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Summary of Content
Kizashi ESCAPE THE CITY. TAKE TO THE OPEN ROAD BECAUSE IT’S THERE, BECAUSE YOU CAN. AT HOME IN THE CITY, IN ITS ELEMENT BEING BATTERED BY THE ELEMENTS. Suzuki has asked me to take the new Kizashi for a road trip and then write about it. Starting and ending in Manchester, I’ll be touring the Lake District for a few days seeking out some of Britain’s most challenging roads. 6OLSSLQJLQWRWKHGULYHUʧVVHDWIRUWKH˸UVWWLPHZKDW strikes me is the feel and wonderful smell of leather. ,WJLYHVWKHFDUDQH[FOXVLYHIHHOULJKWR˷$JRRGVWDUW I like it already. I spend the next few miles familiarising myself with the cockpit. Everything seems to be at P\˸QJHUWLSVDQGWKHGLVSOD\VDUHEULJKWDQGFOHDU Before I know it open space surrounds me, and the city suburbs are a memory in the rear view mirror. I’m starting to enjoy myself. The 2.4 litre engine quietly purrs as we snake through the increasingly stunning ODQGVFDSH$FURVVZLQGODVKHVWKHERG\ZRUNDVZH (me and my Kizashi) accelerate out of a tight right-hander, the 4-wheel drive keeping us stuck ˸UPO\WRWHUUD˸UPD7KH.L]DVKLʧVDWKOHWLFJRRGORRNV and contemporary styling are certainly at home in the city, but out here it feels like freedom. The road R˷HUVQRWKLQJEXWSRVVLELOLW\DQG,IROORZLWMXVW because I can. GREAT DESIGN IS THE PERFECT BALANCE OF FORM AND FUNCTION. Great design is the heart and soul of the new Kizashi. It’s without doubt a car that will turn heads, equipped with its sweeping lines and contemporary sophistication. Some people actually give me a double take, and believe me, that doesn’t happen often. :LWKGHVLJQLQPLQGLWʧVDSSURSULDWHWKDWRXU˸UVW stop en route is an overnight stay at Dome House, Windermere. Dome House is not your ordinary run of the mill building. Its modern design shows amazing attention to detail, not unlike the Kizashi. I park up outside the building and jump out. The Kizashi really looks the part in front of the beautifully designed structure. I grab my bag from the ample boot and walk along WKHSDVVHQJHUVLGHWDNLQJLQWKHFDUVHOHJDQWSUR˸OH Boot spoiler, 18-inch alloys and sport side-sill covers. ,SDXVHEULH˹\LQIURQWRIWKHVSRUW\IURQWHQGDQGZLSH away an unfortunate insect from the headlamp just above the headlamp washer. I’m not normally such a perfectionist. IT’S HUMAN NATURE TO TAKE THE EASY ROUTE. IT’S THE HUMAN SPIRIT AND A GREAT CAR THAT BEG TO DIFFER. $IWHUDUHVWIXOQLJKWLQWKH2UDQJH5RRPDQGDKHDUW\ Dome House breakfast on the balcony, it’s time for a challenge. The Hardknott Pass is the steepest road in England reaching a peak of 393m (1,289ft) with a 33% gradient at its steepest point. Why do this? Because it’s fun and because I can. The last time I travelled this route was at less than walking pace on a bicycle with several hundred other lunatics. The 2.4 litre engine and 4-wheel drive make the whole experience much less painful. The Kizashi handles the numerous hairpin bends, avoids on-coming WUD˺FDQGFDUHIUHHVKHHSZLWKSDQDFKHVWLFNLQJWRWKH road like it were on rails. The climb and descent really give me a chance to see what the Kizashi can do, and it doesn’t disappoint. A PLACE FOR EVERYTHING AND EVERYTHING IN ITS PLACE. $IWHUWKH+DUGNQRWWSDVVRUGLQDU\URDGVVHHPDOLWWOH mundane, so I set the cruise control. ,VWDUWSUHVVLQJEXWWRQVWRVHHZKDWWKH\GR$OOWKH controls are conveniently close at hand with the leather multi-function steering wheel. The in-car entertainment system, complete with 03:0$FRPSDWLEOH&'WXQHUDQG86%VRFNHWEODVWV out my favourite driving tunes in sumptuous stereo. I sing along out of key because I can and because no one can hear me. My second overnight stop at the :RROSDFN,QQLVRQO\DIHZPLOHVR˷7LPHWROXEULFDWH the vocal chords. WHEN YOU’RE CLOCKING UP THE MILES, LUXURY GOES A LONG WAY. I ease back in my seat feeling the comfort of the leather upholstery as it surrounds me. With 10-way power adjustable seating and 3 position memory VHWWLQJVLWʧVDEUHH]HWR˸QGP\SHUIHFWGULYLQJSRVLWLRQ I love this feature. If my wife drives my car it takes me IURP/DQGʧV(QGWR-RKQ2ʧ*URDWVWRSHUIHFWP\VHDW position again. It’s roomy in here too. There’s plenty of HOERZDQGOHJURRPIRU˸YHDGXOWV7KHGLVSOD\SDQHOV are thoughtfully positioned and well illuminated while the rain sensing wipers keep my vision clear. The power steering guides me around every curve delivering me safely to my destination. FLY LIKE THE WIND, STICK LIKE GLUE. The Kizashi is a good looking car for sure. But the longer I spend behind the wheel, the more I realise it’s what you don’t see that makes this car such a EODVWWRGULYH8QGHULWVERQQHWWKHOLWUHHQJLQH delivers all the power I need. It’s capable of 127 mph, but of course I stick strictly to the speed limit. When I accelerate the cars UHVSRQVHLVLQVWDQWDQGLPSUHVVLYH$OZD\VVPRRWK DOZD\VFRQ˸GHQW7KLVLVKHOSHGLQQRVPDOOSDUWE\ WKH&97 FRQWLQXRXVO\YDULDEOHWUDQVPLVVLRQ 7KLV clever technology keeps the engine running at its most H˺FLHQW530PD[LPLVLQJERWKSHUIRUPDQFHDQGIXHO HFRQRP\2UZKHQ,IHHOOLNHLW,FDQXVHWKHVKLIW paddles to manually change up and down through the six pre-set gears with positivity. With its selectable 4-wheel drive the Kizashi seems to relish every twist, turn, peak and trough the Lake District can throw at it. Some of the road conditions we’ve encountered are not for the faint hearted but nothing is a problem for the Kizashi with its can do attitude. Wet and slippy, mud, lose gravel, potholes and no doubt snow, the Kizashi takes them all in its stride. What the car delivers is a thrilling drive, not a white knuckle ride. Just the way I like it. IF THE UNTHINKABLE HAPPENS EVERYTHING HAS BEEN THOUGHT ABOUT. 7KDQNIXOO\,GRQʧWKDYH˸UVWKDQGH[SHULHQFHRI the multiple driver and passenger airbags but if the Kizashi’s ability to stop in a hurry is anything to go by, I’m in safe hands. 2QRQHRIWKH/DNH'LVWULFWʧVPDQ\WZLVW\URDGV,FDPH out of a blind bend only to stare straight into the eyes of a solitary sheep, the four legged fuzz ball obviously thought standing in the middle of the road was his right. I hit the anchors and the Electronic Stability Program (ESP®)* and anti-lock brakes with Electronic %UDNH)RUFH'LVWULEXWLRQGLGWKHLUVWX˷1RKDUP came to man, beast or car. My wooly friend gave me DVKHHSLVKORRNDQGZDQGHUHGR˷XQGHUZKHOPHGE\ the encounter. ‘Mint sauce’ I muttered to myself. ,ILWʧVQRWOLYHVWRFNLWʧVWKHZHDWKHU2XWKHUHLV predictably unpredictable. What starts as a blue-sky day can in minutes become dark and foreboding, then EHIRUH\RXNQRZLWLWʧVUDLQLQJ$IHZVSRWVTXLFNO\ EHFRPHVKHHWVRIZDWHUODVKLQJWKHZLQGVFUHHQ$JDLQ the Kizashi comes up trumps. The rain-sensing wipers keep my vision clear, automatically becoming faster DVWKHUDLQEHFRPHVKHDYLHUDQGHDVLQJR˷DVWKH sun begins to glint through stubborn black cloud. 7LPHWRVZLWFKR˷WKH+LJK,QWHQVLW\'LVFKDUJH +,'  headlamps until the next downpour. * (63pLVDUHJLVWHUHGWUDGHPDUNRI'DLPOHU$* COLOUR OPTIONS. The Kizashi I’ve been driving is Premium Silver Metallic. However, most of the bodywork is currently mud brown. So it’s time to visit a car wash on my way back to the bright lights of 0DQFKHVWHU,ZDQWWR˸QLVKP\URDGWULSLQVW\OH,FKRVHWKHFRORXURIP\.L]DVKLIURP WKHIRXUVW\OLVK˸QLVKHVDYDLODEOH Premium Silver Metallic Mineral Grey Metallic Stylish black leather is standard on all Kizashis. Super Black Pearl Snow White Pearl Equipment 7HFKQLFDO6SHFL˸FDWLRQV SAFETY $%6ZLWK(%'IXQFWLRQ  Brake assist function ESP® (Electronic Stability Program)* Hill hold control Driver & front passenger airbags Front passenger airbag deactivation system Side airbags (incorporated into front seats) &XUWDLQDLUEDJV  Driver knee airbag )URQWSRLQW(/5VHDWEHOWVZLWKSUHWHQVLRQHU  force limiter and height adjuster 5HDUSRLQW(/5VHDWEHOWV  Foot-protecting brake and clutch pedals Side impact protection beams High mounted stop lamp ,62),;FKLOGVHDWDQFKRUDJHV  &KLOGVHDWWHWKHUDQFKRUDJHV  &KLOGSURRIUHDUGRRUORFNV  L$:'V\VWHP VHOHFWDEOH[   Front fog lamps Front and rear parking sensors SECURITY $ODUP LPPRELOLVHU  5HPRWHFHQWUDOGRRUORFNLQJ with boot open function Deadlocks Freewheeling key cyclinders 9LVLEOH9,1 &HQWUDOGRRUORFNLQJVZLWFK COMFORT AND CONVENIENCE  Electric windows with front auto up/down Leather seat upholstery with silver stitching Leather-accented door trim Driver’s 10-way power seat with 3-position memory Front passenger’s 4-way power seat Front and rear centre armrests Front seat heaters with 3 heat settings Driver’s side footrest Single folding rear seat with 60:40 split $FFHVVRU\VRFNHW[   Front sun visors with vanity mirrors and illumination Front driver & passenger side assist grips 5HDUDVVLVWJULSV[   &RDWKRRNV[   Power steering Tilt and telescopic adjustable steering wheel Tachometer Digital clock 2XWVLGHWHPSHUDWXUHGLVSOD\   Fuel consumption (average/instantaneous) and range display Gear position indicator 5HPRWHIXHOOLGRSHQHU   5HPRWHFRQWURO HOHFWURPDJQHWLFERRWRSHQHU Low fuel warning lamp Lights-on and key-in reminder alarm Driver’s and front passenger seatbelt warning lamp & alarm Door ajar warning lamp * (63pLVDUHJLVWHUHGWUDGHPDUNRI'DLPOHU$* ** The maximum engine speed is limited to 6,000rpm Front map light & rear cabin light Front footwell lights Boot and glovebox lights Flat tyre repair kit (replaces spare wheel) HEATING, VENTILATION & VISIBILITY Dual-zone automatic air conditioning 5HDUYHQWVDQGKHDWHUGXFWV   3ROOHQ˸OWHU  5DLQVHQVLQJ WZRVSHHGZLSHUV   HID projector headlamps with headlamp washers $XWRPDWLFKHDGODPSOHYHOOLQJ   Electrically adjustable, heated & folding door mirrors $XWRGLPPLQJUHDUYLHZPLUURU   5HDUIRJODPS   Electric sunroof STORAGE Lockable glove box FXSKROGHUV [)URQW[5HDU   &HQWUHFRQVROHZLWKVWRUDJH   Storage pockets in front doors with bottle holders Front driver & passenger side seatback pocket Ticket holder (on sun visors) Sunglasses holder Luggage area load restraint hooks ,1˿&$5(17(57$,10(17 03:0$FRPSDWLEOH&'WXQHU   4 Speakers & 2 tweeters Dashboard centre speaker Subwoofer Steering wheel mounted illuminated audio controls 86%VRFNHW STYLING Body coloured exterior mirrors Green tinted glass 5HDUSULYDF\JODVV ʪ$OOR\ZKHHOV Sport, leather covered multi-function steering wheel Sport, leather covered shift knob & parking brake lever with silver stitching Body coloured exterior door handles Sport suspension Sport front bumper Sport side-sill covers Boot-lid spoiler TECHNOLOGY $XWRPDWLFKHDGODPSV 5DLQVHQVLQJZLSHUV Keyless entry with engine start button 6WHHULQJPRXQWHG&97VKLIWSDGGOHV Bluetooth connectivity &UXLVHFRQWURO ENGINE Type 2.4 Petrol 1XPEHURIF\OLQGHUV 4 1XPEHURIYDOYHV 16 Piston displacement Maximum output 0D[LPXPWRUTXH cc PS (kW) / rpm 1P OEIW USP Fuel distribution 2393 178 (131) / 6500** 230 (170) / 4000 Multi Point (8HPLVVLRQVWDQGDUGFRPSOLDQFH Euro 5 TRANSMISSION Transmission type &97ZLWKVSHHGPDQXDOPRGH TYRES Tyres 5 WEIGHTS AND DIMENSIONS Kerb weight with full options Gross vehicle weight kg 1,625 kg 2,030 2YHUDOOOHQJWK PP 4,650 2YHUDOOZLGWK PP 1,820 2YHUDOOKHLJKW PP 1,470 Wheelbase mm 2,700 m 11.0 mm 135 Minimum turning circle Ground clearance Seating capacity persons 5 Luggage capacity 5HDUVHDWEDFNUDLVHG9'$ OLWUHV 461 Maximum towing weight braked kg 1,700 Maximum towing weight un-braked kg 720 Maximum speed mph 127 $FFHOHUDWLRQPSK VHFV 8.8 Fuel tank capacity litres 63 &22 emissions g/km 191 PERFORMANCE 8UEDQ PSJ /NP  25.0 (11.3) ([WUD8UEDQ PSJ /NP 42.8 (6.6) &RPELQHG PSJ /NP 34.0 (8.3) ACCESSORIES FOR THE SEASONED TRAVELLER. $UDQJHRIVW\OLVKDQGSUDFWLFDODFFHVVRULHVDUHDYDLODEOHIRUWKH.L]DVKL Ideal if you want to keep your muddy boots away from your business suit. &DUSHWPDWVHW Ski carrier 5HPRWHFRQWURONH\IREFDVH Boot carpet Tow-bar mounted bike rack Tow-bar Multi roof rack Luggage net 0XG˹DSVHW 5RRIER[ 3URGXFWVVKRZQPD\YDU\IURP8.VSHFL˸FDWLRQ &KLOGVHDW Bulb kit 5RRIPRXQWHGELNHUDFN 5RDGVLGHDVVLVWDQFHSDFN :DUUDQW\ ,WʧVDERXWWUXVW 5RDGVLGHUHFRYHU\ :HʧOOEHULJKWWKHUH Every new Suzuki comes with a comprehensive three year or 60,000 PLOHZDUUDQW\ ZKLFKHYHUFRPHV˸UVW  and a twelve year anti-perforation warranty.† The warranty is also transferable to other owners too. So they can also have peace of mind. We’re always around if you need breakdown assistance too – from the ˹DWW\UHWRWKHXQIRUHVHHQDFFLGHQW 1HZFDUVFRPHZLWKDRQH\HDU 6X]XNL$VVLVWDQFHSODQSURYLGHGE\ WKH$$6X]XNL$VVLVWDQFHWHDP 7KHFRYHULQFOXGHVKRXU5RDGVLGH and Homestart cover – with European assistance too. Good to know, means good to go. With Suzuki, getting your new car is just the start. Because we’ll help you make the most of the journey now and in the future too. Here’s a quick heads XSRIZKDWZHFDQR˷HU 7DONWRXV 2XU&XVWRPHU6HUYLFHV7HDPFRXOGWDON all day about your Suzuki. From the product range to services for drivers, WKH\FDQ˸OO\RXLQRQHYHU\WKLQJ So if you’ve got a question, just get in touch on 0845 850 8800 or at 6X]XNL*%3/&6WHLQEHFN&UHVFHQW Snelshall West, Milton Keynes, %XFNV0.$( Finance. (DV\RQWKHH\H(DV\WREX\ We put as much thought into keeping things easy on your pockets as we do into making cars that are easy on the eye. That’s why we have developed a QXPEHURID˷RUGDEOH˸QDQFHSDFNDJHV )LQDQFHSDFNDJHVIURPRQHWR˸YH years. We know you love choices, that’s why we let you choose the period that works best for you.* 2. Fixed interest rates,^ which ensure your payments won’t change during the loan period, so you’ll know where you are at. 3. Fixed payments, allowing you to budget ahead and avoid any surprises. 2UIDQF\GULYLQJDZD\DQHZFDU every two or three years? Suzuki Finance Driveplan, our Personal &RQWUDFW3XUFKDVHSURGXFWJLYHV \RXWKLVEHQH˸W  $QG\RXʧOOEHLQJRRGFRPSDQ\ Suzuki Finance is part of Black Horse Group which is part of Lloyds Banking Group. Drop in to your local dealer, pull up DFKDLUDQGFUXQFKVRPH˸JXUHV 7KHFR˷HHPLJKWQRWEHEOHQGHGWR perfection, but you can be sure WKHUHZLOOEHD˸QDQFHR˷HUWRVXLW your palate. Finance is available to persons aged 18 years or over, subject to status. Indemnities may be required. Suzuki Finance, St William House, Tresillian Terrace, &DUGL˷&)%+ $VN\RXUGHDOHUDERXWWKHODWHVWR˷HUV A$VN\RXUGHDOHUIRUWKHODWHVWWHUPVDQGFRQGLWLRQV &  DUWREHUHWXUQHGWR\RXU6X]XNLGHDOHURQWLPHLQ good condition (fair wear and tear accepted) and within WKH3HUPLWWHG0D[LPXP0LOHDJH † Jimny comes with six year anti-perforation warranty THE WAY WE’VE TRAVELLED. Suzuki have come a long way over the years. What’s our secret? We would say two things: listening and not standing still. To us, manufacturing is more an art than a science. $QLQWXLWLYHZD\RIFDSWXULQJZKDWSHRSOHQHHG then creating the breakthrough products to satisfy that need. Take the world today. We realise it’s even more challenging to move around. So we’re focused on providing the transport people need, not what we think WKH\ZDQW2XULQVSLUDWLRQDOZD\VFRPHVIURP SHRSOH˸UVW 7KLVEHOLHILVLQRXU'1$,Q6X]XNLPDGHWKH˸UVW D˷RUGDEOH-DSDQHVHVPDOOFDU,WZDVDOVRJUHDWWRGULYH and used technology that wouldn’t be widely seen for DQRWKHU\HDUV:HDOVRLQWURGXFHGWKH˸UVW four-wheel all-terrain vehicle – again to answer a need. $QGWKHZRUOGʧVKLJKHVWSHUIRUPDQFH6SRUWVELNHV Every car, outboard engine, motorcycle or quad bike is an example of our philosophy. This thinking extends into the environment too. Leading to the Swift Plug-in +\EULGʣRXUFKDUJHDWKRPHDQGWKH6;IXHOFHOOFDU Just another example of how Suzuki’s products are built for the way you live today. Because that’s our way. The Suzuki ‘Way of Life.’ FROM URBAN JUNGLE TO WILDERNESS AND BACK AGAIN, SOMETIMES IT’S A PLEASURE TO DRIVE. JUST BECAUSE YOU CAN. DRIVE NOT WITH A DESTINATION IN MIND, DRIVE FOR THE JOY OF THE JOURNEY. H[SHULHQFHVX]XNLRQOLQHZZZVX]XNLFRXN Suzuki GB PLC, Steinbeck Crescent, Snelshall West, Milton Keynes, Bucks MK4 4AE. Suzuki Contact Centre: 0845 850 8800 (calls may be recorded or monitored) 6SHFL˸FDWLRQVVKRZQKDYHEHHQDFKLHYHGE\SURGXFWLRQPRGHOVXQGHUVWDQGDUGRSHUDWLQJFRQGLWLRQV'DWDLVLQWHQGHGWRGHVFULEHYHKLFOHVDQGWKHLUSHUIRUPDQFHIDLUO\EXWPD\QRWDSSO\WRHYHU\YHKLFOH&RORXUVVSHFL˸FDWLRQV DQGHTXLSPHQWPD\YDU\ZLWKRXWQRWLFH$OOGHWDLOVFRUUHFWDWWLPHRIJRLQJWRSUHVV'HFHPEHU9HKLFOHVVKRZQWKURXJKRXWWKLVEURFKXUHDUHIRULOOXVWUDWLRQRQO\DQGPD\IHDWXUHQRQ8.HTXLSPHQWKZSHI-BROCH-00A