211t-6200014 2111-6201015 2111-6200015 2111-6207014 08463 8463 08463 -- 2110-6816088-10 08463 - 8463 2110-6816086-10 08463 m 8463 2110-6816087-10 17671307 2111 21111 21111-01 21111-02 21113 2111-6207015 2110-6202102 2110-6202103 -l fl 2105-6816096 Aeepnsa/JHble Reardoors Portes arrihe Hintertüren Puertas traseras Tl M311 235 21108-6202202 21108-620220 1108-6201014-10 21108-6200014-10 21108-6200015-10 21108-620201 1208-6207020-10 1108-6207021-10 21108-6102053 21108-6207014-10 1108-6207015-10 2105-8203200 El00 2110-6816089-10 21108-6107032 - 21108-6207034-01 Aaepw Jawie Rear doors Portes arrihre Hintertüren Puertas traseras 236 M312 6467 2110-6100040-10 = 1 (M290) 2111-6100040 2101-6205118 2108-6105252 2108-6105094 2108-6105013-10 2108-3402079 21093-6512310 2108-6105268 2110-6105786 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21103 211036 21106 21111-01 21111-02 21113 21102 211026 2111 21111 2112 21122 3ahwinepeawixflaepeA Front door locks Serrures de Pottes avant Vordertürschlösser Cerraduras de las puertas delanteras M320 237 2108-6105228 2108-8105208 2108-6105268 r 210930512310 -.2110 2110-01 2110-02 21102 211026 238 21103 211036 21106 2111 21111 21111-01 21111-02 21113 2112 21122 36MKH36~HHXABBp6~ Rear door locks Serrures de portes arribe Hintertürschlösser Cerraduras de las puertas traseras M330 2110;6103298 2111J-6103290 m 08390 2110-6103290-02 8390 1 211P6103291 V 08390 2110-6103291-02 8390 r 2110-6103210 2110-610~320 08390 8390 2110-6103320-02 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21103 211036 21108 21111-01 21111-02 21113 21102 2111 21111 2112 21122 211026 OxHariepemkxmepeA Frontdoorwindows Vitres de portes avant Vordertürscheiben Lunasde las puertasdelanteras M340 239 2llp6203290 B 08390, 2110-6203290-02 m 8390 211B62032g1 08390 2110-6203291-02 8390 - 2110-6203393 2110-6203246 13836071 2110 2110-01 21102 2110-02 211026 240 / 21103 211036 21122 2112 13633171 \ OKHa3aftHHxJJ6epe~ Rear door windows Fenetres des portes amihre Hintertürscheiben Lunas de las puertas traseras M350 2111;6203292 2111-6203392 2111-6203292-01 2111-6203393 2111-6203293 /-+ 2111$203293-01 / l- 21118203 r 2110-6203246 2110-6203294 - 2111-6203$20 2111-6203237 08390 - 8390 2111-6203320-02 J-4 13836071 2111 21111 21111-01 21111-02 21113 2111-6203236 / \ 13833171 OKHasa/JHnxflBepeR Rear door windows Fen6tres des portes arrike Hintertürscheiben Lunas de las puertas traseras M351 241 21108-6203128-0 21108-8203127-01 110-8203292-01 110-8203293-01 21108-8203036-10 21108-6203037-1 11080203290-01 1108-6203291-01 211080203246-10 21108-6203321-01 I 21108 242 ,, & 13833171 OKH8 33AHHX ABt?peFi Reardoorwindowa Fenkea des pottesarMe Hintertürscheiben Lunas delaspuertastraseras M352 2110-6104010-1 21100104011-1 I 2110-6104008 12110-6104009 L # 2110-6104008-14 2110-6104009-14 12605371 L # I 2110-6104009:15 2110-6104008-15 15896211 L # 1 2110-6104009-16 L 12639701 '! L 2110-6104716 2110 ~2110-01 2110-02 21102 211026 21103 211036 21106 2111 21111 21111-01 21111-02 21113 2112 21122 / CTeKnono~beMHMKwnepe/JHHx/JaepeR Front window regulator LW-vitres des portes avant Fensterheber, vorne Elevalunas delanteras M360 2110-6104010 2110-6104011 2105-6104072 2108-6104064 212110 2110-01 211042 21102 211026 244 21103 211036 2111 21111 21111-01 21111-02 21113 2112 21122 CTexnonoClaeMH~x~nepe~H~xAeepeB Front window regulator Lh-vitres des portes avant Fensterheber,vorne Elevalunas delanteras r M361 r 2110-6204010-lO(O15) 2110-6204011-lO(O1) 2111-6204010-lO(O2) 2111-6204011-lO(O2) # 1 # 1 # 1 2110-6204008(01) 2110~6204009(01) 2110-6204008-14(01) 2110~6204009-14(01) 2110-3730610 2110-6204008-15(01) 2110~6204009-15(01) -.2 2110-6204712-10 \ 1 # 1 14089311 2110-6204008-16(01) 2110-6204009-16(01) 12639701 2111-6204008-14(02) 21115204009-14(02) 2111-6204008:15(02) 2111-6104009-15(02) 12605371 12605371 15896211 15896211 1L / 2110-6104716 2110 (01) ,21103 (01) 21111-01 (02) 2110-01 2110-02 21102 211026 (01) (01) (01) 211036 21106 2111 21111 (01) Ii! 21111-02 21113 2112 21122 y; (01) (W (01) w CTBKJlOllO~b6MHt4KH '. 3aClHWXABepeti Rearwindow regulator Lkvevitres des portes arrkre Fensterheber, hinten Elevalunastraseras M370 245 12599171 15896411 2110-8104192 2106-8104072 2108-8104066 (02)2111-6204010 (02)2111-6204011 2108-6104064 2110 2110-01 2110.02 (01) (01) (01) 21103 211036 2111 (01) Im; 21111-02 21113 2112 21102 211026 (01) (01) 21111 21111-01 (02) (02) 21122 246 (02) W) C~eKnono~~ehwmi 3awix asepeR Rearwindow regulator Lave-vitres des portes arriks Fensterheber, hinten Elevalunas traserss M371 7259 2110-5206064-1 05550 m 05550 - 05550 w 2110-5603014 2110-5603094 2110-5403028 2110-5206016 2107-8402108 2110-5403028 2103-5325248 2108-8212330 2110-5403248 2110 2110-01 211062 21102 211026 21103 211036 21106 OKH6 Windows Vitres Fenster Lunas M380 247 HL--\\\ 2111-6303077 \\\ 2110-5403248 1767010110519301 2101-2808020-------// 2108-8212330 2111 21111 21111-01 21111-02 21113 248 2110-5403248 -- OKH3 Windows Vitres Fenster Lunas M381 2112-6303014 2110-5206064-10 2110-5206016 2110-5403246 - .-- 2112-6303096 2112-5403023 2112-5403022 2112-5403131 2112-5403130) 1 ‘i--J / \ 2108-8212330 2112 21122 - NIL-3403052 OKHa Windows Vitres Fenster Lunas 2111-6306026 13832101 2111-6306011/ 21118306010 \ -l 2108-6102053 l \ 2111-6300020 =-l\ -Jg 1 711n~im7: -. ." " 21118306034 109g2221 10615471h ."w- '46 iimn7n17m 2111-6306314 10902121 10615471 12598371 2111-8231010 21~08-3714045 2111-6300032 12598371 2111-6307024-01 2111 21111 2111141 21111-02 21113 250 ~BepbsaAKa Tailgate Hayon Heckklappe Porth trasero M390 2112-6300020 \i 2112-6301014 ~2108-6102053 r? / ,,,?-rwnn,, 2112-8231010 2112-6306034 2112-6307024-01 2108-8402214 2112 21122 \ I l \I I 2101-6207032 AeepbsaAKa Tailgate Hayon Heckklappe Portfhtrasero M391 251 2112-6305100(02) 2111-6305108(01) 2112-6305108(02) 2105-6105416 2111-6305075 2111-6305070 2111-6100040=2(&l320) (01)2111-6305106 (02)2112-6305106 2108-3402079 21093-6512310 2112-6305812 2110-5606064 2110-5606010-10 2111 21111 21111-01 21111-02 21113 252 (01) (01) (01) (01) (01) 2112 21122 1::; 3af4oKmepm3anra Tailgate leck Seme del'hayon Heckklappeschlösser Cerraduradel portbntrasero M395 2110-840101 2110-8401614 2110-840171 2108-8403066 10519601 8-8403068 2101-5605055 2110-8212068 2110-8212064 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21102 211026 21103 211036 '21106 2111 21111 21111-01 21111-02 21113 2112 21122 PeweTKapabiaTopa Radiatortrim Calandre de radiateur Kühlermaske Revestimiento del radiador l-l M400 253 2110-5604514 (04)2112-8212174 (03)21102-8212174 2110-5604558 11500121 (04)2112-8212176 2110-5604578 13832101, 2110-8212204(01)(02)(03)(04) 2110-8212512 2108-8212226 13831801 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21102 211026 254 2101-5605055 (01) (01) (01) (02) (03) 21103 211036 Cnoi+lepHHaAilw4AeKopaTHBHble Badges Anagramas Zierbeschriftung Monogrammes M410 17670107 10519307 14188580 2111-5403196 2111-6301178 14189771 12598171 17671107 21102-8212174 (01)2112-8212174 10519307 17671107 (01)2112-8212176 IO,97761 1 12598171 2108-8212226 2111-8212 2111-8212512 13831801 2101-5605055 2111 21111 21111-01 21111-02 21113 (01) Cnokepw tiaAnwx AeKopawatible Badges Anagramas Zierbeschriftung Monogrammes l-l M411 255 2112-6301162 - 2112-6301188 h$!g== /&pE=TGYYtx@ xn h !7 - u (Oi)21102-8212174 (01-110)21102-8212174-10 2112-8212174 2112-8212176 2112-8212512 2112-8212204 F 2101-5605055 13832101 2112 21122 256 (01) CnognepM HaAnwifleKopaTneHble Badges Anagramas Zierbeschrifhmg Monogrammes M412 2111-5707112 21114707134 21114707113 2111 -5707196 flomeMeHTbl6aramHLIKa Roof rails Galeries de toit Dachrelings Alojamientos del baul KPbilUH M413 251 r 2108-5301390-02 2iiog212730 110-8212731-10 2110-8212710 2101-8109137 2110-8212772 I 2110~8212140-04;Ol; 2110 2110~01 2110-02 21102 211026. 258 - 21103 211036 21106 2111 21111 (01) (01) 2llll-ol 21111-02 21113 2112 ,21122 (01) UHTKH H HaKnafiKH 06JIK~OeO~Hble Trim Panels and covers Enjoliveurs Zierschilde und -auflagen Embellecedores 2121-5004286 r M420 2110-840362 2110-8403622 2108-8403068 2110;8403362 2110-8403362-01 211Of8403362-02 l- 15896211 12598471/ L 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21103 211036 21106 21111-01 21111-02 21113 21102 211026 2111 21111 2112 21122 17’ 12574211 UHTKH Covers Tales de protection Zierschilde Guardabarros M421 259 / (137)2110-2803226-60 (137)2110-2803227-60 2110-2603015-41 2110~280301542 I-Y 2110-6810064 2111~2803012-31 211&803012-32 2111-2803102 2111-2803103 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21102 211026 260 21103 211036 21106 2111 21111 (01) 21111-01 21111-02 21113 2112 21122 6ahmep nepew4R Front bumper Pare-chocs avant Stoßstange, vorne Paragolpes delantero M430 (137)2110-28t (137)2110-281rrur-uv 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21102 211026 21103 211036 21106 2112 21122 (01) (01) 6aMnep 3a~HwR Rear bumper Pate-chocs arrii%e Stoßstange, hinten Paragolpes trasero r-l M440 261 2111-2804012 2111~2804012-01 2111-2804012-02 2111~2804015-01 2111~280401502 2111 21111 21111-01 21111-02 21113 262 6ahmep3a~nwA Rearbumper Pare-chocsarrikfe Stolktange, hinten Parqolpestrasero 1 M441 2108-5112092-01 ---b-k---2108-8403276 / j L----~--~--~~~~-~~-- ] 2110 (01) 21103 IiI 21111-01 (02) 2110-01 2110-02 (01) VW 211036 21106 ;::1 21111-02 21113 (02) 21102 KW 2111 211026 (01) 21111 (02) 21122 2112 (02) (03) (63) CxeMa ycTatioew4 3arnywex Plug Layout Schema d’emplacement des obturateurs Anordnung der Verschlußstopfen Esquema de instalaicion de obturadores Tl00 263 (01)2108-1311090 ;;I;;;,=“’ 2110-3105062 2102-3105064 - 2109-3930020 2108-3917010 2108~3917010-0 21213-3917010- 2110 2110-01 2110-02 21102 211026 264 (02)21103-3901100 (01) 21103 (01) KW (01) (01) 211036 21106 2111 21111 (02) (02) (02) (01) (01) 21111-01 21111-02 21113 2112 21122 (01) (01) (02) (02) (02) ~HCTPYM6HTlUO@6PCKH~ Driver's tools Outillage de bord Fahrerwerkzeug Herramientas del conductor YlOO IlEPEVEHb 3AllACHblX ‘4ACTEtl LIST OF SPARE PARTS NOMENCLATURE DES PIECES DE RECHANGE ERSAlZrEILLISTE LISTA DE PIEZAS DE REPUESTO 1111.1014240 *500 1111-1014240 A501 1111-1014240 A502 1111-1302060 AS00 1111-1303092 A610 1111-1601162 1111-1601162 8140 1111-1700022 BZ00 1111.1700022 8201 1111-1702112 6260 1111.1703075 8270 1111-1703200 8250 1111-3704201 Kl00 Kl,0 1111-3704201 8141 M200 64200 2101-1000104-10 Ai30 2101-1000104-10 Al31 2101.1000104-10 2101~1000104-11 ~132 Al30 i 1 1 1 2101~1000104-11 Al31 1 Vent hose 260 mm Tuyau de Ventilation260 mm Schlauch 260 mm Vent hose 260 mm Tuyau de ventilaWn 260 mm Schlauch260 mm Valf hm8 260 mm Tuyau de venfilafion260 mm Schlauch260 mm Radiator mounting iubber Appui de iadiateui Kühlerlager Connecting hose Flexiblede raccordement Verbindungsschlauch Release bearing Roulement de debrayage Auticklager Release bearing Roulement de debrayage Ausrücklager BEather cap Capuchon de reniflard Entlüfferkappe Breather cap Capuchon de reniflard Entlüfterkappe Retainer Boucho” Stopfen Spring Pessoti Feder 6001 Schutzabdeckung Trim ring Vehleidungsring Tdmfing Verkleidungsring Spring Ressortde serrure de capof MotorhaubenschloBfeder sprklg Ressortde serrure de capd MotorhaubenschloBfeder Jeu de coussiwfs de bi& Kornneer WU~HHYXBW~~~IW~RSet of big end bearing shells Pleuellagerschalensatz Jeu de coussinefsde bi& Kornneue waryii~a~xsw~apwefl Set af big end bearing sh& Pleuellagerschaiensatz Jeu de coussinets de bielle Ko+mnenr LU~T~HHUX ~~laflb~weti Set oi big end bearing shells PIBuellagerschalensalz Kwnnem LU~TYHHUX Wx3AblU8ii %l Of big end bearing sh& 4Il25 mm Jeu de coussinetsde bi& 4,125 mm Pleuellageßchalensa”-O,t25 mm -0.125 MM Ko~nnenr uarynnblx s~laflblwe6 Set 01 big end bearing shells -0.125 mm Jeu de coussinetsde bi& 4,125 mm Pleuellagerschalensatz-0,125 mm -0,125 Tuba de ventilaci6n260 mm Tuba de ventilaci6n264 mm Tuba de ventilacidn260 mm Sopoile del radiadar Mangui$ de uni& Caiinete de embrague Cajinete de embiague Casquete del respiradero Casquete del respiradero Tapon MUh Funds Anillo de revestimiento Anillo de revestimienfo Muelle del cierre del cap0 Muelle del cierre del ca@ Juego de casquiliosde bi& Juego de casquillosde bi& Juego de casquillosde bi& Juego de casquiilos de bi& -0,125 mm Juego de casquillos de bi& -0,125 mm MM 265 1 2 13 141 5 2101-1000104-11 Al32 2101-1000104~12 Al30 2101-1000104~12 Al31 2101-1000104-12 Al32 2101-1000104-13 Al30 Kounnenr mery~m 4,125 LIM 1 Kounnenr W~T~HYX -0,25 NY 1 Kornneue wary~nb~x -0.25 MM I Ko~nnenr ~lay~b~x d.25~ I Ko$nnn; uerp~b~x 2101~1000104-13 Al31 I YA;; 2101~1000104-13 Al32 1 2101~1000104-14 Al30 I 2101-1000104-14 Al31 1 2101.1000104.14 Al32 1 Al30 I Kounne~r ~,50lAM Kounnenr 4.75UM Kounnenr -0.75 MM Ko~nnenr 4.75 MM Kpom; Al31 1 Al 32 f 1 6 7 8 9 I eweflbweU Set of bi end beadrig shells -0.125 mm Jeu de coussinets de bielle -0,125 mm Pleuellagerschefensaiz 0,125 mm Juego de casquillos de biela 0,125 mm BNI~WILI~U Set of big end bearing shells 0.25 mm Jeu de coussinets de bielle -0,25 mm Plewllagerihalensatz -O,25 mm Juego de casquillos de biela -0,25 mm a~~brueA Set of big end bearing sheffs 0.25 mm Jeu de caussinets de bielle -0,25 mm Pleuellagerschalensalz -0,25 mm Juegc de casquilfos de biele .0,25 mm ew~~~yueu Set 01 big end bearing sh& -0.25 mm Jeu de coussinets de bielle -0,25 mm Pleuellagerschalensatz -0,25 mm Juego de casquillas de biele 425 mm wa~ltueiI Set of big end.bearing shelk -0.50 min Jeu de coussinets de bielle -0,50 mm Pleuellagerschalensalz .0.50 mm Juego de caequillos de biile -0,s mm LU~~HHMX s~laweeCI Set of big end bearing shefls -0.50 mm Jeu de coussinefe de bielle -0,50 mm Pleuellagerschalensatz -0,50 mm Juego de casquillos de bi& ruarynn~x wewueGI Set of big bnd bearing shelfs -0.50 mm Jeu de wussinets de bielle -0,5U mm Pleuellegerschalensatz 11,5C min Juego de casquillos de biek $54 LU~~HYX er.n.e~b~weU Set 01 big end bearing shelfs 4.75 mm Jeu de coussir& de bielle -0,75 mm Pleuellagerschalensatz 475 mm Juego de casquillos de bfela 0,75 mm -0,50 mm mm LU~T~HHYX el(na,wueR Set 01 big end bearing shells -0.75 mm Jeu de coussinels de bielle -0,75 mm Pleuellagerschalensatz -0,75 mm Juego de casquillas de biele 0.75 mm UI~T~HHUY ewlepp~weli Set 01 big end bearing shells -0.75 mm Jeu de awssinets Pleuellageiechafensi -0,75 mm Juego de casquillos de bi& wmpnm Set of big end bearing shells -1.W mm Jeu de coussinets de biella -1,GQ mm Pleuellagerschalensetz -f,oO mm Juego de casquillos de biek .l .OO mm Set of big end bearing ehells -1 .oO mm Jeu de coussinekde Pleuellagerechalens~ -1 ,OO mm Juego de cesquiffos de bi& Set of big end bearing shells -1 CO mm Jeu de coussinets de bie4e -1 ,OO mm Pleuellagerschalensetz -1 ,OO mm Juego de casquiflos de biela -1 ,OO mm memweil 2101-1000104-30 ~130 1 Kcwmenr rnery~wx e~lepb~uefl -1,w MM Kowmenr meywa~x e~leflb~ueR -1,oo MM Korrnne~~ WBT~HHMY el~la,wl~le~ 2101-1000104~30 ~131 1 Korrnne~~ mary~~ux UBTYHHYX em~brwes elineflbwe~ de bielle -0,75 mm bielle -1 ,OO mm Set of big end bearing shelk Jeu de coussinefs de bielle Pkuellagerxhalensi Juego de casquillob de biela Set of big end beaing Jeu de CoussiwTe de biefle Plewllagerschalensati Juego de casquillos de biefe Jeu de coussirafs Pleuellagerschalensetz shells de Wiefle .l ,OO mm 2101-1000104-30 ~132 I Ko~nne~~ 2101-1000104-31 1130 1 Set of big end bearing shells -0.125 mm Jeu de coussinek de bielle -0,125 mm Pleueflagerschakneatz 0,125 mm Juego de casguillos de biefa 0,125 mm 2101-1000104-31 Al31 I Kornneue WBT~HHUX el(ne&~ueU 4.125 MM K$;~uvywb~x enn8,wuefi Set of big end bearing shells 4.125 mm Jeu de cwsinets de bielle 4,125 mm Pleuellagerschalensetz 4,125 mm Juego de casquillos de biela 4,125 mm 2101~1000104-31 Al32 1 Set 01 big end bearing shells 0.125 mm Jeu da coussinets de bielle 0,125 mm Pf&elkgerechaleneatz 0,125 mm Juego de casquillos de biela -0,125 mm 2101.1000104-32 AI 30 1 Set of big end bearing sh& 2101~1000104-32 Al 31 1 2101-1000104-32 AI 32 I 2101-1000104-33 ~130 1 Kotneu LU~~+H~IX ewlapblueci -0,125 MU Ko~nnenr may~~x e~e$,blweu -&25 UM Kounne~~ mary~~b~x ew~~!ueA -0,25.u~ Kounnenr UI~~HMX ewe,wtueU 4.25~ KoCo”; LU~T~HHYX el(nafi~ueil 2101-1000104.33 Al31 1 2101~1000104-33 Al32 2101-1000104-34 AI 30 266 Ko~nnem W~T~HHMX e~lepb~ueH .a.50 UM 1 Komnnem W~~HUX e~le@~wR -0,50MM 1 KQMMBKT mary~nbu el(neflweU 4,75rrM Sel of big end bearing shells 0,75 mm -0.25 mm Jeu de wussinets Juego da casquillos de bMa da bielle .0,25 mm Pleuellagerschalensalz -0,25 mm Juego de cesquillos de biele -0,25 mm Set 01 big end bearing shefls -0.25 mm Jeu de coussinets de bielle .0,25 mm Pleuellagerschalensatz -0,25 mm Juego de cesquillos de biele .0,25 mm Set 01 big end b?edng sheffs .0.25 mm Jeu de wussinete de bielle -0,25 mm Pleuellagerschalensatz -0,25 min Juego de casquillos de biele -0,25 mm Set of big end bearfng shelk .0.50 mm Jeu de cowsinete de bielle -0,B mm Pleuellagerschalensatz .0,50 mm Juego de casquillos de biefa -0,s mm Set 01 big end beadrig shells -0.50 mm Jeu de mussine& de biefle 450 mm Pleuellagerechafensatz -0,N mm Juego de caeqillos mm Sel of big end beadrig shells -0.50 mm Jeu de CoussinBts de bi& -0,s mm Pleuellagersehaknse?z -0,W mm Juego de casquillos de biela 0,50 mm Set of big end bearing shells -0.75 mm Jeu de coussinets de bielle 475 mm Pleuellagerxhalensafz 0.75 mm Juego de casquillos de biela 0,75 mm de biele 450 I 1 2 ) 3 14) AI 31 2101~1000104-34 Al 2101~1000104.35 At30 1 2101~1000104.35 Al31 I 2101-1000104-35 Al32 32 6 I 5 2101-1000104-34 B I 7 I Kygm; rnary~~m enn.s~b~ueA Sel of big end bearing shells -0.75 mm Jeu de coussinets de bielle -0,75 mm Pleuellagerschalensatz -0,75 mm Juego de casquillos de bi& 1 marywx ~l(na&ueCI -0.75 mm Jeu de caussinets de bielle -0,75 mm Pleuellagerschalensatz -0.75 mm Juego de casquillos de biela .0,75 mm mayww ~~laAb~ueCi Set of big end bearing shells -1 .OO mm Jeu de coussinets de bielle -1.00 mm Pleuellagerschalensalz -1 ,OO mm Juego de casquillos de biela -1 ,oo mm 1 KOMMAKT 4.75 MM Kwnnenr -1,oo Mk4 Ko~nnenr -1.00 MU Kounnsnr Set of big end bearing sh& .O,75 mm W~TYHHUX snnawueti Set of big end bbaring shells -1.00 mm Jeu de coussinels de bielle -1.00 mm Pleuellagerschalensatz -1,OO mm Juego de casquillos de biela -1,OO mm WN~HHYX BWI~IU~U Set of big end bearing shells -1 .W mm Jeu de coussinets de bielle -1,OO mm Pleuellagerscbalensaiz -1.00 mm Juego de casquillos de biela .l,OO mm Stud MSxl5 Goujon MBx15 stiftMax15 Esptinago MSx15 Stud MSxl5 Goujon M8x15 Stift MSxi5 Esparrago Maxi5 2101.1001101 AO10 1 -1 ,oo MM LunmbKa MBXf5 2101.1001101 AO1 1 1 LunMnbKa 2101~1002040 AIOO, 2 BTynKa ycra”osor”an Mounting bush Douille de centrage StellhOlse ‘Buje ajuste 2101~1002040 Al01 2 BTynKa ycra”OsOwan Mounting bush Douille de centrege SteIlhülse Buje ajuste 2101.1002042 Al00 2 Bryn~a ycrawsowan Mounting bwh Douille de centrage Siallhülse Buje ajuste 2101-1002042 Al01 2 . Brynna yna”osOr”aK Mounting bush Douille de centrage SteIlhülse Buje quste 2101-1003017 AO10 2 Bwwa Locating bush Douille de centrage Stellhülsa Buje ajuste 2101.1003017 AO11 2 BrynKa.ycraweorw Locating bush Douille de centrage SteIlhülse Buje ajuste 2101-1003017 AO12 2 BTynKa ycTaHosorHan Locating bush Douille de centrage SteIlhülse Euje ajuste 2101-1003017 Al50 4 6TYllK.e ycra”osar”an Locoting bush Douille de centrage SteIlhülse Buje ajusie 2101-1004062 Al30 8 6onr IueryHa Bd!, connecting Ewbn Pleuelschraube Tornillo de bi& 2101-1005126 Al20 3 tuTM#JT ycra”oeor”bd Dowel pin Pied de centrage stellslfl ajuste 2101-1005126 Al21 3 tuTM@T ycra”oear”bsi Dowel pin Pied de centrage Stelltiifl Espiga de ajuste 2101-1005127 Al40 1 6onr MlOx1,25x23,5 Belt MiOx1.25x23.5, Tornilla MlOx1,25x2$5 2101~1005183 Al20 Habing Demi-rondelle Schraube M,Ox,,25K23,5 selbstsperrende Anlaufscheibe Al21 Half-ring Demi-mndelle Anlaufscheibe Semianillo 2101-1005183-01 Al20 Half-ring Demimndelle Anlaufscheibe Semianillo 2101~1005183.01 At21 HalfWng Demi-rondelle Anlauischeibe 2101~1005183.20 Al20 Half-ring t0.127 mm Demi-mndelle 10,127 mm Anlaufscheibe 10,127 mm Semianillo 4,127 2101~1005183.20 Al21 Half-ring t0.127 mm Demi-mndelle +0,127 mm Anlaufscheibe 10,127 mm Semianillo t0,127 mm 2101.1007035 A150 0 Konbqo cronopwe Circlip Bague d’arrCI Haltering 2101.1008082 A400 1 UnMnb~a Stud Goujon Gewindestift Esp&rago 2101.1008082 A405 1 U.kMMa Stud GCUj0n Gewindestill Esp&raga 2101.1009055 A500 1 YW70THu~enb Seal Joint d’6tanchW Olmeßstabdichtung Empaquetadura Joint d’&anchW 2101.1005183 I 9 1 im15 ycwiosowan md setlwking de bi& Boulon MlOKl.25~23,5 autobloquant autoblocante Semianillo Semianilla mm Anillo de fijacibn 2101-1009055 A50, 1 Ynnor~arenb See Olmeßstabdichtung Empaquetadura 2101-1009055 A502 1 h7Ornn~enb Seal Joint d’&anchW Olmeßstabdichtung Empaquetadura 2101-1009140 A500 1 nPOKWKa Gasket Joint Dichtung Junta 2101-1009140 Pi501 1 nPOKWKa Joint Dichtung Junta 267 1 2 13 141 5 6 7 8 9 2101-1009140 A502 1 nponnBnKB Gasket Joint Dichtung J"!llB 2101-1009140 A503 1 npoKnBnKB Gasket Joint Dichtung JUNB COUWCle 2101-1009146 A500 2101-1009146 2101-1009146 2101.1012150 Pi502 A500 I Kp~w COW Deckel Taps 1 Kpbliuna COW Couverck Deckel Taps 1 K~L.B”KB COW CO”V&? Deckel Taps wuep Union Raccard StUtZWl Racar Ratcord SlUtZWl RBCOI Racor 1 2101-1012150 A501 1 wuep Union 2101-1012150 A502 1 wwp Union Ratcord StUtZeI- 2101.1012150 A503 1 lwlep Union Ratcord stutzen Fcacor 2101.1101130 AZ00 I np0mBflKB Gaskti Joint Dichtung JUMB 2101~1106166 AZ30 1 ~pocrasna Heat insulating spacel Intercalaire thermique Wärmeisoli&U~ Insercibn termoaislante 2101.1106166 AZ30 1 TOnKBTBnb Pkmger Poussoir stö2e Empujador 2101.1106170.11 AZ30 1 npoKnapline FlOgelrad Rueda de palelas 2103-1308030 A600 4 kynna Flexible bush Dauille &stique ElastischeBuchse Eu+ el&ko 2103-1309031 AS00 4 SrplK.3AHCTaH”HOH”aR Distance skeve Douille entretoise Abstandshülse Suie espaciador 272 ynpyran 2103.3504016 Cl00 Axe de poussoir Stangenbolzen 2103.3711217 KZ00 Ampoule Hl 55 W Halogenglühlampe K430 Joint d’&nch&? Dichtung Empaqueladura Kl70 Joint Dichtung JUl-da M140 Bouton Knopf Botbn M150 Bouton Knopf !3otbn M161 Bouton Knopf Botbn 2103.3724128.10 2103.3606804 (01) 2103-5002122 2103.5002122 (04) 2103.5002122 Pemo del empujador Hl 55 Watt tarnpara Hl 55 W M150 Bouton Knopl Botan 2103-5325248 M380 f!oulon M5x20 Schraube M5x20 Tomilla M5x20 2103-5601155 64280 Tampon Pulle1 Tope 2103-8109142 M130 MS Schraube Tomillo 2103-8109142 M140 us Schraube Tomillo 2103-8203206 M312 En@liveur Verkleidungsrahmen Marco de revestimiento 2105.1012005 A500 Filtre $ huiie Osker Filtre de aceite 2105.1012005 A501 Filtre & huile OHiker Filtm de aceite 2105-1012005 A502 Fikre h huile Olker Filtre de aceite 2105-1012005 A503 Fikre a huile Olfilter Filtre de aceitc A500 Filtre a huile 016ltW Fikro de aceite 2105.1012005-01 A501 Filtre a huile Olhltw Fikro de aceite 2105-1012005-01 A502 Filtre & huile Mfiitw Filtm de aceite 2105-1012005-01 AS03 Filtre a huile 0161kr Filtm de aceite 2105.1127010 El30 Valve &ctromagn8tique Magnetventil V&ula 2105.1127010 El31 Valve Biectromagn4tique Magnetventil V8vula electmneumtitica 2105-1127010~01 El30 Valve &clromagn6tique Magnetventil Valvula electroneum~tica 2105~1127010~01 Ei31 Valve &ctromagn&ique Magnetventil Valvula electmneum&tica 2105.1127010.02 El30 Valve &ctromagn&ique Magnetventil Valwla electmneum&tica 2105-1127010-02 Ei31 Valve &ctromagn&ique Magnetventil V&~ula electroneum~tica 2105~1127036 'EZOO Ratcord en T TStück Racor en T 2105-1127036 E210 Ratcord en T T-Stück Racor en T 2105-1127038 E220 Raccard en T T-StO& Racot en T E221 Ratcord T-StOdn Racor en T 2103-5004028 (01) 2105.1012005-01 2105-1127038 en T electroneum~tica Kl60 Tuyau 300 mm Schlauch 300 mm Manguera 300 mm 2105-1127070 A370 Callier blastique Schelle Abrazadera eL&tica 2105-1127070 A371 Collier Blastique Schelle Abrazadera el6stica 2105~1164060 AZ41 Clapet de r&ervoir Tankentlüftungsventil VBlvula del deposito de mmbustible 2105-1127049 (137) ?scarburant 273 I 1 2~ 13 2105-3502040 cm 2105-3502043 2105.3502044 141 5 2 UHIIHHnP KOmCHblH 3amero Cl50 2 TOPUWi Kowo Cl50 2 2105.3502048 Cl50 4 2105-3502053 C150 2 2105.3502054 Cl50 2105-3711035 Kl03 2105-3747210 K340 2105~3747210.10 K340 2105-3747210-12 K340 2105-3747210.18 K340 2105-3747210-20 K340 2105.3901010.10 VI00 2105.5004264 MlW 2105-5004266 M160 2105-6104072 M361 2105-6104072 Y371 2105-6106416 2106-6105416 M395 2105-6016096 Y171 2105-6815696 M172 2105-6916096 M300 2105-6915496 MN0 2105.6916096 2105-8203200 M312 21051-1107055 A310 2106-1005183 At20 2106~1005183 Al21 2106-1005183-20 Al20 2106-1005163-20 Al21 2106-3710310-02 K320 2106-3710348 K320 2106-3710346 K210 2106-3829010 A500 274 6 Rear brake wheel cylinder Ring stop screw BWHTCTO~O~HLJU Retainer CyxzPb npynaldo Holder suppen Halter Sujetador Gasket Joint Dichtung JUl1a End piece Embout d’appui 2108~6814234.0, MilO 2 &pxarenb 2108-6614242, M110 2 npoKnanKa 2108~6614270 M110 4 Ha~onewn~ 2108.6614272 YIIO 1 O~IMUOBK~ BH~~~HHR~ npasan Inner ~0ver plate, RH Rev&ement int&ie”r D VerkleidungsstUck, innen rechts Revestimiento interior der. 2108.6814273 MllO 1 OOMUOBK~ snyrpe~~~~ nssan Rev&?menl inMieur G Verkleidungsstück, innen links Revestimiento interior izq. 2108~6814308 MllO 1 06nnqaem “apymw npasaa Outer CoYer pl& RH RevBtement Merieur D Verkleidungstick, außen rechts Revestimiento exterior der. 2108.6814309 Ul10 1 06nuq0~ra “apym”an neaan Outer WYW plate, LH Revätement ext6rieur G Verkleidungsstück, außen links Revestimiento exterior izq. 2106-6816098 El21 1 3arnyww KwwKoTHIIKa Securing Clip Bouchon d’accoudoir onopb, Ioner ww plate. LH Lagerendstück ArmstWenblinde Casquillo del apoyo Tap6n del apoyabrazos 299 1 2 13 141 5 6 7 6 9 BHyrpe”“nn Bush, inner Douille inl&ure Innenbuchse Casquillo interior BBUM Lack catch Arr8toir de WROU SchloBvBrriegelung Fijadw del cierre 3auon ClwHKH cnw+n Seat back Io& Verrou de dossier Rücklehnensehloß Cierre de respaldo Bsiento RLIWK 3BMKB Lack tongue Ergat de wrro” Schloßzunge Lamina del cierre TIkll Rev&emenl Verriegelungsverkleidung Rwestimiento Spring Ressod de wrro” Schlo6leder Mlldle 2108-6818144 MIO0 4 BryMB 2106-6624102 Hl31 2 u%warop 2106-6824110 Ml31 2 2108.6824122 Ml3i 2 2108-6824184 Yl31 2 06nuuosKa 2108-6824206 Ml31 2 npymuna 2106~6824210 @nKcBropa BBMKB d’Brr&ir Ml31 2 npasan 3BMKB Lo& liokage Commande Schloßantrieb Mando del cierre 2108-8101078 El 20 1 Caoling lan and motor Moteur Blectiique BW ventilateur E-Motor mii Heizgebläse Motor CO” turbina 2108.8101078 El21 1 Cooling lan and motor Moteur Bledrique BW ventilateur E-M& Motor con turbina 2108~8101081 El20 1 %WKT~,lBUrBTW,b C BeHTHmTOpOLI 3nenrponsnrarmb c *eHT”mTOPOM Pemcmp we~~poss~~nnnropa Aesistor, fan RBsistance de wnilateur elecidque ZusBWiderstand 2108-8101081' El21 I Pesucmp Resistor, fan Rhistanee Wlriqw Zusatzwiderstand ReSiBtor de ventilador eledriw 2108-8101110 El20 4 CKOciB Clamp Elder Klammer Grapa 2108-8101110 El21 4 CKO~B Clamp EtdBl Klammer Grapa 2108-8101~10 El30 9 Cwba Clamp EkiB, Klammer Grapa 2108-6101110 El31 9 Cm6a Clamp EbiBl K!anmer Grapa 2106-8101110 El32 9 CKO6B Clamp Etier leamler Grapa El00 1 Kpa~ OTO”MTB”R Tap, heatsr Robinet de chauffage Heizungshahn V&~la 2iO8~8109142 El00 4 Bnm SCEW VS Schraube Tomillo 2106~8212228 M410 3 QYJwa Bush Douille Buchse Casquillo 2108~8212228 M411 3 BTynKa Bush Douille Buchse Casquilfo 2108.8212226 M412 3 Bvnm Ewh Douille Buch% Casquillo 2108-8212330 M380 6 nUCTOn Press slud Attache Knopf Grapa 2108~8212330 M381 10 rlUCTOH Press Stud Attache Knopf Grapa 2108~8212330 M382 10 llWTOH Press stud Altache Knopf Grapa DIOI , Monynb Gas mcdule Module de gazogene Gaserzeuger-Modul Module de generadar 2108.8402214 M391 2 6y@ap wanora Bufler, bonriet Tampon de capoi Gummipuffer Tope del capb 210&8403088 M280 16 BUHT screw VS Schraube Tornillo 2108-8403088 M261 BUHT sctew VS Schraube Tornillo 2108-8403088 M262 BUHT SCleW VS Schraube Tortilla 2108-6403066 M400 BUHT SW34 VS Schraube Tomllo 2108-8403068 Y421 BUHT screw WS Schraube Tornillo Flange nut Ecrou de forme Flanschmutter Tuerca con bdda Flanschmut& Tuerca con brida Flanschmutter Tuerca con brida 2108~8101150 (14) Bne~~poBe~~wnnropB rBxr~“eparopw18 de YBW dd fiador de wnfilatwr 2108-8403068 M260 16 16 2 8 16 2108.8403068 Y261 18 rBUKB $MBH~KW Flange nut Ecw 16 rBirKB Flange nut Ecmu de forme 2108~84Q3068 300 rBüKB @BHUWB~ @,~BHWB~ &B forme mit Heizgebläse Resistor de ventil~dor eledriw del caldador da gas l 1 2 13 M400 M421 w 141 5 2 rm 8 rm afl.3~~e~83 $A~HU~B~U 3arnywna 6 1 6ptmosu~a I 7 6 9 Flange nut Ecrou de forme Flanschmutter Twrca con brida Flange nut Ecrou de forme FlanschmuiW Tuerca con biia mg Obturateur Stopfen Obturador Sh& Axe Achse Eie de demi-bloc avant Tl00 2 MZOO Ib E220 1 Ynnormrenb Grommet Joint d’&nch&it& Dichtung Empaquetadura E221 1 YnnorHnTenb Grommet Joint d’&nch&itB Dichtung Empaquetadura Fuel tank RBservoir ?z carburant KrafWotttank Fuel tank wlo pump RBservoir B carburant sans pompe KraHstofftank Joint Dichtung 21082-1101007-10 AZ01 1 6an mlnasHblü 21062-1101013 AZ01 1 6% TO”llmHblü 21082-1101138 1201 1 rlponnani, dasse E Oveßize Piston de r6paration piston 4.4 mm 10.8 mm Kolben, Klasse E PisiOn, clase E 10.4 mm Kolben, Reparaturmaß 10,4 mm Piston de r6paration tO,S mm Kolben. Reparaturmaß to,S mm Pistbn +0,4 mm Piston +O,S mm KO,WU Sel of piston rings Jeu de segmen$ de Piston KOlbendngS& Juego de anillos w,wu Set of pston rings Jeu de segments de Piston Kolbenringsah Juego de anillos noneu Sel of piskw rings Jeu de segments de piaon Kolbendngsatz Juego de anillos Al30 1 Al31 1 21063-1004029 Al32 1 21093~1006061 1400 Gasket Joint Dichtung JUllta 21063.1006081 A401 Gasket Ja”, Dichtung JUllfa 21093-1005061-10 A400 Gasket Joint Dichtung Junta 21083.1006061-10 A401 G&ti Joint Dichtung Junta 21063~1006081~14 A400 Gaskel Joint Dichtung Junta 21063~1006081-14 A401 Gaskel Joint Dichtung Junta A202 Fuel lank R&ervoir Kraltstolftank Dep6sito de combustible 21063.1107010-31 A310 Carburettor Carburaleur vergaser Carburador 21063-1107336 A330 Main iet Gideur prindpal Hauptdüse Surddor principal 21063~1107600.31 A320 Choke pull-down Corps de dispositif de dbpan StarteinrichlingsgehBuse Cuerw 21063~1101007 (130) housing a carburant del dis@livo de arranque 21063-1130010-01 (RWE) 6360 MAF Sensor Capteur de dbbit d’air Luftmassenmesser Transmisor MIISUIIIO de aire 21063-1130010-10 (FwrB) A360 MAF sensor Capteur de *bit Luilmassenmesser Transmiwr (RUSiB) Pi360 Gaskd Joint Dichtung Junta (01.130) A242 BrackeI support Halter Soporte 8210 Thrust pl& Plaque de butee StütZplatte Placa de tope (01) 8220 Output shali Atire secondaire Hauptwelle Arbol seamdario 1021 8220 Output sh& Albre secondaire Hauptwelle Arbol secundado 21063-1701132 6220 5th Speed gear Pignon de 5-e 5. Gangrad Engranaje 5-a velocidad 21063-1701132 8221 5th speed gear Pignon de 5-e 5. Gangrad Engranaje 5-a velacidad 21063~1701133 8231 Bush Douilk de pignon Zahnradbuchse Buje de engranaje 8231 5th speed gear Pignon de 5.0 5. Gangrad Engranaje 5-a velocidad 21063-1130020 21063-1701094 21063.1701159 302 d’air consumo de aira 1 2 13 141 5 6 7 6 9 21083.1701159 6230 1 Thwl washer Rondelle de but6e Anschlagscheibe Arandella tope 21083.1701159 8231 1 Thrusl washer Rondelle de but& Anschlagscheibe Arandella tope 21063.1701166 6230 1 Thrusl plate Plaque de but& Anschlagplatle Placa de tope Plaque de but& Anschlagplatle Placa de tope Cubo dal sincmizadar 21063.1701166 8231 1 Thrusl plate 21063.1701174 6230 1 Synchro hub Moyeu baladeur Synchronkörper 21063.1701174 8231 1 Synchro hub Moyeu baladeur Synchronkörper Cubo del sinmnizador 21063-3714010 K220 1 Reading light Plafonnier d’klairage individuel Lesespot Lu individual 21083~3714010~01 K220 1 Reading light Plafonnier d’&lairsge individuel L~~~$hJi Lw individual 21063.3714016 KZ20 1 Ring sague Ring AM0 Lead, reading light CBble d’&laireur K&.? Gable de IX individual individuel 21003.3724245 K410 1 21083.3839210 A500 1 Oil kvel sender Sonde de niveau d’huile Olstandgeber Aforador del nivel de aceite 21083.3839210 A501 1 Oil Ieve sender Sonde de niveau d’huik Olstandgeber Aforador del nivel de aceite 1 Oil letil sender Sonde de niveau d’huile Olstandgeber Aforador del nivel de aceite Sonde de niveau d’huile Olstandgeber Aforador del nivel de aceite 21083.3839210 A502 21083-3839210 A503 '1 Oil level sender 21083~3839210-01 A500 1 Oil lewl sender Sonde de niveau d’huile Olstandgeber Afmdor 21083~3839210-01 A501 1 Oil he sendet Sonde de niveau d’huile Olstandgeber Aforador dei nivel de aceite 21083~3839210-01 A502 1 Oil leyel sender Sonde de niveau d’huile Olstandgeber Aforador del nivel de aceite Sonde de niveau d’huile Olstandgeber Aforador del nivel de aceite del nivel de aceite 21083.3839210-01 A503 1 Oil leve sender 21083-3839210-02 A500 1 Oil leve sender Sonde de niveau d’huile Olsiandgeber Aforadw 21083-3839210-02 A501 1 Oil level sender Sonde de niveau d’huile Olstandgeber Aforadar del nival de aceite 21083-3839210-02 A562 1 Oil level sander Sonde de niveau d’huile Olstandgeber Aforadar del nivel de aceite Sonde de niveau d’huile Olstandgebar Aforadar del nivel de aceite Sonde glxx Sonde glace Sonde g,ace Sonde g,ace Sonde glace Sonde glace Sande glaca Sonde glace de niveau de liquide de law- Waschwasserstandsgeber Aforadar nivel liquid0 de niveau de liquide de Ia%- Waschwasserstandsgeber Alorador nivel liquid0 de niveau de liquide de law Waschwasserstandsgebr Aforador nivel liquid0 da niveau de liquide de law Waschwauerstandsgeber Aforador nivel liquid0 de niveau de liquide de law Waschwasserstandsgeber Alorador nivel liquid0 de niveau de liquide de lave- Waschwaswstandsgeber Afmdor de niveau de liquide de lave Waschwas?.erstandsgeber Afarador nivel liquid0 de niveau de liquide de lave- WaSchwasserstandSgeber Aforador nie-1 liquid0 21083-3839210-02 A503 1 Oil level sender 21083.3839410 E200 1 Washer fluid level sensor 21083.3839410 E210 1 Washerfluid 21083.3839410 E220 1 Washer fluid level sensor 21083.3839410 E221 1 Washer Auid level sensor 21083.3839410-01 E200 1 Washer fluid level sensor 21083~3839410~01 E210 1 Washer fluid level smsor 21063.3839410.01 E220 1 Washer fluid kvel sensnr 21063~3636410~01 5221 1 Washef fluid level sensor level sensor del nival de aceite nivel liquid0 303 I 1 2 13 141 E200 1 21083.3839410.02 flarw ypown 5 waciadw Support D Träger, rechts Soporte der. BO”lO” Schraube Boulon MlOxl,25x70 Schraube MlOxl,25x7O Tornillo MlOxl.25~70 Bdt M10xl.25~70 Boulon M1O.x1,25x70 Schraube MlOx1,25x70 Tornillo MlOx1,25x70 AO12 Ball MlOx1.25~70 Boulon MiOx1,25x70 Schraube M10x1,25x70 Tarnillo Mlüxl,25x70 2110-1001230 AO10 LH mountiog bracket Support d’appui G Trager, Inks 2110-1001230 AO12 LH mamting Supporl d’appui G Tr&ga, links Sopor@ del apoyo izq. AO13 Nut MlOX1.25 Eaou MlOxl.25 Mutler MiOx1,25 Tuerca MlOxi,25 AO10 Engine mounling flexible member Tampon d’appui de moteur Motorlagerung Tape el8stica de apoyo AO12 Engine muting flexible member Tampon d’appui de moteur Motorlagerung Tape eI8stiw de apoyo 2110-1001242 AO13 Ergiw mounting flexible member Tampon d’appui de moteur Motorlagerung Tape e~stiw de apoyo 2110-1001242.01 AO10 Engine mount flexible member Tampon d’appui de moteur Motorlagerung Tope &stim de apoyo 2110-1001242-01 AO12 Engine mount flexible member Tampon d’appui de moteur Motorlag.¶rung Tape &tico de apoyo AO13 Engine rrmunt flexible member Tampon d’appui de moteur Motorlagerung Tape el&Qco de apoyo AO13 LOwel restraor ButBe int&ure Feststeller, unten Tope inferior AO10 Lower stop Bui80 in#rieure Feststeller, unten Tape infedor 2110.1001224 2110.1001242 2110.1001242 2110-1001242-01 bracket entretoise 6 I Tomillo Scpnte del apoyo izq. AO12 1 Orpawnrenb “nm”nU Lmwl stop Bti6e inlbrieure Feststeller, unten Tape inferior AO10 1 OrpwwTenh sepx”nn upQer stop Butee supaieure FeststeUer, oben Ta(re superkx AO12 1 OrpaHwnrenb aepxwl Feststeller, oben Tope superior 1 OrpaHarwrenb aepx”“G UPpe7 stop upper restrictw ButBe sup&ure AO13 ButBe superieure Festst&r, Tope superior 2110.1001255 AO10 1 UhMa Stud Goujon SUlt EspBrrago 2110.lWl255 AO12 1 UJnnnMa Stud GWjOn sm Esparrago 2110.lW1257 AO10 3 ram Nut MlOx1,25 Ecm” M10xl,25 Mutter M10x1.25 Tuerca MlOxi,25 M~OXI .25 oben 2110-1001257 AO11 1 raHKa MlOx1,25 Nut MlOxl,25 Ecrw MlOxl,25 Mutter MlOx1,25 Tuerca MlDxl,25 21lO~lOOi257 AO12 3 rana MlOx1,25 Nut MlOx1,25 Ecmu MlOxl,25 Mutter MlOX1,25 Tuerca MiOxl,25 2110-1001257 Kl 50 2 raaKa MlOxl,25 Nut MlOx1,25 Ecrou MlOxl,25 Mutter MlOx1,25 Tuerca MiOxl,25 Kl51 3 TaUKa MlOx1.25 N”t MlOx1,25 Ecu Mutter MlOxl,25 Tuerca MlOxl,25 2110.1001259 AO10 2 6onTM9xz EC4 M8Yzl Boulrm MBXZI Schraube M8x21 Tortilla M8x21 2110-1001259 AO12 2 Sonr M8x21 Bd1 M8x21 EOh Schraube M8x21 Torr& 2110.1001259 AO13 2 60JlTM8x21 Ball ha21 BouLm MSX21 Schraube M8x21 Tornillo M8Ql AO10 1 rm 2110.1001257 c ~~8608 MlOxl,25 hm21 BYBC rondelle M8x21 Nut and washer Em” Mmer mit Scheibe Tuerca co” arandela Eaou awc rond& AO12 1 ra8na c LU~UE~II N”1 and wasiw Mutter mit Scheibe Tuerca con arandela n110.100c?81 AO10 , KpwmOH Rear brackel Support arri8re Stutze, hinten saporie trasem 2110-1001282 AO10 1 6oJlr iafl”erO Rear bradiegel Retrovisor interior RBtroviseur eabrieur D Außenspiegel, rechts Retrovisor exterior der. Wroviseur D AuBenspiegel, rechts Retrwisor TeMnepalypal 2110-8201050 (4 Ml85 1 3epnuo “apym”oe npasoe Extedar mirror, RH 2110-8201050-01 CU Ml85 1 3epKwo “apym”oe npasoe Exterior mirror, RH im8deur ext*rieur extedar der. 347 l 1 2110.8201050.10 2110~8201050~54 2110.8201051 2110-8201051-01 2 (Q (U (4 (L) CR) (4 13 141 I 5 7 6 6 9 ld185 1 3ep&ana “apyn<“oe npaeoe Ewtenw mirror, RH R&wiseur ex%rieur D AuSenspiegel, rechts Retroviw exterior der. M185 1 3epwlo “apymnoe npasoe Exieficf mirmr, RH R&rwisew exthrieur D Außenspiegel, rechts Retroviw exierior der. M185 1 3epKano wpymwe lleeoe Exierior mirror, LH Reboviseur etiieur G AuSenspiegel, links Retrovieor exterior izq. M18.5 1 3epKano “apymw neeoe Exieriormirror, RBtroviseur extwieur G AuRenspiegel, links Retrovisor etiedor izq. W. Mi85 1 3epmano tlapymwe nesoe Extedar mirmr, LH Retmvieaur ext&ieur G Außenspiegel, links Retrovisor exierior izq. M185 , 3epnano neeOB Exterior mirror, LH R&ovieeur exi6rieur G Außenspiegel, links Retrovtir 21168201284 M185 2 PyKonrKa 3epnan.9 Mirmr adjusting knob Manette de r&oviseur SpiegelgdR Manecilla de espeja 2110-8201294 M185 2 3arnyuKa Plug Obturateur Blinde Tapbn 2110-8201384 Mi85 1 oonnqoena “pesen RH cover Revetement D Verkleidung, rechte Revestimiento 2110-8201384-84 Y185 1 06n140n~a npasan RH wvw RevBtement D Verkleidung, rechts Revestimiento der. 2110-8201385 M185 1 O~WOBK~ man LH cover Revetement G Verkleidung, links Revestimiento irq. 2110.8201385-84 M185 1 06miqmm nesan LH cwer R&tement G Verkleidung, linke Revesbmiento tiq. 2110-8201386 M185 6 Bryma Bush Douilla Buch%? Ceequilb 2110-8201386-84 Y185 6 BTynm Bush Douille Buchse Casquillo Poign&e D Handgriff Poignee G Handgrih, links 2110-8201051-10 2110-8201051-84 “apymwe 2110-8202010-10 M180 1 nopywb npaw RH handgrip 2110-8202011-10 M180 1 nopywb “eeb,U LH handgrip 2110.8202043.i0 MS0 6 3arnyulKa nopywn 2110-8203008 Ml80 1 nenenbwa 2110~8203060 K330 1 MIS0 1 [email protected] “mmbHLtub( nenenbHnua nepeA”nn nepeA”eH rechts Clip, handgrip OMurateur Cendrier Lighl mter, front ashtray Filtre de cendder event UcMliller vorderer de paignee der. Pasemano der. Pasamano izq. Ashtray, lront Winde avant exterior izq. obturador Aschenbecher, vorne Aschenbecher Cenicero de pasemano delantaro Film Opbco del cenicero delantero Aehbay, middle Cendriw central Aschenbeeher. mitten Cenicero centrel 2110-8204010.01 (L) Mao Sunvisor. RH pare-sal D Sonnenblende, rechts Quitaeo der. 2110-8204010.10 CR) Ml80 Sunvisor, RH Pare+&+l D Sonnenblende, rechts Quitasol dar. 2110-8204011-01 P-1 MIBO Sunvisor, LH Pare-soleil G Sonnenblende, links Ouitaso izq. 2110-8204011-10 (9 Sunvisar, LH Pac-soleil G Sonnenblende, links Quitaw 2110-8203110 CpeAHIIe izq. 2110-8204096 Ul80 Holder supporl H&f 2110-8212064 Y400 Badge Embleme Logozeichen Anagrama de tibrica 2i10-8212068 M400 Gesket Joint d’embl6me Dichtung Junta M420 Front dwr molding Panneau de pmtection de porte aveni Vord=edOr-Zierleiste Moldura de puerta delentere IM20 Front d@ar mokling Panneau de protection de pwte avanl Vordwkir-Zierleistete Moldura de puerte delantera w420 Re-x dwr molding Panneau de pratectipn de poiie arri& Hintertür-Zierleiste Wdura M420 Reef daor molding Panneau de protection de porte arri6a HintatürZerleiste Moldura de puerte trasera M410 Badge (1.5) Monogramme (1.5) Hedzierschild (1.5) Anagrama M410 Badge (LADA 110) Monogramme (LADA 110) Heck2ierschld (LADA 110) Anagrama @ADA 1IO) 2110.8212140.03 2110.8212140-04 2110-8212150-03 2110.8212150-04 2110.8212174 2110.8212204 (01) (01) (01) (01) (W Grepa de visera de puede !raeere (1.5) 1 1 2 13 141 5 6 7 6 9 Bootlid COYBI Applique de polte da coMe a begage! Ko~erraumdeckelaullage Headlight frame, RH Applique de phares D Scheinwerleraullage. rechts Placa de laros der. ipap npasaa Headlight Imme, RH Applique de phares D Scheinwerferauflage, rechts Placa de faros der. Applique de phares D Scbeinwerlerauflage, rechts Placa de feros der. Applique da phares D Scheinwerferauilage. rechts Placa de faros der. 2110~8212512 M410 I Hawenna K~MMH 2110~8212852.40 M430 1 Ha~nauna @pap npaean baramwe 2110.8212662.4, M430 1 Hannawa Embsllecador del potio0 2110-8212852-51 Mo30 1 Hataama @ap npasaa Headlight franie, RH 2110~8212852-52 MQO I Hawwna ,$pap npasaa Headlighl Irame, RH 2110-8212853-40 M430 , Hawv,na @pap nesan Headligh! harne, LH Applique de phares G Scheinwerferauflage, links Placa de feros izq. MDO I Hanna,wa @ap nesan Headlight frame, LH Applique de phares G Scheinwerferauflage, links Placa de faros izq. Haw%%a @ap neeee Heedlight frame, LH Applique de phares G Scheinwerleraullage, links Placa de faros irq. tpap neean Headlight lrame, LH links Placa de faros izq. 2110~8212653-41 2110-8212853-51 M430 1 . 2110-8212653-52 M430 1 Ha~lawa Applique de phares G Scheinwetferaullage, 2110-8212710 M420 1 Enjoliveur de baie de pare-brise Windscheibenrahmen-Vehleidung Reveetimienlo 2110-8212730 M420 1 Windscreen coti pene, Oonnuosna paw, eerposoro OKW Heknafl~e peu~ eerposoro owa Windscreen pillar plaslic cover Applique de baie de pare-brise Windscheibenrahmen-Auflage Placa del rnarco del parabrisas 2110-821273, Y420 1 Hxnnanw paw eerposoro ow Windscreen pillar plaslic cover Applique de baie de pare-brise Windscheibenrahmen-Auflage Placa del marco del perabrieas 2110-8212731-10 M420 1 Ha~nafl~a paw eerposoro ow Windscreen pillar platiic wer Applique de beie de pare-brise Windscheibenrahmen-Auflage Placa del marco del parabrisas 2110-8212738.01 M426 1 YnnorHmenb Seal Joint dYtanch6il6 Dichtung Goma 2110-8212738-02 M426 1 YnnorHnrenb M426 4 odnnuoam 2110.8212772 Mim Seal Joint d’6tanchM Dichtung Goma ‘Tim, saew Enjoliveur de vis Schraubenverkleidung Aeveslimienlo Radiator grille Grille de radiateur KOhlergdll Rejilla de radiador Radiator supporl assy Cadre de radieteur mmplet Kühlerrahmen komplett Marco Radiator suppoti pene, auy Panneau de cadre de radiateur compkl Traverse sup&ieure compl& Rahmenblech, kompletl Panel de, marm radiador en conjunto Querträger, oben komplen Traviesa superior en canjunto Traverse de cadre itirieure Querträger unten Traviw Panneau de talandre del tomillo 2110-6401014 M400 1 peulerna 2110~8401050 M240 1 PaMa 2110-8401052 M240 1 2110.84OlOiO M240 I naiiem patdw pagnaropa e cbope nonepewa eepxnaa e coope 2110-8401078 Y240 1 nonepewua 2110~8401122 U240 1 naHe,Yb Verkleidungsblech Panel frontal de radiador 2110-8401614 M400 1 PewerKa paannopa Radiator grille ,Grille de rediateur Kiihlergd,, Rejilla de radiador 2110~8401714 M400 1 PBuk3TK.e prylnaropa Radiator grille Grille de radiateur Kühlergrill Rejilla de radiador M200 , Kanor Bonnet capot Motorhaube Cap6 Bonnet Seal Joint d’6tenchM Bulfer Tampon PUIW 2110.8462010 pamlaropa da marcu parabrisas p.wwropa e coope pakMn oO”n”os~n HllXHRR Radiator top essy Support bottom piece p~naropa Radiator m,i”g nanora peoe, de radiateul de capot Motorhaube de marw inlerior 2110~8402200.10 Id200 1 Ynnormrenb 2110.8402214 M200 2 2110-8403014 M260 I wep Kpblno nepeawe npaeoe Front wing RH Aile evant D Kotflügel. vorne rechts Ale@ delanlera der. 2110-8403014 M261 , Kpwo npasoe Front wing, RH Aile event D KoMgel, “ome rechts Aleta delanlera der. 2110-8403014 M262 I Kpblno nepe,wee npasoe Front wing, RH Aile avant D Kodlügel, vorne rechts Ale& delanlera der. Aile avenl D nepejwe Dichtungsprofil radiador en conjunto Empaquetadura de cap0 Tope M260 , Kpbmo nepeneee npasoe Front wing, RH Kodlügel, “ome rechts Ale@ delantera der. 2110-8403015 ME0 , Kpblno nepep~ee nesoe Front wing, LH Aile evant G KoHlügel, vorne links Aleta delantera izq. 2110-8403015 M281 1 Kpalno nepe,wee nee08 Front wing, LH Aile wen! G KoHlügel, vorne links Ale@ delantera iiq. 2110-8403015 M262 1 Kwno “*so* Front wing, LH Aile evant G KoHlügel. vorne links Aleta dalantera izq. 2110-8403014-20 (137) nepenK+e 349 nesoe Aile evant G Kotflügel, vorne linke Alete delantera izq. her wing assy, RH Demi-bloc AV D wmplel Schmutifanger rechts komplett Pase de rueda der. en coniunto her wing assy, LH Demi-bloc AV G cample! Schmuizfänger linke komplen Pas8 de rwde Demi-b!a AV D Stimutrlänger rechts Pese de rueda der. Inner wing, LH De”%-bloc AV G Schmtid6nger links’ Pase de rueda izq. RH Longeron D Längeträger, rechts Larguero G Längetriiger, links Larguero izq. 1 Kpuno 2110-9403260 Y240 1 6pbwOeHK npasuli 2110-6403261 M240 1 6pbwOeHK IlBBblU e coope 2110-94(13264 M240 1 6pbwOellK npasa,ü Inne1 wing. RH 2110.6403266 M240 1 6pbWOBHK “BBMi4 (137) nepewee Front wing, LH M260 2110-6403015-20 e coope izq. en c&nto 2110-6403260 M240 1 n0nxepon npa~b~a Chassisarm, 2110-6403261 M240 1 noHmepon Chassis am, LH Longeron 2110-9403294 M240 1 CaenHHHTenb npasbs Conneclion, RH El6med de liaieon D Verbindungsstück. rechts Ccnexi6n 2110-6403295 M240 1 CoeauHnrenb meblu Connection, LH El&ment de liaisM1 G Verbindungsstück. links Ccnexi6n izq. 2110.6403362 M421 1 qmn “pasbIn RH spksh guerd, wing T6le garde-baue D Steinschleghh reiht8 Guardabarros de aleta der. npaw RH splash guerd, wing Tble garde.bwe D SteinscNagMech rechts Guardabarros de aleta der. 2110-6403362.01 Wz1 1 qnron neeblll r;pbm npwa der. der. 2110-6403362-02 M421 1 qwm Icpwla npasufi RH splash guerd, wing Tdle garde.bwe D SteinschlagMech rechte Guardabarroe de aleta der. 2110.0403363 M421 1 qmon KPYM neeblii LH splash guard, wing Tble garde-baue G Steinschlegbkch linke Guardabarros de alete izq. 211O+lO3363-01 MA21 1 qmn Kpm neeblu LH splash guard, wing Tble garde-baue G Steinschlagblech linke Guardabarros de alete izq. 1 u.bTOK KPbIna rleeblu LH splesh guard, wiog T6le garde-baue G Steinschlagblech links Guardabarros de alete izq. Satlery pladorm 2110-6403363-02 M421 2110-8403400 M240 1 nnow$!Ka Coneole batterie Satlerie-Trägerplatte 2110.6403422 M240 1 Coeanwrenb nowepo~a npaet RH mnnection, Chassis arm Tble de liaison D Vefbindungsstück recMs Conexibn de languero der. 2110-6403423 M240 1 Coenm~menb nowuepo~a neeu, LH mnrwtion, chass& arm T6le de liaison G Verbindungsstüti, links Conexih de languero izq. ZllOG403426 M246 1 Coenn~wrenb nepenaun RH T6le de liaiwn D Vefbindungsstü2k, vorne rechte Conexibn delantera LH Tble &e liaieon G Verbindungsstück, vorne links Conexion dekntera annylynropa 2110-9403427 M246 1 coemwem 21lOa403622 M421 1 3npan rp~3ewww~ 2110.6403623 11421 2110.6404014 2110~6404015 npasw IIBPBAHWR new Front connec(ion, Fmnl connecdon, Sase de bateria der. izq. Splash guard, RH Ecran gardebaue D Schutnchirm, rechts Salvabarros der. 1 Splash guard, LH Ecran garde-baue G Schtiechirm, links Salvabarros kg. M260 1 Rear wing, RH AilearriBre M260 1 Rear “ng, Aile adere G KdRügel, hinten links Al& GoutMre d’sile D Wasserdnne, rechts Canaleta de aleta der. d’dle G Wasminne, links Canaleta akk npasw~ LH D Kofiügel, hinten rechts Akts trasera der. traeera izq. 2110.6404050 M260 1 Guner, RH wing 2110-6404051 Y260 1 Guller, LH wing Goutiäre 2110-6406010 M200 1 ealnet IOck Serrure de capot Mdorhaubenechloß Cierre del ca@ 2110-6406070 M200 1 Bonnet hook Crochel de capot Motorhaubenhaken Gancho del cap6 2110.6406134 M200 1 Operating Lw;; Belnpp&fi 2110-6406140 64200 1 Outer cable, tonnet Seilzughülle Pakante de tionamiento cerradura de Cepo Vaina de varilla 1 Trim. bonnei release handle Grwleidung Revestimiento CharniBre de capot D Motorhaubenscharnier. rechts Eisagra del ca@ der. CharniBre de capot G Motorhaulw@chamier, links Bisagra del cap0 izq. 2110-6406194 wo0 kver, bonnel leck 2110.6407010 u200 1 Bonnet hinge RH 2110.6407011 M200 1 Samt 2110-6413010 Y260 1 Fuel tank flap aeey hinge, LH de commande de serrure de leck operaling rod Gaine da triogle de s~rrure de capot Rev&emenl de poignee Tankdeckel komplett iiq. de de menija Tape de acceso dep6silo combutible en mnjunto 2110.8413010 M262 1 FM tank flap assy 2110-6413054 Y260 1 Spring Taps de acceso deU?o m mnjunto M”& 2110~6413054 M261 1 Spring t”l”& 2110.8413054 21102-1108054 (02.R) 14262 1 Spring A350 1 Accekrator cable naner Silencieux additionne, Nachschalldämpfer Silenciador aditional Exhaosf downpipe Tube avml “mxhr Tuba de admisidn A350 1 Bracke, (02) (03) A443 1 Intermediate OW A441 1 silencer Kl60 Kl01 1 1 Bracke, support lgnition wire hamess 21102-3724026-01 (130) (20,110,113. 114.115.118) (211 Kl01 1 Ignition wir8 hameS* 21102-3724026-10 (130) Kl01 1 Ignition wire harness Faisceau de d%llumage Faiscw de d’allumage Faismau de d’allumage Faisceau de d’allumage Faisceau da d’allumage Faisceau de d’allumage Faisceau de d’allumage Faixeau de 21102-3724026 wmbustible Gable de mando del acelerador supporl IO21 21102.1200020 21102.1413134 komplett tvlue,,e 21102-1108069 21102.1203010.01 Tankdeckel Halter sopolte cAb,es de sys%me Kabelstrang 1. ZGndanlage HBI de cables dbles de sye&ma Kabelstrang f. ZGndanlage Ha de cables cäbles de syat&me Kabelstrang f. Zbdanlage Haz de cables c&ies de sysl&me Kabelstrang f. Zündanlage Haz da cables &tles KabeBtrang 1. Zündanlage Haz de cables cäbles de syst6me Kabelstrang 1. Zündanlage Haz de cables cables de syst&me Kahlstrang 1. ZOndanlage Haz de cables Comes airbag Kabelstrang airbag Har de c-ab& airbag 21102-3724026.20 (IO) Kl01 1 Ignikn 21102.3724026.20 04) Kl01 1 Ignition wire hamess (14) Kl01 1 Ignition wie hamess 21102.3724026.50 (101 Kl01 1 Ignition wir8 hamßss 21102-372410, (116) K420 1 Wire hamess, airbag 21102-3724105 (14) Kl01 1 JUmper Bricks Puenfe de unidn 21102-3724105 (14) Kl02 1 J”OlPZ3, Brucke Puente de Union 21102-3623042 (143) Kl04 1 Halter soporte 21102.3623042 (115) (01-11) (02. Kl05 Kl04 1 1 BW?@ Br&* Halter sopme Immabilizer wnlrol unit Wegfahrsperre-Steuergerät Blcque de, inmobilizador Kl05 1 Immobilizer cordrol unit Slocdlmmobilisateur Wegfahrspene-Steuergerät Blcque da, inmoblliadw Kl04 1 lmmowzer SIccd!m”“,Mlisateur Wegfahrsperre-Steuergerdt Ekque del inmbilizadof 21102.3640010-01 Kl05 1 Immobiliier cmbol mit Elacd’immobilisa~ur Weglahrsperre.Sfeuergerät Elque de, inmobilirador 21102~3540020 K316 1 Immobilizer wamiq Transmeileur Sensor Transmisor-avisador 21102.3640030 K310 2 Slwk wwkig key cw de ccde noire Codeschlüssel, 21102-3640040 K310 1 Red lwning key CIä de Code rouge LemschlYssel, ro, Llave electrbnica roia Kl04 1 Bracket suppoti Halter soporle 1 Bracbl support Halter sopone 1 Sodyshell. painled Carrosserie Karosaale Iackiert Carrcwtia 1 MC wntrd Tableau de mmmande Klimaanlage-Steuergerät Bloque de mando del amndicionador 21102~3640010 21102-3640010 21102-3646010.01 ~O~-ll)~~10,11,141 Kl05 21102.5000014 21102.6121020 (02) (14) YO01 EH0 wirß harne% soporte CO&l uni1 uni, sender desysl8me d’immtilisateur peinte de climatiseur schwau Llave electrdoica negra pintada 351 1 2 13 5 141 6 .sensor, e”epcretcr ““it 9 8 21102-6121090 (14) E,,O 1 uarw Capteur de vaporisateur Verdampfergeber 21102-6212174 (03) MHO 1 Opwww (1.5 i) Sadge (1.5 i) Vomgramme (1.5 i) Heclaierschild (1.5 i) Anagrama (1.5 i) 11411 1 OpHawHT (1.5 i) Badge (1.5 i) Monogramme (1.5.i) Heckzierschild (1.5 i) Anagrama (1.5 i) (1.5 i) Badge (1.5 i) Monogramme (1.5 i) Heckzierschild (1.5 i) finagrama(l.5 Monogramme (1.5 Li) Heck&schild (1.5 Li) Anagrama (1.5 Li) Heck%rschild (1.5 Li) Anagrama 21102~8212174 ncnapb4renn 7 Transmisor de vaporirador 21102.6212174 (01) M412 1 OpHaMew 21102-5212174-10 (02) M410 1 OpHawanT (1.5 Li) Badge (1.5 Li) 21102-9212174-10 (01.ilil) M412 1 OpHaueHT (1.5 Li) Badga (1.5 Li) Monogramme (137) A202 1 6aK Fuel tank R&servcir ä carburant 21103~1101070-01 1 LUna~r BCJI(~WHUU ,165 WM Hose 1165 mm Tuyau ,165 mm Schlauch ,165 mm Manguera 1165 mm 21103~1101050 AZ02 1 Lunanr CcemiHm?"b"b(~ Connecting Tuyau de raccordement Verbindungsschlauch Manguera de uni6n 3qan Shield, luel tank Ecran da r&eivoir Abschkmblech colliw de r&erv&r 21103-1101007 21103.1i01092 21103.1101114 21103-1101136 (137) 21103~1101176 21103.1103010 (130) ronnnsnoro 6~ hcse Kraftstc”W,k a wburanf D&skc (1.5 Li) de ccmbustible A202 1 xoMyloaKa Fuel lank strap Tankschelle Pantalla del deposita de combusdble izq. Abrazadera de deposilo 1202 1 nponnanKa Gaskel Joint Dichtung JUflta AZ02 I Kcnbqc npnxnuwx Tensioning ring Bague de serrage Andrückring Anillo de apriete 6202 1 IlpaOna TOMLIBHO~O 6~ Fuel filler,eap Bouchon de r&erwir 2 carburant Tankverschluß Tap& Fuel dller cap Bouchon de r&ervcir a carburanf Tankwrschluß Tap5n de depbsito combustible Acceleretcr mble Gable de cammande d’acc&rateur Gaszug Gable de mandc del acelerador A202 1 T0”“4B”b,U i) (1.5 Li) (137) (02, 03.L) Pi202 I flpc6~a ~cnnnwxo 21103-1106054 A350 I Tpcc npnewa 21103-1139008 (137) A202 1 3neKrpo6eH3oHacoc Electric fuel pump Pampe a essenca eleckique E-Kraftstoffpumpe 21103.1163010 (137) A242 I Canister diagnosbc valve Vanne de diagnostic du canisler Dia9nCSWentil 21103.1163110 (137) A242 1 Knana~ wmC~~we~wiil anco~6e~a KponwreU~ wanana smket, Suppwt de clapet Ventilhaltet Soporte de W”,a 21103~1163115 (137) 1242 1 UJnaHr 300 MM Hose 3W mm Tuyau 300 mm Schlauch 300 mm Manguera300 2110+1164010 (1371 1242 I AncoWep Canister Appareil d’adscrption AMivkchlebehälter Adscrbedor 21103-1164010-01 (130) 1242 I Ancop4ep Canister Appareil d’adsorption AkWahlebehailer Adscrbedor AZ43 1 cenaparop separater SBparateur Separater Separador Tuyau 170 mm Schlauch 170 mm Manguera170 Tuyati 170 mm Schlauch 170 mm Manguwal70mm 21103-1103010-01 21103-1164050 6.w de depbsiic combustible anceneparopa YBIW Bomba de ccmbusible el&rica Alarleur G Lautsprecheweddeidung, linke Revestimiento dB allavoz irq. 2111-5607100 Ml71 2 !.uHYP nomeua Shell lifi cord Cordon Hebeschnur Cuerda Retainer Pcite&ble Helfer Portacordon Panel del techo nonnn Puffer 2111-5607136 M171 2 flepmarem 2111-5701012 M261 1 malb npt#M Rool panel Ptillcn Dachblech UZ51 1 rlawem KPYWH Roof panel PBV% DwMech M251 1 Ycnnnrenb Rauf reinlorcemenl Renfort de pavillon DachwsUrker 1 rloneperma M251 1 Ywnnrem MIEI 1 06nsna npww 2111~5702012 M161 1 2111-5702012-11 Ml61 1 M413 I rheuem 2111-5701100 2111-5701124 2111.5701132 2111.5707li2 360 uiypa Puif0r Eje de rapisa SUffW nesan Joint en caoutchouc izq. “q. 2111~5403120 2111-5403192 B cbope Reveetimiento Kpt4wa Tope de bandeja Tape de bandeja Panel dti lecho ~Refuerw del tecttc Roof crossmember, rear Traverse arri&re de pavillon Dachrahmenbalken, Rwf reinforcement, real Renfort de pevillon, arri5n Dachverstärker Headlining Garniture de pavifloo Dachhimmeivehleidung Tapizado del techo WHBKaRpbW Hezxliining Garrdlwe de pmillon Dachhimm&verkleidung Tapizado del lecbo 06uma Headlining Garnkure de pavillon Dachhimmeherkleidur+g Tapizado dei tecim RH mol rBif Partie D de galerie de toi1 Dachreling, rechte Aloiamiento dei baul der. npMun SBAHBR KpMmn 3BAnMU KPUUH 6aramnn~a npaeaa hinten hinten Vga del ta?ho ,rBserB Refueno del tectm tresero 1 2 13 2111-5707112-01 141 5 I norneMeHr 2111-5707113 I 2111-5707113-01 t 2111.5707i34 2 Tpssepca 2111-5707164 1 CTOÜM npasan CroWa “Pas88 CTDÜKB nesan Croüm “8888 cmüna 1 , 2111-5707165 1 1 6 LH rmf rail Pailie G de gelerie de toit Dachding, links Alojamiento del baul izq. nee~fi LH mol rail Partie G de galerie da teil Dachreling. links Alojemiento del baul izq. 6Bram~wna nomeuenr 6BrBm”we 2111-5707175-01 1 Dachreling, rechts Alojamiento del baul der. Cross-piece, rczof reil Traverse de galerie Traverse der Gepäckaufnahme Travieee de languero ~XBN~HT~ nepennen RH front po% rooi rail Pied Bvant de Partie D de galarie Gepackträger-Säule, vorne rechts Montanle de larguero delantero der. ~XBM~HTB nepe~m RH front pest roof rail Pied evBnt de panie D de galerie Gspacklräger-Säule, vorne rechh Mantante de larguero delantero der. nomeue~re nepe~~m LH hont pos,, mol rail Pied avenl de ptiie GepäcktrilgwSäule, Dome links Mantante de larguero delantem izq. mxe~em nepefi”ee LH front pest, mol rail Pied BvBnt de penie G de galerie Gepäckträger-Säule, vorne links Mantante de larguero delantero izq. RH front pest, roof rail Pi& arrihre de Partie D de galerie GepäcMrägar-Säule, hinten rechts Montante de larguero trasero izq. Pied arri&e de Partie D de galerie Gepäckträger-Säule, hinten rechts Mantante noxe~e”~B JlOMeMeHTa 3anHIIn 2111-5707174-01 1 9 eew non weatherstdp,RH 2111-6207021 MS11 1 Ynnar~nrenb aepxwA ne~blu Joint d’BlancMit6 sup6deur D Joint d’6tanchM6 sup&ieur G DicMungspmfil.oben rechts Dichtungsprofil,oben links MS51 2111-6203320-02 Y351 2111-6203392 MS51 2111-6203393 362 MS61 Ynnornnrena sepx"~R "paauil Tcp weatherstrip, LH de Neqlace D Fenaletteber, hinten rechts Goma supericr der. Goma aupedcr izq. derecho izquierdc 1 2 13 2111-6300020 M390 2111-6300032 M390 2111.6301014 hu90 141 1 2 I 5 6 7 8 9 nsepb 3aw Tailgate HayOn Heckklappe Pori6n SY@P hm Eulfer Tampon Puner Tope wpymnan .qeep~ zad~a Tailgate outer panel HecktürauBenblech Panel exterior del pon6n spdler .Spik SW Panel. spoiler Supp-xl de lixation de spoiler Spoilerblech Sp”lw Panel de @er de hayon 2111.6301164 M411 1 Cmmp m?pn 2111.6301176 M411 1 rlawlb cnowapa 2111-6302012-01 M390 I O~HBM Aeepn ?a.wa Tailgate kirn Garnkure de hayon Hecktüwetileidung Tapizado del pat6n Lu90 , 06ma LIBBPI( 3aw Tailgate trim Garnlure de hayan Hecktürvtieidung Taptiado 2111~6302014~50 IA390 t 06mxa Asepa $8~8 Tailgate trim Garniture de hayon Hecklürverkleidung Tapizada del portbn 2111.6302014-51 y390 I 06asna r,sepN w,~a Tailgata kirn Garniture de hayon Hecktürverkleidung Tapizado del portbn 2111-6302074 M390 t 06usna npaeaa Upper bim, RH Garniture sup6rieure D Verkleidung oben rechts Tapizado superior der. 2111-6302075 M390 1, Obuena sepx”n.8 “8Ban Upper bim, LH Garniture sup6rieure G Verkleidung oben links Tapizado superior izq. M390 I Uppertrim Tailgate glass Garniture Verkleidung oben Tapizado supeiwr Lunette arri&e Hecktürscheibe Luneta del portbn 2111~6302014 2111-6302075 sa&m Panneau exl6rieur sepxwn C6wa wpn 3aAw sepxw 2111.6303014 M361 1 CTem 2111-6303072 M361 I 06nnqoswa crenna COVW Enjtiiveur de glace Fennerscheibenverkledung Moldura de cris$l 2111~6303072~03 M361 I 06nw~~a crenna COVW Enjdiveur de glace Fensterscheibenverleidurig Moldura de aistal 2111~6303076 M391 1 OnaHTosKa npasan Trim molding RH Encadrement D Fassung rechts Moldura de cristal der. 2111-6303077 11361 1 OKaHTOBW neBan Trim molding, LH Encadremenl G Fassung links Moldura de crista izq. 2111-6303068 M361 1 Gwr Enjoliveur de glace Fassung Revestimiento 2111-6305070 M3Q6 1 06nnwsKa sana CTelV100~wCTnTen~ rlpnsop. ml(a pBepH 3aiw Tailgaie dcor leck linkage Commande 2111~6305075 M395 1 rlpwwna Gasket Joinl Dichtung JUt% M395 1 Pwar 2111.6305100 (01) lasepn sapixa su@ieure del portdn npnsopa JBMKa de wure de hayon Schloßantrieb t!&iür Mando del cierre de porlbn Operaling Iever. leck Levier de commande de serrure SchloBbetBligungshebel Palanca de manda de cenadura rad Tringle Stange Vtilla rod Tringle Stange RH hinge, tailgate Chamibre de hayon D Hecktürscharnier 2111-6305106 (01) M395 I Tnra Operating 2111~6305106 Wl IA395 I Tma Operating 2111.6306010 IA390 2111-6306011 M390 LH hinge tailgate CharniBre de hayon G HecMünchamiwlinks Sisagra de port6n izq. Gaskel JOilll Dichtung Junta Gasket Joint Dicinung JUilM M395 I rm ~l~epn3a~lCk.Senseur Kbpfeeow Sensor de picado 2112-3865010-01 Al01 Kmxk.senseur Kbqkmsor Sensor de picado 2112-3865020 (GM) (RwrB] Al00 Knock.senseur Kloplseneor Sensor de picado 2112d655020 (RusrB) Ai01 KnC&WlSeUr Klopkensor Sensor de picado 2112-3855010 2112.3855020-01 (RustB) Al00 Kwck-3enseur Kbpfseneor Sensor de picado 2112-3865020-01 (Rus+B) Al01 Knock.senseur Kbpkensor Sensor de picado 2112-3855028 (RwB) Al00 Gouion Gewindesdn Esparrago 2112.3855028 (RUSiS) Al01 Gouion Gewindestift EspArrago K310 Ordinateur de bord Fahrcomputer Ordenader de recorddo peinte Karoseda Carrcceria pintada 2112.3x.7010 MO01 Carrosserk 2112-5007210 M140 Gamilure de planeher avent Bodenverkleidung, vorne 2112.5007232 Hl40 Garniture de planeher mediane D Bodenverkleidung, mi%en rechts Tapizado de piso contra der. 2112+607233 Ml40 Garnkure de planeher mbdiane G Bodenverkleidung, mtien links Tapizado de piso cenfral izq. M235 Planeher arriere D 2112-5000014 2112-5101040 376 (06) 1021 Bodenplatte, lkm?d hinten rechls Tapizado del pieo delantero Pan@ del piso tresero der. 2112.5101043 (031 M235 1 Rear fkor panel, LH Plancher arribre G Badenplatte. hinten links Panel del piso trasero izq. 2112-5101090 (03) M235 1 Extension, RH Rallonge D Ansetzstü& rechts Extensi6n der 2112.5101091 (W M235 1 Extension, LH Rallonge G Ansa?stücklinks Extensibn izq. 1 Rear ch.?Ssis am?, LH Longeron ard&e G Längsträger, hinten links Larguero trasero izq. Longeron arribre D L&gstrager. hinten rechts Logemenl de reue de secours Reserveradmulde Tapis de wffre a bagages Kofferraummatte 2112-5101331 (03) M235 2112-5101332 IW M235 1 Re.% Chassis arm. RH 2112-5107120 (03) M235 1 Spare wheel weil 2112.5109054 103) carpe, Larguero trasero der. Alojamiento rueda da recambio M150 1 Luggage compzlment 2112-5401106 M252 1 RH ,ear cover plate Doublure de c816 de misse, arribre D Seitenwandauflage, rechts hinten Placa de lateral der. trasera 2112.5401107 M252 1 LH rear MYer p,ate Doublure de & links hinten Placa del lateral izo. trasera 2112-5401170 M252 1 Corner panell arch. RH Alfombra del portaequipajee de misse, arri&e G Seilenwandauflage, 2112-5401171 , Apna c yrnosoti 2112-5401426 1 Rear pillar panel, lnner LH 2112.5401427 1 nanenb 3aAHeCI CTOUKII eHYTPeH”IIR npasan nanenb 3aA”en CTOMH BHYTPeHHw nesan 0ti.w m+weo CTORKLI npasan Passage panneau Passage panneatr Doublure Rear pillar panel. inner LH Doublure de custode intbrieure G RH tdm, mar pillar Ganiture de montan! arri&re D C-SäuleNerkleidung rechts Tapizado de montante trasero der. Garnhure de montant arri&re G C&ulewVerkleidung, links Tapizabo de montan@ trasero izq. C-Säulen.Verkleidung, rechts Tapizado montame de faltin links Tapizado montan@ de lald6n izq. 2112-5402136 MIS2 1 npaean nawnw nesan Corner panell arch, LH de reue externe avec angolaire D de reue externe evec angolaire G de cuslode int6rieute D Radbogen mit Eckblech, rechts Pase con panel angular der. Radbogen mit Eckblech links Pase con panel angular irq. Seitenwand-Eckblech, rechts Panel de Pilar trasero interior der. Seitenwand-Eckblech. links Panel de Pilar tmsero interior izq. 2112-5402137 MIS2 1 ObnBKa .%UWi4 CTOAIM ,WM LH trim, rear pillar 2112.5402144 M162 , Obne~a CTORM WM npasan RH pillar trim, rear Garnture 2112-5402145 M162 1 06usna CTOMKLImma nesan LH pillar kirn, rear Garniture de montan, ard&e G C-S&&I.Verkleidung, 2112.5402194 M162 1 06us~a apnn ~oneca npasan Whee arch bim, RH Garniture de passage de reue D Radbogenverkleidung rechls Revestimiento pase de rueda der. Garnkure de passage da reue G Radbogenverkleidung links Revestimiento pase de Weda izq. 2112-5402195 M162 , Obas~a apnn ~oneca nee88 Wheel arch trim, LH de montant arri&e D 2112.5402352 M172 , KoweU~ep npawli Conlainer. RH Caisse 0 Container, 2112-5402353 M172 1 KoHTeAHep neeblu Container, LH Caisse G Container, links 2112.5403022 M382 1 Pmna crenna 601(oww npasan Side window irame, RH Encadrement da glace de cuslode D EcMensterrahmen, rechts Marco del crisial del lateral der. 2112.5403023 M3a2 1 Para nesan Side window frame, LH Encadrement de glace de custode G Eckfensterrahmen, links Malm de cristal del lateral~izq. 2112-5403052 M382 t C~enno OKH~ ~~KOBWH~I npasoe Side windaw glass, RH Glace de custoda D Scheibe, rechts Luna de lateral der. Side window glass, LH Glace de custode G Scheibe, links Luna de lateral izq. crew 6onosw Caja der. caja i2q. 2112-5403053 M382 1 C~e~no owa 2112-5403130 M382 1 Monww owa 6o~oewb1 npaw Window molding, RH Enjoliveur de cdt8 de caisse D Fenster-Zierleisten rechts Moldura de luna lateral der. 2112-5403131 M382 1 Monww owa 60~0ew neobl~ Window malding. LH Enjoliveur de c6tB de caisse G Fenster-Zierleisten links Moldura de luna lateral izq. 2112.5403134 111382 , Window molding Enjoliveur da c6te de wisse Fenster-Zerleisten 2112-5601082 ~M262 1 Monr,ww OKH~ 6onosn”b, loP~JOHTamHblA naHenb 3ama Rm, panel Panneau de iupe arriere ROckwandblech 2112.5601096 M2S2 Traverse de jupe arriere. superieure HeckquenrBger oben Travesaio de fald6n superior 2112.5601099 M262 Top crossmember 1 n0OOpOq~Ha 3aplnique 10 Federscheibe 10 Arandek 10 el&ka 11198373 AO10 2 11199373 AO11 3 AO11 3 AO12 1 UlaCI6a 10 KO”WwCKaII WaR6a IO KO”“wClO&QQ 8594 06.99+ lJUWYJ% 9060 09.99+ 21213-1004062 = 2110-1004062 9344 10.99+ Cl10 = 2107-3510430 hl200 = 1111-8406034-10 A131,A132 E200 w = 2110-5208060-01 425 0532-1111 +33.96 03.96-1 DliO+ 0120+ D140 = 0111 + D121,0141+ -+10.96 910~rlM 10.96+ 24912551 +~(caZ)+ZIXWWI%(02)= 0916Tlll +10.96 916TM lO.S6-+ 210&3001014+2108-3001015+2112-3501146 0150 E210,E221 2105.1127036+ 2110.5206518(ca 3)+2ilC-5206519(0 c2cQ,Dm +2112-3501147 = 2108-3001014-01 +2106-3001015-01 3)+ 2110-5208240~2 +2112-3501146-20 +2112-3501147-20 AO12 2112-1001348+2110-1001224=2121-1001029+2112-1001351 AW9 2108.3401226 = 2110.3724321 01552mi 410.97 1552.nU 10.97+ 01913.flM +05.98 1913.nm 05.984 02010-i-IM jO7.98 2oiom 07.96~ 0413 l 2112-3101015-01 =2112-3101015-02= 2112.3101015-03 8250 2110.3401100+2110-3403070+2110-3403072 illli-3704201 = 2110-3401100-40 +2110-3403070~10+2110.3463072-10 121103403204 2110.3401100.30+ 2110-3403070 +2110-3403072 + 1111-3704201 = 2110-3401100-10 +2110-3403070-10 + 2110-3403072-10 +2110-3403204 D130 2110-3403041 i 21143403041 426 l I 1 2 3 02224-IX' +12.98 2224.nkt i2.98+ 02249.IIM j12.98 2249.nM 12.98+ 2108.2904054 = 2110-2904054 2276.nM 12.98+ 2110.3506110 = 2110-3506110-01 2329.nM 02.99+ 02641.w -06.99 MO1 Cl20 2110-8101012 = 2112-8101012 El30 = El32 D140 2641.nM 06.99+ 2iOE3401071 2803ml 09.99+ 21103001014.30+2110-3001015-30 2646.nvl 10.99+ 2108.3414075 = 2106-3414075-01 2870.I-IM 11.99+ El00 = 2110-6101012-01 +21OE6iO9142x4 2110-6101012+17870507x2+17670601x2 E120iE130 z El21 +E131 = 2108-3401071-01 D4W +2110-3103020 +2110-3103032x2 +ZilO-3103012 D120,0121 DllO 2108-3400010-20 = 2110-3400010-20 2106-3400012-20 = 2110.3400012-20 D140 2108-3401010-20 = 2110.3401010.20 2864m 11.99-3 M172 2112-5602010 = 2112.5602012+2112-5602016 427 3 ElOO,EllO 2110.8104090+2110-8104040+2110-8104041 +17669107x4+ 2110.8103010+2110-8109020+2110-8109044 +2110-8104040-10x2+2110-8103010-20+2110-8109020-20+2110-8109044-10 = 2110.810409@20+ 2110-8104090-10+21108104040+ 2110.8104041 + 17669107x4 +2110-6103010-10+2110-8109020.10+2110-8109044 +2110-8104040-10x2+2110-8103010-20+2110-8109020-20+2110-8109044-10 2110-8103043 =2110-8103040-10 029wl11 -i12.99 02940~I-Ill j12.99 l 2931m 12.99+ 2111.1411020=2111-1411020.70=2111-1411020-71 Kl05 I 29404-04 12.99+ 2110.8104100 = 2110.8104102 El00 K410 2111.3724558 = 2111.3724556-10 K420 2110-3724030 = 2111-3724030 21103-3724100-10 = 2111-3724100 428 = 2110-8104090-20 +